Deviant Souls & Bloody Murder (The Bloody Decades Trilogy #2) 36. I Just Want to Make Love to You 63%
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36. I Just Want to Make Love to You




“Lester?” An all too familiar voice sounds from the other side of the line as I lean against the kitchen wall.

Holding the green telephone against my ear, I frown. “Daisy?”

I’m instantly filled with worry, shaking fully awake after the few minutes of sleep I managed to gather with jealousy on my brain. “What’s going on? What’s that noise in the background? Where are you?”

Taking a quick peek at the clock on the wall, I note that it’s the middle of the night, a few minutes past one o’clock.

“I’m sorry for waking you.” She sighs deeply, sounding upset. “I didn’t know who else to call. I mean, I did, but then I started thinking about the consequences of telling my mom or dad about what happened, because Dad will go absolutely apeshit and hunt those guys down. Same goes for my uncles, and I’d rather not have a death on my hands, you know?” She blabbers on, rambling the words as I try to make sense of them.

“Daisy,” I try to say calmly, even though I’m so tense I could snap this phone in half. “What guys? Tell me what happened, right now. And tell me where the hell you are because I am going to snap if you don’t.”

“It’s okay.” I can hear her gulp when she swallows. “Jace tried to fuck me, and he wouldn’t take no for an answer. Things escalated and I nearly stabbed him in the throat. I got out of the car and walked here. I need to find a way back home, and I considered hitchhiking, but I’m not wearing a lot of clothes, and―”

“Over my dead fucking body,” I grunt into the phone. “Tell me where you are, and I will be there soon. Stay somewhere out of sight where no one can see you, okay? I’ll find you.”

My mind is spiraling. Anyone could snatch her up. A beautiful young woman in the middle of God knows where, with partygoers on their way back home passing her on the street?

Christ. I’m about to fucking snap and kill someone.

“I’m close to the highway, the Interstate 840. The Shell station. I’m so cold. I don’t have a jacket. There are some trucks parked here, but I don’t want to ask for―”

I interrupt her again. “Out of sight. Now . I’ll be there as soon as possible.”

I make it to Greensboro in one piece, nearly breaking the normal time it takes to get there in half. I drive in a slower pace when I reach the gas station, looking around for her.

My fists ache from gripping the steering wheel too tight, and I haven’t taken one normal breath the entirety of the drive. My mind has been clouded with visions of what happened and what could happen to her. From what she told me on the phone, I know that Jace tried to rape her.

I’m not sure yet how I’m going to kill one of my own students, I just know that I’m going to make him pay. I also need to consider that if I do kill him, Daisy will know that it was me. She’s a smart girl, and she’ll piece together that I’m not only Jace’s killer, but Dr. Beaumont’s as well.

None of this fucking matters now. I just have to find her.

The street is calm and quiet, barely any cars driving it. There are a few trucks parked on the lot next to the Shell station, but it’s dead besides that.

Right when I park the car and decide to go look for her on foot, I spot a shadow on the other side of the road walking over. She must have hidden between the trees there.

A breath of relief escapes me before I run toward her, taking her in my arms. Picking her up, I walk us back to my car. “It’s okay, angel. I’m here now.”

I plant soft kisses on her lips before I open the door on the passenger side and put her down. Covering her with a blanket that I took from home, I rub her shoulders to make her regain some heat. We’re deep into autumn now, and it gets cold around here, especially at night.

“It’s not a big deal,” she says, shaking her head. “Jace has been a pain in my ass since the second week of school. I just didn’t expect him to take it this far. It’s fine. I’m fine. I’m just really fucking cold.”

She rubs her eyebrows, frowning. “I’m not going to let that asshole ruin my night. You should’ve seen him, Professor. He was crying like a little bitch in the backseat. It was fucking comical.” She groans. “It’s almost like history has repeated itself. Goddamn Jerry, and now Jace.” Putting her hand on my chest, she lightly pushes me away. I look at her questionably when a naughty smirk covers her face. “I showed him, though. He won’t fuck with me again.”

Right when I am about ask her what she’s up to, she shakes her boot. A sharp blade shoots out of the tip of her sole and I step backward in response, looking at her in absolute awe. “Christ,” I curse, rubbing the back of my neck as my mouth hangs open in disbelief. “You are something else, Miss Burton.”

She matches my grin, holding out her hand for me to take. “I’m sorry I woke you up in the middle of the night.”

I squat down in front of her, taking her face in my hands. “ Fuck sleep. You can always wake me, Daisy. I’ve always been alone, and I was content with that. But all I want to do now is take care of you. Whatever you need, I want to do it. If I’m honest, I just want to keep you with me all the time, selfishly claim you for myself alone.”

I chuckle, shaking my head. “But our age difference has been an issue for me from the start, angel. Which is why I’ll never keep you from doing the things you want to do. You still have so much to see in life, so much to experience. I’ll never be the one to keep you from that. You want to know something else?”

“Yes.” She looks at me with eagerness.

“I was going crazy at home, knowing you were going out with a bunch of boys. I wanted to drive to the damn concert myself and keep an eye on you all night. But my brother advised against it.”

“Your brother?” she asks, her eyes lighting up. “You told your brother about me?”

I nod, sucking my teeth. “He told me he had never seen a spark in my eyes. The spark I get when I talk about you. You have him to thank for pushing me over the edge of doubt and taking what I want.”

Her breath catches and I press my lips to hers before she can say anything. “I’m taking you home, my Arcadia. You’re staying with me. I’m going to give you a nice, warm bath with a hot cup of tea, then hold you in my arms all night long.”

She swallows, pulling the blanket tighter over her shoulders. “I’ve never cared, you know?”

“About what?” I inquire, back to rubbing my hands over her arms for warmth.

“I just did whatever I felt like. Sex was meaningless to me. Even when I wasn’t fully into it at times, I just went along with it. But I didn’t want Jace to touch me. I couldn’t stand it. Not since we―not since you touched me. Not since you’ve made me feel things more intense than anything I’ve ever felt before. I only want to feel your hands on my skin. I only want to taste your lips. Only you, Professor.”

Daisy insists that she’s fine and that she can walk herself, but I’m not accepting that, instead carrying her in my arms as we get inside the house.

“I want to show you something.” I step through the long hallway on the way to my studio. “Something I think will make you feel better.” I unlock the door when we get there, turning on the light and putting her down on the ground.

On top of a large table in the middle of the room lies an unfinished sculpture, one that already has a lot of hours of work into it. After the day that I painted her, when she posed for me in this same room, I’ve been trying to turn the painting into a sculpture, using it as a case study for my true work. Because despite being a decent painter, this is where my true talent lies.

She slowly moves around the table, taking in every single detail, completely enrapt and fascinated. I’ve used clay as my medium, and Daisy as my muse. The artwork depicts her in the exact same position as the painting―on her side, with her head leaning on one of her hands. Though whereas her body was clad with my clothes on the canvas, here she is nude. I couldn’t resist.

“It’s me,” she quietly says, her voice skipping in the middle.

“Of course it is. You’re everywhere, Daisy. You’re in the way my hand shapes the clay, in the way I dream up colors and contours. In the outlines on my papers, the shadows and silhouettes I create when I let my mind flow. You’re in the way I think. You won’t let me go.”

She lets out a deep breath in response, biting her lip to suppress her smile.

I don’t know why I’m so free with my words, with telling her how I feel. Maybe it’s just that I would like to give her as much honesty as I can, because I already have to keep so much from her.

I wish I could let her know the real me. But she can never know and that pains me. It cuts me deeper than she’ll ever know.

I’ll keep her safe no matter what. Even from myself. I don’t want her to ever be fearful of the truth. I only want to keep her.

I’ve spent my whole life keeping a part of me hidden in the dark. Never wanted to share my secrets with anyone. Why does it feel different now?

Her eyes keep scanning over the artwork, leaning over to take in the craftsmanship. “You’re unlike any man I’ve ever met before, Lester Gilbert. This…” she trails off, walking around the table. “It’s the most beautiful piece I’ve ever had the pleasure of witnessing.”

“That’s because it’s you,” I quip, staring at her from the opposite side of the table.

She shakes her head. “No. It’s because it’s you .”

Keeping eye contact, she seducingly walks my way. Like twin flames, I instantly catch her when she jumps up into my arms. I always seem to know her movements, matching them with my own.

Our lips lock together and I walk us to the sofa. I let my body fall on top of it, letting her straddle my lap.

“Professor,” she moans into my mouth as she grinds her pussy over my throbbing cock. “I fucking need you.”

Clothes fly around us in the air as greedy hands tear them off until nothing but our bare skin remains. I’m about to flip her over and sink inside when her hand pushes on my chest. I tear away from her lips, looking up at her questionably. “What is it, angel?”

She swallows. “I know you struggle with giving up control. And I don’t want to make you do things that go against what you can handle. I understand your need for domination, which is why I think you’ll understand me, too.” She takes a deep breath. “After what happened tonight, I’m afraid that I need our roles to be reversed right now.”

“We don’t have to do anything at all, Daisy. If you―”

She cuts me off before I can finish my sentence. “Yes, we do. Because I need it. I need you . Like this―” Moving a soft hand over my chest, she brushes her fingers through my chest hair. “I need to unwind. The touch of another man needs to be erased from my body and I need to be the one to do it.”

She grabs my wrists, planting them beside my head on the headrest of the sofa. I squeeze my eyes shut, the overwhelming sensation of panic taking over. My breath catches in my throat when she starts rubbing her thumbs over my veins along to the rhythm of her grinding pussy on my cock. She’s coating it in her arousal, and all I want is to sink inside of her so deeply, she’ll never go a day without feeling me.

But she needs this. She needs the power switch to work through her feelings.

“I told you that I’ll do anything for you. I meant it,” I say gruffly, getting the words out a difficult task.

It doesn’t matter what I want or need. It doesn’t matter that the way she’s hovering over me right now makes me feel like the small little boy in a room with all those monsters. My heartbeat picks up and starts pounding faster than is healthy, and I try to suck in desperate breaths of air.

All I see is blackness. A dark room. The sound of laughter and the voices of evil ringing in my ears.

I can’t breathe.

“Lester.” Her voice feels like a bullet to the chest, the way it makes my whole body tense. “Open your eyes.”

It takes me a few seconds, but I do as she orders. When I meet those big, brown eyes, every dark thought I had just a minute ago seems to disappear, my vision going from darkness to light.

One of her hands lets go of my wrist, moving it to my cheek instead. “I’m so sorry that people have hurt you. I’m so sorry that even the gentlest touch feels like the most excruciating torture.”

She leans forward and plants a light kiss on my lips. Reaching for my cock and taking it in her hand, she angles it at her pussy. She slowly sinks down, a strangled whimper escaping her throat as she slides all the way over it.

“Keep your eyes on me, Professor. Let me have this. After tonight, you can go back to completely obliterating my body. Whip me and torture me, make me delirious from the pain.” Chuckling, she flashes her sharp teeth. “And I’ll welcome it.”

She presses her lips to mine again, forcing her tongue inside as she devours me. “Nothing will ever come close to what I feel when you kiss me.”

I let her ride me up and down, handing over the reins to her completely. I just watch her in awe as I let the feeling overtake me. Being with her is strange, like a concoction of substances makes me feel like I’m flying above the highest clouds.

She holds on tightly to one of my wrists and my free hand trails over her bare back, where I still feel the evidence of the flogger we used just a few days ago. “I want to feel myself in your stomach,” I groan as I trail my fingers down, pressing my hand over it.

She pulls her lips away from mine just an inch, staring into my eyes with an intensity that has me reeling.

“I don’t know what you do to me, Daisy Burton. You’re making me lose control. You’re making me lose my goddamn mind. It is infuriating. Vexatious.”

She moans as she bounces on my cock a little faster, but still with excruciating slowness. The thrusts of her hips angle me inside so deep, it doesn’t even matter that it’s not rough.

“I’ve never done it like this before,” she gasps. “This soft and slow. I never understood it when people talked about making love. It sounded silly to me. What could be fun about it? How could people get off from lovey-dovey missionary sex? From kissing?” A chuckle escapes from her throat and it vibrates against my lips. “I understand now. All it took was finding the right person. I like making love to you.”

Groans of pleasure leave my mouth with every buck of her hips, with every movement she makes. She slides all the way to the tip, then back down to the start.

I don’t know what to say to her. Normally I call her all kinds of profanities, tell her every filthy thing I’m going to do to defile her body and mind.

But not now.

I don’t want to. I don’t even need to.

Confusion is not something I’m familiar with. I’m a very straightforward man, dutiful about complying to my own rules, as well as those of others. But the rules have never applied to Daisy Burton. Not even since the first time I laid eyes on her in the classroom.

“I know you have never felt a touch this gentle before either. So let’s claim it, Professor,” she whimpers inside my mouth. “Let’s own it, just the two of us. Make it ours. No one will ever touch us like this. Only us.”

“Fuck,” I grit out, angling my head forward so I can take a nipple inside of my mouth. She arches her back as she keeps riding me, letting me suck and lick her perfect breasts.

“That’s gonna make me come, Professor. Ah, fuck!” she cries out when I start thrusting my hips upward, meeting her movements as I grip her tight ass with my free hand. I’m ashamed to say that I will quickly follow her. The intensity of it all, the passion and powerlessness has me losing control of not only my body, but my mind as well. It’s intoxicating.

It takes three more thrusts before she comes apart with me still buried deep inside, my mouth latched onto her nipple. Her powerful climax strangles my cock and I bite one to stretch out her release. Because despite her wanting to make love to me, I know she comes the hardest when there is pain involved.

Her cries are a beautiful melody, though the curse words she spews make it a song not safe for the radio. That thought almost makes me chuckle, but I lose myself instead, my own orgasm hitting me like a shotgun to the stomach. My balls draw tight before I let go and I assiduously fill her up with my cum. The muscles in my legs pull tight, and my toes curl from the fervency of it all.

Swallowing my groans, she interlaces them with her own as she milks out every single drop I have to give her. Then she completely stills with my cock still inside of her.

We catch our breaths as we stay like that, her arms circling my neck before she buries her head in the crook of my neck. “I know who you are, Lester Gilbert,” she mumbles against my skin, a satisfied whimper leaving her mouth.

That sentence makes my body tense up, but I quickly relax when I realize she cannot know that. She just thinks she does. And in a way, I suppose that there’s truth in that statement. I don’t guise my personality or the way I feel about her. But she doesn’t know me to the extent of the killer with the mask or where the levels of my psyche reach. She doesn’t know that I’m a wolf in sheep’s clothing. She doesn’t know that I’m one of America’s most notorious predators, one of which the elite are most frightened of.

The Sculptor is a part of me, but he only comes into play at the times I let it. And since I’ve known her, he has stayed hidden in his secret compartment in my head. He isn’t ravenous because I have found something else to feed the hunger.

Her .

That epiphany is too great to deal with, so I decide I need a distraction. Taking her hair in my fist, I pull her head away from my neck. Dazed eyes meet mine, but instantly light up with a new fire, as if the slightest glance at me is like the flick of a match to her endless famine for sex.

“Stand up, little nymph. And sit on my face.”

Her tongue darts out over her lower lip and she doesn’t hesitate before she gets up. Her legs buckle when my cock slides out of her pussy, and I help her up by grabbing her hips with my hands. Legs widening as she settles above my face, she plants her knees on either side of my shoulders before taking a seat on my mouth.

“Squeeze all that cum out, angel,” I groan, my eyes locking on her face above me as I open my mouth.

“Fuck me sideways,” she curses. “That is the hottest thing I have ever fucking heard in my life. Wait―” She gets up the slightest bit. “I wanna see it. Open your mouth wider, Professor.”

I do as she says, the back of my head still positioned on the headrest of the sofa. Her stomach tenses as she squeezes her tight cunt, pushing out drops of my own cum, letting them drip inside.

“Fuck me between the fucking tits,” she cusses again. “Fuck, I’m gonna fucking come again. I can’t believe you, Lester. You’re fucking it for me.”

I stare right at her pussy as she squeezes more out, until it’s all transferred to my mouth. She nearly falls down on top of me when I reach upward to twist her nipple. I crowd over her with my body, planting her wrists beside her head.

I taste my own release as I purse my lips, and without saying a word, she opens her eager mouth wide as an invitation, sticking out her tongue for good measure. My hands tighten around her wrists when I spit the cum inside, and I forcefully slam my lips onto hers again. The kiss is filthy, something that might have the average man gagging with disgust. Not me, though. The depravity of it only makes my cock thicken again.

“It’s all for you, Arcadia,” I grunt, our tongues fighting for dominance as the taste of my release mingles with our saliva.

“Lester,” she cries out. “I need to come again. Please. Please let me come.”

Tearing my lips away, I swallow and nod with a crooked smirk. “Would you like to sit on my face again, little nymph?”

“I want to drown you in my cum, to be exact,” she quips. “Squirt into your mouth and make you swallow every last drop.” She flashes her teeth with a naughty smile. “We’re on a roll here. Apparently, we have a thing for swapping cum.”

“No time to waste, then. Come sit on your chair.”

Crazy eyes flash with eagerness and her laughter almost sounds manic as she forces me to the floor and straddles my face. She grinds her soaking pussy over my mouth all the way to my nose, making sure to wet every single part of me. I am stupefied, staying still in complete bewilderment as I let her use my face to bring herself pleasure. My tongue moves over her clit with each buck of her hips, and I suck on it at every given opportunity she stays still long enough to let me.

“Fuck, I’m already there,” she moans, her head rolling back. “Open your mouth wide, Mr. Gilbert. Time for your refreshment.” She cackles at herself, then immediately slides back into pleasure-mode when she’s close to coming apart.

Pulling away, she hovers above my face and pushes two fingers inside of herself at once, her hips bucking wildly as she lets go. “Fuck, fuck, fuck! Yes! Ah!”

My mouth hangs open as a vigorous stream of her release pours inside of it and I swallow it all up eagerly. She moves her fingers over her pussy with the flick of her wrist, making it splatter all over my face. It rains down on me in the most delectable way, dripping past my mouth, wetting my hair. Christ , it’s everywhere.

The way she works her own body so beautifully uninhibited is the most remarkable thing.

She sinks down on my face again, nearly drowning me. “Last drops, too, Professor. Swallow them all down.”

I do so eagerly, sucking on her clit for good measure, until she’s so overstimulated she nearly falls off me. “Ah! Motherfucker!” she cries out when I bite her clit. She rolls off me, trying to crawl away from me on her knees.

I yank her ankle and pull her back, then climb on top of her from behind, slipping my cock back inside of her. My arm locks around her neck, lightly squeezing as I tear her pussy up with forceful thrusts.

“You’re a lunatic,” she chokes out, and I only force my cock deeper inside in response. “Aren’t men supposed to be grossed out by their own cum? Or think that makes them gay or some shit?”

I burst out into wild laughter as I halt my thrusts. “Perhaps. But I’m confident enough in my own masculinity, angel. If wanting to taste myself on your tongue makes me gay, then so be it.” I bite her earlobe, then admit, “I’ve never done that before. Never wanted to. There have been a lot of firsts for me since I met you, Daisy. And I can’t wait to find out what more you have in store for me.”

A sweet giggle leaves her mouth, and she turns her head to kiss me. “Have you ever done acid, Professor?”

“Yes,” I mumble in her ear. “But it’s been ages.”

“Let’s take it together. Fuck all night long and obtain the unknown. See the future.”

I fuck her into the ground so hard that I have to carry her to bed, and the last thing I say is, “Anything you want, angel.”

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