Embers of Torment (Power and Passion #2) Chapter 23 92%
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Chapter 23


I stuck my head between the bucket seats to speak with my Uber driver, Richard. "Hey, if you could take me to the Marriott on Long Wharf, that would be great."

"Sure. I can do that. It'll be easier than anywhere along Atlantic Avenue. It's crazy right now with that big foodie festival on the greenway."

"Yeah, that's where I'm going. I figured you could let me off in front of the hotel's lobby like I was a guest. That way, I only need to walk across the street. An acquaintance is one of the vendors, and his booth is in that section."

"Sounds too convenient. I should have charged you more money," Richard laughed.

"I don't think so. Besides, you'll have another fare before we arrive at my destination."

"Ain't that the truth? I already have one in my queue." Richard made a right turn off Seaport Boulevard. He pulled into the drop-off area in front of the hotel minutes later. "Here, you go. Enjoy the festival."

"Thanks." I climbed out of Richard's Hyundai and closed the door while he typed something on his phone. As soon as I stepped away, I noticed a woman running toward his car. I couldn't help but chuckle as she flung open his passenger door and slid into the backseat. Richard was going to be busy today.

Walking across the street, I could tell this was a sizeable and well-attended event. It stretched over four blocks and was already jam-packed with people. Luckily, I knew where to go since Adam had mentioned earlier in the week that Theo would be stationed in a booth by the carousel. When we discussed it, I informed Adam I couldn't go because I'd committed to spending the day with Ree and Lily. But that changed when Ree's boss asked her to work, and James took Lily for the day.

I never told Adam my plans had fallen through and that I'd be coming to the festival. And as I walked toward the event, I hoped it wasn't a problem.

Scanning the vendor tents from a distance, I read their assortment of signage. I spotted Theo's, a giant canopy banner and two feather flags identifying his business as Elegance Catering.

Meandering through the crowd, I reached Theo's tent and perused the layout. It was both functional and impressive. He had decorated the table in front in black and gold to match his overhead sign, the top covered with promotional materials, and a tiered display of colorful paper baking cups filled with tempting goodies. A tabletop chalkboard listed the items as free samples of gourmet cookie bites. The back of his booth housed a worktable containing a row of roll-top chafing dishes with a commercial barbecue stationed beside it. Slabs of beef and chicken kabobs were on the grill, the smell drifting to my nose heavenly.

Theo had his back to me while he barbecued the meat, and a woman stood behind their makeshift counter, waiting on a group of customers. Adam meticulously scooped rice pilaf and grilled vegetables from the food warmers onto several plates.

Eyeing the dessert samples, I selected one from the middle of the stand and popped it into my mouth. "Oh, man, that's tasty," I mumbled, reaching for another.

"Uh-uh. Only one per customer," Adam teased, catching me as he handed the woman the last plate.

"Then turn around and don't look."

"Haha, very funny. Try that one." Adam pointed to a mint-green cup on the top tier of the display. "It's a piece of Theo's salted caramel chocolate chip. It'll melt on your tongue."

I savored the cookie bite, marveling at its taste and texture. These were indeed gourmet treats. "Damn, that's good. What was the other one I ate?"

Adam eyed the empty cup in my hand. "That was Della's favorite, the buttered toffee crunch." He turned his attention to a couple standing a few feet away, reading Theo's A-frame chalkboard sign. "Can I help you?"

"Can we get the chipotle tri-tip and the grilled Mediterranean chicken kabobs?" the man asked.

"Absolutely." Adam assembled the two plates and set them on the table while the woman assisting Theo collected the customer's payment. He looked relieved when another helper slipped into the tent and joined Theo at the grill. "Cool. Alma's here, so I can go." Adam pulled off his gloves and tossed them in the trash. He sidled up next to Theo. "Hey, I'll be back later. I'm going to walk around with Jace."

Theo nodded and muttered something as Adam skirted around a group of ice chests to join me in front of the booth.

"What happened? You told me you couldn't come today?"Adam said, stepping out of someone's way.

"Ree had to work, so she canceled our plans. You don't mind, do you?"

"I don't, but I'm sure Della will. I invited her after you said you weren't coming. She left a half hour ago to take Evie to the carousel."

"Who's Evie?"

"She's Sofie's five-year-old daughter. Della has her for the afternoon." Adam shifted his gaze in the direction of the park attraction and grimaced. "Uh-oh. If you want to hide, it's too late. Della's walking this way and just spotted you. She doesn't look happy."

I spun around to find Della glaring at me from a distance, her body stiff. She'd drawn her lips tight, and her expression was the picture of hostility. A blond, curly-haired girl wearing denim shorts and a pink Hello Kitty tee shirt held her hand.

Della turned to leave and then stopped, her hesitation making me believe she felt torn. But why? Could it be because she still had feelings for me, or was she warring with herself over making a scene in front of Sofie's daughter?

Pivoting, Della plastered the worst fake smile I'd ever seen on her face and walked toward us. The little girl gave me a shy smile, and I smiled back. Reaching us, Della stopped beside Adam and turned away, ignoring me like I didn't exist.

Adam handed Evie one of Theo's mini desserts. "Evie, this is Jace. He's a friend of mine and knows your mom."

"Hi," Evie said with a little wave.

"Hello, Evie. It's nice to meet you." I shook her hand.

"Della?" Evie's eyebrows drew together as she pulled on Della's blouse. "Is he the man that Momma said makes you sad?"

Della made a strangled sound. Then she turned to Evie, wearing another phony smile. "No one does that to me, Sweetie. I think it was a story."

"Adam," Della said, her face rigid as she spun around. "I believe you and I have something to discuss after I take Evie home."

"Uhh, okay. But—"

"It's not Adam's fault. I told him I couldn't come." I didn't want Adam rebuked for something I did, so I thought it best to explain.

Della shifted, forcing me to stare at her back. "Maybe next time you invite a guest somewhere, you'll warn me so I can choose not to come." Della bent toward Evie. "You know what, Sweetie? It's time to explore the fun zone and play in the Rings Fountain. How's that?"

"Okay," Evie said, sounding hesitant. She peeked at me over her shoulder when Della led her away.

"Della?" I called out before she'd gotten too far.

She stopped but didn't turn around.

"I miss you, and I'm sorry." I watched Della square her shoulders. Then I waited, wishing she'd say something or at least face me. But she stiffly marched toward the kid's area.

Adam placed his hand on my upper back. He looked as crushed as my heart felt. "I thought Della would budge when you said that."

"Yeah, I was hoping she would. But I guess not. This whole thing is killing me. I didn't know you could miss somebody this much. I hate myself for the way I hurt her and for dragging you into the middle of it."

"Although I would prefer not to be stuck between you guys, I can handle it. Well, so far, I've been able to. But don't try to make me pick sides. That would be too much, and I don't think I could." Adam exhaled a long breath, his shoulders slumping. "I think I'd have to choose neither of you over one of you if pressed."

"Don't worry. I wouldn't ask you to do that, and I don't want to create friction between you and Della. Honestly, I'm at a loss on what to do." I shoved my hands in my pockets and shrugged, trying to resign myself to the situation. Internally, though, I was an emotional mess. When I spotted Della, I was hopeful we could somehow bust through the barrier separating us and move forward. My heart broke seconds later when I saw her continued anger and disgust.

"Your predicament does appear rather daunting. At least, I'm sure about two things. First, I can expect to get verbally ripped to shreds by tonight. Second, I know Della still likes you even if she won't admit it. I can see it in her expression whenever someone mentions your name."

"Seriously? Because if any piece of her still cares about me, she's gotten damn good at hiding it."

"She has, but the wall Della built to protect herself is beginning to crack. That's why she's doubling down on acting so angry. It's her way of pretending she doesn't miss you or care."

"Any idea on how to make it topple?"

"Not really. I've never seen Della so hurt and conflicted. Plus, she doesn't easily let go of grudges, so I think she'll have to come around on her own. Or not if that's what she decides."

"Then it's become a waiting game, although I won't stop trying. Anyway, I need to snap out of this mood. Let's check out the festival. Which way do you want to go?"

"How about we start at the opposite end of the venue and work our way back here? That's where they have the cooking demonstrations, and there's a healthy snack and a spice-blending demo I want to watch. The food trucks are down that way, too, and I'm getting hungry."

"You can't be serious. You were just at Theo's tent with all those succulent dishes, and you want to eat at a food truck?"

"I do, and don't knock it. There's some flavorsome cuisine at those trucks."

"There is, but you could have had tri-tips and Mediterranean chicken."

"And what do you think I'll be having for dinner?"

"Good point," I laughed.

Adam and I strolled down the greenway. When we reached the kid's area, which was in the center of the festivities and next to the Rings Fountain, I searched for Della and Evie. I spotted Evie sitting in a chair, getting her face painted to resemble an orange and white cat. Della stood off to the side and cheered her on. I wanted to join them, put my arms around Della, and hold her while sharing their fun. Forcing myself to look away, I focused on a group of kids creating some imagined structure from a colorful pile of jumbo building blocks.

I turned to leave, suddenly drawn toward a loud commotion several feet away. A man was yelling about some older woman in a skirt and tank top who had attempted to steal his wallet. He pointed in the direction we'd come, shouting to the onlookers to stop the thief. I tried to locate a fleeing person in the crowd, but the culprit must have taken off. The man grumbled about the woman being a "hooker" with no business showing up at a family-oriented event.

Putting the incident behind us, we crossed the street and stopped at a Mexican-themed tent. Adam ordered a churro and munched on it while we continued our walk. The healthy snacks demo was over when we reached the chef demonstration area. Disappointed, Adam dragged me to the food trucks, where we lunched on carne asada tacos and corned beef mac-n-cheese.

Now thoroughly stuffed, Adam insisted we watch the cooking competition. Two local chefs were competing against each other to make a dish using a secret ingredient. Adam was engrossed in the show, his excitement rising when the item was about to be revealed.

Then his cell phone rang.

Grumbling, Adam pulled it from his pocket and checked the screen. "That's odd. It's Sofie." He made a face as we backed away from the ring of onlookers, and he hit the button to take the call. He put it on speaker. "Hello?"

"Adam, where's Della? She doesn't answer her phone." Sofie's voice was unusually high-pitched, and her words came across in a rush.

"She's at the fun zone with Evie. When I last saw them, they were getting Evie's face painted."

"Oh, thank God! That means they're safe. I need you to warn her."

"About what?" Adam glanced at me while he uncomfortably shifted his stance.

"Braxton found Allison. She's been hiding at a relative's house, and that person contacted the police. My mother and the man Jace ran after in the plaza were threatening her, intending to use her to go after my family. They planned to take Evie as payback for my role in Denny's death. They almost succeeded the night Della babysat. Allison was supposed to let them in the house but got scared and told us she couldn't babysit. My mother and that man must have shown up, saw it was Della instead of Allison, and took off."

"No way. Della wasn't imagining it. Someone was watching her that night."

"Yes, and Braxton thinks they've been staking out our home, office building, and the plaza next to it. If so, Della and Evie could be in danger. I need you to find them. Braxton has alerted his supervisor and dispatch, and we're on our way to the festival right now."

Trying not to freak out, I grabbed Adam's arm. "Come on. We have to go. I'll be damned if I'll let anyone hurt Della or Evie."

"Adam, who is that?" Sofie yelled.

"It's Jace. He's here with me. We're on our way to the kid's area. I'll contact you when we find them."

"Okay, but be careful and keep your eye out."

Adam hung up and shoved his phone into his pocket. He stared at me wide-eyed. I spun around and sprinted up the greenway without confirming he was following. Reaching the fun zone, I scanned the crowd.

Della wasn't there.

"Try the fountain," Adam called out from behind me.

I ran toward the attraction, glimpsing Della standing on the periphery. Relieved, I started to relax, then realized she was alone. Coming up beside her, I placed my hand on her arm. "Thank God you're okay. Where's Evie?"

"Get away from me," Della yelled. She swatted at me and jumped back.

"Della, stop. Please. You and Evie could be in danger. Sofie called Adam. She found out why her mother is here. She wants to take Evie as payback for the death of some guy named Denny. She could be here right now."

"There she is!" Adam pointed to the left side of the circle of jetting water.

I recognized Evie in her pink tee shirt, kneeling between two jets on the outer ring.

Adam made a face. "Who's the older woman walking up to her?"

"Oh, shit! That must be Sofie's mother." Della bolted toward the fountain, with Adam and me in pursuit. "Evie! Come here," she yelled as we ran.

The woman reached for Evie's arm, but the little girl pulled back. Hearing Della, Evie ran to her. The woman stared at us for a moment. Then she swiveled and took off in the other direction.

With Evie safely in Della's grasp, I took off after the woman and caught her several yards away. She was out of control, acting like a wild creature, and I struggled to hold her. Her arms and legs flailed and kicked as she cussed, spit, and tried to bite. Two men came to help me.

Then I heard a woman yelling.

It was Della.

The man I'd chased that day in the plaza was attempting to snatch Evie from Della as she used her body to block him. Adam was writhing on the ground.

"Don't let that woman go. She tried to steal a kid, and the police are on their way," I yelled to the two guys helping me as I rushed to assist Della.

I had almost reached them when Della bit the man's hand, causing him to howl and stumble backward. Della swooped Evie into a protective hold. I lunged for the man when he angrily seized Della's shoulder seconds later, the two of us crashing to the concrete.

The man was all muscle and power as we punched, pinned, and rolled. Then I felt a hit to my stomach just before onlookers dragged the man off me, their action knocking a knife from his hand. The metallic weapon clinked when it landed on the ground.

Lying there, I became aware of something running down my side. It was almost featherlike and tickling. I touched the spot, feeling something wet and sticky. Confused, I held my hand over my face and stared at it in awe.

Blood covered my fingers.

"No, no, no! Don't you freaking die on me," Della commanded as she knelt over me. She ripped the backpack off her shoulders and handed it to Evie after extracting a piece of clothing.

I winced as she pressed it to my abdomen. "I can't. I love you too much." Seeing the tears in her eyes, I tried to smile. I wanted to wipe away her fear.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I was so mad. I don't hate you. I want to take it all back. All of it," Della cried as she continued to press the blood-filled material against my wound. "Oh God, you can't leave me. I love you, and I need you."

I placed my hand on top of hers, my body shivering at the added pressure on my stomach. "I'm not going anywhere."

Della's voice broke as she sobbed, "You better not."

"A man got stabbed. He's over there," someone yelled from the swelling crowd.

There were gasps, mingled voices, and urgent shouts. Faces contorted as they registered horror and shock. A policeman came to my side while another directed the bystanders to move back. A third went to Adam as he tried to sit up. Several more rushed over and took the man who stabbed me from the people restraining him.

The entire scene felt disjointed. It was like I viewed it from a bubble, experiencing a growing disassociation from myself and my surroundings. I knew I was telling the officer what happened, although I wasn't sure what I was saying. I was also aware Della hovered over me, repeating, "I'm sorry," as she tried to stop the bleeding.

Then bodies parted like an oddly moving wave, and two paramedics hurried toward me. They knelt beside me while another officer seemed to come out of nowhere. He gently maneuvered Della and Evie out of the way, with Della insisting she had to help.

My body was poked and prodded, and the knife wound bandaged. I was placed on a gurney and wheeled to an ambulance. Sirens blared as we pulled away.

Through it all, Della's words echoed in my mind.

She said she loved me.

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