Elliot (Guardian Defenders #10) Chapter 10 40%
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Chapter 10


E lliot waited outside the bathroom while Maya cleaned up. “Dude, she’s had a tough life, but she’s made it. Respect,” Con said.

Elliot walked several steps away from the door before responding. “Who are the dead?”

“A congressional aide and a minor reality star from one of the OG shows. No connection to Maya. Also, they found an explosive device under the stage. Smoke and Charley were on the scene because no one could control Charlie, and Smoke assisted the bomb squad with dismantling it. The thing is, it didn’t have a timer or trigger that Smoke could see. He wants to examine it as forensics tears it apart.”

“And the injured?”

“A senator’s wife. A bullet grazed her shoulder. She’ll be released shortly. One is in serious condition. A bullet to the upper chest. Ross’s husband said he was unusually lucky as the bullet didn’t hit anything critical. He’s in surgery now to repair the hole. He’s a competitor of Maya’s. His name is Dillon Ulman.”

“Competitor, how?” Elliot scanned the hallway. Ross was talking with two of his people, and Maya hadn’t come out of the restroom yet. But that was understandable. She’d want time to pull herself together.

“It seems they were developing the robotics she’s bringing to IPO at the same time. Her teams were successful in incorporating cutting-edge tech and, later, AI. Medically, this system is the development of the century, according to the people I’ve been reading.”

“And Ulman’s teams were unsuccessful?”

“Underfunded, understaffed, and unsuccessful. According to several articles, at one point, they were nip and tuck, but Maya had deeper pockets and was able to bring the best to her team.”

“And where was he in relationship to us?”

“That’s just it. He wasn’t on the guest list,” Con said. “I sent that to Ross. I expect he’ll be interviewed.”

Another data point to add to the web the case had become. “And the security system at Maya’s office?”

“Done as of about ten minutes ago. I have the feeds coming here, and I have a program to identify anyone who enters the elevator or opens the stairwell door. If some idiot decides to go into her office, I’ll know. We’ve got the checkpoint coming tomorrow, so her people will be informed by us doing checks on the way out. If they don’t have a badge on them on the way out, they’ll be photographed, checked against employee records, and logged in.”

“Perfect. Thank you.”

“Oh, and, man, you owe me for telling my mom I’d call.”

“Bullshit. Your mom was shot at. You were going to call her anyway.” Elliot rolled his eyes so hard it hurt.

“Yeah, well, you didn’t need to tell her,” Con grumped.

“Suck it up.” Elliot chuckled.

“Oh, damn, hold on.”

Elliot watched Ross come down the hall. He held up a hand and pointed at his ear.

Ross stood quietly until Con came back online. “We have one Jessica Hall in the office, and she’s making a beeline straight to Maya’s office. She has a backpack. And … hmmmm …”

“What?” Elliot snapped.

“Oh, sorry, she just set a folder on Maya’s desk and then left. She’s in her own office now. I’ll keep watching.”

“Thanks.” He looked at Ross. “Did we locate Chandler Kates?”

“Yep. He’s in our holding area right now. I wondered if you’d like to participate in his questioning.”

“Definitely.” Elliot glanced at the bathroom door. “Can you keep him on ice until she’s out?”

“Yep, and then we’ll let her sit behind the mirror. Con got his juvie records unsealed. Seems Mr. Kates has a stalking problem. That, and there was an allegation of sexual assault, but that was dropped. The restraining orders are extensive. Seems he fixates on someone and has delusions about the extent of the relationship. One girl’s parents took him to court and wouldn’t settle like the others. The judge ordered Chandler evaluated. Seems he spent some time in a facility after that. The case was adjudicated, and he was deemed not competent to stand trial. Now, whether that was a play by Kates’ foundation or not, we don’t have a clue.”

“Anything else?”

“Ah, yes. The court records indicate Chandler left gifts for the women when they didn’t return his affections.”

Elliot let out a long breath. “So, we have our person.”

“It would seem.” Ross nodded. “Let’s see if we can end this case for you.”

Elliot nodded, but for the first time in his life, he wished Guardian wasn’t so damn good. He’d hate to leave Maya. After tonight? But then again, the night might not have been about her. And that was a good thing. Damn it.

Maya came out of the bathroom, her face free of makeup. She smiled embarrassedly, explaining, “It’s better than the raccoon eyes.”

“You look perfect,” Elliot said as she approached them, and he wasn’t joking. She had a span of freckles across her nose he didn’t know she had.

“Hardly,” she said. “I’m sorry, Mr. Stapleton. I don’t know what came over me.”

“We do,” Ross said. “This evening wasn’t easy.”

She smiled and glanced down at the floor. Elliot took that as the cue. “We have Chandler Kates in the interview room, and we’ve found out some interesting things. I’m going to sit in on the interview. Would you like to watch?”

“Please. And could you tell him not to contact me again?”’

“I think that can be arranged,” Ross said as he led them through a maze of offices. “We’ll go in here.” Ross opened the door, and Maya followed him into the viewing area of the interview room. A man standing by the door lifted away. “I’m Asher Hudson, lead investigator here in the New York office.”

“I’m Elliot Sawyer, PSO for Maya Callahan.”

“You’re more than that, sir. Everyone knows who Lima One is.” Asher opened the door before Elliot could even register the shock of that statement. “Mr. Kates, my name is Asher Hudson, lead investigator for Guardian Security. This is Elliot Sawyer, one of Guardian’s best. I believe the two of you have met.”

Chandler frowned at Elliot. “You didn’t say you were a cop.”

“I’m not.” Elliot pulled out the chair, sat down, and pulled the back of his bow tie, unraveling the knot. He unbuttoned the top button of his collar to loosen it. “I’m a Guardian.”

“That’s the same thing.” Kates dismissed him.

“Mr. Kates, you have no idea what or who this man is, but that isn’t why you’re here.”

“Why am I here? I want a lawyer.”

“Fine. Have fun in your next mental institution.” Asher stood up, and Elliot took his cue from the investigator.

“What did you say?” Chandler stood up. “What do you mean by that?” Elliot watched as the color drained from his face.

“I can’t talk to you without your lawyer. Sorry.”

“No! I’ll waive my lawyer. For now. I’ll sign something.”

Asher looked at Elliot and then sighed. “Fine.” He sat back down, opened the file, and lifted the top sheet off it. “These are your rights. I’ll read them to you as you read them.”

Chandler grabbed the pen on the table and signed the document. “I’m literate. I don’t need you to read them to me. Now, explain that.”

Asher lifted the cover on the photo and laid out pictures of the dead rats.

Chandler’s forehead frowned, and his head snapped up. “What’s this? That’s disgusting.”

“Your presents to Maya Callahan are disgusting?”

“What? No! No, that wasn’t me.” The man pushed away from the table and shook his head from side to side. “I didn’t do that. I’m in therapy. I know I have issues. I’ve got issues, okay, but the animals I sent when I was a kid were already dead. I got them from a pet store. They were supposed to be for snakes. I didn’t kill anything.” The man shuddered and rubbed his arms.

“Can you tell me where you were yesterday and the day before?” Asher leaned back in his chair.

“I can. I was in Connecticut with friends. You can call them. I’ll give you their contact information.”

Asher pulled out a piece of paper and a pen. Chandler grabbed it and pulled out his phone. He started scribbling numbers. “There.”

“Can you tell me where you went when you left the venue tonight?” Asher asked as he put the numbers in the file.

“The bar on the corner of the block. I was talking to the bartender when we heard the shots. I didn’t know what the popping was, but someone ran in and said someone was shooting near the hall. I ran out. By the time I got there, it was insane.”

“Hold on, I have that footage,” Con said in Elliot’s ear. Elliot glanced over to Asher and held up his finger.

Asher stared at Chandler. “We’re checking.”

“How?” Chandler looked from one to the other.

“Fuck. He’s telling the truth.” Con sighed.

“He’s telling the truth about where he was,” Elliot said.

“What? Are you a mind reader or something?” Chandler scooted his chair away from Elliot.

“Something like that,” Elliot said and crossed his arms. “How often have you been to Maya Callahan’s office?”

Chandler looked down. “Probably too many times. But I only wanted to talk to her, and she wasn’t answering my calls. You have to understand; I know we’re perfect for each other. With her business acumen and my connections, we’d be the city’s power couple.” Chandler closed his eyes and smiled. “She’s perfect.” The movement of the man’s hips in a thrusting movement was too fucking much. Elliot used his foot and pushed Chandler’s chair. The man’s eyes popped open, and he grabbed at the table. “Why did you do that?”

“Because she isn’t for you.”

Chandler narrowed his eyes and retorted, “Is she for you?”

Elliot leaned forward and stared at the weasel in front of him. “That isn’t your business. Maya Callahan isn’t your business or your concern. If you ever try to see her or contact her again, you’ll deal with me, and let me assure you, Mr. Kates, I have killed and not helpless little animals.”

Any color on Kates’ face disappeared as Elliot stood up and leaned over the man. Elliot whispered, “Tell me you understand, or I’ll visit you sooner rather than later.”

Kates pushed back hard, tipping his chair over. He crab-walked backward on the floor, sitting in the corner. “I understand. Shit, man, I understand.”

“Language, Mr. Kates.” Asher stood up. “We’re going to track down your friends and confirm your alibi. You’ll be our guest for a couple of hours. Make yourself comfortable.”

“Wait, am I being charged with something? If I’m not, I can leave. I know my rights,” the man said from the corner of the room where he was sitting.

“Domestic terrorism is the charge. We can hold you as long as we want.” Asher tucked the folder under his arm.

“What? Terrorism? I wasn’t there! Ask the bartender. I didn’t shoot anyone!”

“All it takes to arrange something like this is money, Mr. Kates, and you do have that.” Asher winked at the guy and opened the door. Elliot walked out without a backward glance. Asher shut the door behind them and turned to Elliot. “Dude, you can interview suspects with me anytime. And thanks for kicking him out of his fucking wet dream in there. Sick mother was fantasizing about her.”

Elliot’s jaw cranked tighter. He knew it. The viewing room door opened, and Ross followed Maya out. He looked over Maya’s head and mouthed, Sick bastard . Elliot nodded and then focused on his charge. “Are you ready to go home?”

“I am so ready,” she admitted, her shoulders slumping a bit.

“I’ve got a driver and an armored limo waiting for you. I know you have a service, but the big boss has authorized this and said there would be no arguments,” Ross said.

“There’s no arguing with that man.” Elliot put his hand on Maya’s back. “Let’s go.”

She stopped and looked back at Ross. “I was serious, Mr. Stapleton. I would like to help whoever was injured during the shooting if they need it.”

“Ma’am, we checked. There was one injury that would require hospitalization. We’re working on discerning why the individual was at the location because he wasn’t staff, nor did he have an invitation.”

Maya frowned and then shook her head. “He was probably someone’s plus one.” She turned to Elliot. “Like you were tonight.”

“We’ll work that angle, too. Thank you, and good night. I hope the next time we meet, it will be on a better occasion.” Ross smiled at her.

Maya smiled tiredly. “I do, too.”

Elliot escorted her through the maze of offices that were surprisingly still busy that late at night. When they were in the elevator, she leaned against his arm. “I’m sorry. I’m so tired.”

He put his arm around her and held her gently. He didn’t want her to be sorry for leaning on him. And that was a problem, but he didn’t give a flying fuck … hell, he had absolutely no fucks left to give. The elevator door opened, and they made their way to the limo waiting for them. The driver was out and opened the back door for them. He helped her in, and instead of getting into the front of the car, he got into the back. He tapped his comms device twice, muting his side of the device. Con had been silent, so he was either busy or had shut down for the night.

Maya leaned against his shoulder. He lifted his arm, and she leaned against his chest. Then he dropped his arm over her shoulder. She hummed something and relaxed against him. He watched traffic as she slept against him. The protective beast that lived inside him beat his chest when Elliot let his guard down. That feeling … God, it had been so long since he’d let himself feel good. He drew a deep breath. Maya was a beautiful woman with a beautiful spirit, too. He’d watched her work, watched her with the political and entertainment elite tonight, and watched her with the wait staff. She was kind to everyone. Her work ethic was incredible, and she had standards that she applied evenly to her workers and herself. If it wasn’t Chandler sending the dead rats, who could it be? Instinctively, he tightened his arm around Maya. She sighed and then fell back into a deep sleep.

Elliot was missing a connection. There was something that connected everything together. What was it? What was he missing?

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