Ember’s Claim Epilogue 100%
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W hen Ember’s contractions start again, we’re all much more relaxed. Our sweet alpha gets herself settled in the nest and labors for hours, with Sofia monitoring her progress. Once the contractions get close enough together, we call Nadia.

Sofia heads home to her family as soon as the witch arrives. The babies are right on time for a healthy delivery, and that seems to make all the difference.

It’s still difficult to see Ember in pain and to feel it radiate through the bond, but at least there’s no panicking, like we experienced when she birthed the egg.

I’m proud to see the dragon alpha sitting at her side, holding her hand as she pushes. He was a wreck last time, but this time, he’s found his strength. Anders, as always, is attuned to every nuance of Ember’s face.

I chuckle as he offers her an ice chip right as she opens her mouth to ask for one. Oh yeah, he’s completely honed in on her every feeling in the bond.

I’ve lived many lifetimes, but this is one of those days I’ll never forget.

Leander comes first, my handsome little future druid. With his big gray eyes and head of blond hair, it’s easy enough to put the pieces together.

Nadia perhaps ruins the surprise by wrapping him up and handing him to me, but as I hold him, my magic buzzes, calling to his. I would have figured it out the moment his tiny eyes dilate like he’s trying to memorize me.

Hmm, I wonder if vampires have to worry about their children trying to mindfuck them? It would be convenient if they could telepathically communicate what they need before they even learn how to speak.

I’m so enamored by studying Leander’s tiny face that I nearly miss Archer coming into the world.

Anders gives Ember a final kiss and moves to collect our youngest son.

I’m also in the dark about how we’ll calculate age for the egg. He has a tentative name of Vaughn , but Ember declared she would need to see him to know if it fits .

Will Vaughn’s birthday be the day Ember birthed the egg or the day he hatches? I suppose we’ll discuss it when the time comes, but that could very well change their birthing order. Not that it matters a bit, but it is good information to have.

Anders brings Archer over to show him off. It’s clear he takes after Anders, with the blondish-brown hair, but it’s the fuzzy ears and tail that make me chuckle.

Life certainly is going to be busy for us in the coming years.

Veryn still has Vaughn’s egg strapped to his chest in his carrier, but we expect his arrival any day.

The dragon alpha leans over, wrapping his arm around Ember. “You’re incredible,” he murmurs, giving her a squeeze.

“We’re not done just yet,” Ember says, biting her lip.

“The placentas?” I ask, remembering all the videos I watched about what to expect during the delivery.

Nadia’s shoulders shake, but she’s facing Ember, and it takes me several seconds to realize she’s laughing.

Apparently, all it takes to turn three grown men into crybabies is one daughter.

Although, once Ember is all healed, I plan to spank her backside for keeping such a monumental secret from the three of us. More than anything, I’m a little impressed she was able to block her thoughts from spilling over to us in the bond.

Ember rocks Abigail against her chest, and it’s a bit difficult to see the details with all the blubbering I’m doing.

“We really did get one of each species,” Ember whispers, running her finger over Abby’s cheek. “We just didn’t account for the fact Anders has two beast forms.”

“Do you think that’s what caused it?” Veryn asks, grimacing. “That sounded insensitive. I was just saying, my thought process was that maybe she’s the next generation of alpha-omega hybrid.”

Anders nods. “That could be it. One to take after each one of us.”

“Either way, it’s extremely lucky we have two sets of grandparents at the ready,” I say with a grin. “We’re going to need all the help we can get.”

Veryn chuckles, running his hand over Abby’s back. “Now all we need is for Vaughn to finally join the party.”

Less than four hours later, Vaughn hatches. He’s the most beautiful dragon I've ever seen. His scales are silver, and he has black and silver wings and big silver eyes. He truly is breathtaking.

The little shit also hatched knowing how to fly, which Veryn tells us isn’t unusual. I, however, nearly have a bloody heart attack…until I remember I have magic.

Good God.

Why does no one warn you that parenting is fucking terrifying?

Veryn follows him across the living room, but Vaughn lands on the edge of the couch.

“You're going to give us a run for our money. Aren't you, son?” I chuckle as he does a bizarre running hop up my arm and nuzzles his face to Abigail’s as she slumbers against my chest. “Aww, he missed his sister.”

Ember grunts, pulling Archer off her breast and bringing him up to burp him. She looks utterly knackered, but her contentment fills the bond. She glances up at me and grins. “We should probably start considering formula. I’m beat, and my tits hate me.”

I snort. “We’ll make some bottles and keep them on standby.”

Anders nods, wrapping his free arm around our mate. “And as soon as Leander eats, you can get a few hours of rest.”

“Shifts,” I say, chuckling. “Two on, two off. I feel like that’s the only way we’ll survive the next several weeks.”

“Nah.” Veryn scoops up Vaughn. The baby dragonling squawks his displeasure, flapping his wings like he was about to try his luck flying again. “All we have to do is say the word, and we’ll be overrun by family.”

Ember laughs. “Ohmigod. I cannot wait to see my little brothers try to change a crappy diaper.”

Veryn chuckles, heading over and taking the seat on Ember’s free side. “Love you, baby.”

Her head rolls around the back of the couch as she turns to face him. “Love you too.”

She may say the words to him, but she sends her feelings through the bond to me and Anders.

We certainly have an adventure ahead with four little ones, but I can’t wait to see what the future holds.

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