Chapter Four
T he information in the file Rogue and I were given indicates Sanders frequents a human club less than an hour outside of Haven, and he’s most likely to be found there on Friday and Saturday nights.
It’s a long-ass drive, but without Gemma on this assignment, we don’t have access to siphoning.
Rogue drives separately, and I don’t question it. She’s a big fan of solitude, and it gives me a chance to slowly meander past the North American Pack Lands.
There was a time when the North American Prime Alpha ruled over thousands, but since the population crisis, I’ve heard the pack numbers are minuscule compared to what they used to be.
My wolf is drawn to be near other wolves, and the more I deny her, the more problematic she becomes.
I have no desire to stalk the North American Pack.
That’s all her.
Rogue watches from the bar as I circle the dance floor. Tonight may be a bust. We’ve been here for hours and, so far, Sanders hasn’t shown.
My hair falls in my face as I make my way up the bar.
“Nothing?” Rogue shoves my drink at me. “Because that’s what I’ve got—a whole lot of nothing.”
I take a long swig of the beer that’s no longer cool and refreshing.
“That’s unfortunate.” The double entendre holds for how terrible the warm beer is and for our situation.
Our luck was riding on Rogue being able to catch something with her soothsayer abilities. Unlike her dad, who only gets visions of the past, Rogue can see things in the past, present, and occasionally the future.
If she could snag a snapshot of a past meeting between Sanders and The Doctor, that could tell us more than finding the target himself, especially if he’s uncooperative.
“So, tonight is a bust.” I twist to scan the crowd, wishing I’d worn a dress. Based on what I’m seeing, I would have fit in better. Not that my jeans and tank top stand out, but I might be more approachable if I wasn’t dressed in my hunting attire.
“Agreed,” Rogue says.
Spotting the bathroom in the back corner, I turn back to my partner. “If we’re calling it, I need to hit the bathroom before we leave.”
She nods, and her whitish-blonde hair falls around her face. “I’ll make sure the tab is closed out. Do you want me to wait for you, so we can leave together?”
I snort. “No. It’s fine. I’ll be three minutes behind you.”
Fluffing out my long blonde hair in the mirror, I try to determine if I look as exhausted as I feel. Makeup covers some of it, but there are dark circles under my eyes.
Ugh. My mom better not have cursed me with her omega genetics. That’s not possible if my wolf is an alpha…right?
No, there’s no way, but I’m going to see my Aunt Nadia tomorrow to ask for a birth control refresher. It’s not quite time, but I don’t want to risk it when my mom is super freaking fertile, thanks to her omega DNA.
Rolling my shoulders back, I tug open the bathroom door and glance around in an attempt to make sure I don’t run into anyone. My eyes land on a man leaning against the far side of the hall.
There’s no way to determine what species he is, but he has a slender build with wide shoulders and extremely long legs. Come to think of it, he’s just really tall in general. He’s wearing a black cloak that’s tight-fitted and goes halfway down his thighs.
On anyone else, I’d probably call it a cardigan that doesn’t close, but somehow the stranger pulls it off in a way that makes him seem dangerous. The hood is pulled up, covering most of his hair. Four French braids frame the top of his head, peeking out of the top of his hood. It’s hard to tell if his hair is blond or light brown, but his sharp cheekbones flex as he catches me frozen in place.
His eyes are a piercing gray, stubble lines his chiseled jaw, and dual rings in one nostril complete the package.
Apparently, I stumbled into Punk Rock Elf.
Except, he might not be elven. It’s impossible to tell without checking his ears, since I’m not close enough to pick it up from his scent.
All the air seems to evaporate from my lungs as I give him another once-over. There’s no doubt he’s attractive, but now I’m wondering who he’s waiting for with his hands in his pockets and his booted foot up against the wall behind him.
Glancing over my shoulder, I scan the women’s room, but it’s just as empty as it was thirty seconds ago. My head whips around at the sound of moving air.
All sorts of monsters can move that fast and that silently, so I’m not sure why I wasn’t expecting him to. I stumble back a step, which is an unacceptable sign of weakness.
I’m sturdier than I look. My shifter genetics are to thank for that, but I’m also nearly five-ten barefoot. The man still lifts me and steps several feet into the women’s room.
The door closes with a thunk as his eyes swirl in some mesmerizing pattern I can’t seem to look away from.
My wolf whines and begins to pace in my mind, and even that isn’t enough to distract me from his glistening gray orbs. My teeth dig into my lower lip as I try to stay focused.
Something isn’t right here.
He bends low until we stare at each other at eye level. His nostrils flare, showing off the two black hoops on one side of his nose.
“I scented something I haven’t smelled in…quite some time. Imagine my surprise when I followed my nose directly to you.” He brings a hand up, running calloused fingers over my cheek while I’m still trying to place his accent. It almost sounds British, or maybe Scottish, but there’s some ancient inflection that makes either of those seem not quite right. “What are you?”
“You should know if you recognize the smell.”
“Brave, huh?” His low chuckle fills the air, and his breath fans over my face. It’s not a bad smell. It’s a little like wintergreen or maybe spearmint gum. “Or perhaps young and unknowing.”
My eyes narrow, and I finally find my senses. Pulling a hand up, I slap his away. My wolf’s annoyance causes my eyes to flicker amber, but I can only tell because it illuminates his pale skin.
“Not young or unknowing .” I mock his accent. “I might not be ancient, but I’d say I know more than you, considering I fully understand the concept of allowing someone their personal space.”
“Cheeky.” He chuckles. “What brought you out to such a delightful human establishment on this fine evening?” His eyes dilate, and my head gets fuzzy.
Some supernaturals have the ability to force the truth from weaker beings.
Vampires, especially, are known for being able to mindfuck their victims and anyone not as powerful as they are. Rogue’s dad, Silence, also has that gift, but he rarely uses it. Likewise, if Rogue does, I’ve never seen it in action.
The foggy feeling intensifies until my entire body gets warm and fuzzy and a little floaty. My wolf growls her displeasure, and it snaps me out of the haze enough to remember that I’m here for a job I’m not allowed to mention.
“I came with a friend,” I hear myself say. “She wanted to find a guy.”
Okay, technically, that wasn’t a lie. It was definitely subverting the truth, but it was accurate enough.
“How intriguing,” he murmurs and takes a quick step back. “And if you were looking for a male…what would your search criteria be?”
“A wolf,” I blurt out and bite the inside of my cheek to keep from saying more.
“Hmm, if I were searching for a wolf, I would likely check pack lands, but I’m sure you know better than I do how to locate a shifter.” He chuckles, and it sounds kinda dangerous. “What’s your name, little wolf?”
“Ember,” I answer on autopilot.
“Lorcan.” His fingers brush my cheek again. “It’s been a pleasure. You may remember our interaction, but if you attempt to speak of it to anyone, the memories will fade.”
Before I can blink, he’s gone.
My chest rises in rapid pants as the foggy feeling finally lifts from my brain.
That was really weird .
I’m just exiting the parking lot when my phone rings through my SUV’s Bluetooth.
Clicking the button, I pull out onto the highway.
“Are you okay?” Rogue asks in a weird tone.
“I’m fine. Heading back to Haven now,” I assure her. “Why?”
“I don’t know,” she says, and I can hear the tires and sounds of her driving in the background. “I got a weird feeling.”
I open my mouth to explain the interaction with Lorcan, but no words come out.
It’s unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. Even when I was a kid and my brother, Larke, used to try to compel me, I could always fight back.
This is completely different.
The more I focus, the more the memories and words that I want to say simply float away.
I finally hear myself say, “Nope, I’m all good.”
“All right, well, call me tomorrow if you want help deciding what to wear on your date with Veryn.” Rogue sighs. “I gotta go. The phone is making my skin itch.”
Fae are hypersensitive to electricity, and Rogue is more affected than most. I snort as she hangs up, but I’m still unsettled. I’m pretty sure Lorcan isn’t a vampire. He didn’t smell like one. There are all kinds of powerful immortals who can mindfuck their victims, but finding them around here is rare.
I’ll have to dedicate some time tomorrow to do a little research.
The next morning, I call my Aunt Nadia to make an appointment to refresh my contraceptive spell. Okay, she’s technically not my aunt, but she and my mom have been friends since forever. She’s the closest thing Haven has to a fertility witch, and for a lot of years, she masqueraded as one.
She has her own office behind her house, where she sees patients, and I don’t feel an ounce of weirdness about seeing her instead of a human doctor.
Human birth control is finicky and unreliable where shifters are concerned. Also, my mom is the one who warned me at length not to trust human contraceptives.
No woman should ever feel weird about wanting control over her reproductive rights.
That still doesn’t stop me from fidgeting in the chair across from Nadia. She looks like she’s in her early twenties, but she’s old enough to have kids close to my age.
The supernatural world is so weird. Actually, I’m probably the one making this weird. It’s not like we haven’t done this every three or four months since I was a teenager.
“Did you want me to guess what you’re here for, or…” She laughs, shoving her dark brown hair behind her ear.
“I want a refresher on my contraceptive spell,” I blurt out. “Please.”
“Of course.” She nods, pushing herself out of her chair. “Hop up on the table.” I move to comply as she heads over to the sink on the far wall.
I sit on the edge of the exam table, and my legs dangle. “Do you think it’s possible my mom’s omega DNA could have passed to me? I mean, from what I’ve heard, it was activated after I was born, so…”
“I warned you before I ever did your first contraception spell.” She glances over her shoulder as the water runs. “My magic can activate dormant omega genes.”
“Yeah, but my wolf is an alpha. There’s no way I could be both.” Or that’s what I thought when I was a teenager. I convinced myself there was no possibility her magic could interfere with my genetics. Only, I’ve had a few symptoms recently, and they make me nervous that I could have been wrong about my assumptions.
Nadia shrugs, focusing back on scrubbing her arms. “It’s not something I’ve seen before. I honestly have no idea how that’ll change the outcome.”
That’s the problem. When the rules of nature change, no one knows what to expect.
Mixed species hybrids were unheard of for hundreds of years, but with omegas back in the mix, hybrids like my little brothers are everywhere nowadays.
Okay, maybe not everywhere, but they’re not unheard of anymore.
Omegas give birth to one of each of their mates’ species, as long as that partner contributes DNA at the time of conception. They also increase their mates’ natural gifts, which is why they were hunted out of existence in the first place. No one liked how powerful they made their bondmates, but now they’re back, and the monster world is adapting.
“Before I forget,” Nadia says, cutting off the water, “I want to mention something. My birth control spells only block your ovulation. Dragons implant eggs and then fertilize them. The same for basilisk, kraken, and probably a few other species I’m forgetting.”
Holy shit.
I knew dragons lay eggs, but for some reason, it never clicked that it could override my birth control.
“That’s an important conversation you should have with any dragons you come across.” She turns around, ripping the pin from her bracelet. “At least ones you consider being intimate with. Lie back and pull up your shirt.” I comply as she slashes her skin, and the blood immediately turns to black smoke. “Also, this is a consensual spell. It’s effective for as long as you want it to be. Or until it needs to be refreshed, but if you and your partner actively wish for it to be dissolved, it could become ineffective.” Her finger glides across my middle, drawing the runes for the spell. “That only occurs with acknowledgment from everyone involved, but it is a possibility.”
My head tilts as I glare at her. “I feel like you failed me by not mentioning that sooner.”
“Are you kidding?” She snorts. “I have daughters barely younger than you. I’ve reinforced all of your spells for years. The last thing Haven needed was a rash of teenage pregnancies.”
I frown so hard, I can feel my own forehead wrinkle.
She laughs. “I remember what I was like. Teenagers shouldn’t be making choices about having children in the heat of the moment. You’re an adult now, so I’m giving you the standard spell I would give anyone else.”
“Thank you.” It’s nice to hear someone acknowledge me as an adult for a change. “Hey, I’ve got a kind of strange case. Do you think Wraith or Knight would mind if I asked them some questions about lesser-known species?” I ask, referencing two of her mates.
Wraith is a reaper, and Knight is a sin eater. They’re the ancient kind of old, and if anyone will know about what Lorcan could be, it would be them.
Nadia steps back, shaking out her hands, and her shadows disappear back into her skin. “I think they’re inside. Let me wash my hands, and we can head in.”
Wraith appears before we even make it to the back door of the house. “I’m afraid Knight is out with Hazel, but I’m happy to answer any questions you might have.”
“He reads my mind regularly.” Nadia tosses an arm around my shoulder, giving me a squeeze. “He wasn’t listening in on our appointment, I promise. I was wondering where I should start searching for him.”
Wraith bows his head. “I respect the privacy of all Nadia’s clients.”
I’m not sure if he can read her mind from their bond or what, but the man barely ever speaks. If I was going to be okay with anyone in Haven knowing my business, it would be him.
“No worries.” I smile. “Did you want to sit out here while I pick your brain?” I nod to the chairs on the back deck.
Wraith’s head tilts, and his huge void-like eyes blink repeatedly.
Nadia snorts. “Come on, you know this one. It just means ask you some questions.”
Wraith nods. “Oh yes, of course. Pick my brain.”
Seriously, living in Haven is ridiculous sometimes.
Wraith knows a scary amount of information about species I’ve never heard of. Unfortunately, I’m not able to give him a ton of information to go on.
He continues for so long that my brain starts to wander. My date with Veryn is in only a few hours, and I still need to run home, shower, change, and get ready.
“…anything from dark fae to demons. If it’s some species evolved in the human realm, it could be a druid or even a lich. Both are ancient magic users. Druids actually predate witches and warlocks. From what I understand, they’re elven high mages who migrated to the human realm and evolved very different magic here over thousands of years when compared to their ancestors in Faere.”
“Gotcha.” I sigh. “Thank you for trying to help. I think I need to do a little more investigating and see what I can come up with that could narrow it down.”
Wraith nods. “If you were in danger, you would ask for assistance. Am I right in that assumption?”
I snort, pushing myself out of my chair. “I always ask for help when I know I’m in over my head.” Which is clearly a lie, but Wraith doesn’t call me on it.
“Be well, Ember,” he says, disappearing before I can even blink.
Siphoning would be a killer ability. Walking and driving get old, but I’ve got a date to get ready for.