Dirty Pucker (Denver Bashers #2) 5. Ingrid 9%
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5. Ingrid

Chapter 5


I bite back a grin as I look at Del sitting on a chair in one of the playrooms of our local humane society, covered in kittens.

Two fluffy black cats snooze on his lap. A gray cat climbs up his shoulder. An orange tabby is sitting on his other shoulder, batting at the buttons on his shirt. A black-and-white kitten lays across his foot.

I hold up my phone at him. “Smile.”

He laughs and I snap a photo, then take a video that’s just a few seconds long.

“You think covering me in cats is going to fool everyone into thinking I’m a good guy?” he jokes.

“I really do.” I pull up the TikTok app on my phone and log in to the Bashers account, then upload the short clip of Del covered in kittens. I find a cute-sounding song and type a quick caption.

Welcome Del Richards to the Bashers! He loves playing hockey almost as much as he loves cuddling kittens.

I show Del the video. He chuckles.

“You’re okay with me posting that?” I ask.

He nods. I post it and slip my phone back into my purse.

“So it’s that simple, huh? One cute cat video and I’ll win over the Bashers fan base?”

I roll my eyes as I smile. “It’s going to take more than that, of course. But cute cat videos are a good start. Who doesn’t love a cute cat video?”

“I guess that’s true.”

He still sounds unconvinced.

“Fine. How about we make a bet? I bet that the video I just posted of you will get at least ten thousand views by tomorrow. If it doesn’t, then I owe you a drink. But if it does, then you have to buy me a drink.”

His mouth stays in a straight line, but he raises an eyebrow. “Deal.”

The fuzzy orange cat on his shoulder lets out a squeaky meow before nuzzling Del’s jaw. He flashes that ridiculously hot half-smile and my knees go weak.

I’m dizzy in his presence for the second time this morning.

I think back to earlier when I bumped into him, how he grabbed me by the waist to steady me, how solid and firm he felt under my hands. How he smelled like spice and rain.

How good it felt to have his hands on me.

How I couldn’t stop staring at his mouth.

How in the five seconds of physical contact that we shared, my mind drifted to a very, very naughty place…

I imagined us standing just like that, touching each other, except without the barrier of our clothes…

God, I’m ridiculous. I’m acting like a high schooler with a crush. I just met this guy yesterday. I shouldn’t be so attracted to him.

I glance at Del as he lowers his massive hand and gently pats one of the sleeping kittens on his lap. He pulls up his sleeve, revealing his thick, muscled forearm.

My eyes nearly pop out of my head, and my lady bits pulse.


Well, then. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten this hot and bothered over a forearm before.

But damn. There’s something so manly, so rough, about Del’s forearms. I eye the veins bulging along the length of his muscles.

I bite my lip, that dazed feeling intensifying.

Okay, that’s enough objectifying the guy who saved me from a creepy harasser.

A faint wave of guilt washes over me. I really, really shouldn’t be ogling Del like this. He doesn’t deserve that.

When he gently runs his fingertip along the little kitten’s fuzzy head, I have to summon all the strength inside of me to keep from passing out. That’s so endearing.

Seeing this rough and rugged guy get all sweet and gentle over a kitten is enough to make my heart explode.

I still can’t believe he’s so hated in the league.

I think back to all the video clips I watched of him last night, fighting during games.

My brain pulls up the image of his handsome face twisted in frustration and anger as he heckled his opponents before shoving them and throwing punches.

It was honestly really weird to see. I didn’t feel like I was looking at the same guy I met yesterday, who looked at me with such care and concern in his eyes.

Or the guy sitting next to me right now, cuddling and playing with a bunch of kittens.

I understand that a lot of hockey players are different when it’s game time. They’re more competitive, more intense, and quicker to anger. They channel all their energy into doing whatever it takes to win. Competition is in their blood and sometimes tempers flare.

That’s definitely the case for my cousin Theo. In real life, he’s a laidback and funny guy. He hardly ever gets angry or upset. But I’ve seen him get pissed off during games. He gets into fights sometimes too.

I glance at Del as he scoops up the kitten on his shoulder and moves it onto his lap. One of the black kittens wakes up and hops out of his lap. I grab a string toy and drag it on the floor, chuckling when the kitten chases after it.

How can this teddy bear be such a menace on the ice?

“I think you should start posting on your Instagram account again.”

He frowns. “Really?”

“Yeah. It’s an easy way to engage with fans and let them see who you are when you’re not playing hockey. If you show them glimpses of your personal life and show that you have a softer side—that you’re more than just hockey and fighting—I think you could change people’s opinions about you. Your first post back can be the photo I took with you and the kittens.”

He nods like he understands, but I can tell he’s not into it. “I just don’t even know what to post. I feel like I’d mess it up somehow.”

“I’m happy to take over your social media or give you pointers on what would be helpful to post.”

His frown fades and the corners of his mouth curve upward. “You’d do that?”

“Of course. It’s my job. I’m here to help you.”

He gives me a panty-melting smile and my stomach does a somersault. “Okay, you’ve convinced me. If anyone can revamp my image via social media, it’s you.”

I grin wide. “So you’re gonna let me take over your social media?”

“Yup. I give you full control. And whatever you want me to do for the Bashers TikTok, I’ll do it.”

A giddy feeling courses through me at the thought of working with Del and spending more time with him.

Enough with this schoolgirl crush. Keep it professional. This is your job, remember? Do you really wanna be known as the social media girl who hooks up with the players? Not to mention Theo would flip out if he found out I have a crush on the guy he despises.

That giddy feeling evaporates. I’ll admit that I’m attracted to Del. And there’s nothing wrong with that. He’s insanely hot and a gentleman. But that’s as far as my feelings will ever go. A crush, and nothing more.

We play with the cats for a few more minutes, then return them to their kitty condos.

“You’re the cat whisperer. Those kittens loved climbing all over you,” I say.

“I’ve never had a cat. I’ve only ever had dogs,” he says as we walk toward the entrance of the building.

“You could have fooled me. You looked like a natural cat dad with the way you cuddled those kittens.”

We stop by the reception desk and thank them for letting us stop by.

“You’re always welcome. Any time you want to stop in and love on these furry little guys, please come by. They love the company.” The receptionist smiles. “You should think about fostering if you’re not ready to commit to adoption. We’re always happy to have more foster dads and moms for our cats and dogs.”

“We’ll definitely do that,” I say. “Thanks so much again.”

We head out. I glance over at Del. “Would you do that? Foster a dog or a cat?”

He tucks his hands in the pockets of his coat. “I’d like to, but it’s hard with my schedule. During the season, I’m gone a lot for games and training and traveling.” Del steps ahead and holds open the door for me. “Are you a cat person or a dog person?”

“Can’t choose. I love them both.”

“Do you have pets?”

“Nope. Maybe someday though.”

Just then, he stops walking. When I turn to him, he’s looking down at the front of his shirt.

“What’s wrong…” I trail off as soon as I see the wet spot. “Oh no…”

“Is this how cats show their love? By pissing all over you?” he deadpans.

I cover my mouth to hold in a laugh, but I burst out anyway.

“That’s it. Laugh it up.”

“I’m sorry.” I wipe my eyes.

His frown fades and he flashes that devastatingly handsome half-smile. “Mind if we make a pit stop at my place before we head back to the arena, so I can shower and get cleaned up?”

“Of course.”

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