Divided Road (The Road to Rocktoberfest 2024) Epilogue 100%
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“And that’s a wrap!” Hamish, the sound designer, gave them a thumbs up a few moments after the last note of their final song of their first album, Divided Road . “Sounds great. Well done, guys.”

Owen grinned, hiding his exhaustion. The last few months had been a challenge, with recording at Keats Street and preparing for his first concert with the quartet the weekend before, but he’d made it. “I’m going to sleep for a week after this.” He put away his violin and bow, and closed the case, determined to walk away from the instrument for a few days.

“You’ve deserved it, sweetheart.” Jared kissed him soundly and wrapped his arm around Owen’s waist. “We’ve all worked hard, and wow, what a buzz.”

“I still can’t believe we’ve recorded an album.” Kaci did a celebratory roll on the drum, finishing with a tap of the cymbals. “Go us.”

“Meeting in the green room.” Rachel poked her head around the corner. “Lunch on Neil and Derek, and then the next couple of weeks are all yours.”

Derek was waiting for them with a couple of bottles of champagne. “Congratulations on getting to the finish line. We appreciate all the hard work you’ve put in.”

“Help yourself.” Neil gestured to the huge spread. “I have a very good feeling about this album, especially considering the success of your first single.”

Although they’d signed up with the studio for an album, Neil had decided to release their new song, Sunset , first to test the waters. The single had jumped up the New Zealand charts and sat on the number one spot for a week, performing way beyond any of the band’s expectations.

Owen smiled softly at Jared. Sunset was the song they’d both vowed they’d write that evening they’d bared their souls on the beach at Napier. “I’m glad you talked us into releasing it now rather than keeping it for Frays later in the year.”

“The song needed to be shared,” Neil agreed. “It spoke to me, and I had a strong feeling it would to others, too.”

“I learnt very early in our relationship that ignoring Neil’s gut was a mistake.” Derek grinned.

Neil elbowed him affectionally and grinned smugly. “Love you, too, Der.” He cleared his throat. “So… I hope you’ve already started thinking about new songs for your next album. We don’t want to wait too long between them. Strike while the iron is hot and all that.”

“We have a few ideas,” Owen admitted.

“And we’re looking forward to the tour,” Clay added. He and Nat had just announced their engagement, so they had a wedding to plan too.

Rachel had organised a New Zealand tour, with their last stop being in Wellington a few days before their album released. They were also doing a special stop at Frays as a thank you to Duncan for all his support and to catch up with Lincoln, who had moved up there until he figured out his future.

Beth’s funeral a few months ago had been a celebration of her life. They’d dedicated their first album to her, an acknowledgement of the huge part she’d played in their lives, especially during the early days of the band.

“Phil and I are disappearing for a bit after this.” Tyler popped a slice of ham into Phil’s mouth. “With everything going on, we never got a proper honeymoon, so don’t contact us while we’re away because we will ignore you.”

“Uh huh.” Rachel’s expression suggested the threat was an empty one.

“Owen and I are taking some time off too.” Jared reminded her. He’d taken leave from the Scone, and Owen had two weeks off before Oriolidae rehearsals began again, although he’d already begun familiarising himself with the music.

“Some time for us and for the creative juices to start flowing again,” Owen said, although he already had a few melodies needing lyrics, and Jared several lyrics that needed music.

Music was too much a part of their lives to walk away from, even temporarily, although he was determined they carve out some time together to relax without any interruptions.

Bach would be delighted to have Owen home for a while, although she’d dump him the instant Jared showed up. The two of them had bonded, with Bach having decided Jared’s lap was far superior to Owen’s for some reason.

Owen smiled. He was fond of sleeping with his head on Jared’s lap, too, so he could see the appeal.

“Enjoy your break, everyone, and don’t forget to make sure you put those plans into action.” Neil stood. “We don’t want you guys burning out. Music is fun, but it’s also work.”

“What he said.” Derek led Neil out the door, the two of them disappearing towards their shared office.

“We totally made the right decision signing with them,” Kaci said once they were out of earshot. “They have that balance between friendly and getting the job done.”

Owen yawned. “Sorry, that wasn’t about what you said. I’m tired.” He hadn’t drunk champagne in a while, either.

“I’ll drop you home.” Jared was on his feet in an instant. He’d offered to drive and spent the night before at Owen’s.

“If you need us, call.” Owen hoped the fresh air would give him a second wind. He had something to do before taking a way overdue nap. “But that’s only a free pass until tomorrow evening.” He gave Rachel a pointed look.

“Uh huh.” She grinned and then winked at Kaci. “Text if you need me, and then I can decide whether it’s urgent or can wait. We’re taking the next few days off too.”

“And so you should.” Owen suspected she and Kaci might be announcing something soon, given how much time they spent together. They made a cute couple, Kaci was happy, and both Owen and Clay agreed she and Rachel were good for each other.

Kaci had often reminded them that she didn’t need a couple of pseudo-brothers. Neither of them was giving up that role anytime soon.

“You look tired,” Jared said when they pulled up outside Owen’s. “You’ve been way busy the last month. I’ve been worried about you.”

“I am tired.” Owen didn’t bother disagreeing as Jared wouldn’t believe him. “I’d love some tea when we get home, and then….”

“Sure.” Jared bit his lip as though suddenly nervous. “Do you want me to stay? You’re tired and….”

“About that.” Owen regretted the words when Jared flinched. “God, no, not what you’re probably thinking. Come in. We need to talk.”

“Sure.” Jared repeated. He waited for Owen to get out of the car and followed him into the house, bending to pet Bach when she greeted him like she hadn’t seen him for months.

“Come here, sweetheart.” Owen pulled Jared into a hug. “I’ve been wanting to talk about this for weeks, but life has been crazy, and I didn’t want this to sound like an afterthought.” He kissed Jared fiercely, putting all his love into the gesture.

Jared leaned into the kiss, deepening it. When he broke it, he rested his forehead against Owen’s. “I love you. With everything I am. Whatever happens, I don’t regret our time together. Not one moment of it.”

“I love you too.” Owen brushed Jared’s hair off his forehead, loving the softness of it under his fingertip. “Move in with me.”

Jared pulled back, shock over his face. “That’s what you wanted to say? I thought…” He scrubbed at his face. “Shit, when you said you wanted to talk. Fuck, sorry, I’m tired, and… with all the time we were spending together, I thought you might need some space for a while.”

“Is that a yes to moving in?” Owen had never doubted Jared’s response. Until now. “I love you being around, and you’re here more often than not anyway. I want you. I want us.”

“It’s a yes.” Jared licked his lips, the nervousness back again. “Actually, there was something I wanted to talk to you about too, and then…” He looked embarrassed. “I still can’t believe I doubted you wanted me here. Not after everything we’ve been to each other.”

“You can talk to me about anything, sweetheart.” Owen would make sure they both found time to catch up on sleep. “And never doubt I want you because that will never change.”

“This isn’t how I wanted to do this. I was planning for a few days time and to find somewhere romantic, but I’ve changed my mind.” Jared got down on one knee.

Owen swallowed. God, did this mean what he thought it did?

“Marry me, Owen.” Jared pulled a black case from his pocket, and opened it to reveal a slender gold ring. “I love you, and I can’t imagine my life without you. I don’t want to. Please say yes.”

“Yes, yes, yes!” Owen’s heart sped up. He held out his hand.

The ring was engraved on the inside with musical notes and two hearts intertwined, and fit perfectly on his finger like it was meant to be there.

He held his hand up, the sun reflecting off the gold. A melody came to his mind unbidden, and he grinned.

“You know,” he said. “Our first song together was about a divided road, but I think we’ve been travelling the same one since we met. Again.” He paused. “Beer Guy.”

Jared chuckled. “ Your Beer Guy.”

“Hold that thought.” Owen ran to the bedroom and grabbed something hidden in a sock in his bottom drawer. When he re-entered the living room, he held out an identical black case. “Asking you to move in was part one.”

He got down on one knee. Jared had done this properly, so he would too. “I’ll marry you, but only if you marry me too.”

“I don’t think that’s…” Jared started to laugh. The sound was light, musical, and full of love. “Yes, definitely yes.”

Owen slid the ring on Jared’s finger. “The prelude to our symphony, sweetheart.”

Jared replied in song, the familiar words now a part of both their hearts. “A love meant to be.” He took Owen’s hand, pulled him to his feet, and they danced a few steps together.

“Magic in song. I’ve chosen my future, made my decision,” Owen sang softly, smiling when Jared joined in with a tweaked final line of what would forever be their song.

“ Our divided road, now one.”

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