T he next day was the opening ceremony, and we all filed into the cathedral to await the newbies. I’d spent a good portion of the night trying to make myself cry, but it was to no avail. Nothing could produce tears, no matter how hard I tried.
The polished wood and rich brocade of the cathedral vibrated with the school’s voices as we were directed up to the balcony, where we would wait for new students to emerge. The teachers were also up there, and I waved to Stacy as I passed her on my way to the Iudex section. But even as I tried to allow my eyes to slide naturally past Professor Faun, he wouldn’t even look my way. Despite knowing logically that he was good at emotionally shutting himself off, this time felt different, almost loaded.
I settled in my seat while the chairs around me filled up, and I couldn’t help but notice Lindy’s absence. In the Ultor section, Rigel was scanning the seats around me, as though trying to conjure her through sheer force of will. Our eyes finally met, and we silently communicated our shared concern as the lights dipped.
The sudden chime of the organ echoing around us cut our exchange short. Up on the balcony, the instrument was deafening, drowning out even my thoughts as the gleaming metal tentacles vibrated with excitement despite no one sitting at the bench.
Chancellor Ephraim entered below us, ushering in the trembling group of yearlings. As he mounted the stage, the turkey vulture that sprouted from the base of his neck scanned the group as they all shuffled into the front pews.
The sorting felt slower, either from the lack of anticipation or the fact that I could still feel Professor Faun’s eyes on me. Most of it was boring, more or less the same funeral over and over. Although, occasionally, the ceiling would be replaced by a blinding sun or a sheet of rain that would require some flinching.
When the sorting ended, everyone got to their feet and descended the stairs toward the exit.
Rigel and I made eye contact, and he stopped as if trying to fall into step with me.
I shook my head, nodding toward Ephraim, who’d dismounted the stage and walked toward the crowd of students.
He seemed to get the message, rejoining the other demons just as Ephraim came right for him.
“Son,” he said, nodding for Rigel to approach.
Trying not to look directly at them, I slowed my pace, pretending to fiddle with my ribbons while Ephraim pulled Rigel to the side. When most of the crowd had dispersed, I turned invisible and followed the distant sound of their voices down the corridor.
There was a rustling noise as Ephraim said, “Would you mind bringing this to Lindy for me? She was meant to pick it up from my office this morning, but she must have forgotten. I’d send it out with the regular mail delivery, but it’s time sensitive.”
Rigel plucked the red envelope from his hands and nodded, though his Adam’s apple bobbed.
“Good man,” Ephraim said, patting him on the arm. “I expect big things from you this year.”
Rigel chuckled, the sound uncharacteristically dry, like a wheeze. “I appreciate your confidence.”
“I wouldn’t lend it if I didn’t think it was warranted.” A light pop accompanied Ephraim’s door as it appeared on the wall beside them.
I waited until he stepped through and the door disappeared before I approached Rigel, who was flipping the envelope in his fingers.
I became visible, but before I could ask about the envelope, he put a finger to his lips, tipping his head toward the exit.
Once outside, I whispered, “Why did he give you her class schedule?”
“I’m not sure. It’s her last year, and she’s an RA. Maybe they get more information early.”
“Did he seem suspicious that she didn’t show up?”
“Not really, maybe a little concerned.”
My stomach flipped.
We walked into the Iudex dorm together, going straight to Lindy’s door. Rigel twisted the knob, but the lock didn’t give.
“Dammit,” he hissed, pressing his forehead to the dark wood and raising his voice to address her directly. “Lindy, I have something for you. Please let me in.”
“It’s from Ephraim. I think it’s important.”
Still nothing.
He paused before suddenly throwing his foot forward, kicking the door so hard it rattled against its frame.
After a moment of shock, I pinned the toe of his shiny leather shoe with my cane before he could land another blow.
“Stop,” I spat, looking around to check if we had any witnesses.
“Why the fuck isn’t she letting us inside?” he asked, whisper breaking into a whine.
“I don’t know, but you need to relax before you cause more problems.”
He jabbed a finger toward the door, face going blotchy and red. “Why’s she doing this to me?”
I winced at the volume of his words, pulling him down by the collar to swat his cheek. “If you don’t snap out of it, I swear to heaven almighty I’ll kiss you again.”
His eyes lit up.
“Do you think it’ll make her jealous? Do it .”
He lunged for my face, and I just about brought my cane up in time to deflect him.
“Pull it together.”
While he was distracted, I snatched the envelope from his hands and jammed it under her door.
He gawked at me. “Why would you do that? That was our only bargaining chip.”
“It’s not a bargaining chip if it’s time sensitive.” I leaned into the door to ensure she could hear me from inside. “And if she has a single ounce of sense, she won’t go missing any more appointments.”
“What do you suggest we do now?” he asked, voice still irritable but blessedly quiet.
I shrugged, getting back to my feet.
“We could give her the Manuel Noriega treatment,” I offered.
He shot me a wry, unamused smile.
“Yes, because blasting her with Guns N’ Roses won’t court any attention at all .”
“I’m just spitballing here. You’re the one kicking doors.”
“This is why I’m the idea guy,” he grumbled.
“Well, idea guy, I’ll leave you to the brainstorming. I want to lie down.”
He didn’t stop me as I entered my room and closed the door. I pulled on my pajamas and curled up in bed, but I couldn’t convince my brain to sleep. There was something surreal about hearing all the festivities outside my window.
If I were smart, I’d be partying and pretending everything was normal. Instead, I decided to go to the lounge, but when I slipped out of my room, I found Rigel curled up on the floor like a loyal dog.
I tiptoed past him and spent the night playing games in the lounge, desperate for the flashing lights and trilling bells to distract me from everything.
Sometimes, I imagined sneaking off and hiding away in Last Hope until my daughter was old enough to escape. That usually came with a fantasy about brutally torturing Cass, which was at least satisfying. Despite my efforts, the lightest creak or the echo of voices through the walls provoked an odd prickle of hope in me that it was Professor Faun haunting me like he once did. I imagined him materializing behind me, arms coming around me, touching me, and...
The screen before me flashed as my little yellow Pac-Man kamikazed into Blinky.
Irritated, I leaned my elbows forward on the machine, rubbing my eyes in a sour mixture of exhaustion and frustration. How was it that everything I wanted was impossible for me to have?
When I relented and returned to my room the next morning, the familiar thick envelope awaited me on the carpet.
Collapsing on my bed, I pulled everything out to examine.
Dear students,
Exciting news! We’ve recently recovered a student from the cathedral. Based on her vernacular and uniform choice, we’ve deduced that she’s been trapped in the abyss for a few hundred years. Luckily, our curriculum doesn’t often change, so she’s ready to start classes right where she left off. Just remember that if you encounter a student who’s particularly haunted behind the eyes, please be welcoming and friendly!
—Ephraim and faculty
We will be kicking off the year this Thursday with a screening of The Sixth Sense (1999)!
All are welcome, so we hope to see plenty of dead people there!
—The Mortal Media Society
Class Schedule
9 a.m. – 10 a.m.
Fundamentals of Transformation
Corporeality Hall
Room 202
10 a.m. – 11 a.m.
Object Manipulation 201
Main Field
10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Collaboratory Interpersonal Exploitation
2 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Advanced Transparency
Out Building 1
I chucked the papers off the side of my bed, letting them spill across the floor, then wound my arms around myself in a hug.
I hated the surge of excitement pulsing through me from seeing Professor Faun’s class listed for first thing the following morning. My body was expecting something it wouldn’t receive. It made me think of how I’d viewed Rigel sleeping in the hallway.
I’d considered him a loyal dog, as if I were any better. We were both well trained, waiting for a reward that wouldn’t come.