Duncan’s Honor (The Aegis Network: Jacksonville Division #7) Chapter 15 83%
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Chapter 15


D uncan had hoped for a little more alone time with Chastity, but their room soon filled with his crew and they needed a plan.

Logan sat at the desk, while Ramey and Dylan kept a watchful eye on the house.

Arthur leaned against the wall with his arms folded. Buddy stood next to him in the same position. If Duncan had a best friend, it would be Buddy, though all his brothers-in-arms were family.

Kent sat on the floor with Garth and Hawke. They were a few years younger than Duncan, but a few years older than Chastity, which meant she was the only peon in the group.

And that thought reminded him that she was pregnant and only a couple months away from a desk job. He worried that might make her stir-crazy, but it would only be temporary, and he wasn’t going to be the kind of husband—wow, did he just think that?

Well, he wouldn’t be the man who stood in the way of his woman’s dreams.

“Ramey says there are five armed men at every access point of the house and one on the roof,” Logan said. “We don’t know what’s inside. However, I suspect we will soon.”

“We need to take out the man on top first,” Buddy said. “And that’s not going to be easy. He’s got one hell of a view of the property up there.”

“Actually, if we create a diversion on the water, that will draw everyone’s attention there, and we can come in from the back and flank them,” Arthur said, rubbing his chin.

“Chastity and I will create the diversion.” Duncan didn’t want Chastity anywhere near this crazy plan, but he knew she wouldn’t stay behind. He wouldn’t say anything about her being pregnant in front of their crew, but he would plead with her once they were alone.

If they were ever alone.

“Buddy and I will come in from the east,” Arthur said authoritatively. “Ramey and Dylan will come in from the west.”

“Hawke, you take the back of the house. I don’t think they’ll take a man off that post even with a diversion,” Buddy said.

“Once their men are on the move, I’ll flank to the front and enter from the main door,” Garth said.

“I think we have a solid plan.” Arthur nodded. “Hawke and Garth, why don’t you two go relieve Ramey and Dylan, so they can get an hour of shut-eye before we spring into action.”

“Sure thing,” Garth said, jumping to a standing position. At six foot four, Garth might be the tallest member of the crew.

“I think we need to go in earlier,” Hawke said. Half the time, everyone called him ‘Runt.’ At five-nine, he was definitely the shortest, except Chastity.

“We stick with five in the morning unless you get wind they are on the move earlier.” Buddy rubbed the back of his neck.

“I agree,” Chastity said, pressing her leg against Duncan’s on the sofa in a subtle gesture of affection.

He resisted the urge to pull her close. He knew she’d push away with their co-workers in the same room and worse, she’d be mad at him.

“Keep your comms on,” Arthur said.

“Will do.” Garth pushed open the door, and Hawke followed him out. They were good men, and Duncan was grateful to have them involved in this mission.

Arthur pushed from the wall and stepped closer to the sofa. “This is a good plan. We’ll nail these bastards and bring your sister home.”

“I can’t tell you what it means to me that you and everyone else came,” Chastity said.

“We take care of our own,” Buddy said as he slapped Arthur on the back. “Let’s leave these two lovebirds alone.”

Chastity coughed.

Duncan followed suit.

Buddy and Arthur’s laughter echoed down the hall, even after they slammed the door shut.

“I didn’t say anything about us, I swear.” Duncan shifted, pulling her onto his lap.

Her arms looped over his shoulders and her hand went right through his hair. “Buddy overheard me talking to Kaelie a few weeks ago.”

“Do they know about the?—”

She covered his mouth with her palm. “No. I told you I just found out right before my mom called about Serenity. I was confiding in Kaelie about the fact we slept together, and you acted like a jerk afterward.”

“I’m going to be apologizing for that for the rest of my life, aren’t I?”

She dropped her forehead to his and closed her eyes. “No. I understand why. But I feel like you only want to get back with me because of the baby.”

“I’m sorry that’s how you feel, but it’s not true. I told you I wanted us to date before you dropped the bomb.”

“Are you sure you weren’t just being supportive and trying to be there for me when I told you Serenity was missing?”

“Open your eyes.” He cupped her face as her lashes fluttered. “I have a confession to make.”

“What’s that?”

“There was no big get-together planned the other night at my place. I only invited you, and I was going to make homemade pizza and wings and try to seduce you with my witty charm. And if that didn’t work, I would grovel on my hands and knees for a second chance.”


He smiled at the way she bit down on her lower lip, her eyes wide with surprise, a touch of desire, and a twinge of doubt.

Doubt he’d put there.

He picked her up and carried her across the room to the bed, laying her down gently, propping the pillows up behind her head before resting next to her sweet body. “I wasn’t lying when I said our friendship means everything to me, only we go way deeper than that.”

“You’re irresistible when you get like this,” she said.

He sprawled his hand over her tight belly, fanning his thumb gently before scooting down and lifting up her shirt, dabbing kisses on her warm skin. It was hard to believe that his baby was growing inside her.

“What are you doing?” she asked as her stomach quivered with a giggle.

He snapped his head up. “We have a couple of hours to kill, and no one will bother us.”

“These walls are paper-thin. I can hear the television in the next room.”

“Okay.” He sat up, searching for the remote, and flipped the TV on, not caring about what was playing. “So, they will hear our television, and we’ll just be quiet.” He whipped his shirt off, tossing it to the floor.

She had crossed her ankles and put her hands behind her head. Seductive and gorgeous weren’t even close to how she looked, smiling up at him with lust filling her ocean orbs.

“I can be quiet, but can you? I mean, you made this?—”

He quickly shoved his tongue in her mouth. He really didn’t want to be reminded of his near-howl of a month ago. He hadn’t made that noise since the first time he’d had sex. It had built up in his throat, getting caught as he held his breath, trying to hold on to the moment for as long as he could.

It hadn’t lasted nearly long enough the first time.

Or with her.

He hoped his performance would be a tad better the second time around, but it hadn’t. He had no control when it came to Chasitity.

He wiggled her out of her shirt and bra like a horny teenager, their lips constantly finding each other in wild passion. He wanted to slow it down. To make it less desperate.

But holy hell, he desperately needed to be inside her.

Then she flipped him on his back, straddling him, staring at him with a wicked smile.

“Whoa,” he mused as her tongue darted out of her mouth and down his chest, over his tight, sensitive nipple. He hissed.

That only made her do it again.

And again.

Her fingers glided down his stomach, and she easily popped open the button to his jeans. Before he could even think to protest, her hand firmly circled him, stroking slowly as she teased the tip with her tongue.

His toes curled as he pushed her hair to the side and watched as he disappeared into her hot mouth.

“Chastity,” he said in a breathy moan.

She glanced up at him, lapping at the tip, letting her teeth graze his sensitive skin.

“Oh my God,” he whispered. “You’re driving me mad here.”

Her lips quivered into a smile before her eyelids closed and she took all of him, gliding up and down, her hand following, adding more pressure.

He’d explode right there if he didn’t stop her and catch his breath.

Tugging at her hair, he kicked his pants to the floor and swiftly removed hers. “My turn,” he whispered.

“Oh yeah,” she said, rolling to her back, but she misjudged where she was on the bed and she flopped herself right off. “Shit,” she mumbled as she hit the floor with a thud.

He tried not to laugh, but he couldn’t help it.

“Are you okay?” He gave her a hand and pulled her into his arms.

“Just totally embarrassed.” She brushed back her hair that had fallen over her flushed face. “Only I would fall out of bed in the middle of sex.”

“I adore your klutziness,” he said, tracing his forefinger across her lips, down her collarbone, and over her nipples.

He watched them tighten and pucker with the pleasure he brought them. Her breathing labored, and she arched her back.

Losing himself in her body, he tried to kiss every inch of her before settling between her legs. She tasted like bottled-up ocean air and honeysuckle. Her scent was more intoxicating than the strongest whiskey. He’d never stop wanting to please her in every way. He wanted to be the icing on her cake. As cheesy as it sounded, he wanted to complete her. To be her other half. To be the one man she could rely on for everything, but especially, he wanted to be the man she thought of before she went to bed at night and the first thing she thought of in the morning.

Lord knew she was all he could think about.

“So beautiful,” he said against her. Her fingers threaded in his hair, pulling him closer. Her hips rolled with his touch.

Her soft moans grew louder and deeper. She tossed her head back and forth, her nails digging into his scalp.

“Duncan,” she cried out, probably a little too loudly.

But he loved hearing his name tumble out of her mouth as she was on the verge of climaxing.

He licked and sucked and teased, wanting to make her scream her passion. But she covered her face with a pillow and muffled the sweet sounds.

Her body jerked and twitched as he kissed his way across her stomach, tossing the pillow aside and pressing his erection against her.

“Oh God, yes,” she begged, wrapping her legs around his waist and guiding him deep inside.

He groaned.

“This might get loud.” He covered her mouth with a ferocious kiss, hoping that would silence them both, but with every thrust, the headboard hit the wall. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” he whispered, pulling her lower on the bed.

“If they didn’t hear me before, they sure as hell heard that.” She buried her head in his neck, grinding her hips.

But again, the damn headboard thumped against the wall.

“Screw the bed,” he said as he stood, lifting her with him, keeping their bodies joined.

“What the hell?” She gripped his shoulders, staring at him, her ankles locked behind his back.

“If I didn’t know Arthur and Buddy were in the other room, I wouldn’t give a crap about the goddamn banging, but holy hell, it’s a buzzkill.”

“Maybe this will help,” she whispered in his ear as she raised her body up and then lowered it.

“Oh yeah.” He sat down on the chair in front of the desk. “I like this position better anyway.”

“Me too,” she mused, rolling her hips and arching her back, giving him full access to her round breasts.

He suckled and pinched them while he flexed his feet, trying to maintain control. He focused on her body and how to please it, hoping he’d be able to give her another orgasm before he erupted.

Her moans bounced off the walls, tickling his ears like the wind sailing across the ocean. He gripped her hips, holding tight, gritting his teeth, but it wasn’t going to stop the low, deep growl that vibrated from his throat.

“Duncan,” she said in a breathy pant as she clamped down around him, her body shaking with release.

“Chastity,” he whispered. “Beautiful Chastity.” He kissed her neck as she dropped her head to his shoulder.

They held each other for a long moment, his hands running up and down her back, fingers drawing over her spine. He didn’t want to let her go.

Knock! Knock!

“Duncan? Chastity?” Buddy called as the wood rattled.

“Open that door, and you’re a dead man walking,” Duncan yelled.

Chastity leaped from his lap, tripping over something, and her naked body hit the floor with a thud.

“Shit,” she mumbled.

He quickly pulled her upright. “You okay?”

The door rattled.

“Hang on, asshole,” Duncan yelled, holding her by the shoulders, staring into her wide eyes. “You better go get dressed before he comes in but try not to trip.”

“Now who’s the asshole?” She kissed his cheek, then turned and raced around the room for her clothes, tossing his at him.

He laughed, hiking up his pants. “Ready?”

“No but go ahead.”

Duncan ran a hand through his hair, but it was hopeless. The entire room smelled of sex. He twisted the lock, then opened the door. “What is it?”

“We tried calling you both,” Buddy said with his hands on his hips. “Something’s going on down at the house. We need to move now.”

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