Driven Daddy (Crescent Cove #17) Chapter 20 77%
Library Sign in

Chapter 20


I finished cleaning up the kitchen and put the rest of the wine away.

Colette had headed out a little after Larsen. She had to close up the store and finish some reports, but I was glad to have my friend hang out with me for a little while.

I wasn’t quite sure on the bestie definition that Penn had, but she was probably the first person I’d been comfortable with in too many years to count.

And loving my horror movie—the one horror movie I enjoyed—was pretty damn funny. We actually ended up chatting over our wine for a good hour. I didn’t even worry about what we talked about.

That was so damn new for me.

Awkward was my default with people.

Not that Colette would let me be awkward. She was a champion conversationalist. Probably all those hours working at her shop.

I glanced down at my watch. Where the heck was Penn? I’d gone out to check on him once before, but I could only see wildly flashing lights up on the hill. I didn’t feel comfortable enough to go up there after him.

The sound of voices outside had me slipping out the back door. It was still warm out enough for me to skip a sweater.

I wasn’t sure what I was expecting, but Bridget Sheppard heading my way at a fast clip was definitely not it. Travis and Penn were hustling behind her, ribbing each other from what I could make out.

“Party number two today,” I called out. I turned on the patio lights so they wouldn’t break something getting down to me.

Penn shrugged as he lagged behind his brother.

Bridget seemed a little out of breath, but a big smile was on her face. “Sorry to invite myself over. Just I overheard you were staying down here, and we didn’t get to talk much. You have such a cool career. Have you been an author long?”

Right into it, then. I could do this. Conversation was so easy. Yep, sure. “For years actually. It’s not for the faint of heart, we’ll say. Yours seems even more fun. Well, assuming you like the model you’re working with. Which you obviously do.” I glanced over her shoulder at the very tall, exceedingly attractive Travis. He had a few leaves in his hair and still, he looked like he’d walked off a magazine spread. Funny, he didn’t look like Penn at all.

I cleared my throat. “Also, I actually asked your agent if you’d possibly do another shoot. An outdoor one this time. For my books, not me, personally.”

God, I sounded like an idiot.

Why was I so awkward?

Bridget looked surprised. “Really? I’m sure we could.” She twisted her hair over her shoulder. “I was thinking about cutting back on modeling since we’re trying to have more kids, not to mention I’m tired of trying to watch my weight.” She laughed. “My agent has been shopping a memoir, actually. I was going to use that to ease out of modeling if anyone picked it up. But no nibbles yet.”

“Things you learn,” Travis muttered.

“Oh! Well, you know, you could always self-publish. More and more authors are taking control of their careers that way. Hell, if Taylor can do it, why can’t we?”

“Damn straight,” Penn offered. “Or maybe even Duality Press could hook you up. We’re thinking about forming an imprint for fiction, and maybe non-fiction.”

My stomach twisted a little. Could I really work with someone again?

Could I trust it wouldn’t go horribly wrong?

Penn’s gaze met mine. I think he could see the panic rising because he gave me that smirky smile that made everything inside of me soften.

Bridget swung her gaze to Penn. “No way. Elaine will shit bricks.”

He laughed at that, as did Travis. “I mean, we aren’t Macmillan or anything, but we do our best to keep our authors happy. We’d be honored to take you on, Brig.”

She cupped a hand over her mouth. “Holy shit, really?”

“Yes, really. We will have to read what you have first, of course, but I have no doubt we can make this work for all of us.”

Bridget rushed to grab him in a giant hug before whirling around to hug Travis too. “Sorry, I’ll let you read it first, of course. Just so much was going on, and I didn’t even think about work.”

“That’s just fine. We have an entire lifetime to get caught up.” He cupped the base of her head to tuck her against his shoulder. “I love you. I’m so proud of you.”

She sniffled and squeezed him back.

I wasn’t used to seeing people so easily show how much they cared for one another. I was a little surprised that they were so close, as well. I hadn’t known we’d hired a real-life couple for the photo shoot.

Bridget’s smile was so infectious, I couldn’t hold back my smile in return. “You have to come over this weekend.” She looked back at Travis before linking fingers with him. “We can have a celebratory cookout. That work for you guys? We can offer many mini marshmallows for s’mores, if we go shopping.” She laughed.

Suddenly, she threw herself at me, and I caught her with a laugh. I couldn’t help but hug her back.

“Sorry, I’m an emotional mess,” she said between tears as she gripped my hand. “I was basically the biggest ass ever and ran away from my family, but somehow, they seem willing to take me back. And even new family too?”

I had no idea there was this much going on. Penn and I had been in our own little combative bubble for what seemed to be a lifetime.

Penn came forward and covered our linked hands. I wasn’t quite sure what to say, but she was so refreshingly honest, I didn’t want to retreat into my usual clam self.

Bridget went on. “We’ll let you both enjoy the evening now, but I’m so glad I eavesdropped and came down here.”

I laughed.

Bridget grinned. “So, are you going to stick around here now? Spoiler alert—they don’t make small towns better than Crescent Cove.”

“Yeah, as long as you’re okay with little people,” Travis put in.

“Like real little people? You know, like smaller ones?” I was confused.

Penn laughed heartily. “You’re about as little as they come here. She means kids. Many babies in the Cove.”

“Oh.” I wrinkled my nose. “Yeah, I haven’t given those much thought.”

“You’ll be thinking about them now.” With a wink, Bridget patted my arm. “I’d love having you close. I’m kind of in the market for some girlfriends.”

I exchanged a look with Penn, and his indulgent smile made me relax the rest of the way. “Funny, me too.”

“Well, seems like our timing is good here all around then.” Travis slung his arm around Bridget’s shoulders. “We have Halloween decorations to fuss with before our kid gets back, so we’ll just leave you to…whatever.”

“Whatever works for me.” Penn’s smirk made me roll my eyes.

But when he came down to meet me at the edge of the patio, there was no ego there. Not the man who hurt me at the signing with his offhand comment after I’d had the first real moment of connection with a man in my life.

No, this was the real guy behind the humor and the sly remarks. I’d seen part of him in Asher’s office. The heart and worry he held for his company and the artists he wanted to support.

How much he knew the publishing world could crush people was evident in every move he made. But here, I saw the man behind it all.

The man who actually wanted to be with me.

I held my hand out to him, and he linked his fingers with mine.

I glanced over my shoulder toward the shed. “Is that a flamingo stuck in the ground?”


“For me?”

He shrugged. “Yep.”

I dragged him in closer. “No one has ever given me a flamingo. Especially one that looks like it has a hat on it.”

I couldn’t see all the details in the dark.

“Witch’s hat.”

“Even better.” I went on my toes, the serious part of me dissolved away the humor. “Do you think we’re more than just a pair of authors stuck together for a workshop?”

“Duchess, I knew we were more the first time I saw you through Every Line’s shop window.”


“For real. I’m not the guy who believes in love at first sight.”

I dragged in a sharp breath.

“I’m still not,” he said with a grin. “But you struck me like lightning, and I can’t discount that the Universe or a higher power maybe put us in each other’s path. Guess it’s up to us to see what we do with that.” His smile widened. “And maybe that I’ll learn not to shove my size twelve in my mouth.”

“You do seem to like the taste of those boots of yours.”

He laughed. “I like the taste of you way more.”

I linked my fingers around his neck. “Is that right?”

“It sure is.” He lowered his mouth to mine and we kissed for a long while in the dim lights of the cottage patio with a little extra brightness over the hill where Halloween was having a very big moment.

And when I brought him inside, instead of climbing the stairs, I pulled him over to the couch. I’d rearranged the room with Colette to put the television back on the stand and thanks to the lovely streaming services, I had in my collection I found a copy of Scream .

“Now sit down and you will see why I’m right about the best horror movie of our time.”

He laughed and tugged me down. “Whatever you say, Duchess.”

I didn’t even get mad when he curled onto his side, put his head in my lap, and fell asleep halfway through.

It had been a long day for all of us.

And this was just about the most perfect way to end it.

I sunk my fingers into his thick hair and watched Sidney and Gale kick butt.

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