Chapter 21
T hey say that pregnancy moods often go up and down. I could attest to that, despite the fact that I’d not ever been pregnant. But my mate was and for the first several weeks of his pregnancy, he’d been mostly exhausted and sick. Now though? His energy level was still lower than what was usual for him, but the sickness seemed to be mostly gone, thankfully. In its place was an increase in his sexual desire. That was not something I would ever complain about.
Sadly, for us I was only home for a week before I went back out for five days. That meant I was headed back to Italy tomorrow morning. I wouldn’t complain. I had wanted to be sent out on assignments. Now that I was, I wouldn’t complain. But things were certainly different now that I had a mate to leave behind and then come home to.
“There’s been a development,” Benjamin said hurriedly from the doorway when he suddenly appeared. “We’re needed in conference room two.” Benjamin took off before the rest of us could stand. We quickly followed, and I realized that Atticus and his team were already headed that way. If they were pulling in all of the teams, what exactly had happened?
“What do you think this development is?” Briggs asked as we walked down the hallway.
I shrugged. “I do not know. Maybe they found something on the laptop that Marcello gave to Benjamin? Or perhaps Damien or Sebastian’s teams found something else while there.” I looked at Briggs and wondered what went through his mind at times. I was just as in the dark about this as he was. Did the wolf shifter not think things through completely before voicing them out loud?
We entered the conference room and found it, well, in chaos. It was difficult to understand what was happening, so I grabbed Briggs and pulled him against a wall next to Benjamin. “You said there was a development. This seems much more than something as simple as a development .” Raiden joined us, crossing his arms in front of him, glaring at the mess that was the created ones arguing.
“What is happening here?” Raiden finally asked.
We all looked to Benjamin who had brought us here, so perhaps he knew.
“Don’t look at me. I’m just as unknowing as you all are. My father told me to gather the team and meet here.” Benjamin gestured to the room. “Here we are.”
We refocused on the others and watched as Master Edison argued with Master Ambrosius, who was being held by Chief Daegal. Dedushka walked in and with a loud clearing of his throat, the room fell into silence.
“I understand the urgency, but this is not the time.” Dedushka made a show of looking around the room. “Or the place.” Dedushka made direct eye contact with Frederick. “Frederick, you and your team are to go to Amherst immediately and assist Master Arthur in securing the coven.”
That had me looking at Benjamin straightaway. “Is that not Master Edison’s coven?”
“Yes,” Benjamin said as he stepped away from the wall. “I’ll go to help,” he said out loud. “I know Amherst and the area well.”
“We appreciate the offer, Benjamin,” Dedushka said. “But we would like for you to remain here. Dante’s team will be traveling with Frederick and joining him there. They will return with Dante once everything has been dealt with.”
Benjamin looked as if wanted to say more, but I grabbed his sleeve and pulled him back to the wall. Dedushka shared a look with me before he turned to the rest of the room.
“I’m sure you are all wondering what is going on. Two things. The first, and most important one is that Riccardo Gallo has been captured.” There were several that started talking around the room, but Dedushka quickly got it under control. “It was the collaboration of Damien and Sebastian’s teams along with a few of Vincent’s enforcers that he was able to be apprehended. We are still searching for Marco, but the hope is that with his cousin in custody he will lead us to him.”
“If he’s in custody, why is there an issue with the Amherst coven?” Frederick asked. “Not that I mind going to Amherst. I’m simply curious as to why.”
“We were certainly going to inform you of any information we have regarding that situation before we sent you,” Dedushka said. “The laptop that was retrieved from Italy has been broken and Salvatore’s team as a list of names of companies and organizations that are working with Rocco. Two of those names, Dominic De Luca and Tullio Gambino, were sent to Amherst until things calmed down. Arthur has said they have been nothing but model guests thus far, but he is being understandably cautious with this new information. We do not wish to tip them off that we are aware of this new information. That is where you come in.”
“Understood,” Frederick said. “I’ll prepare to leave as soon as needed,” Frederick said before turning to his team that was standing near him. They started talking quietly, and I had to wonder if this was going to end the assignment in Italy or if this would only amplify it. We had caught one of the Gallo cousins, but where was the other? Would he be a serious threat to us?
“What are the rest of us going to do?” Benjamin asked. “Are we going back to Italy still?”
“The assignment continues. We still need to locate Marco, and now there is new information that must be found to either be factual or not. The Vittone coven is still willing to work with the council. They want Marco found just as much as we do, possibly more.”
I nodded, noticing others did as well. It looked as if I would be going back to Italy. I didn’t mind. Well, not overly. It was important that we took care of the issue before it became a larger problem. If having his cousin in captivity meant that Marco would become even more ruthless, we needed to ensure we found him before he could harm anyone else.
But my dragon grumbled at the thought of leaving our pregnant mate behind. It helped that Dedushka and Yéye were here. My parents were going to be in and out between now and when the baby was born. They had some things to take care of back home, which was completely understandable. Caspian’s parents were here and would remain here, which also helped reassure my dragon.
I tuned out what else was being said to Frederick. Once his team left the room, Benjamin touched me on the shoulder, getting my attention.
“We need to go back to the office.”
I nodded, realizing that I had obviously been more distracted than expected. “Dimitri,” Dedushka said. I looked at Benjamin who nodded and then left the conference room. I closed the distance between me and Dedushka and waited. He finished talking to Master Edison.
“How is Caspian?” He asked, throwing me a bit off.
“Well. Why do you ask?”
Dedushka nodded. “You are all right to go back to Italy?”
“Ja. He has a support system here. My dragon…” I thought about it a moment, looking for the right words. “He is understanding when it comes to assignments. He would prefer to be with our mate, but he does not give me fits while apart.” I raised an eyebrow at him. “Is there something that I should be worried about?”
“You are certain?”
I narrowed my eyes. “Is there a reason you do not wish for me to return to Italy? I am sure I will be fine with going. I can talk to Caspian through our bond, and it has worked out well so far.”
Dedushka stared at me a moment before nodding. “I only wish to be sure.” Dedushka glanced over my left shoulder before his eyes returned to me. “I do not wish for you to become injured. It has not been announced yet. One of Vincent’s vampires was killed by Riccardo before he could be bound. Sebastian will be sore for a few days most likely, as will Lukan.”
I looked at Dedushka with concern. “If it is going to be an issue for the council, I do not need to go. But it is my job to go on assignments. I hope you remember that.” By council, I meant him specifically. I knew he would never forbid me from going, as it would cause issues within the council. I understood his position though. He was all about family, and he never wished for any to be put into a position of danger.
Dedushka sighed. “I do. I also know that your mate is pregnant. Marco is more ruthless than his cousin, and I am only trying to ensure your safety.”
I thought about it a moment before shaking my head. “I will go,” I told him. “It is my job to do so. I will not back down because there might be a fight. I could not live with the fact that I used my position of being your grandson as a way to get out of an assignment and another of my fellow enforcers was hurt in my place. That is not how I was raised. That is not the family values you have instilled in us.”
Dedushka smiled. It looked as if he didn’t wish to, and was fighting it. He did anyway. He took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and began to nod.
“You are right. It was wrong of me to even contemplate suggesting it. I am thinking of a worried grandparent, and not as the person in my position. I overstepped and let my fear think rather than the rational side.”
I moved in and gave Dedushka a hug. “I understand. I am not upset, but I cannot stay behind. I will be extra careful though,” I told him quietly. When I stepped back, Dedushka nodded at me. “I must go see what my team needs from me. We will be leaving soon.” I would need to spend as much time with Caspian as I could. He would need to know what had happened, if he didn’t already. Dedushka said that Sebastian would be sore for a few days. Did that mean he was wounded severely? How would my mate take that news? Sebastian was his baby brother.
I decided to reach out to Caspian while on my way back to the office I shared with the rest of my team.
“Hmm? What do you think you would like for supper? Steak? Chicken? Lamb?”
I was incredibly thankful he was feeling better. In all ways. My dragon was happy to be able to eat meat around our mate once more.
“My love, I will eat whatever it is you feel up to having. I needed to know how you were doing. Have you heard any news from your parents?”
“News? About what?”
Caspian had not been informed. “I do not know as of yet. I heard that half of the duo we are looking for has been captured.”
“That’s wonderful. But why would I have heard about that?”
I took a deep breath. “I heard that your brother was slightly injured during the situation.”
“Oh, that. Yes. Sebastian had a rather large and powerful ball of magic thrown at him. He’ll be fine in a few days. He saw it coming and was able to block most of it. He was thrown backwards though, and I think the landing hurt more than the impact.”
I stopped in the middle of the hallway. There was nobody around, and I took a moment to digest what my mate had told me.
“You act as if this isn’t an issue.”
“When warlocks are first learning to master their powers, part of our training is to understand what we can do if we are ever up against another warlock. Sebastian and I grew up throwing balls of magic at each other. We didn’t do it to try and kill one another though.”
This was…not expected. “You are sure you are not upset about this?”
“I don’t wish my brother any harm. But he is fine. His ass hurts, as does his hip from what I’ve heard. Drew is fussing over him, and Papa looked in on the two of them. He took Flora for a bit so they could spend time together without having to worry about the baby.”
I bit my lower lip to keep from snorting and my mate could hear it through our bond. I had no doubt what Sebastian and Drew would be doing. I couldn’t say I blamed them. I would need to reconnect with Caspian if anything of that nature ever happened to me or him.
I pushed away from the wall and continued on to the office. “I am glad you are not more upset about your brother.”
“I cannot let my emotions run away. I of course am happy he wasn’t seriously injured. If I dwell on it, I will only worry about you. Especially since you are about to return to Italy.”
I felt the worry sneak in through our bond. I felt for my mate. There wasn’t a whole lot I could do at the moment. “I will be home early,” I told him.
“Sounds wonderful. I will see you then.”
I stopped just outside the office and tried to tell myself it would be all right. “I love you, Caspian. We will talk this evening.”
“There are more enjoyable things I would rather do with you than spend the evening talking.”
I couldn’t stop from smiling. “We will do that as well. For now, I need to finish this meeting I am about to go into, and then I will see what my day holds. I will be home to you early though. We will spend as much time together as possible.”
I felt happiness through our bond. “I love you too, Dimitri. Come home when you can.”
I felt Caspian drop back and took that to mean he was finished talking for the moment. When I stepped into the office, I found Benjamin missing, but the others in the office. Briggs was leaning back in his chair while Felix, our fae new addition to the team, was spinning around in his. I looked at Raiden and raised both eyebrows.
“Benjamin left with his father. Did you hear about Sebastian?”
I nodded. “Caspian said he had a ball of magic thrown at him. He was able to deflect most of it.”
Briggs lifted his head. “That’s good. All we knew was Rainier came in and said he needed to talk to Benjamin about Sebastian.”
“We’d heard that some were hurt,” Raiden added.
“That is all I know at the moment. I reached out to Caspian because Dedushka told me Sebastian had been hurt.” I thought about the vampire that lost his life today. Did he have a beloved? Parents or siblings that would miss him? “There was a loss,” I said out loud. That had Briggs sitting completely upright.
“Who?” He asked.
“One of the vampires. I do not know more than that. Sebastian was hurt, as was someone named Lukan.”
That caught Felix’s attention. He leaned forward in his chair. “How bad was Lukan injured?”
I shook my head. “I am sorry; I do not know. I was told he would be sore for a few days. Much like Sebastian. We can call someone to find out if you are worried.”
Felix shook his head. “No. I was curious. Lukan is from my village. He’s a few years older than I am, and we didn’t really know one another until we came here.”
“I will ask,” I said. I understood. “I did not think to inquire about him, and I should have.”
Felix shrugged while making a face. “I don’t expect you to. I just thought you might have been told something when you were told about Sebastian.”
“Sebastian is Dimitri’s brother-in-law,” Raiden said.
“Oh,” Felix said. “So that’s why. I’m glad your brother-in-law is all right.”
“Ja. Me too.”
Benjamin came back into the office with concern all over his face. He saw me and looked like he wanted to avoid me.
“I know about Sebastian,” I said.
Benjamin’s shoulders dropped. “What were you told?”
I stared at the warlock before narrowing my eyes. “What did I need to be told? Caspian said that he would be fine.”
Benjamin sighed now. “If Caspian told you what happened, I’m not worried.”
“He said a ball of magic, an impact from it, and a store ass.”
Benjamin smiled, then stopped, then smiled again. He lost the fight and chuckled. “Yes, that is what Father said happened. I did not know if you had been informed.”
“I reached out to Caspian. Dedushka only said that Sebastian would be sore. As would Lukan.”
Benjamin nodded.
“He’s all right though?” Felix asked. Benjamin turned his way.
“Yes. Same. He was hit with part of the ball of magic. More like the shockwave from it, actually. They went airborne for a bit, and the landing was rough. Sebastian had already thrown a ball of magic of his own, and it managed to hit Riccardo before his ball hit the others. Damien was able to finish binding him, and now Riccardo is a guest in a cell in the basement here.”
That was all good news.
“What now? When are we going back? Still tomorrow?” Briggs asked.
Benjamin nodded slowly. “No. We will go out in a few days from what Father said. The council is pulling the rest of Damien and Sebastian’s teams back. We will go to Italy later in the week. Vincent wished to inquire at a few places. Frederick will be going to Amherst this evening, but that’s it for the moment.”
I wouldn’t necessarily say that was terrible news. I would get a few more days with Caspian, and that would always be a positive thing as far as I was concerned.
“One more meeting,” Benjamin said. “In an hour in the same conference room. After that, we are to go home for the day.”
I wondered about that, and sent Benjamin a look. That was earlier than expected. Was there more going on than what we were being told? Benjamin gave no more information, so I could only wait. Perhaps we would be informed at the meeting. No matter what, there was nothing I could do until then. The prospect of getting to spend even more time with my mate was enough to have my dragon content for the moment and that was all I needed.