“I found us some more boxes,” Loren squealed.
“Uh,” Cicily looked around the room at the various stacks of boxes that were wrapped to look like Christmas presents. “How many more do you think we need?”
“Well, I’m not exactly sure.” With her hands positioned on her hips, she began to count them. “There’s six stacks, four boxes high. If we put another stack over there, then move those chairs back a little bit, it’ll be—”
“Too damn many. For crying out loud, this is a waiting room, not the line to see Santa.” Jack stormed through the front entrance, paused long enough to shake his head, then disappeared down the hallway.
“Uh, oh.” Cicily lowered her voice. “It might be wise to hold off. For now, anyways. He did not look all that happy.”
“He’s never happy. About anything. I’m only trying to liven the place up a bit.”
“I know you are, honey. He’s just…just,” Cicily looked over her shoulder before saying it. “He’s just a grinch.”
“If he keeps up this attitude of his, I might just scream. Our patients deserve a little cheer.” Loren could take a lot of crap from someone, but the way Jack was behaving lately, she almost felt like it was personal towards her. “It explains why he doesn’t have a woman in his life. Would you want to date someone that acts the way he does?”
“Of course not. Wouldn’t it be hilarious if he’s secretly got a crush on you?”
Loren glared at her co-worker. “That’s not funny, you know.”
“I’m serious. Don’t you remember being younger and having a crush on someone but you’d make fun of them instead of admitting that you liked them.”
“We were kids, though, and liking a boy wasn’t exactly cool.”
“It’s sort of the same thing now. You’re single. He’s single. If he was interested in you in that way, he might be afraid the rest of us might say something.”
“Cicily, did you bump your head on the car door this morning? Better yet, what did you add to your coffee to make you think such a thing?” Loren half-chuckled. “Because this is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. Trust me, when I say Jackson Sewell doesn’t like me, I’m dead serious.”
“It was just a thought, okay? Listen, why don’t I have a talk with him? He might not even realize it.”
“He’s very much aware of what he’s doing. Do whatever you want, but if he keeps it up, I might start looking for another job after the first of the year. One where I’m appreciated.” Loren was upset and rightfully so, but the part about looking for a new job wasn’t exactly true. She loved working at the hospital, so if he wanted her to leave, he’d have to force her to go. And she wasn’t willing to go down without a fight.
“Do you want me to take your boxes to the back for you?”
“If you don’t mind.” Loren looked down at her watch. “I’ve got a couple of minutes yet. I think I’m going to walk down to the cafeteria and grab a soda. I might even have time to step outside for a minute. These walls sure feel like they are caving in.”
“Take your time. I’ll cover for you.”
Loren checked that she had some cash in her pocket then headed out the door. It was entirely too early in the morning for her to be mad. She needed to blow off some steam, then return with a clear head.
She couldn’t help that she was full of the Christmas spirit. It was her favorite time of the year and she certainly didn’t appreciate someone trying to take away her thunder.
When she stepped into the elevator, she overhead a couple of nurses discussing their upcoming Christmas party. One wanted to have it the weekend after Thanksgiving but another one said she planned on taking advantage of all the sales that weekend. She wanted to commend them for trying to organize something—it was more than she could say for their office.
When the elevator stopped on the third floor, she practically ran down the hallway to Dr. Sewell’s office. She had an idea and she couldn’t wait to run it by the others.
“We gotta talk at lunch,” she said to Cicily as soon as she got a break in between patients.
“Is everything okay?”
Loren nodded. “I have an idea I want to run by you. It’s about our Christmas party.”
Loren was aware they’d not formally set a date, but she liked her idea a lot better. Instead of having the party in the breakroom after work, she wanted to have it at her house. If everyone brought a dish, it’d save her from having to prep and cook all of the food. And the best part…she wanted to do a gift exchange.
“I think it’s a great idea.” Cicily’s face lit up, hearing all the things Loren wanted to do.
“We’re more like family and that’s why I would rather know who I’m buying the gift for. Sure, Dirty Santa is fun, but does anyone really get to use their gift? Maybe if it’s a bottle of liquor, but most stuff is cheesy and meant for a good laugh.”
“By having it at your house, we wouldn’t have to close early. Unless Dr. Sewell just wanted to. There’s just one problem.”
“Oh? Did I forget something?” Loren was confused.
“Who’s going to run this by Jackson?”
“I suppose I can. I mean, it’ll be at my place so I should be the one to give him the details.”
“I’ll come with you.” Cicily leaned back in her chair.
“No, no. I can do it.”
“If you change your mind, just let me know.”