Dimitri (Paranormal Council Enforcers #14) 19. Dimitri 83%
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19. Dimitri

Chapter 19


“ I t’s only a few days. You will be gone five days and then home. Five days isn’t even a full week. And we can talk anytime we want through our bond.”

I pulled Caspian just a bit closer. I was due to leave for our assignment in Italy in less than an hour, but I was finding it difficult to pull myself from our bed. Caspian had woken up with me, and when he wrapped himself around my body, I couldn’t deny him.

“I will be thinking of you often.”

“I know you will. But I want you to focus on your assignment there. I need you to come home to me and the baby. We have only just found one another, and we haven’t made a whole lot of memories yet.”

“You are distracted.”

I looked over at Benjamin and shook my head before nodding.

“Caspian shouldn’t be awake. Unless he’s adjusted his schedule to accommodate ours?”

“My mate is very much asleep. But yes, I was thinking about him. About the morning before we left three days ago.”

Benjamin held up his hands and shook his head. “I do not need to hear about your sex life with my cousin.”

I snorted. “Nyet. We were not doing that.” I sighed. I would have loved to make love to my mate, but he wasn’t feeling up for it. I would never pressure him for such things, and it was almost as if my body was completely in sync with his because, despite being newly mated, I didn’t feel the need to connect with him in that way. I was more than content to cuddle him, which was exactly what we’d done that morning until I had to leave.

“Sure you weren’t,” Briggs said, coming up behind us.

I glared at the wolf shifter, who didn’t realize Raiden was walking up behind him. When the gargoyle whacked Briggs on the back of the shoulder, Briggs turned and glared at him.

“His mate is pregnant. Most likely, he’s not doing anything like you’re thinking at the moment.”

Briggs turned and looked at me, a sad look on his face. “Seriously? I thought that if I finally found my mate, I’d finally be able to have sex frequently.”

“You can,” Raiden said. “When your mate is willing. But one thing to remember is when they are pregnant, and especially if they’re experiencing pregnancy sickness, the last thing they are going to want to do is have sex.” Raiden pointed in my direction. “Caspian has been really sick and spends a lot of his time sleeping still.”

Briggs turned back my way, and when I nodded at him, his shoulders fell. “Well, that’s just sad. Why would I want to find my mate, then? If I have someone who is tempting, but I can’t have sex, why?”

I rolled my eyes and walked away to the sounds of Raiden and Benjamin trying to explain the realities of finding your fated mate and how things actually work. Sure, sex with them was beyond any that you had ever experienced before, but that didn’t mean you got an endless supply of it. Did I love it? Absolutely, but I loved Caspian more. His pleasure, health, and happiness were all that mattered to me and my dragon. We needed to know he was well taken care of, and in order to do that at the moment, that meant Caspian got plenty of rest and lots of smaller meals.

“Marcello just messaged me. He wants to meet at the café,” Benjamin said.

“I don’t like him,” Briggs said. “He’s too eager to help, and I believe Master Ambrosius when he says don’t trust them.”

“We don’t,” Benjamin said. “At least not fully. Vincent has a desire for the Gallo cousins to be out of his territory and keep the attention of the council away from him and his coven.” Benjamin checked his phone again. “Why don’t you and Raiden meet up with Damien’s and Sebastian’s teams? We’ll be turning things over to them in another two days, and they just arrived and need to be caught up.”

“Perfect,” Briggs said. “I have worked closely with vampires for a while now, and it wasn’t until I came here that I actually ever felt like I was unsafe and on the menu.”

I chuckled at that; I couldn’t help myself.

“Unless you want to go with me, Raiden?”

“No, I’m good with sticking to here at the hotel.”

Benjamin looked at me. “Do you want to go with? Or should I take Damien?”

“I will go. Marcello does not bother me.” I actually found the vampire somewhat amusing. He was incredibly serious about his job and what he did for his “family,” and that I could understand and appreciate. Even if he was mafia and not to be trusted. The distraction would be good for me anyway. I was still waiting for Caspian to wake for the day and reach out and tell me good morning. That had been, by far, one of the highlights of my assignment. I didn’t mind being on assignment here, and my team had been amazing. Well, Benjamin and Raiden had. Briggs was still Briggs. He wasn’t mated and didn’t quite understand the ins and outs of being mated yet. Perhaps sometime soon, he would find his mate and would fully understand.

“Then we should probably head that way,” Benjamin said.

I got up and waved to Raiden and Briggs where they were still sitting. We were in the outer room of the hotel suite we were in. The council had procured two, and we were simply using them in rotation.

“Don’t forget to go meet up with Damien’s team. They need to know what has been happening since our last communication with the council,” Benjamin called out as we reached the door. I didn’t even stop; I simply opened it and walked through. I was curious about what we might find out when we reached Marcello, but I would know soon enough.

“How are you holding up? You’ve been quiet.”

I looked at Benjamin. “When am I not quiet?”

“True.” He turned to where he was facing me as we waited on the elevator. “Still, how are you doing? I know it was difficult at times for me when I first had to leave Eli behind. Then, when I had to leave him and the twins, it was even more so.”

I nodded. “I can understand that. I am doing well though.” The elevator arrived, and when it chimed and the door opened, we were suddenly looking at a familiar face.

“Fancy meeting you here.”

We all grinned.

“Damien,” Benjamin said. “Shouldn’t you be in your suite?”

“I thought you would be as well.” Damien glanced between us. “What gives?”

Benjamin chuckled. “We’re meeting Marcello. He called and said he has something that might be of use.”

“And I’m not going, why?”

I looked to Benjamin, more than ready to stay behind and let Damien go with. It made sense, actually, since Damien’s team was about to take over and replace us.

“You can go. I’m sure Marcello won’t have an issue with you showing up at the café. Just let your team know that you’re going with us. Raiden and Briggs are about to bring your team up to date on everything that we’ve discovered since yesterday.”

“How much have you actually unearthed since then?” Damien asked with a smirk on his face.

I couldn’t help it. I chuckled. He wasn’t wrong though. We hadn’t actually discovered a whole lot since then. In fact, it was my understanding that not a whole lot had really happened since we arrived. Not just our team but the team before us as well.

“True. We will have to figure something out because this assignment seems to be moving at a snail’s pace.”

“That was how things happened before though, no?” Damien asked. “In New Orleans?”

Benjamin nodded slowly. I had not been part of the council then. I had come in after most of that had happened but had heard all about it.

“Shall we?” Benjamin asked, indicating the now closed elevator door. “The last thing I want to do is upset Marcello by being late when he and his family have agreed to work with the council.”

“It’s not as if they are going to complain too harshly,” Damien said as he pushed the button for the elevator again. “They know that on some level, they are now on the council’s radar, and they have to watch their steps more closely.”

“True. I want to maintain a professional relationship with them and feel that if we were to continually be late, it would reflect poorly on the council.”

Damien sighed. “Why do you always have to be the voice of reason? Why?”

I chuckled, which earned me a glare from the hellhound.

“Behave,” Benjamin said.

“I didn’t say a thing,” I replied.

“I wasn’t talking to you.” Benjamin made a point to look directly at Damien, who held up his hands.

“I’ll behave.” He glanced my way before he smirked. I rolled my eyes.

“How is Ledger?” I asked. I had almost said “your mate” but caught myself at the last moment. Our rooms were secure, but we never knew for certain in the public areas.

“Good. He’s upset at his brother’s decision to move away but understands that Levi needs space. There are too many things and people in Montana that trigger his memories, and it wasn’t really helping with his ability to heal.”

I felt bad for Ledger with regards to that. I knew he and his brother had been incredibly close, and knowing he was moving away would most likely be difficult on Damien’s mate.

“I am sorry to hear that.” The elevator chimed, indicating that we were on the ground floor. “Hopefully, it will not be a permanent move, and he will return to Montana soon.” I knew every family was different. Some siblings were incredibly close, while others were more distant. From what I had heard, Ledger and his brother had been very close before his brother went missing.

We stepped off of the elevator and, in moments, were walking out the front door. It wasn’t an overly large hotel, only a few floors, but it was a higher-end resort and spa. Not that any of us were taking advantage of its luxury.

“What’s the plan?” Dimitri asked once we were out on the street, walking toward what I assumed was the café that Marcello wanted to meet at.

“Nothing at the moment, beyond meeting with Marcello. We have to see what this new information he has is,” Benjamin said.

Damien stopped him with a hand on his arm. “Why couldn’t he tell us over the phone? Or mention it to the council through the normal channels they’ve been going through?”

We all glanced at one another. Damien had a point. A very valid one. What if we were walking into a trap?

“Is he expecting you to come alone?” I asked.

Benjamin shrugged. “It wouldn’t matter. He is no match for me. A warlock is more powerful than a vampire simply because of our magic.”

“What if Marcello isn’t going to arrive alone? What if he’s setting up a trap?” Damien asked. To that, Benjamin snorted.

“This isn’t some cheesy crime sitcom. Even if he has a dozen other vampires with him, he still wouldn’t be a match for me.” Benjamin shook his head. “I’m not from Master Edison’s line, but I am from an original line, and I am a bit more powerful than a lot of warlocks. I’m not worried about this meeting. It’s possible that he didn’t let the council know because he hasn’t had time. We won’t know until we actually arrive and see what it is that he wants.”

Those were all valid points. He had only said he wished to speak to Benjamin. Or perhaps to one of us; I had not been the one contacted.

“What time does he wish to meet?” I asked.

Benjamin glanced at the watch on his wrist before answering. “In about ten minutes. Since the café is still a good fifteen-minute walk, we should probably hurry and try to keep from distracting ourselves anymore.”

With that, we started back down the sidewalk. It truly was a beautiful place. When you were near the resort and the other touristy areas. When you got away from there, things went downhill in a hurry. It was obvious that the island and most of the buildings were old. Much older than anywhere we saw in Montana on a regular basis. That really wasn’t the point of our trip though—simply my observations from being here.

It was a good thing I had long legs because Benjamin and Dimitri were both walking at a clipped pace in order to not be nearly as late as it looked as if we were going to be. I, on the other hand, didn’t have to put nearly as many steps into my stride in order to keep up. When we arrived at the café, the other two seemed to realize it, and both gave me a look.

“What? You could have just done your poof thing, and we would have been here before he is.” I leaned in closer. “I smell more than one vampire, so be on the lookout.”

Benjamin nodded. “I agree. I’m picking up at least two others. They might not be with Marcello, but it’s a probability.”

“Well, I didn’t come alone either, did I?”

We entered the café, and immediately, the scents of coffee and baked goods hit my nose. They were stronger inside than they were when we were standing outside, but that was normal. What wasn’t, though, was the overpowering scent of blood. Benjamin couldn’t pick up on it. Damien and I could, and we both picked up on it at the same time.

Nothing looked out of the ordinary, and when I took a closer look, the café seemed as if everyone that was there was as they should be and weren’t distressed even a little.

Benjamin brushed my arm before indicating that Marcello was sitting against the back wall. I wasn’t even remotely surprised that the vampire enforcer was sitting with his back to the wall. It was simply how things were done. We approached, and when Damien caught my eye, we both zeroed in on the table two over that had three vampires sitting at it. Marcello, though, was alone at his. Benjamin pulled out a chair and sat, placing his arms on the table in front of him. Damien sat to Benjamin’s left, his back to the vampires, and I sat to his right, staring directly at them.

“Marcello,” Benjamin said.

“Benjamin.” He glanced at me and then at Damien. “I see you decided to bring backup.”

Benjamin shrugged. “You aren’t exactly alone, now, are you?”

“There are only a few instances where I am ever truly alone.” Marcello smirked, and it didn’t take much to understand what he was implying.

“You called for me to meet you. Do not disrespect the council simply because you aren’t in the presence of Master Ambrosius. You can be sure that he will know of each and every meeting we have.”

Marcello’s smile fell a bit. “Very well. We have discovered something that might be of interest. We do not know if it is factual as of yet, but we assumed that the council could work out those details at a more rapid pace than us.”

“And what is it that we need to discover?” Damien asked. Marcello looked his way before back at Benjamin, then over at me.

“Does this one talk?” he asked, pointing at me.

“Ya delayu, kogda eto neobkhodimo,” I said in Dedushka’s language. I wasn’t sure if it was because I felt like messing with Marcello or if it was because I felt as if he was becoming a bit too sure of his position simply because the council was working with his family at the moment. Either way, I got a measure of satisfaction from the fact that what was left of his smirk vanished when I spoke. It often did, simply because that language wasn’t one expected to come from me.

“What did he say?”

Benjamin shrugged. “He talked though, so there’s your answer. Now, are you going to share with us what it is that you asked me to come here to meet you about? Or perhaps I should call my father.” Benjamin pulled out his phone. “He works directly with Master Edison, after all. And we all know how much he has been vouching for you and Vinnie.”

I wish I had a camera. Marcello’s face changed instantly. “Do not ever let him hear you call him that. It will be your death.”

It was Benjamin who snorted this time. I noticed movement behind Damien, and his subtle nod to me when we made eye contact told me he knew the vampires behind him were getting antsy.

“You are wasting our time, Marcello. We’re trying to help you, remember?” Benjamin said. “We don’t have to be here. In fact, Master Ambrosius would very much like for this arrangement between us to end so that he can turn the other way if and when something just might happen to a few in your family.”

“Last warning, warlock. Do not threaten my family.”

Benjamin smirked, and when Marcello’s eyes widened for several seconds and his body became tense and stiff, I wondered what Benjamin did to him. I was certain he would share once we left, but until then, I would have to remain in the dark.

“I’ll tell,” Marcello said. When his body suddenly relaxed, I glanced at Benjamin, who smirked before he winked.

“Hurry up. I have a phone call to make, and I want this meeting over before I need to do it.”

“We found a laptop. I don’t know if it was planted, but if I had to guess, I would say most likely. It indicates that there were at least three other warlocks in the coven that were directly involved. Three that the council has already cleared and deemed safe.” Marcello paused, letting us take that information in.

I shared a look with the other two, wondering if this was actually true or was a ploy to lead us astray.

“Who?” Benjamin asked.

Marcello shook his head and reached for something below him. Instantly, Damien and I were on alert, but when Marcello pulled up a laptop, I relaxed a bit.

“How do we know you yourself aren’t doing this as a scheme to keep stringing us along?” Damien asked.

Marcello looked directly at Damien. “The last thing my master and our family want is to continue this situation. You haven’t ever had to deal with the Gallo duo. Everyone in this country knows of them, and nobody likes them. They are true evil and make no exceptions. Even my family has its limits. Marco and Riccardo do not, and the last thing we wish is for them to continue their existence where they can cause our families harm.” Marcello pushed the laptop across the table. “I know some electronics. This was left behind in a run-down room on Capri. Riccardo was seen about two blocks from the place, but like always, he seemed to realize we were following him.”

This was news and possibly what we had been waiting for. “Capri?” I asked. We weren’t on Capri, but it wouldn’t be an issue for any of us.

“My team will head there and check things out,” Damien said as he stood.

Marcello held up a hand. Two more chairs slid back, and when two vampires moved toward us, Marcello nodded to them.

“Armando and Vittorio will be able to show you exactly where it was found. Perhaps a bit of extra help will be able to locate one or both.”

Damien and Benjamin shared a look before Damien turned and walked away. I sat there, staring at the last remaining vampire at the other table.

“We appreciate your help,” Benjamin said. “Is there anything else, or are you sending my teammate on a blind chase?”

“The room had been occupied for some time if you were to go by the amount of trash in it. It’s most likely a lost cause, though, because Riccardo hasn’t been back to the room since.”

“When did this occur?”

“This morning. We have been watching the room since. I called you as soon as I had news.”

Benjamin sat there a moment before he picked up the laptop. He nodded slowly. “I’ll let the council know. If they’ve been sighted, you can most likely expect an increase in council presence. I only say that because I know that despite agreeing to help the council, you are still not being completely truthful.” Marcello’s brow furrowed. “Tell me what my teammates picked up on when we first entered the café,” Benjamin said.

Marcello looked my way, most likely hoping I would speak up and keep him from giving away something he didn’t wish to disclose.

“I do not know. You will have to ask them. The room had other items, but the only thing that could really be useful would be the laptop. There were some papers but nothing beyond receipts from shops.”

Benjamin nodded slowly. “Thanks for the help. If there is nothing else, we’ll be taking our leave.” Benjamin stood and was holding the laptop by the time I joined him. We left the café, and once outside and half a block away, he gave me a look.

“Blood. There was the scent of blood in the room, and it was strong.”

Benjamin stopped and turned toward me. “Do you think they killed someone?”

I shrugged. “Possibly. It is also a possibility that they fed from some of the other patrons. I could not say though. The scent was still there when we left.”

Benjamin sighed. He shoved the laptop toward me and pulled out his phone. I started walking when he did. When he directed me toward a narrow pathway, I knew exactly what he was planning. Not that I would mind getting a quick ride back to our suite. We had only taken three steps into the pathway when everything changed and we were walking into the suite.

I felt Caspian waking as we did and couldn’t help but smile. I would have news to share with my mate for a change, and that made me feel better about having to leave him in Montana.

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