Divided Road (The Road to Rocktoberfest 2024) Chapter 15 83%
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Chapter 15


Owen glanced around the audience, taking care to make eye contact with those in the first row. They’d had some extras turn up, and a few fans who had supported them by coming to every concert.

Clay stepped up to the mic. “Thanks for coming again to support us on our road to Rocktoberfest. We’re excited to be heading over to the States to play at such a huge event.” He paused and smiled. “But, however far we go, we’ll always have a place in our heart for those of you who have been cheerleading us from the beginning, and also our new friends we’ve met during this series of fundraising concerts.”

The crowd clapped, and a group at the back whistled their appreciation.

“We figured we’d do something special with this last concert.” Clay’s smile morphed into a grin. “This first performance of a new song is for our fans. For you.” He stood back and handed the mic to Owen.

Owen swallowed to quell the butterflies in his stomach. He might not be as nervous as Jared before a concert, but he felt more at ease playing his violin. “Clouds surround me,” he sang, with Phil accompanying him on guitar. “Growing darker. Overwhelming.” He turned to Jared, and they shared a smile. “I’m looking for light, a glimpse of sunlight to give me hope during darker days.”

Tyler joined Phil, the bass and guitar weaving melody and chords together, the key changing from minor to major when Jared stood and joined Owen at the mic.

“Sweetheart, you’re my sunshine, my break in the storm,” Jared sang. “Let me be that for you.”

“My break in the storm,” they repeated together, in harmony.

Kaci joined in on drums, adding a heartbeat to the music. Clay picked up his guitar and strummed chords in unison with Tyler for the bridge until Tyler broke off and played the melody line on his guitar.

Owen followed Jared to his keyboard and retrieved his violin. They repeated the melody line, this time on their instruments rather than singing.

Clay stepped up to the mike, singing and playing. “Sunshine, on a cloudy day. Stillness in the eye of life’s storms, calm amongst the winds of change.”

“My sunshine, my break in the storm,” they all sang together.

Owen risked a look at the audience, relief rushing through him. They seemed to like it, shit he hoped they did.

Kaci launched into the verse. “You’re my sunshine, always have been, forever us. Need the dark sometimes to know the light. All things pass with time. I want to pass my time with you.” Her voice soared with the high notes, her tone pure and clear. Rachel, sitting in the front row, wiped at her eyes.

Another repeat of the chorus, and then the instruments bowed out one by one, with Jared, and then Owen finishing playing last.

“Sweetheart, you’re my break in the storm,” Jared sang.

“And you’re my sunshine,” Owen sang in harmony. “My light in darker days.”

Jared stopped singing and smiled.

“My light in darker days,” Owen repeated solo, twice, his voice slowing and then fading away.

The audience erupted into applause, several of them standing to clap. The band put down their instruments, linked arms, and took a bow.

“Go Flightless!” yelled Rachel.

“Go Flightless!” someone from the audience joined in.

The band bowed again and then left the stage.

“Wow,” Kaci said. “They really loved that last song.”

“Great idea to have a first performance of it here.” Brigit came up to them. “Fabulous show. Do you mind if I steal your microphone now you’re not using it?”

“Of course.” Clay stood back to let her pass. “And thanks again for hosting us. This is a wonderful venue. We’ll have to come back here, if you’ll have us.”

“Of course.” Brigit’s mouth twitched. “Although I’ll have to talk to my business partner about that.”

“Dork.” Jared grinned.

“You did?” Owen asked.

“Yeah. We talked before. It’s all sorted.” Jared kissed Owen, not caring who was watching. “I’ll be focusing on the Scone going forward and Flightless, of course.” He whispered in Owen’s ear. “And you, sweetheart. That was some prelude.”

Owen wrapped his arm around Jared’s waist.

Brigit tapped the microphone. “Is this thing on?” It screeched in affirmation, and she grimaced. “Sorry, it’s my brother who knows this stuff, not me.”

“Stand back from it a bit,” Jared yelled. “You’re a natural.”

The audience chuckled, especially when Brigit replied with a rude gesture to Jared.

“Thanks, little bro.” Brigit cleared her throat. “But anyway… I want to add my thanks for the turnout today. We’re thrilled to be hosting Flightless, a band going places.” She lowered her voice like she was sharing a secret. “And I’m not just saying that because my brother’s in it.”

Owen leaned into Jared, enjoying the banter. He loved the closeness between the siblings and how Brigit had welcomed him so quickly into her family. A movement caught his eye at the back of the room.

Shit, everyone from Oriolidae was here. Hopefully, they had news for him. All this waiting was way too stressful. Or had they come out of curiosity to hear the concert?

“Don’t forget to help yourselves to the after-concert refreshments. We have a selection of baked goods, fresh from our kitchen, great wine from Frays Vineyard, and also juice, tea, and coffee.”

Elard stood watching her from the sidelines while speaking quietly to a man who Owen recognised as one of his regulars from Arpeggios. He and his partner often came into the shop to look through sheet music. Owen glanced back at Brigit, and when he looked for Elard again, he was alone and heading up onto the stage. He whispered something to Brigit, who grinned and pulled him into a hug.

“Fabulous news from Father Elard!” She sounded excited. “We’ve just received a huge donation to the Rocktoberfest fund! The person wants to remain anonymous, but today has been a huge success, and thanks to all of you and everyone who has supported the band, it looks like we’ve achieved our goal.”

“Woot!” Gran yelled from the back of the café. “Go Flightless!”

“Wow, that’s so cool.” Jared could hardly contain his excitement, and relief. He’d been mentally going over the logistics of getting a loan to make up the shortfall but had hoped that none of them would have to.

Tyler kissed Phil, the two of them melting into each other’s arms. “Now we just have to decide whether to get married before or afterwards.”

“You’re getting married?” Kaci yelled, then flushed. “Oops, sorry, I hope that wasn’t meant to be a secret.”

“Bit late for that now.” Phil grinned and pulled her into a hug. “We’ve been waiting in case we needed the money for Rocktoberfest.”

“Shit, guys, I didn’t know you were putting your wedding on hold!” Owen looked shocked.

“Eh, a few more months wouldn’t have hurt.” Tyler shrugged. “We’ve moved in together already.” He glanced around. “I wish we could say thanks to whoever provided that last donation.”

“Anonymous for a reason,” Elard murmured when he reached them. “And congratulations, you two. If you need a priest, I’d be delighted to officiate.”

“Thanks, but not Catholic, Father,” Tyler said.

Elard grinned. “You don’t need to be. The last wedding I officiated at wasn’t.” He gave them all a wave. “I need to catch up with a few people. Wonderful concert. Your trip is very well deserved.”

He wandered off before anyone could comment.

Duncan chuckled behind them. “Don’t worry. He does that a lot. Sometimes I think he likes to wander in and out of other people’s lives, sprinkling goodwill as he goes.”

“I loved that last song,” Lincoln added. “You’ve got yourselves a winning songwriting combination there.” He ducked his head. “Lyrics were never my thing. I knew Jared and Owen would hit it off in more ways than one.”

“Thanks for sending him to me… to us.” Owen glanced at Jared and then back at Lincoln. “We do still miss playing with you, you know.”

“Yeah, me too.” Lincoln smiled. “I’ll find where I’m meant to be when it’s the right time, I’m sure.”

Duncan tugged at him. “I’ve just seen some friends I want you to meet.” He looked apologetic. “Sorry, I’ll bring him back later, promise.”

“Speaking of people…” Owen suddenly seemed nervous. “I need to go talk to someone, too.”

Something about him sparked Jared’s protective side. “Do you need me to come with you?”

“Yeah. I’d like that, thanks.” Owen slipped his hand into Jared’s. “Catch you later, okay?”

“Sure.” Kaci raised an eyebrow. “Everything okay?”

“I hope so.” Owen’s hand felt clammy in Jared’s.

“What’s up?” Jared asked as soon as they were out of earshot.

“Oriolidae are here,” Owen blurted out. “I saw them in the audience during the last song. I’m not sure whether they’re still here or….”

“Shit. Do you want to talk to them alone?” Jared would do whatever Owen needed. “Do you think you should talk to them?”

Surely, they wouldn’t have come here only to disappear and not say anything. From the way Owen had described them, they all seemed decent.

Avril Westin strode towards Owen, obviously seeking him out. Jared recognised her from the quartet’s website. Not that he’d read everything he could about them.


“Owen,” she said with a huge smile. “I hadn’t realised how good your band was. You’re truly remarkable.”

“Thanks, and for coming to support us today. It means a lot.” Owen tightened his grip on Jared’s hand. “This is my boyfriend, Jared Murphy. Jared, Avril Westin, currently first violinist of Oriolidae.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Jared.” Avril studied him for a moment. “You and Owen write a lot of band’s songs, yes?”

“Yes. Owen’s a talented musician.” Jared shrugged. “I write the lyrics. The rest is all his.”

“It’s both of us,” Owen corrected him. He cleared his throat but said nothing. “I don’t suppose you….”

“We’ve kept you waiting, and I’m sorry about that,” Avril said. “Unfortunately, Susie had that nasty flu bug that’s going around, and we needed to give her time to recover. The three violinists we had to choose between were all very talented, and our decision wasn’t an easy one.”

Here it comes. Oh God, I’m so sorry, sweetheart.

“I understand,” Owen responded with an obviously forced smile that didn’t meet his eyes. “I hope….”

“The position is yours if you want it.” Avril indicated the now empty stage. “Although after that performance, we’d totally understand if you’d prefer to focus on Flightless, and withdraw your application.”

“Fuck, no.” Owen turned bright red. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to swear. I don’t… I’d love to play with you. Thank you.” He hesitated. “As long as it’s still okay for me to do both.”

“Of course.” Avril’s smile widened. “We’re very pleased to welcome you to our Oriolidae family.” She met Jared’s gaze. “Both of you. Family is very important to us, and we wouldn’t be where we are today without the support of our loved ones. You’ll have to introduce me to the rest of Flightless very soon, too, but in the meantime, could you point me in the direction of your manager. Rachel, isn’t it? I want to exchange contact information with her so we can work out scheduling for when you get back from the States.”

“Sure.” Owen glanced behind Avril and grimaced. “And there’s Mum approaching. Right on cue.”

“She doesn’t know.” Avril looked smug. “We figured you’d like that honour.”

“Do you want to introduce Avril and Rachel?” Jared suggested. “I’ll head off your mum until you get back.”

“Thanks.” Owen kissed Jared’s cheek. “Give me a few minutes to digest all this first if you can,” he whispered.

“Of course.” Jared took a step forward and intercepted Lindsey before she could reach Owen. “Lindsey!” He plastered on his biggest fake smile. “We’re so glad you were able to make it today to support the band. Isn’t it exciting? We’re going to Rocktoberfest!”

By the time Owen left Avril and Rachel and headed back towards Jared, the café was buzzing with pockets of conversation. The rest of the band chatted with fans. Susie and Jake from Oriolidae were deep in conversation with Gran, and Sefa and Clay laughed over a shared joke.

The warmth spreading through him at the thought that his new and existing families were already getting along didn’t quell Owen’s anxiety at the upcoming conversation with his mum.

Brigit caught his arm when he walked by. “If you need some privacy, you’re welcome to take her upstairs.”

“Thanks.” Owen guessed she’d caught some of the conversation between his mum and Jared. “I’ll do that.”

“I can send up some coffee in a few if you’d like, in case you want the cavalry by then.”

“Sounds brilliant.” Owen kissed her cheek. “You’re like the sister I never had. You know that, right?”

She laughed. “Totally. And you’re definitely my number two brother.” Brigit hesitated before continuing. Owen had told her about his history with his mum a few weeks ago, although he hadn’t intended to. Like her brother, she was easy to talk to. “You’ve got this, and we’ve got you.”

“Thanks.” Owen straightened and wished things were that easy. He managed a smile by the time he reached Jared.

“Hey, sweetheart.” Jared greeted him with a kiss. “Your mum loved the concert. She’s been singing your praises.”

“Well done on reaching your goal,” Lindsey said. “Rocktoberfest will be a great send-off for you.” She glanced over at Avril, who was still in conversation with Rachel. “I’m presuming she’s come to share good news. They’d be crazy to turn down someone with your talent.”

“About that…” Owen glanced at Jared. “We need to talk, Mum, and in private. Brigit has kindly offered us the use of the upstairs flat.”

“Oh.” Lindsey’s expression dropped. “I’m so sorry, Owen. I really thought….”

“I’ll be here when you need me,” Jared added. They’d already agreed if Lindsey showed up, Owen would talk to her privately. “Oh look, there’s your dad. I’ll go snag him a strawberry scone before they all disappear.” He took off in the direction of Owen’s dad, clearing the way for Owen and his mum to have their conversation.

Owen led his mum up the stairs. Sun streamed through the French doors that opened onto the balcony that wrapped around the top floor of the house. He indicated one of the overstuffed comfortable chairs in the small living room and then took a seat opposite.

“Avril’s offered me the position at Oriolidae,” he said quickly to put her out of misery about that at least. “I’ll be joining them once we get back from Rocktoberfest.”

“Oh, that’s great news. I’m so proud of you.” Lindsey beamed. “If you need me to help organis?—”

“Thanks, but that’s all under control. Avril and Rachel are going to sort out schedules and all that.”

“I don’t understand.” Lindsey frowned. “What has Rachel got to do with any of it? You’re leaving that band for a classical career like you always wanted to.”

“Like you always wanted me to,” Owen corrected her. “I love classical music, and that’s down to you, which I appreciate, but Flightless…” He smiled, thinking of today’s performance. “Flightless gives me something classical music doesn’t, and vice versa. I need both to feel whole.”

“Well, you can’t have both.” Lindsey pursed her lips.

“Well, actually, I can.” Owen took a deep breath and reminded himself to stay strong. “When I went for my audition, I was upfront with them and told them about Flightless. I’ve been tying myself up in knots, thinking I had to choose. I don’t. I can do both, as long as our schedules don’t clash.”

“You can’t play for both and continue to work at the shop.” Lindsey bit her lip, worry creasing her face. “You’ll burn out. I’ve seen it before with someone taking on too much. I don’t want that to happen to you.”

“I’m handing in my notice at the shop,” Owen reassured her. “I loved Arpeggios when I first started, but the admin side not so much. Oriolidae gives me the financial cushion I need. I’m also leaving the orchestra so I don’t stretch myself too far.” He didn’t mention that he’d planned to leave Arpeggios anyway. “And if Flightless make it big after Rocktoberfest, that’s great, but if we don’t, well, I’ll make it work. Jared and I will make it work.”

Lindsey grew quiet. She got up and started to pace, turning her back on Owen. Her shoulders began to shake.

“Mum?” Owen got up and drew her into a hug. “It’s okay. I’ll be okay. Promise.”

“I wanted the world for you.” Lindsey met his gaze, tears in her eyes. “And in my determination to do so, I nearly took it away from you. I never… I couldn’t do both, so I thought you wouldn’t be able to either. I… you’ve been struggling, and I was too full of what I wanted to notice. Forgive me?”

“You’re my mum, and I love you. That will never change.” Owen had never heard such emotion from her before. “And what do you mean you couldn’t do both?”

Lindsey wiped her eyes. “I used to play violin a very long time ago.” She held up her hand to stop him from interrupting when he failed to hide his surprise. “I wasn’t as good as you were, and I had to practice a lot, and I mean a lot , to be anywhere halfway decent. When I found what I thought was my calling to help nurture talent in others and find the opportunities they deserved, it ate into my practice time. The more successful that role became, the less I played, until one day I stopped and never picked my violin up again.”

“I didn’t know.” Owen couldn’t imagine what it would be like to have to stop playing altogether. “Oh, Mum, I’m so sorry.”

“How could you know?” Lindsey’s smile looked strained. “I took all the photos down at your Gran and Grandpa’s and asked them not to tell you.”


“I didn’t want to ruin your expectations before you’d even started. Everything I’ve done hasn’t been about me.”

“Well, maybe that needs to change.” Owen hated seeing his mum upset, but a part of him was relieved to finally see a more human side of her. “Does Dad know?”

Lindsey snorted. “Of course not. I stopped playing a few years before we met.” Her voice softened. “He would have encouraged me to follow what I loved, but by that stage, my path was clear. I’d never be a great performer. It made more sense to put it behind me and move forward.”

“Sometimes the right road isn’t the one you think it is,” Gran said from behind them, carrying a tray of tea and scones. “Jared sent me. He thought you might need this by now.” She shook her head. “Music isn’t only about performing and being brilliant, you know. Enjoyment is a big part of it, too. Picking a tune, note by note on the piano, can touch you as much as getting up on stage and playing with a band. Or a quartet.”

“I’ve been an idiot, Mum,” Lindsey said.

“We’re all guilty of that from time to time, dear.” Gran put down the tray and opened her arms. “You’ve been heading for this moment for a while now. You’re burning out and not taking care of your soul.” She glanced at Owen. “I won’t be making the mistake of standing back again. You try any of this shit, and I won’t hesitate to call you on it.”

“If Jared doesn’t do it first,” Owen said.

“That boy’s good for you.” Lindsey lifted her head and smiled, a genuine expression this time. “I’m sorry I’ve been distant. I was scared that if I let go, everything would let rip. I’m proud of everything you’ve done and all your decisions.”

“Thanks.” Owen had waited far too long to hear his mum tell him that, and know she meant it. “I know what it’s like to get sucked into the life you think you want.”

“You two are a little alike sometimes.” Gran poured the tea. “I’m proud of both of you, and that needs saying too.” She smiled. “The tea’s not for me, by the way. Jared’s waiting downstairs for you, Owen, and… Howard’s on his way up. I hope that’s okay. He guessed something was going down, and he’s not been happy waiting in the wings.”

“That’s very much okay.” Lindsey gave Gran a hug. “You can stay if you want. Things are going to be different going forward.”

“Oh, I know, and this isn’t my time.” Gran chuckled. “How do you think I know about the dangers of this kind of thing? You’re very much like your dad, Lindsey. We used to argue about how much he pushed himself. At one point, I thought I’d said too much, but in the end, our marriage was stronger for it.”

“I’m going to find Jared.” Owen sensed his mum and grandmother needed a few minutes on their own. He kissed both of their foreheads in turn. “Love you.”

His dad was waiting at the foot of the stairs. “Safe to go up yet?”

“Yeah, in a few, I think.” Owen was surprised when Howard pulled him into a hug. “What’s that for?”

“For your brilliant performance today, and I believe congratulations are also in order.” Howard grinned. “I’m proud of you, son. And for finding the courage to talk to your mum, which is something I should have done way before things got this far.”

Owen shrugged. “Hindsight and all that. It’s fine.”

“Make sure you and Jared come around for dinner soon before you head off overseas.” Howard let go of Owen and headed up the stairs.

“All okay?” Jared looked Owen up and down and then relaxed.

“Yeah. I think it finally is. Or will be.”

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