Chapter 16
I didn’t mind sleeping. I rather enjoyed it after spending so many years getting too little of it. But I was a bit over sleeping so much and not having “time” with my One. Yes, Dimitri was almost always nearby, unless he was at work, but it did no good when he was with me and I was simply slumbering the day away.
Immediately, I knew he was at work when I woke up. Not only did the house feel empty, but my sexy dragon knew exactly when I rolled over and realized he was not in the house.
“Good morning, lyubimyy. I left you tea on your bedside table. It is most likely cold at this point, but you should be able to fix that with no issues. How are you feeling?”
I sat up and looked around the room, hoping to clear the fog from my brain a bit. “I’m feeling better. I think I’ll sit outside on the back deck for a bit today.” I looked toward the window and noticed how bright it was outside. “What time is it?”
“Almost eleven. I’m in a meeting that will be ending shortly. Do you need me to come home?”
That explained why it was so bright outside. Dimitri was absolutely the sweetest, but I was feeling all right and knew he needed to do something other than watch over me while I slept. “I’m good for now.” I tossed the covers back and moved to the edge of the bed. My stomach didn’t revolt, so I considered my options. “I’m going to have a shower and then drink my tea on the back deck.”
I was steady on my feet and walking toward the bathroom when Dimitri dropped the news on me.
“Your fathers are here,” he told me. I reached for the doorframe, trying to steady myself.
“I met Benedict this morning. He seemed nice enough. I don’t think he quite knew what to expect of me. Dedushka walked in to welcome me back and then left with your father, which was so very kind of him. I got a chance to finish my breakfast.” Dimitri was silent for a moment before he continued. “Oh, your brother says hello, and he would like to see you when you are up for it. As would Drew.”
I smiled at that. “Maybe in a day or two if I wake up feeling like this for the next couple of days?” I honestly was feeling better than I had in a while, and I had to wonder if I was truly turning a corner or if it was false hope.
“All on your schedule. My parents are in the area as well. They are excited to meet you, but again, all on your schedule. It can be a week from now or a month or longer. They are simply here to see us and offer support if needed.”
I glanced back into the bedroom at the mug sitting on the bedside table before I shook my head. It was certainly a bit overwhelming, but I knew that guzzling the tea simply to avoid thinking about everyone who was here to see us wasn’t the answer.
“I’m going to hop into the shower. I’ll see how I’m feeling in a bit and let you know.”
“No rush at all. I love you, Caspian. We do everything on your schedule because you are the one that is carrying our baby. You are the one that isn’t feeling up to visitors.”
I smiled again. He really was the absolute sweetest. I had no doubt that could change in a blink. Not toward me but to someone else who happened to be a threat.
I took care of my morning needs, then stepped into the shower area. The water was steaming and felt amazing on my body. I didn’t know I could ever feel this way until I became pregnant. But here we were. I stood under the spray for a few minutes before I went through the routine of cleaning myself. It took only minutes to complete, and then, after relaxing under the spray again, I realized I should get something into my stomach before I became ill.
I was dry as I stepped out of the shower, and before I made it halfway across the bathroom, I had myself dressed with a bit more magic.
I picked up the mug of cold tea and used more magic to heat it. I stared down into the brown liquid and wondered if it was possible at this point that the other tea would be enough. Should I give it a try? The worst thing that could happen was that I ended up sick again. Was it worth the chance? Halfway down the stairs, I decided that, yes, it was most certainly worth the chance. Once I was in the kitchen, I poured out the tea that Dimitri had made for me and placed the mug in the sink. I grabbed a clean mug and one of the other tea bags and then poured steaming hot water from the kettle over it.
It was December, and I knew it was bitterly cold outside, but that wasn’t going to stop me from enjoying the sunshine I could see. I had myself bundled and was stepping out onto the deck within moments. The breeze was light, the sun bright, and both seemed to help rejuvenate my soul. Dimitri had insisted on patio heaters because, unlike him, I couldn’t keep myself warm from fire within myself. I was grateful for those at the moment and had them going before I even sat down on the lounge chair.
Despite my wool coat and stocking cap, it didn’t take long for the cold to creep in. Even with the heaters, my body simply wasn’t used to these much cooler temperatures. A little more magic had a thick blanket across my lap, and I leaned back to enjoy my time outside. I took a sip of the tea and smiled at the subtle, sweet, and fruity flavor. I had just taken a bite of a sweet cracker when I saw something shimmer off to my right.
When I turned my head in that direction, I didn’t see anything or anyone. Thinking it was just my eyes playing tricks on me, I shrugged and shook my head. As I took another sip of tea, I most certainly saw something shimmering, and it was now in front of me. I didn’t feel threatened, even when it seemed to move closer.
When a sudden warmth felt as if it wrapped around me, I smiled. “Well, hello there. And who might you be?” Whatever or whoever it was was certainly something. Now that it was closer, I could see a bit of its aura, and I had to wonder as to who or what it belonged to. I felt it give me what I would only classify as a gentle hug before it let go and then moved several feet away. “Do you have a name?” Whatever it was simply hung out beside me for a moment or two before it appeared to move away. “You don’t have to go. I won’t hurt you,” I told it. It stopped moving for a moment but then suddenly simply disappeared.
I sat up, wondering where it had gone and why it seemed so spooked. Then I heard it. I looked around but saw nothing. I was just about to stand up and go inside when I heard someone call out.
“Hello? Are you still there, Caspian?”
I realized whoever it was obviously knew who I was, but since I only knew a few people on this mountain, I had no clue as to who it could be. I didn’t recognize the voice.
“I am,” I called out.
“May I come up?”
I wasn’t too worried about it. I was a warlock, and whoever it was happened to be on the mountain, so they most likely weren’t a threat. “Sure,” I called back.
Moments later, black hair came into view, then the most adorable man. He was a bit older, and his resemblance to Dimitri told me immediately who it was. I was looking at Chin. I smiled at my One’s grandfather.
“Hi there,” I told him. “Are you Chin?”
His smile lit up his already lovely face. “Yes. I do apologize for dropping in like this. Sergei said that Dimitri told him you still weren’t feeling the best. I came to see if you needed anything or if I could help in any way.”
That was so incredibly sweet of him. “Would you like to join me?” I asked, indicating the other chair. There was also a glider that sat two, but I hadn’t chosen it because Dimitri wasn’t here with me.
“I do not wish to impose. I only came over because I know that Dimitri is back at work and you were alone. I realize you are a warlock and can most likely take care of yourself better than I can, but I did wish to come by and check on you.”
“That is very kind of you. Please sit and join me. I have been wanting to meet you and Alpha Sergei for some time. My body just seems to have other plans.”
Chin sat, and I could tell he was studying me. I didn’t blame him. I was mated to his grandson, and of course, he was most likely curious about who the fates had chosen for one of his.
“Can I offer you something to drink?” I asked before taking a sip of the tea. “We have things other than the pregnancy tea, I promise.”
Chin chuckled. “I completely understand the need for the tea. I did not have the luxury of its benefits while pregnant with any of mine.” Chin held up his hand. “I made do with ginger tea, and there is a pressure point just here,” he said, indicating a spot on his arm. “If you rub it in a circular motion, it can also help reduce nausea.”
“Seriously?” I asked. I set the tea over on the table that was between us and held out my arm. My coat was bulky, but I wasn’t going to let that stop me.
“May I?” Chin asked, holding out his hands.
“Of course.” I wasn’t sure what he was asking, but I wasn’t going to tell him no, no matter what. Chin moved over to where I was and sat on the lounger by my knees. He reached for my arm, and when he pushed the sleeve back, he touched the inside of my wrist and then applied pressure with his thumb just before it started moving.
“You apply pressure and rub for a couple of minutes on each wrist. It should help with the nausea as well.”
I closed my eyes and sighed. There was just something about what Chin was doing that I found relaxing. When the pressure and his hand were suddenly gone, I opened my eyes to find him smiling at me.
“Sorry. That was nice though. Thank you.”
“You are most welcome. I can rub the other one if you wish.”
I did, but I wasn’t going to impose more than I felt I already had. “You don’t need to. I will certainly give this a try and see if it helps.” I sighed. “I’ve been drinking the tea that knocks me out. It seems to be working well, but I miss spending time with Dimitri. I’m only awake long enough to drink more tea and fall asleep, it seems.”
“Your pregnancy sickness is more on the severe side.”
I nodded. “Yes,” I said and sighed again. “I didn’t expect to be the one getting pregnant, actually. I don’t mind though, and I adore your grandson, don’t think I don’t.”
Chin smiled. “We all know how much he loves you. It is good to know that is reciprocated. I can understand the surprise though,” he said. “With you being the carrier, that is. You aren’t the first warlock or vampire to surprisingly be a carrier when you discovered your mate in an alpha. Even Ambrosius was surprised when he met his beloved.” Chin chuckled. “Yet another dragon.” He touched his chin. “I wonder if the fates have a thing with putting unsuspecting vampires and warlocks with dragon alphas.”
I knew the shock showed on my face because Chin chuckled while nodding his head. “Please, I need to know that story. Seriously?”
“Yes. It’s a bit tragic in the beginning. He had a beloved a long time ago. Most likely around the same time the rest of the created ones were gifted their perfect other halves. But Ambrosius’s seemed to have a fear of being bitten. He ran away before they could claim one another, never to be seen again.”
My mouth dropped open before I caught myself.
“Yes,” Chin said. “That wasn’t even really the most tragic part. Instead of being gifted a new beloved, Ambrosius spent centuries alone. He helped others find their beloveds, helped them through trying times, taught them what he needed to, all while being alone. It wasn’t until he arrived here at the council that the fates realized that one of the created ones had been overlooked. Ambrosius was given a mate who could match his needs.” Chin chuckled. “He was given an alpha that most certainly doesn’t have issues with being bitten.”
“A dragon alpha?”
Chin was still smiling. “Yes. Ambrosius’s beloved is Aleric and Conrad’s youngest son. They first settled this mountain with Aleric’s parents.”
That was certainly an interesting story. “They are happy?”
Chin nodded. “The love you can see between them is undeniable. If you didn’t know the story of them, one would certainly believe they had been together just as long as the rest of us.”
I couldn’t seem to stop smiling. “That’s so incredibly lovely.” I sighed. “Are there more? More dragon and warlock or vampire pairings?”
Chin nodded. “Not in the council. Not until you and Dimitri. But there are others. We have a few warlocks in our own family. It happens.”
I vaguely remembered something about that from Dimitri’s memories. It was a distant cousin or something along those lines. None of his uncles were mated to a warlock, but perhaps one of their children? Or grandchildren? I couldn’t recall at the moment. I’d not had a whole lot of time to be able to sort my way through Dimitri’s memories.
“Would you like tea? Coffee?” I asked again. “You’re sitting out here in the cold, talking to me. Or perhaps you would prefer to go inside? I could make us a snack? Or a meal? It’s almost time for the midday meal, is it not?”
Chin shook his head. “I am perfectly fine, but I appreciate the offer. It is almost time for lunch, and I usually join Sergei at the council. Would you like for me to get you something?” Chin asked. “I realize you can use magic to get whatever you need, but perhaps I can help with something for you?”
“That really is very kind. I am going to have some crackers, drink my tea, and probably have a nap on the sofa. I’m not drinking the sleepy tea, but I have a feeling that no matter, my body is simply too used to sleeping all of the time, and I’ll end up passed out in the living room,” I told him. “If you happen to see Dimitri, can you tell him you stopped by and that I’m doing fine? He checks in with me frequently, but I’m always sleeping, it seems, and I’m afraid I’ll be sleeping again when he tries to check in next.”
Chin smiled. “If he’s not in a meeting, I can make sure I stop by to see him and let him know I was here to check on you and that you were doing well.”
I grinned back. “Thank you. I really hope to be feeling better soon. I’ve wanted to meet not only you and Alpha Sergei but Dimitri’s parents as well. He told me they were here, and although I’m not exactly feeling up for a long visit with a lot of people just yet, I hope I will be soon.” I missed being around people. Most of all, I missed spending time with Dimitri. I knew this was only temporary, at least that was my hope, but I wasn’t sure I would be able to go on like this for an extended period.
“Everyone is thrilled for you and Dimitri. I couldn’t tell you who is more so, but just know that his parents are excited to welcome you into the family. As is Sergei.”
Chin stood, and if I had been feeling better, I would have stood with him, despite the fact that he held up his hands when I started to lean forward. “Please don’t disturb your comfort. I truly understand the need for comfort when pregnant, and you seem to be most comfortable in your little cocoon with your blanket and heaters.”
I looked up at the heaters as Chin did. “Yes. Your grandson insisted on them since I was so drawn to the deck here. I have a gorgeous balcony in Madrid, but the temperatures there aren’t quite so drastic, and I can use it year-round. Dimitri didn’t mind beyond the fact that I would be cold here, so heaters it was.”
Chin smiled. “He loves you.”
“I know. I love him too. More than I thought I would love someone. I’ve heard stories about how the love of your fated mate is indescribable, but until Dimitri, until I experienced it myself firsthand, I didn’t know what to expect.”
“From experience, it only grows as time goes on.” Chin started toward the stairs. “I won’t keep you longer. I only wanted to stop in and see if I could help in any way. I very much look forward to getting to know you better, Caspian. Please take care, and don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you should need anything. I am almost always available if you should need me.”
I smiled. “Thank you. I wish I was a better host.”
Chin shook his head. “You are exactly as you should be, and don’t let anyone else tell you different or make you feel guilty because you aren’t feeling the greatest. Your body is going through a lot of changes, and you are growing a new life. You get to skip family functions if you feel like it.”
My grin grew. I was going to like Chin, I was sure. “Thank you. I hope to see you again soon.”
Chin nodded at me. “You are most welcome. I do hate to run, but I should go before Sergei starts bugging me, wondering where I am.”
Chin turned and walked down the stairs. I stared off into the distance for a moment before I reached for my tea. It had cooled considerably, but that was easily enough fixed. I had it steaming once again with a wiggle of my fingers. A few crackers to go with it, and I was a happy warlock snuggled under my blanket on the deck of the gorgeous cabin I got to share with my One. The only thing missing was Dimitri, but he would be home in a few hours. Perhaps I would be feeling well enough to spend some waking hours with him. Wouldn’t that be lovely?