Chapter Thirty-Two
S pinning around, I kick away the wolf attempting to attack my side. I bring the beta wolf dangling in my left hand with me as he struggles, scratching my sides with his claws. That lasts until my right hand punctures his chest. His heart beats against my palm, and I shiver in disgust as I rip it free of the newly formed cavern in his skin and turn back to the wolf that’s just finding his footing after my last blow. A slow smirk crosses my face, and I toss his friend’s heart at his feet.
Bane taught me the importance of mentally setting your opponents on edge. Fuck, I wish my dad was here. I’d be able to trust him to handle these fuckers, so I could be with Ember.
“Are you planning to make a move, or what?” I snarl, my eyes lighting with my dragon.
My fury at not being with my mate is dangerous. If I don’t hold complete focus, my dragon could force a shift. He’s massive, and it takes forever to convince him to let me have control back.
The wolf lopes toward me, jumping high. Instead of meeting him at that level, I hit my knees, allowing him to simply fly over my head. My claws puncture his rib cage with a gristly crunch, but I have to feel around a bit to find his heart. My other hand connects with his side, and I pull him down, using the momentum to rip the organ free.
I drop him, glancing around.
Anders has only one foe left, and he clearly has that handled. I exhale heavily, bending down and wiping my hands on the fur of a relatively clean wolf before taking off toward Ember.
My stomach rolls as I get close enough to see her injuries. There’s no way her leg isn’t broken. Her wolf lies on her belly with one leg out at a gnarly angle; it might actually be that her hip is out of socket.
“Jesus Christ,” I whisper.
Rogue nods, grimacing. She scoots out of the way, so I can slide up to Ember’s side.
Ember doesn’t snap or snarl, and her heartbreak echoes in the bond so tangibly, my eyes ache.
“Is he…” I glance between Cohen and the man who must be Calyx.
“Well, he’s not currently alive,” Calyx says, shaking out his glowing hands. “But he’s not past the point of no return. I believe Mother Nature will accept his sacrifice. I haven’t given up hope, and you shouldn’t, either.”
Cohen nods, shoving up his glasses as he falls to sit on his ass. “It will take several hours for him to rise if it’s anything like a normal full moon.”
I’m so focused on him that it takes a few seconds to notice the change. My hand rests on the skin of Ember’s bare back instead of her fur.
She hisses, keeping her leg out at that unnatural angle as she attempts to push herself up onto her good knee. “I can’t feel this every full moon,” she whispers, shaking her head.
“It won’t be anything as traumatic as this.” Calyx’s nose wrinkles. “Normally, his spirit doesn’t separate from his body. Cohen and I tethered it to you.” He nods at Ember. “You should be feeling some relief from the agony of the broken matebond?”
Ember’s bare tits bounce as she brings a hand up to rub at her bloody chest. “I think that’s why my wolf allowed me to take back over.”
“Excellent.” Calyx claps. “Now, if we could find you some clothing, the Seelie princess and I can begin to work on your wounds.” He chuckles. “I may even be able to make it home before sunrise.”
“I don’t have healing magic.” Rogue frowns, shaking her head. “We need?—”
“You need no one but me, princess.” Calyx keeps his eyes on Rogue as he speaks, but he slides a hand down Ember’s front without touching her skin. “Your magic is based in life, while mine thrives on death. I will guide your magic if you lend it to me.”
Ember ends up in a long T-shirt, but it’s better than nothing. I immediately wrap my arm around her lower back to help support her weight.
Rogue swallows thickly, nodding. “I’ll do what I can.”
Ember gasps and points at Anders approaching in lion form. “Did his lion get an upgrade when we bonded, or did I seriously misjudge his size the last time I saw him?”
Calyx glances over his shoulder, and his head tilts. “I believe you are correct. He is considerably larger than I remember him being.” He gestures at the lion. “Hurry along. You need to shift back. It’s going to take both of you to hold her down while I pop that leg back into the socket.”
“Fuck,” I whisper.
Ember nods. “If putting it back in place will help, let’s go for it. It’s so bad, I’m afraid I might pass out.”
I steel my resolve.
I’m not sure how my dragon will tolerate me restraining our mate, but here’s hoping he understands it’s all for the greater good.
Anders transforms back and walks closer completely nude.
“Come here.” Calyx sighs. “You baser creatures, none of you can ever seem to keep hold of your clothing.”
Anders shrugs. “I can stay naked if you need to conserve your magic.”
Cohen coughs. “Put your massive dick away. No one needs to see that.”
Ember nods, cutting her eyes to Rogue. “Clothes, please.”
I give her good hip a squeeze.
Her wolf is likely envisioning ripping Rogue’s throat out for being so close to her nude, newly bonded alpha.
Calyx swirls a hand, and dark gray sweats appear on Anders’s slender frame. “I recommend laying her on her back. Each of you, take a side, and don’t allow her wolf to rip my throat out.”