I silently counted the reps as I went through another of my weight-lifting exercises in my Saturday morning routine. I lost track of the count when I caught a brunette in a skimpy lavender sports bra and body-hugging shorts watching me while she performed a Kettlebell swing. She finished her set and moved to another station but kept her gaze trained on me the entire time. And to say it felt uncomfortable was an understatement.
She was obsessively irritating.
I thought about asking her if she had an issue with me but decided to keep my distance. This morning was only my second visit to the fitness center in my apartment building, and I didn't want to create a problem. I needed to get back into a workout routine, which I had slacked off on over the last few months, and I hoped coming here would help. Doing it without a ton of drama would be optimum.
Completing my set of dumbbell rows, I straightened from my position only to discover the woman was standing behind me. I placed the dumbbell on the weight rack next to me and turned toward her. She had a cute face and a nicely shaped body with two braided pigtails hanging down her back. But her strange obsession with watching me overshadowed all that, and now that she had made the first move, it was time to find out why.
"Hi, I'm Jace. Since you've been studying me so intently, I have to ask. Is there something wrong?" I shoved my hands in the pockets of my track pants and gave her a pointed look.
"I'm Addie, and no, there's nothing wrong. Sorry." She made a face and raised her shoulders in an apologetic gesture. "You lift weights like you know what you're doing, so I was observing your workout. You killed it on those Romanian deadlifts, and your form looked perfect."
"Thanks. And in case you didn't realize it, the way you're watching me is a little weird."
"Yeah, I guess it does appear that way. I can't help it. I had an eye-catching view." Her cheeks pinkened, and she shuffled her feet, the color deepening when I arched my brow. "So…I was wondering if you wouldn't mind working with me on the Romanian deadlift and the seated dumbbell shoulder press. You know, show me the correct way to do them?"
I stared at her, my brain whirling. I was no expert by any means, and the last thing I should do was pretend to be one and give someone else advice. That kind of stuff came back to bite you…big time. It would be my fault if she were to get hurt or anything went wrong, and that wasn't a position I was willing to be put in, especially by a stranger.
"Hey, I appreciate your request. But it would be best if you found yourself a professional trainer to ensure you're using the proper form and technique. I'm not an expert and still learning a few things myself."
"Darn. I was hoping you'd take me up on it. I'm sure we'd have fun." She gave me one of those sad puppy dog expressions and shrugged when her efforts failed to sway me. "How about if we work out together and I don't ask for advice? We could keep each other company and get a coffee or something afterward?"
Okay, Addie is too pushy for my comfort level, and I have no desire to start anything with her, which is the direction she's trying to lead me.
She pulled on one of her pigtails when I didn't reply. "Well, what do you think?"
Trying not to be rude, I chose my words carefully. "Again, I appreciate your request, but I must decline. I'm not looking for a workout partner, and I'm being honest when I say you'll be much better off working with a professional trainer." I purposely ignored her mention of having coffee.
Addie gave an exaggerated pout, increasing my frustration. Unsure how to respond, I shifted my attention to the exercise class in progress in the glass-fronted wellness studio across from us. Surprised, I did a doubletake and focused on one of the women dancing enthusiastically in the front row. She spun in a circle, confirming she was who I thought.
Della Nash.
Smiling, I crossed my arms and leaned against the weight bench behind me, intending to enjoy the show. That was until Addie's voice disrupted it.
"Do you know someone in the hip-hop dance class?"
"I do. It's a friend of mine. You'll have to excuse me. I want to move closer so I can get a better view." I smiled politely, picked up my water bottle and towel, and headed toward the class. I stopped several yards away and watched. I was close enough to hear the music, and it was apparent by Della's moves she was into it. I could also tell she was more than proficient with the dance workout and was keeping up with the instructor, mirroring her every step. Not to mention, I was getting an unexpected eyeful. Della had replaced her loose-fitting neon pants and buttoned-to-the-neck barnyard animal blouse with a powder blue sports bra and matching leggings.
I swallowed hard while I scanned every one of her delightful curves. Damn, Della is hot. Who knew there was a body like that hiding underneath her work clothes?
Della caught me watching when she executed a complicated dance move and turned toward the glass. She broke into a huge smile and waved without missing a beat.
I grinned, her enthusiasm and energy instantly lifting my mood. Interrupted by Addie, I never got to finish my workout, and now I didn't care. I wasn't moving an inch until Della's class was over.
The music stopped, followed by clapping and a few hoots and hollers. The attendees dispersed, and Della went to the back of the room, pulled a towel out of a small black backpack, and wiped her face and chest. After putting her towel away, she picked up a water bottle and took a drink while I patiently waited for her to join me.
As usual, Della was a bundle of energy, practically skipping toward me a moment later. "What are you doing here? The fitness center is a private facility for the residents." Her eyes widened, and her mouth opened into the shape of an O before I could respond. "Oh, wow. No way. You live here?"
"I do, and since you're here, it must mean so do you."
"Wow, this is weird. What are the odds? I moved here after I got promoted and had to work long hours every once in a while. On those days, I'd drive to work instead of taking the T, and it got to be irritating. It was like paying for parking twice between the monthly fee at my apartment building and the daily rate at my office complex. I figured if I relocated here, I'd save money on gas and parking costs. Plus, Adam and I hang out down here all the time. It just made sense."
"Seriously? I thought the same thing. Living close to my job seemed like it would be easier on my wallet. Not to mention, the area has all the amenities I need, and it's walkable. I was choosing between this apartment and one a few blocks away and ended up leasing here because of the move-in special management had going on."
"Well, I think it's nuts we're neighbors. Are you sure you're not stalking me?" Della cackled and gave me a playful nudge. "Just kidding. You're not the type."
"Oh? And what is the type? I didn't think you could tell."
"Creepy. Stalkers are super creepy. My boss got stalked a few years ago. It was her brother, and he was super scary besides creepy."
"Damn, what happened?"
"It's a long story filled with tons of drama, and I don't want to dredge up the past. So I'll sum it up by saying her brother got caught, thank God, and is still in prison. Thankfully, the other two people involved are out of the picture, one of which is dead."
"I know you said you don't want to discuss it, but I'm too curious not to ask. Why is your boss's brother still in prison? That's unusual unless he did more than stalk her."
"Oh, he did a lot more than stalk her. He also got convicted of assault, conspiracy, drug distribution, and some other charges. Anyway, that's all history. I guess I should head upstairs to clean up."
"I have a better idea. How about we go to the Starbucks on the next block, get something to drink, relax, and chat? I'd rather do that than go back to my apartment."
"Sure, I'll go for that." Della opened up her backpack and pulled out a garment. She unfolded it and slipped it over her head, her curves and cleavage now covered by an oversized, loose-fitting tee shirt.
Instantly disappointed, I had to admit the view was damn good while it lasted. "Hey, do you mind waiting here for a couple of minutes while I run to the restroom and wash my hands? I've had them all over the gym equipment."
"Yeah, that's cool. I'm not in a rush."
"Thanks." I hurried to the restrooms by the resident lounge and scrubbed up. When I returned, I found Della leaning against the wall by the wellness studio. "I hope I wasn't too long."
"Nah, you're fine. I didn't have anything planned for the afternoon."
"Cool, let's go." We left our building, and Della told me about her exercise class while we walked. When we reached the coffee shop, I opened the door for her, and we got in line. "Hey, if you want, you can grab us a table while I order. It'll be my treat."
"Thanks. I'll take a Honey Almondmilk Cold Brew. Those two girls sitting by the window are getting up. I'll see if I can snag their seats." Della hurried toward them and waited while they picked up their purses and shopping bags. Once the table was empty, she plopped in one of the chairs.
Finally reaching the counter, I ordered Della's cold brew and an iced tea. I studied her while waiting for the barista to make our drinks. Della smiled as she stared out the window. Whatever captured her attention must be entertaining, or she was thinking about something that amused her. I'd only been around her twice before today and found her to be a bubbly bundle of energy each time. I got the impression she always tried to find the positive side of life. And she grew on you. Verbal, blunt, quirky, and boisterous, she was her own unapologetic and self-assured person, which I liked.
Honestly, she was a treat to be with.
Drinks in hand, I joined her at the table. I set the cups down and took a seat, surprised when Della reached for my tea. "Hey, what are you doing?"
"Yours looks interesting, and I like that it's pink. I want to try it."
"But it… Never mind. Go for it." Exasperated with her fondness for my drinks, I leaned back and rubbed my forehead. I watched her casually unwrap her straw, shove it through the hole in my lid, and take a long sip.
Finished, she smiled and retracted her straw. "Thanks for letting me share. I'm not sure what it is, but I like it."
"It's an iced tea with hibiscus, lemongrass, and apple. It has zero calories and sugar."
"You're a healthy-eating kind of guy, aren't you?"
"I try to be. Why? Is that bad?"
"No, I do the same. But I splurge every once in a while. I have a weakness for donuts and these mini cheesecakes Adam makes."
"Speaking of Adam. We had loads of fun playing Scrabble last night. You should have come." In truth, my statement was an exaggeration. I had found the evening disappointing, believing Della would be there only to be told by Adam that she was out with some guy she met on a dating website. Why that bothered me, I wasn't sure. After all, I had only recently met her.
"I was busy." Della shrugged, brushing off my comment.
Her response struck me as odd. I expected her to say something more spirited since I understood Game Time Cafe to be a place she enjoyed. Unable to contain my curiosity, I pushed my concern aside and asked, "So…how was your date?"
Della stared down at the table while she toyed with her napkin, folding it into squares. She gave me another shrug. "It was all right. I met him at a bowling alley. We played a game, and I went home."
"You don't sound very enthusiastic."
"It was just another evening out. Nothing out of the ordinary." Della snatched her drink and took a sip, her eyes still downcast.
Based on her actions and the tightening in my gut that was growing more pronounced, I was positive she was trying to sidestep the subject. I was about to ask her for details when she bent and reached into her backpack.
Della straightened with her cell phone in her hand and glanced at the screen. "Wow. Look at the time. I have to leave. I forgot I need to do my laundry." She slid her chair back and stood, still avoiding any eye contact. "I'll be at my brother's place tomorrow since it's my nephew's birthday, so I should wash my clothes now. I'll catch you later."
And just like that, she walked away. I stared at her back, wondering what the hell happened. Scrambling from my seat, I bolted after her. I caught up to her in front of the business next door and reached for her arm.
"What?" she spat as she spun around, breaking loose from my grasp. "I told you I have to go."
"Uh-uh. I don't think you do. I get the impression you're not telling me the whole story. Something went wrong last night, didn't it?"
Della's eyes met mine but quickly darted away. Her gaze fell to the ground. "It's embarrassing, and I don't want to discuss it. So drop it. Okay?"
"Did he do something to you?" Fear tinged with anger rose through me like a wave. I forced myself to soften my voice as I fought to tamp it back. "Della, talk to me."
Della exhaled a heavy breath, her chest deflating like a shrinking balloon. "It didn't go well. His comments made it clear I didn't meet his standards, and he ditched me for the bartender. Are you happy now?"
"What the hell do you mean he ditched you?" I looked around, realizing I was practically yelling, and Della was looking at me wild-eyed. "Sorry. I shouldn't have raised my voice. So, what did this idiot do?"
"My appearance bothered him, my laugh bothered him, and my enthusiasm bothered him. The guy was a jerk. Just drop it. Let's go."
"The dude was an asshole. I fucking hate people who demean others like that. No, I'm not going to drop it. What happened with the bartender?"
"Fine. Freaking, fine! You want the details? I'll tell you. He walked away, leaving me sitting by myself at our bowling lane. I thought he'd gone to the men's restroom until one of the women in the booth next to us told me he left with the blond bartender. I took off, and when I got to the parking garage, I spotted him making out with the chick like they were going to have sex any second. I went home. That's it. It's in the past, so leave it alone. It was the guy's loss, not mine."
I stared at Della. I couldn't even come up with any words to say to her. She was embarrassed and bitter. I got that. But what I couldn't understand was tossing what had happened aside and saying it was in the past and no big deal. What the prick did to her was degrading and cruel. Then it hit me as I studied Della's face. She may appear and sound angry, but that wasn't what her eyes told me.
Those deep brown enchanting orbs of hers were pools of moisture. Della was wounded, her feelings painfully raw and more profound than she was willing to show. Her anger and attempt to brush the incident off were a protective mechanism. Without thinking, I reached out and gingerly grabbed her by the upper arms and pulled her to my chest. The urge to comfort her was overwhelming. She fought me, but I held tight and whispered soothing words in her ear. It took a moment, but she finally stilled, her face burrowing in my shirt.
We stood there, partially blocking the sidewalk, while I did my best to reassure her. "You're right. It's that asshole's loss." I brushed a loose strand of hair from her cheek and tucked it behind her ear. "Your date should have treated you like you deserve. You're beautiful, intelligent, and witty, and your positivity and zest for life are to be appreciated rather than made fun of. That guy has his head up his ass."
"Thank you." Della pulled away, a half smile gracing her lips. "Now that you've filled my head with hot air, we better go before I float away."
"Well, well. You do have a flaw," I teased. "I would bet you use those off-the-wall comments to camouflage your feelings because you don't want them put on display or acknowledged. We are human, and we do get hurt. That's not a weakness." Although I understood what Della was doing, using humor, mock anger, and snarky commentary to protect herself, I still couldn't help chuckling at her uncanny way of turning an ugly incident around. It was like Della refused to let anyone keep her down. Yes, she was wounded, but she got back up, countering the situation with defiance.
Della drove her shoulder into mine. "Hey, don't get all mushy on me, Mr. Psychology. I'm not going to flay myself open because some guy was an asshole. Besides, his idiocy was a reflection of him, not me. And for the record, I do not have a flaw. So don't be mean."
"Okay. I wasn't trying to be mean. You're a beacon of calm and a gift to be treasured. How's that?"
"Aha, that's more like it. Now can we go before you make an even bigger spectacle than you already have?"
"Yes, my little diamond. We can go." I chuckled at the expression on Della's face at my endearment. She clearly wasn't used to being teased like this. Enjoying the moment, I slipped my arm around her shoulders and casually escorted her down the street. "I should nickname you Hortensia."
Della cackled uproariously. "Hortensia? Where the bejesus did that come from?"
"Hortensia is the name of an orangey-pink, multisided, famous diamond that was once part of the French Crown Jewels. I saw it on display in the Louvre Museum in Paris years ago. For some reason, it reminds me of you."
"Oh, brother. Now I'm positive you've lost it. We should walk faster before you become completely delusional."
"Too late. I already am." I squeezed her shoulder and felt her arm come around my waist in a friendly manner. I was glad I could make her feel better. No guy should treat a woman the way that asshole treated her. Della may be quirky, but to me, that was a plus. And she certainly made my protective instincts come out.
She also felt damn good in my arms, much more so than I expected.
Now, I needed to figure out what to do about it.