Embers of Torment (Power and Passion #2) Chapter 12 48%
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Chapter 12


I t was movie night at my place, and I'd been looking forward to it all day. The thought of having Della here energized me, and I was eager to see where it would lead. It about killed me to walk her to her apartment last weekend without being able to kiss her good night. I had to shove my hands in my pockets to keep them off her, and the way she stared at my lips, I knew I had to leave.

Della's behavior was baffling. I sensed she wanted me as much as I did her, but she was holding back.

Groaning, I leaned against the dishwasher and ran my hand through my hair. What if Della kept her distance because she didn't want to ruin our friendship? Or worse, could she be afraid Adam would disapprove? The latter seemed less likely since I had the distinct impression Adam would be thrilled if she and I became a couple. Whatever her reason, I needed to find out what it was.

I pushed away from the counter as a loud knock sounded on my door. Taking a few steps into the entryway, I reached for the doorknob as a second knock rapped on the wooden portal. I burst out laughing when I saw what was on the other side.

"Excuse me? What is so funny?" Della's hand went to her hip as she scrunched an eye at me from underneath her unicorn hood.

"I can't believe you wore that over here. There had to be gawkers along the way."

"There were, and I smiled politely to every one of them. So are you going to let me in or what?"

"My apologies. Please come in." I bowed elaborately with a sweeping hand toward my living room, the comfortably sized space past the open-concept kitchen and dining area. I closed the door and followed Della.

"Whoa, your unit is a lot bigger than mine. Oooh, you have a bedroom door. I have two partial walls separating my bedroom from the rest of my apartment. I don't mind, though, since I live alone."

"I saw that floor plan but ultimately decided on this place because of the view. You should see it." I moved to the window, motioning Della to join me. Her body stiffened when I placed my hand on her lower back. Grimacing at her reaction, I retracted my arm. Is she uncomfortable in my apartment? Does it make any contact between us too close for comfort? Damn, I hope not.

Della relaxed, her nose several inches from the glass. "Wow. I have a stunning view, but it's nothing like this. Although you're at an angle, you have a panorama of the harbor and everything beyond. It's like you're looking out from the rooftop deck, except you're inside."

"That was the chief benefit of being this high up. Of course, you pay for it. This unit was more expensive than some of the others."

"Yeah, that's why I didn't go for it."

The doorbell rang. It had to be Adam. Breaking away, I went to let him in. He stood in the corridor, his arms full of Chinese takeout.

"Where should I take it?" Adam said, entering my apartment.

"You can put it in the kitchen, next to the stack of plates and utensils I laid out."

Della leaned her elbows on the island countertop. "What do you have to drink?"

"I have Sam Adams, Pure Leaf peach iced tea, water, or I can uncork a bottle of white zinfandel. Your choice." I held the refrigerator door open. "What do you want?"

"Hmm. I'll take a Sam Adams."

"Coming up." I grabbed two beers from the top shelf. "Adam, what can I get you?"

"I'll have the same as you guys."

Adam popped open the food containers and stuck a serving spoon in each. I retrieved a third beer from the refrigerator and opened the bottles. After setting two on the counter for Adam and Della, I stepped back and leaned against the sink while they filled their plates. I made mine as soon as they finished and joined them at the table I'd already set with placemats and napkins. I took a seat across from Della.

"Yum. This chicken chow mein is so freaking delish." Della took a bite, closing her eyes and moaning as she chewed.

I watched her, mesmerized by the look of ecstasy that lit her face and the sensual-sounding noises that came from her throat. Then an image of the two of us lying naked in my bed filled my mind.

Della's eyes opened, and our gazes locked. Her face flushed, almost as if she knew what I was thinking. Breaking the connection, I dipped my head and ate my barbeque pork fried rice.

"We should make this a monthly get-together. We can rotate apartments," Adam said before taking a big bite of kung pao chicken. He seemed oblivious to the sexually toned interaction between Della and me.

Della shook her head. "Nope. You two can switch off. That way, I get to be the pampered guest, although it would be better if Jace knew how to make gourmet pancakes like Theo."

"If I did, does that mean you'd spend the night?" I arched a brow suggestively and grinned.

This time, Adam paused, his brows knitting together as he stared at me.

Della coughed several times, apparently swallowing a bite of food wrong. Pink-faced, she said, "It certainly does not! You're close enough that I can come back in the morning. See? Easy peasy."

"Hey, umm. Am I missing something?" Adam studied me for a moment, then shifted his attention to Della. "There's like this little bit of tension between you guys."

"Of course not! That's silly." Della vehemently shook her head.

I smiled, causing Della's face to flush again.

Adam eyeballed us, looking confused, but said nothing else.

Della was quiet for the remainder of dinner, although her gaze landed on me several times. Twice, I caught her staring at my lips while Adam and I discussed various subjects.

After we ate, I cleared the table and stacked the dishes in the dishwasher. Della put the food away, and Adam found the movie on my Disney channel.

"Can we start the flick? Adam has it ready to go on the television," Della said, grabbing another beer from the refrigerator.

"Give me a minute." I turned on my dishwasher. "I want to put on something more comfortable."

"Like what?" Della scrunched her eyes. "You didn't change last time."

"Well, I am this time. I'll be back." I left Della and went to my bedroom, telling Adam I'd be ready to go in a few minutes before closing the door. I changed into the garment I had purchased online several days ago. "I'm back," I said louder than necessary when I rejoined them.

As soon as they spotted me, they broke into hysterical laughter. Della held her stomach while she lost it.

"What the…" Adam shook his head as he checked out my chocolate brown onesie, which had a teddy bear face for the hood and two cute little ears.

Della wiped the corner of her eye with her knuckle. "Where the bejesus did you get that thing, and when?"

"I ordered it on Amazon, and it was delivered this morning. I couldn't have you be the only one wearing a onesie tonight."

"Your bear suit is hilarious." Adam continued to shake his head.

"Just call me Yogi." I spun around and wiggled my butt.

Della lost it again. "Oh, criminy," she roared. "You have a nubby tail."

"And I hope it's comfortable to sit on." Chuckling, I grabbed my beer from the dining table and sat in the corner of the couch next to Della. "Okay, Adam. You can start the movie." As soon as Adam became immersed in the story, I leaned toward Della and whispered, "I wore this for you."

Della turned, her face now inches from mine. "Umm…thanks. You're…umm…kind of adorable."

I brushed some wayward strands of hair from her cheek. "So are you." Smiling, I returned my attention to the television. The tension building between us was electric, and I wanted to push it as much as possible without making her retreat.

The next half-hour grew progressively frustrating. I could feel Della watching me, but every time I turned, she looked away. Unable to take it any longer and wanting to be playful, I nudged her with my elbow. "Wanna cuddle? I make a great teddy bear." I kept my voice low to avoid disturbing Adam, but it didn't matter. Like Sofie teased the other day, Adam had gotten so engrossed in the film he was oblivious to anything happening around him.

Della peeked at Adam, then rolled her eyes at me. "No, I do not want to cuddle. Keep your paws to yourself."

I chuckled at her feigned disinterest, her rapid breaths giving her away. She rewarded me with a smack on the arm. Amused, I left her alone and resumed watching the movie.

Della shifted and leaned toward me. "I'll be back. I need to use your restroom." She got up and left the room.

Fifteen minutes passed, and Della had yet to return. I turned to Adam to see if he had noticed, but his attention remained on the television. Concerned, I went to the bathroom and knocked on the door.

"Della, is everything okay?" I leaned against the wall, hoping nothing was wrong.

The door opened partway, and Della stood there, pink-faced. "No, everything is not okay. I can't get my zipper down. It's stuck."

"Let me see." I nudged the door open and stepped inside the bathroom. I reached for the top of her onesie, only to be greeted by her wary expression. "I'm going to see if I can unstick it. I'm betting a piece of fabric got caught in the teeth. Is that all right?" As much as I was dying to touch her—and not in a friendly way—I wasn't about to force the issue.

Della nodded.

I bent forward to get a closer view and felt Della's body tense. I looked up, my eyes locking with hers, our chests inches apart. It seemed as if the minutes ticked by, neither of us moving.

Then Della's gaze slid downward to my lips. "Jace?"


"I want you to kiss me."

Surprised and instantly thrilled, I was more than willing to grant her request. I tipped my head, my lips softly brushing hers.

Della's arms encircled my neck, and she enthusiastically returned the kiss. Then she jumped back and groaned. "I'm sorry. Oh God, I can't do this."

"Why? It's clear we like each other. So what's holding you back?"

"Adam," Della whispered. "He'd be devastated if we got together and it didn't work out. What if you and I ended up hating each other? It could destroy our friendship with Adam. I don't want to hurt him. Jeez, he's my best friend."

"Adam's a grown man and can handle conflict better than you think. Besides, why are you worried about something that hasn't happened?" I sighed, frustrated that Adam was the barrier to our potential relationship. "Della. What do you want? That's the important part." Damn, I hated her preconceived roadblock. The sexual tension between us was palpable, and the look in Della's eyes was revealing. She was aroused and didn't want to stop. And neither did I. Why can't she see beyond Adam's feelings?

Della nodded, a war of emotions crossing her face. "I'll think about it."

"That's all I can ask. Well, I should fix your zipper." My hands went to the top of her onesie. After tugging on the fabric and a few wiggles of the zipper, I got it unstuck. "There. It's fixed. I'll leave you alone to do your thing." I stopped in the doorway. "Della?"


"Thanks for the kiss. I liked it." I smiled at the flush in her cheeks. After quietly closing the door, I rejoined Adam, who hadn't moved an inch.

Della retook her seat, although she was closer to me than before. When she failed to move away, I draped my arm across the back of the couch. The corner of Della's mouth lifted in a partial smile.

Della must have thought about what I said because her hand inched toward my thigh while she pretended to be involved in the movie. Then her pinky rose and fell, ever so slowly, as she brushed my leg.

After checking to make sure Adam remained focused on the television, I used my finger to draw small circles on Della's back. Then I pushed her hood away from her ear and kissed her earlobe and neck.

Della closed her eyes but didn't move.

Then I whispered, "I want to kiss you again."

Della's hand went to my thigh—and squeezed.

I groaned. "Hortensia, you're going to be the death of me." I nibbled below her ear.

Della shot from the couch and ran to the kitchen. Her voice was overly loud as she asked, "Does anyone need another beer?"

"What?" Blank-faced, Adam scanned the apartment and spotted Della holding a Sam Adams by the refrigerator. "I'm fine. The show's almost over."

I exhaled in relief. I'd been so fixated on Della and trying to control my burgeoning desire I had no idea where we were in the movie.

"Well, that's the end." Adam stood and picked up his empty beer bottle. "I'm going to cut out."

"Thanks for coming over." I followed Adam to the foyer. Taking his empty bottle, I set it on the island and snuck a peek at Della. She was leaning against the sink, her fingers picking at the label on her beer.

Adam studied her for a moment. "Della, are you okay? You're acting weird."

Della's head shot upward. "Yep, I'm fine. Totally super duper. I'll see you later." She retreated to the living room while I walked Adam to my door.

After a quick goodbye, Adam took off. I turned to find Della eyeing me, her tongue skimming her bottom lip. Wanting her, I closed the distance between us with eager strides.

Tilting her head, Della peered up at me, her eyes lit with desire. "You're correct in what you said. What I want is more important. And right now, it's you."

Ecstatic, I leaned down for a kiss. Della ardently responded, her hands sliding up my chest. I flipped us around and guided Della backward until we reached the wall. Pinning her arms above her head, I pulled my mouth from hers, my lips trailing down her chin and neck.

"Oh, freaking hell, this is hot." Della's voice was a husky whisper. Then she gasped. "Crap. Did I say it out loud again?"

"You did. Should I stop?" I nibbled below her ear.

"Nope. And I think you should check my zipper. You know, to make sure it isn't stuck again."

I straightened and looked into Della's now dilated eyes. My fingers went to the neckline of her onesie. "It'll be my pleasure. After all, you might decide you want to remove this thing."

"Oh, I've decided. It needs to come off." Della closed her eyes as I slowly lowered her zipper. She shivered when my knuckles lightly brushed her skin.

Once I had her fully unzipped, I slipped the material off her shoulders, taking in her slim waist and the swell of her breasts, encased in a lacy navy blue bra. I gave the unicorn costume a downward tug until it dropped to the floor, exposing her shapely hips and thighs and matching underwear.

Della smiled coyly and stepped from the garment bunched around her ankles. "Since we're playing show-and-tell, I should check your zipper next."

"Go ahead. I won't stop you."

Della's hands went to my neck. I watched her face as she slowly pulled the zipper. The tip of her tongue peeked between her lips while she focused on her task. Now unzipped, she slipped the outfit off my shoulders and let it fall to the ground. I kicked it away, noticing her eyes widen when her gaze went to my boxer briefs and the bulge straining against the cotton fabric.

"Wow. That's…umm…impressive."

"Thanks to you." I leaned forward and kissed her, groaning when her fingers trailed down my stomach. "Hortensia, you're playing dangerously by touching me there." I sucked in my breath, then groaned again. "Oh, damn. Your hand feels… Shit, that's it. I'm taking you to my bed."

"What are you waiting for? A written invitation. If you haven't noticed, I'm ready to join the party."

"And I'm ready to be a very attentive host." I swooped her into my arms and carried her to my room. Lowering her to my mattress, I lay on top of her, my hard-on pressed against her abdomen. "Your bra on or off?"

"Off. Unclip me." Della turned so I could reach behind her. Once I'd unclipped it, she slipped it from her body and tossed it to the floor.

I stared appreciatively at her gorgeous breasts. They were a perfect handful, the rosy peaks begging to be touched.

"Take my underwear off," Della commanded. There was an urgency in her tone.

I sat up, my eyes on her midsection as I slowly peeled her panties downward and tossed them on a chair. I raked her nakedness with my gaze. She was gorgeous.

Della arched her brow. "Uh-hmm. You can stop staring. Our show-and-tell isn't over. It's your turn. Off with the boxers."

I sat back on my heels, smiling at her comment. "As you wish." I got up from the bed and slid my underwear down my thighs. Hearing a gasp, I looked up, seeing Della nervously swallow while she stared at my erection.

"Oh, jeez. I think I'm about to get skewered."

Chuckling, I rejoined her, my voice at her ear. "I have no intention of skewering you."

"You better not."

I had to laugh. Della was bold and blunt, as usual. Lying beside her, I leaned over, my mouth going to her breast, playfully feasting. I loved the sounds she made and the way her body reacted to my touch. My hand drifted down her stomach and slipped between her thighs. I savored her moaning response.

Not wanting to wait, I grabbed a condom from my nightstand and put it on. Della's eyes were dark pools of need as she watched me. Eager and ready, I slid on top of her, stifling her moans with a kiss as our bodies merged into one.

I pulled my mouth from hers. "Are you okay?"

"Oh, lordy. It must be a holiday because I feel stuffed like a turkey."

"I'm not sure I like your analogy, but I aim to satisfy."

"Umm, you're on your way to getting an A plus."

Soon, we were going at it, our libidos unleashed. The sex was as physically rousing as I had envisioned. But it was the emotional connection that was blowing me away. It was intense and consuming, and I wondered if Della experienced the same draw I did to her.

"Oh, shit." Della dug her nails into my back, her eyes closing as her muscles contracted.

Unable to hold back, a medley of sounds reverberated in my throat as I let loose into the latex.

Carefully pulling away, I rolled onto my side and brushed a lock of hair from Della's cheek. "I'll be right back. I need to clean up." I went to the bathroom, sliding onto the mattress beside her minutes later.

Appearing completely relaxed, Della gave me a lazy smile. "Umm. Jace?"


"Does this mean we're dating?"

I burst out laughing, her question not quite what I expected. "I would hope so. I didn't pursue you only to disappear."

"I'm glad you said that because I'd have to hurt you if you had other plans." The tone in Della's voice made it clear she was teasing.

Grinning broadly, I leaned over for another kiss, happier than I'd been in a long time.

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