Chapter Thirty-Six
T he day goes a lot more smoothly than I’m expecting. We even manage a nap after Ember’s mother and aunt leave. I’m not sure the witch is biologically related to her, but they share some type of familial connection, and that’s good enough for me.
The moon hangs low in the sky, and my wolf is antsy. He’s never pushed to be let free on the full moon. At least, not to this level of dominating my thoughts.
My lion couldn’t care less about the moon cycle, so he lets my wolf take center stage, which is rare enough on its own.
I’m not complaining, though. It’ll be nice to chase Ember through the woods, no matter my form.
Veryn and Lorcan are around, but they don’t approach with us.
Having Ember’s hand wrapped in mine makes my shoulders pull back with pride as I examine the crowd to ensure they have only the purest of intentions.
Sofia spots us and rushes over. “I heard you made quite the impression on everyone this afternoon.” She smiles softly. “The pack hasn’t felt this hopeful in a long time.”
I run my thumb over Ember’s wrist, squeezing her hand. “Good.”
“They were kind of a tough crowd,” Ember says, chuckling awkwardly. “But I’m glad to hear it.”
Sofia glances over her shoulder at Bryant, Toby, and Kent before refocusing on us. “Congratulations, I’m so happy for the two of you.” She moves to give me a hug and kinda lingers next to Ember. “Can I hug you?”
Ember drops my hand and wraps my sister in a hug.
“She’s just trying to soak up all your baby-making pheromones.” I chuckle at the glare Sofia shoots my way.
“I wanted to hug my new sister-in-law, but yes, there are a fair number of other females waiting for their chance, if you don’t mind.” Sofia gestures toward a small cluster of women near the front of the crowd. “Most are humans who’ve had no luck conceiving with their mates, but there’s also a fox shifter and fae.”
Ember’s eyes widen as she steps back. “I really don’t want to give anyone false hope, but I’m willing to try. Have them come over.”
My sister’s face breaks out into a bright smile. “That’s perfect. Let me snag them.”
Ember turns, burying her face in my bare chest. “I’m so afraid they’re going to get their hopes up for nothing.”
“Hope is never a bad thing,” I assure her, sliding my hand down the back of Veryn’s T-shirt. It’s the only thing she’s currently clothed in because we’ll all be shifting in a few minutes. Her fingers dig into my sides as she nods against my skin.
I will my cock to behave. These thin sweats won’t do shit to hide my dick if I get a hard-on.
Kent runs up, squealing his hello, and I pull Ember’s back to my chest to block my misbehaving cock.
Jesus Christ.
Even scenting her is a problem, with how potent her pheromones are.
It’s always strange watching a crowd of shifters change into their animal forms. Not that I’ve been here all that long, but I’m shocked to see there are actually three foxes, two bears, and two panthers. It’s even cuter to see the five kids in their wolf forms.
Ember’s wolf does a double take when she spots mine. I’m not sure if that’s a good or a bad thing, but she dips her head and approaches slowly. Her tongue flicks out, and she licks at my muzzle.
My wolf straight-up falls in love at this very moment. He bumps her head with his and nods back to the waiting crowd.
Mates are allowed to be affectionate and playful, but this is the first encounter most of them are having with her wolf.
Ember’s wolf throws her head back, howling at the night sky, and the crowd choruses the action. She takes off through the clearing without a backward glance, and I get my ass in gear to follow.
There are normally so many bugs, it plays as the background symphony, but tonight, they’re silent, along with most of the smaller prey animals and the birds.
It’s strange to feel Lorcan as we run past his invisible form. There’s also a comfort in knowing he’s watching.
Veryn flies low in the sky in human form, with only his wings borrowed from the dragon. When he’s fully shifted, he’s like thirty feet long. That would scare the hell out of the wolves, but they seem to accept him partially shifted.
Ember leads the pack in a complete circle around the exterior of the pack lands. Upon making it back to everyone’s clothing, at least half drop off. Technically, no one is supposed to pass the Prime Alpha on a run, but Ember slows until she runs just next to my wolf. Every time he backs off his speed to allow her to stay in front, she growls until he gets the hint.
After the third lap, the others have had enough, but Ember guides me back toward the waterfall she and Lorcan visited last night. She nips at my flank, whacking my wolf with her tail.
When he doesn’t take the bait, she tackles him, rolling him onto his back and licking his muzzle.
She wants to play , my lion says, the thought echoing around my mind.
She’s our alpha , my wolf replies.
She’s our mate, you idiot. Play with her. Give her a solid chase. The rules of the pack don’t apply between the two of you . My lion sounds overly exasperated.
My wolf gently shoves her with his paws, but Ember’s wolf barely budges. She gives a playful bark and growl that seem to indicate my lion is correct.
Ember nips at his shoulder, and my wolf throws his weight behind attempting to roll her. She hops up, shakes out her thick coat, and takes off.
My lion fights for control for the first time all night. He really loves a good chase. My wolf concedes control, and the change takes hold midair. It’s significantly more painful to change from my wolf to my lion or my lion to my wolf than it is to morph from human to either animal. I’ve never been able to figure out why, either. It’s just one of those facts of life.
My lion’s paws hit the ground, and he makes a show of letting out a violent roar.
Ember’s wolf glances back over her shoulder, and her eyes glow. She growls, but it’s a playful sound that has my lion bounding after her.
She’s in the lead, but he does his best to guide her away from where Lorcan’s attack happened. There’s no need for any of us to revisit that location again so soon. He finally catches up with her at the bottom of a small hill by using his weight to propel his momentum. Even then, he ensures the majority of his massive frame lands on the ground, not Ember.
She grunts, rolling under him. Her paws come to rest on his face, and he dips his head, licking her teeth as she growls. He thinks her attitude is precious, and it’s like I can feel my wolf and I simultaneously rolling our eyes. He paws the top of her head, and she sure does turn sweet as he does his best to shove his tongue into her mouth.
I try to force myself into the driver’s seat before he gets any bright ideas about trying to mate her in her animal form.
Ember must have the same idea, because one second, he’s licking her wolf’s muzzle, and the next, his tongue drags over Ember’s soft cheek. “Wow, you really are giant. I mean, you were big before, but…” She laughs, squirming under him as he laps at her neck. “Your tongue is like sandpaper.”
I struggle against my lion, and he finally gives up control. I end up nude, hovering over Ember on my hands and knees.
She grins, making my heart race. “I wasn’t complaining about the scratchy tongue, but I’m happy to have you in human form too.”
I dip my head, kissing her under the full moon.
Life really changed for the better when she tossed herself into the ring with Aimes and saved my ass.