Duty and Desire (Honor Bound #2) Chapter 13 87%
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Chapter 13



T he light was only just starting to sneak its way around the edges of the curtain when Ros awoke bleary-eyed. Scarlett was snuggled into her side, her face so peaceful in sleep. Ros’s arm, trapped beneath Scarlett’s torso, had lost feeling at some point during the night. She gingerly pulled it out, trying not to disturb her. Tingling flooded through her fingers, followed almost immediately by fiery pain. She squeezed her hand tight, trapping the curses that so desperately wanted to fly from her mouth. But she couldn’t wake Scarlett, not when she was snoozing so soundly, obviously in dire need of the rest.

Each muffled sound, as she fumbled around in the darkness for her clothes, made her wince and check nervously. It was almost funny how difficult it had proven for her to just dress herself in the dim light. If it had been a test, she’d certainly have failed it.

Wiping away sleep from her bleary eyes, she stumbled her way through to the kitchenette, desperately pawing at the coffee machine to start brewing. It gurgled to life, and buoyed by the promised drink, she headed to the bathroom, intent on corralling her short silver hair into order. She hadn’t thought about it still being wet when her head had sunk into the pillow last night as she was too focused on Scarlett, but she was paying for it now. Gel and brush at the ready, she began to tame her bedhead.

Ros, now freshly groomed, walked back into the kitchenette just as the smell of coffee hit her. She smiled, feeling the warmth of the familiar routine. She poured herself a steaming mug and carried it into the living area. The old couch creaked as she flopped down and rested her head against the cushions. She let out a deep sigh.

Her mind immediately drifted to the conversation with Colonel Hale only a few days ago. They could no longer hide their relationship—not after what they had been through, and certainly not after she had fought so hard to get Scarlett back. Hiding felt like betrayal, not just of Scarlett but of herself, of the life they were building together.

She sipped her coffee and smiled bitterly. It wasn’t like the military had ever made space for personal feelings, not in the way Ros had needed. But now with Scarlett back in her arms, she couldn’t imagine life without her. It was like Scarlett had filled a hole Ros never knew existed. She wouldn’t—couldn’t—give that up.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the soft padding of feet across the floor. Scarlett, sleepy but smiling, stepped into the living room. Ros raised her coffee mug in greeting.

“Coffee’s ready,” she said softly. “Help yourself to breakfast if you want.”

Scarlett gave her a sleepy grin and shuffled into the kitchenette, emerging a few minutes later with her own mug. Ros patted the seat next to her, and Scarlett curled up beside her, resting her head on Ros’s shoulder. For a moment, they just sat there in the quiet, savoring the peace that came with being together.

Mug half empty, Ros finally felt just about awake enough to face the conversation they urgently needed to have.

“I’ve been thinking this morning while you were asleep,” she began.

“Hmm, what about?” Scarlett’s voice was still husky from sleep.

“Us. What we should do. Next steps. All that sort of stuff.”

“Ugh, guess I’d better finish this coffee. I need to be at least half awake for this.” She drained the remnants of her drink in one swig. “Go on then. I shouldn’t fall asleep on you now.”

“Well, first things first, I’m not letting you go again. I’ve only just got you back. It nearly broke both of us last time I tried, so there won’t be a repeat of that.”

“You couldn’t get rid of me if you tried. I’m like a limpet.”

“But we can’t go back to trying to hide it. We weren’t any good at it anyway. I, for one, couldn’t keep my eyes off you.”

“Quite right too. I’m hot stuff.”

“You are. Shush.” She silenced her with a kiss before continuing. “And besides that, I don’t want you to be a secret. I want to shout about you to the skies. You’re mine, and I want everyone to know.”

“God, I love you. But with Hale on our case, how can we do that?”

Ros nodded slowly. “That’s why I’ve been thinking. We talk to General Talbot today. Lay it all out. I’ll take responsibility for it.”

“You? But…Ros, this isn’t just on you. I’m part of this too.”

Ros smiled softly. “I know. But I’m the one in charge here. I’ve been asking myself if this career is worth losing you. And it’s not.”

“But you’ve given everything for it. Worked your whole life to get where you are now. Surely you can’t just throw that all away.”

“It won’t be throwing it away. Besides, we’ve no idea what Talbot will say.”

“Are you sure about this? There might be other options.”

“Honestly, no, I’m not sure. I know Talbot, and he is fair. I think he’ll hear me out. But I can never be sure. I do think this is our best chance, though. He’s far more likely to be lenient if he hears it from us rather than Hale.”

“Fine, if you think so.”

“You’d best get dressed, though. Somehow I don’t think it will help us make a good impression if you turn up dressed in my PJs.” Ros laughed, kissing Scarlett’s cheek, now tinged with pink at the thought.

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