D uncan stepped out onto the porch and stared at the wide-open spaces.
“Have a seat, son,” George said from the rocking chair. His shotgun leaned against the railing.
Glancing at the two beers in his hands, Duncan couldn’t decide whether to turn and run or drink both. He handed George one and eased into the other chair. “Beautiful night.”
“It is indeed.” George sipped before setting the drink on the small table and snagging his weapon, letting it rest across his lap. “I do appreciate all that you’ve done for my family. Risking your life to bring back my little girl means a lot.”
“I was happy to do it, and honestly, it’s what the Aegis Network is trained to do.”
“You’re a humble and honorable man.” George shifted his gaze.
Duncan swallowed. Hard.
“And even a man of God, which is why I’m a little baffled that my daughter doesn’t have an engagement ring on her finger.” George lowered his chin.
“Actually, sir. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.”
“Is it now.” He ran his hand over the hard metal of his shotgun. “My wife and Chastity think they have kept me in the dark, but lets you and I be honest with one another, shall we?”
“Of course, sir. That’s what I’m trying to do.” He pounded his chest, clearing his throat. “I love Chastity and I’d like for your blessing.”
“Are you asking for her hand in marriage?”
“Yes, sir, I am,” Duncan said, reaching into his pocket. “This is my grandmother’s ring and I’d like to ask Chastity tonight.”
George cocked a brow. “And does my daughter know this will be happening?”
Jesus. This man wasn’t going to cut him any slack. “Um, well, yes. We’ve discussed it.”
“You know, back in my day, marriage came before the children. Before pregnancy. Before…” He smiled. “Oh, for the love all things holy. I can’t keep this up.” He set his gun to the side. “This was all Chastity’s idea. She told me you were utterly terrified of me, which, if you were younger and didn’t know what you wanted out of life, I might have been worried. But you love each other. You’re good for each other. And I’m going to be a grandpa. What more could a man want.” He stood, yanking Duncan from his chair. “Welcome to the family.”
“You’re not going to shoot me?”
“If you break my little girl’s heart, I might.” George slapped him on the back.
The front door screeched open and Chastity stepped outside with a bright smile. “Daddy, you’re an old softie.” She gave him a big hug and kiss on the cheek. “Now go away so I can get my ring.”
Duncan laughed. “And you accuse me of taking all the romance out of everything.” He slipped the ring onto her finger. “I love you. Will you do me the honor of being my wife?”
“Damn straight, it will be your honor.” She raised up on tiptoe and kissed his cheek. “My mom made a big cake and she’s already crying.”
“Wait until we go back to my parents’ house. It will be more of the same.”
“I’m sure glad you carried me home that night,” she said. “I’m going to enjoy loving you and watching you be a great father.”