She was all that filled his mind: the curve of her hips, the perkiness of her breasts, the slight blush on her cheeks.
Being seduced by feminine wiles was something he’d managed to avoid up until then. So, why now? Why her? Sure, she was attractive, but there’d been other beautiful women chasing him.
Was Leeona chasing him, or vice versa?
The answer was rather obvious, considering he was the one standing outside a lingerie shop, peeking in. The sales person inside was going to take him for a pervert, if he didn’t go in soon.
Granny undies had their place, but that wasn’t anywhere near the bedroom. Feeling attractive was something everyone needed. Clothing, especially underwear and sleep attire, played an important role in that.
Comfort, quality, and beauty were all things the right intimate wear had to offer a man or woman.
Those were all the things she needed to feel. That’s what he was looking for.
A bell on the door alerted the salesperson he was there.
“Hello,” she said in an overly joyful tone. “How can I help you today?”
An overwhelming floral scent wafted about. It might have been satchels of potpourri, a special air freshener, or a staggeringly strong perfume. Whatever the case, it was too strong. Anyone with a sensitive nose was bound to have problems there. Even he wanted to spend as little time as possible shopping.
These stores were overlooking the obvious. The human body produced tiny chemicals which gave off a special scent. Pheromones added to intimate experiences and communicated sexual arousal between partners. Covering them up was a crime.
“I’m looking to buy a certain woman a few things,” he said, frowning at the roughness of the material of some underwear in a bin.
“Your wife?” the woman asked. “Girlfriend? Do you know her size?” She passed him a small questionnaire sheet to fill in.
“Mmm,” he grunted. There’d been plenty of competitions with classmates in medical school which revolved around guessing female measurements. He’d won every time. That practice wasn’t lost to him.
“Great!” the salesperson exclaimed, looking over the jotted down notes. “Let me show you a few popular pieces.”
“Okay.” He took a seat on a bench in front of the changing rooms, waiting for her return. How many men sat there, biding their time before a dirty little fashion show began, their wives and girlfriends the models? Modesty had no place when it came to sexual pleasure.
“This plus-sized baby-doll comes with a matching G-string and has adjustable straps for comfort,” the saleswoman suggested, strutting about as if she were the one modelling it and not the hanger.
From the material it was obvious, it was a little too constrictive. There was no flow, allowing it to gracefully drape a body.
“Hmm.” He shook his head. “I’m not sure it would do her justice.”
“If you are looking for something more vibrant, we have a similar garment in a fiery-red colour.” The woman was a professional, carefully watching his body movements for an opportunity to seal the deal. Her paycheques were, no doubt, commission-based.
“What about something in a silk chiffon?” he asked.
The woman’s brows arched. “You know your stuff.” She fired off a wink. “Regular chiffon is a bit rough and can cause irritation. The silkier version of the material glides gently against the skin. It’s a bit more difficult to care for though. If that’s a problem, I suggest forgetting chiffon altogether and just choosing something in silk.”
He nodded. That made sense. “And I’d like to see a few lacy items.” There was no doubt he was purchasing at least one outfit in that material. “Also, can you bring out a few things which have a peekaboo design?” That was something he’d come to cherish back in his college days, and was definitely on the list.
The trip started out as a way of helping to build her self-confidence. Of course, there was no reason why his own preferences weren’t to be taken into consideration at the same time.
Several more skimpy outfits joined the fray on display. Deciding on just a few was difficult. Each of the saleswoman’s offerings had its own unique appeal. There were other items to be considered as well, including regular bra and panty sets.
He’d only meant to get a few things, but walked out with three bags worth of skivvies and a couple nighties.
After all that, there were some high expectations about the coming evening’s activities. Of course, there was no pressure on her, despite his growing desire. He was happy to keep watching her. The next time they met in private, she was going to feel good about herself, if nothing else.