Escaping the Duke (The Secret Crusaders #1) Chapter 8 43%
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Chapter 8


D ear Edmund,

Your past successes may give you confidence, yet not all battles are the same. Instead of fervently pursuing your quarry, consider whether it is a battle you should be fighting at all.

I struggle with the same indecision. It is difficult when you want something so badly, knowing it can never be yours. Sometimes you just have to accept, acknowledging that yours is a different path.

I have various methods of investigation. Of course I employ careful planning, yet instincts and fortune also play a role. I find persistence is paramount to any endeavor. It is an attribute you undoubtedly share. Yet consider that sometimes, it is better to fold.



P.S. There are indeed letters after P. They are Iamnotsoeasilycaught.

She was caught!

The creaking was no natural sound, no idle settling of the house. Someone was following her! She’d suspected it for a while, yet had dismissed the soft sounds as her imagination. The door’s groan made it clear:

She was being hunted.

Her heart thundered in the silence, and she had to force her breathing to remaining even. Who was it? A servant, Cattlyn, Bradenton ? Whoever it was had clearly made efforts to conceal his pursuit. It was no longer necessary.

He had found her.

What was he going to do? The silence stretched into seconds that felt like hours. Yet no matter how much time passed, she was not safe. Undoubtedly he was waiting, biding his time before he pounced.

The entire project had been useless. She had passed what felt like a dozen rooms, yet they were all empty, with no help to provide. Now she’d be lucky to escape without discovery.

Where was her pursuer?

Who was he?

Heavy footsteps broke the silence.

She couldn’t stop a muffled squeak as someone thundered towards her, not yet visible but growing louder with every moment. She twisted around. How could she escape in a wide-open hallway with no doors and no windows? There was no desk to climb under, no dressers to hide behind.

No escape.

She couldn’t give up! She spun again, and saw it. A heavy tapestry hung from the ceiling, reaching to the floor. Unlike when she hid under Roxbury’s desk, her outline would be visible, even in the blackness. Yet it was her only hope.

She darted to the tapestry. The wine-colored fabric tangled in her hands as footsteps slammed against the ground. She found an opening and lunged. Pressed against the wall, she froze, held her breath.

Someone entered the hallway.

She couldn’t see her pursuer, but solid footsteps betrayed his presence. Then…

“You’ve been captured.”

Her heart stumbled.


It was the same phrase he uttered in the garden. How ironic. Did he know it was her? Had he followed her from the ballroom?

Did he know she was Lord P?

She heaved in musty air, coating her lungs with the tapestry’s thick dust. There was nowhere to hide, no escape and no excuses. He would know she had a hidden scheme, and this time he would almost certainly connect her with Lord P. They had discussed Cattlyn in their last letter.

She stayed silent save for tripped-up breaths, waiting for the tapestry to be swept aside, praying that it wouldn’t. His presence towered over her, crowding her back where there was nowhere to go. The fabric shifted as he grasped the edge. Ever-so slowly, it moved…

Suddenly, the movement stopped. She released a breath, even though the reprieve was undoubtedly temporary.

Then a voice, calm, controlled, filled with the power only Bradenton could yield. “Is it you, Lord P?”

She stifled a cry. He must not have seen her, but tracked the sounds and signs she left behind. He knew he was following Lord P, not Priscilla.

In a moment, he would learn he followed both.

Responding wasn’t even possible. Her breath caught in her throat, all lies, facades and misdirection utterly hopeless. All she could do was wait while Bradenton seized victory.

“I hope you forgive me.” Bradenton’s words were low, controlled. “I know you wish to remain in the shadows, figuratively and literally. Yet although we have never met, I consider you more than a colleague. You are a friend, and I cannot allow you to take these risks on your own.”

Once he found out who she was, he was more likely to lock her in her quarters than support her investigations. Of course, he didn’t have any true power over her, but she knew how he worked.

He always took control.

“If you are concerned because we have some sort of connection in the real world, please do not be. I know the man you truly are. Maybe not your name or title, but the true person. Won’t you come out?” he prodded softly. “Talk to me? I would like to know whom I call friend.”

She didn’t move, barely dared to breathe. Was there any chance he would leave, grant her secrecy? For a moment, he didn’t speak, and the slightest spark of hope surfaced.

Then the tapestry shifted.

He was opening it, and this time he wouldn’t stop. Her ruse was up, discovery a moment away. She squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for the shock, the anger. The total loss of control.

It moved slowly, slowly, slowly. Cool air flowed in as a sliver of light appeared. It grew bigger…

“Your Grace! Your Grace! Where are you?”

All movement ceased. Edmund still held the tapestry, yet froze at the sudden words, distant and yelled.

“Someone is coming.” The fabric snapped back, just as the call came again, from closer this time, heralded by heavy footsteps.

The discoverer had been discovered.

Would she be?

“Don’t worry. I’ll protect you.”

Her breath hitched. This was his opportunity to unmask her, yet he was shielding her instead.

It was simply who Edmund was.

“I’ll lead them back to the ballroom. Wait a few minutes before following.”

She nodded even though he couldn’t see, swallowing emotions she couldn’t name. Her heart lurched as his presence withdrew, as he moved rapidly away.

Then there was someone else, no, judging by the footsteps, two others.

“Your Grace, there you are. We’ve been looking for you everywhere!”

“We’re so glad we found you!”

Priscilla breathed out. Her saviors had arrived.

“Lady Emma and Lady Hannah, what are you doing here?” Edmund betrayed nothing of the discovery he’d almost made. “Is everything all right?”

“We were worried when you wandered into the closed wing. We thought you might have gotten lost.” Although it had to be feigned, fright laced Emma’s voice, rising in pitch with every word. Impressive. Timid Emma always fought against subterfuge, yet she was clearly a gifted actress.

“Is everything well, Your Grace?” Hannah asked. “What are you doing here?”

“I was simply searching for a moment of quiet.” Bradenton’s voice was neutral, measured. “I appreciate your concern, but you needn’t have worried. I was just about to return the ball. Let me escort you.”

They must have started moving because whatever was said next was too low for Priscilla to hear. Still, she waited a good few minutes before leaving her hiding spot, peeking out first before racing back to the ball. The sooner she returned, the less chance Edmund would notice her missing and realize she was his mysterious informant. Unfortunately she had to take a different path, longer and winding, in case he was watching for his informant’s return.

She emerged back to a party in full momentum. The crush soothed her slightly, for even Edmund couldn’t see everyone through the jostling throng. Now he was nowhere to be seen. If only she could escape, beg a headache and return home. Yet she couldn’t leave until she discovered what he knew.

If he knew.

Just because he hadn’t swept aside the tapestry didn’t mean he hadn’t deduced the truth. He may have noticed her missing in the minutes before his trek, or after, when she took so long to return. He may consider anew her escapade in Roxbury’s garden, link her with his informant. He was extraordinarily clever, his eventual discovery of the truth nearly inevitable. But had he discovered it yet?

Just as she took a step to find him, Emma and Hannah burst from the crowd. With a grateful smile, she allowed them to lead her to a private corner.

“Are you well?” Emma whispered.

Hannah was more frank. “Did he discover the truth? What is he going to do? Do you need passage to America?”

“He doesn’t know the truth, or at least I don’t think he does.” Priscilla breathed deeply. “He was about to learn it, though. I was hiding behind the tapestry.”

Emma gasped. “You were there when we caught him? Did he see you?”

“No.” She shivered at the memory of the shifting fabric, the cool air as he exposed her inch by inch. “He was about to pull it back when you arrived.”

“My goodness.” Hannah shook her head. “A few seconds later…”

“I would have been caught.”

Emma put a hand on her shoulder.

Priscilla took another shuddering breath. She had to stay calm and collected to confront Edmund. Speaking of acting…

“You surprised me.” Priscilla turned to Emma. “You were quite the actress.”

Emma blushed. “I’m just grateful we were there in time.”

“As soon as we saw him leave, we followed,” Hannah said. “Unfortunately some matrons waylaid us, which is why we weren’t there sooner.”

“You made it soon enough.” Priscilla glanced back to the crowd, but Edmund was still not in sight. “Did he ask where I was?”

Hannah frowned. “It was the first thing he asked. But don’t worry. We told him you were in the ladies’ retiring room.”

Bloody Hell.

Hannah watched her carefully. “You don’t look relieved.”

“I am. It’s just…” She rubbed the back of her neck. “I think he’s suspicious of my activities.”

Emma paled. “But you said he didn’t see you.”

“That doesn’t mean he won’t figure out I’m investigating.” She clutched her skirt, rubbing her hands against the soft fabric. “Bradenton is too clever by half. Last time we were at a ball, he caught me in Roxbury’s garden. Now he almost caught me again. If he realizes I have an ulterior motive…”

“He may realize the woman he’s hunting is hunting others?”

Hunting. Priscilla’s breath hitched at the word. Although she tried to deny it, Bradenton was hunting her, in more ways than one.

He was getting closer on both counts.

“He’s smart enough to discover the truth,” she said quietly. “The only question is whether he has.”

“You should talk to him.”

Hannah frowned at Emma’s words, but slowly nodded. “I hate to say it, but I agree. You have to find out what he knows.”

She took a deep breath. “I will find him.”

“What are you going to say?”

“Hi Bradenton, guess what? I investigate lords and convince them to vote for my measures.”

Emma’s eyes widened before she smiled. “You’re joking.”

“Of course.” Yet what would happen if she revealed the truth? No more apprehension, no need to watch her every word.

No escape.

No, exposure wasn’t an option, at least not if she had a choice. Now she had to discover what he knew.

This time it was not difficult to find Edmund. She simply searched for the largest crowd, and there he was, surrounded by high-ranked society members. He glanced towards the door leading to the hallway. Even though she had taken a different path, she was far from safe. He had to know multiple exits existed.

Standing tall, she set off towards him.

He noticed her immediately. His eyes lingered, studying, searching, contemplating. She waited for an accusation, shock, anything to suggest he knew their true connection, yet he betrayed nothing.

“I’m afraid I must now excuse myself. It’s time for my dance with Lady Priscilla.”

They had no such dance, yet she kept her expression serene as the group turned to her with a dizzying mixture of interest, envy and spite. Edmund showed far more than casual interest, practically announcing his suit for the world to see.

She gave her best “daughter of a duke” nod and accepted Edmund’s arm. She kept silent until they were in each other’s arms, starting a perfectly timed waltz.

“I stole a dance, and you didn’t say a word,” he murmured. “Are you ill?”

She looked into eyes the color of the twilight sky. “Of course not, Your Grace. In fact, I was just about to complain about your insolence.”

“Were you?” He spoke without humor. “Has something distracted you?”

She shook her head. “I have not forgotten your imperious behavior. What if I planned to dance with another lord?”

“I would have said you couldn’t hide from me.”

She stumbled, pitching forward into his arms. Bands of iron captured her, pressing her against his hardness amidst a million sensual sparks. In the next moment, he released her, so smoothly no one would suspect it was more than a slight misstep on her part and a helping gesture on his.

She knew better.

He narrowed his eyes. “Are you all right?”

“I’m fine.”

“Are you certain?” He held her tighter than normal, effortlessly gliding her through the steps. “You seem flustered, and Hannah said you were in the ladies’ retiring room.” He paused, frowned.

Oh no! He mustn’t connect the two excuses. “I was simply helping a friend. She was upset about one of her suitors, and I consoled her.”

He gazed at her carefully.

She swallowed. Now she had to wander into more dangerous territory. “Hannah said you were roaming the halls. I don’t blame you. This is quite the crush.”


She paused for a moment, but he didn’t continue. “Did you enjoy your walk?” she prodded.

“It was not as beneficial as I hoped.”

She breathed out.

“Don’t worry, my dear. It was just a temporary setback. I will soon accomplish my goals.”

She stumbled again.

This time she caught herself before she fell into his arms. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled as she righted herself. “I’m not normally so clumsy. I must still be distracted with my friend’s predicament.”

He stared at her with indistinguishable emotion. “Do you wish to share her dilemma? Perhaps I can provide assistance.”

As every thought in her mind seemingly vanished, it became clear this had been a mistake. She simply couldn’t focus in his presence. Soon the dance would be over, and she could avoid him for the rest of the night. For now, she had to come up with a response that sounded coherent. “She was upset because of her…” What in blazes had she said?


“Exactly, a suitor!” She eyed the door to the ballroom. If she took a leaping start, she may be able to reach it before he started running.

Or he might capture her.

“She has a suitor who is completely unacceptable. No matter how she tries to dissuade him, he won’t give up.”

Challenge sparked in his eyes.

She swallowed, pressed on, “It really is quite silly of him, of course. If she won’t take him, there’s nothing he can do.”

“Really?” He leaned in, his voice low, dark. “Are you certain?”

Not even a little.

“Of course. No matter what a lord demands, a lady still has to say her vows.”

He dipped his head. “If the gentleman is in a position of power, her resistance may prove insufficient. I know you do not like it, Lady Priscilla, but that is the way of the world. Of course, her family must ensure the match is suitable.” He frowned. “Is the suitor a bad man?”

She was taken aback. “Well, no…”

“Does he mistreat her?”

“Definitely not,” she replied automatically.

“Is he very old? A spendthrift? Surrounded by scandal?”

She pursed her lips. “None of those things.”

“Then if you don’t mind my asking, what exactly are the lady’s objections?”

“He’s an overbearing, authoritative tyrant.”

He grinned.

She growled.

He spun her in a dizzying circle, taking advantage to hold her closer. “Your friend may want to consider surrender. Sometimes, the future is inevitable.”

“Or she could clobber him with a vase.”

Edmund threw his head back and laughed.

She sniffed into the air. “I’m just saying that’s what I would do.”

“My little spitfire.” He held her closer. “I have a feeling her suitor will be able to control the situation.”

“ She will succeed.”

He leaned nearer. “Victory is his.”

The dance came to an abrupt end.

She let out a breath, watching the man watching her. In the end, they both knew they were discussing no friend, but at least the subject had turned away from Lord P. For now, she would take no more chances. “Thank you for the dance. I’m afraid I will be unavailable for the rest of the evening. I must seek out my mother to inquire about dinner arrangements.”

An odd expression entered his eyes, part triumph, part slyness and all power. “Perhaps we will be together sooner than you think.”

She narrowed his eyes. “Your Grace?”

“If I was your friend’s suitor, I would ensure I had sufficient time to conduct my coup.”

What had he done?

“Our host was kind enough to allow me to help with the seating arrangements.”

Her breath hitched. “You didn’t.”

“I did.” He leaned in. “You’re not going anywhere. And while we are together, you will describe exactly what happened when you disappeared.”

This. Was. Bad.

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