I wake up to the soft morning light filtering through the curtains of our bedroom. Our bedroom. The thought still brings a smile to my face, even after three months of living with Carter. Three wonderful, passion-filled months.
Stretching lazily, I turn to look at the man sleeping beside me. Carter’s face is relaxed in sleep, a far cry from the guarded expression he used to wear. I resist the urge to trace the line of his jaw or go beneath the covers and find his cock with my mouth, not wanting to wake him just yet.
Instead, I slip out of bed and pad to the kitchen. The apartment that once felt so impersonal now bears touches of both of us. My favorite mug sits next to his protein shaker on the counter. A framed photo of us hangs on the wall.
As I start the coffee maker, our shared addiction, I stare out the window, lost in thought. A moment later, I hear Carter stirring in the bedroom, and after he’s padded out to join me, Carter’s arms wrap around my waist from behind.
“Morning, beautiful,” he murmurs, his hands creeping north to cup my breasts.
I lean back into his chest, savoring the warmth of his body. “Sleep well?”
“Always do with you next to me,” he replies, pressing a kiss to my neck.
We move around the kitchen in comfortable synchronicity, a dance we’ve perfected over the past months. Carter grabs the eggs from the fridge while I reach for the pan. As he whiskes, I pour our cups of coffee.
“First practice of the season today,” I say, sliding his mug across the counter. “Are you nervous?”
Carter shrugs, but I can see the excitement in his eyes. “Nah. Got my good luck charm, don’t I?”
I roll my eyes but can’t hide my smile. “Smooth.”
As Carter plates our breakfast, I check my phone. My heart skips a beat when I see the news: “Star’s Editor-in-Chief Dismissed Amid Scandal.”
“Holy shit,” I breathe, scanning the article.
Carter looks up from his eggs. “What’s up?”
I show Carter the screen, grinning. “Frank’s been fired. Looks like my expose on his unethical practices is going to lead to a shake-up at the Star.”
Carter’s face splits into a wide smile. “That’s outstanding, Lil! I’m so proud of you. You finally got the bastard.”
Just then, my phone buzzes on the counter. Jess’s name flashes on the screen. I pick it up, answer, and put the call on speaker. “Hey, Jess,” I say.
“Oh my god, Lily!” Jess’s excited voice fills the kitchen. “Have you seen the news? Frank’s out! Your latest story did it!”
I laugh, catching Carter’s eye across the counter and sharing a smile with him. “Yeah, I just saw. It’s surreal.”
“Surreal? It’s fantastic!” Jess exclaims. “You took down that sleazeball. You’re like a journalistic superhero or something.”
“I don’t know about that,” I say, feeling my cheeks heat up.
“Don’t be modest,” Carter chimes in. “You worked hard on that story. You deserve this win.”
“Is that the delicious voice of Carter Knox I hear?” Jess teases. “You two lovebirds having breakfast?”
I roll my eyes. “Yes, Jess. We’re having a perfectly normal breakfast like perfectly normal people.”
“Boring,” Jess singsongs. “Anyway, we need to celebrate! Drinks tonight?”
I look at Carter, who nods enthusiastically. “Sounds great, Jess. We’ll see you there.”
As I hang up, Carter comes around the counter and pulls me into a hug. “I’m really proud of you.”
I bury my face in his chest, overwhelmed by the support I feel. “Thank you,” I say. “For everything.”
I arrive at the Frost Giants’ practice facility, ready for the first practice of the new season, feeling a lightness in my step that I haven’t experienced in years. The weight of my secret has been lifted, and with it, a newfound openness has blossomed within me.
“Morning, Debbie,” I say to the receptionist, flashing her a genuine smile. “How’s that grandson of yours doing?”
Debbie’s face lights up. “Oh, Carter! He’s just started walking. I swear that boy’s going to be an athlete just like you.”
I chuckle, picturing a miniature hockey player toddling around Debbie’s living room. “Well, make sure you bring him by. We’ll get him on skates early.”
As I make my way to the locker room, I’m stopped by a group of fans on a tour, hungry for autographs. In the past, I might have brushed them off, but now I enjoy the interaction.
“Hey guys,” I say, reaching for the proffered pens and jerseys. “Excited for the season?”
A young boy, no more than ten, nods enthusiastically. “Yeah! You’ll win the lot!”
I grin, ruffling his hair. “We’ll do our best.”
Entering the locker room, I spot Tank lacing up his skates. I walk over and slap him on the back. “Ready to show these rookies how it’s done, old man?”
Tank looks up, a momentary flash of doubt crossing his face right before he lets loose a big grin. “I can still skate circles around you any day, Knox.”
“Yeah, yeah,” I laugh, settling into my spot next to him, punching him playfully on the arm to show him everything is forgiven. “Just try to keep up, alright?”
As we hit the ice for practice, I can feel the difference in the team’s energy. In the past few months, following all the turmoil, we’ve come together. There’s a new level of trust, a sense that we have each other’s backs.
Coach Carson puts us through our paces, and I push harder than ever. The new season is bristling with promise, and I’m determined to lead from the front. And, for once, that’s the only reason I’m working my ass off. I have nothing left to run from and nothing left to hide.
After a grueling but satisfying practice, I shower and change, my mind already on the meeting ahead. As I walk out of the locker room, I catch sight of my parents waiting in the lobby.
My steps falter for a moment, the sight of my father outside of a prison visiting room still surreal. But then I see the proud smiles on both their faces, and my hesitation melts away.
“Mom, Dad,” I say, pulling them both into a hug. “Ready for that coffee?”
Their smiles light up my spirit like only Lily could.
I push open the door of Lola’s, a cozy Italian restaurant Carter and I like. The familiar scent of garlic and tomato sauce washes over me as I scan the room, my heart skipping a beat when I spot Carter at our usual corner table.
He stands as I approach, pulling me into a warm embrace. “Hey, beautiful,” he murmurs against my hair.
“Hey yourself, superstar,” I reply, pressing a quick kiss to his lips before sliding into my seat. “How was practice?”
“Fine, Tank was back…” Carter’s eyes sparkle as he hands me a menu I don’t need to look at. “How was your day?”
I grin, unable to contain my excitement. “Amazing. After the Frank expose, the Times has picked up my next piece.”
“That’s fantastic, Lil,” Carter says, reaching across the table to squeeze my hand. “You’re really making a difference.”
“Thanks,” I say, feeling a blush creep up my neck. “How was coffee with your parents?”
Carter’s smile softens. “It was… good. Great. Dad’s adjusting well to being home. He even cracked a few jokes. Mom is good too.”
“That’s great,” I say, my chest tightening with emotion. I know how much Carter has struggled with his father’s imprisonment and subsequent release.
Our waiter appears then, and we place our usual orders – linguine alle vongole for me, chicken parmigiana for Carter, and a side of garlic bread for both of us. As we wait for our food, Carter leans forward, his expression turning serious.
“I’ve been thinking, Lil,” he says. “About us. About the future.”
My heart rate picks up. “Uh oh…”
“Lily,” he says, his voice low and intense. “These past months with you have been the happiest of my life. You’ve seen me at my worst and loved me anyway.”
My breath catches in my throat as Carter slides out of his chair and onto one knee beside me.
“Lily Grant,” he says, pulling a small velvet box from his pocket. “Will you marry me?”
I laugh. I laugh so hard it hurts, earning a confused frown from Carter and glares from the other diners. It goes on for so long, uncontrollable, washing over me, that Carter starts to get up off his knee, but I hold a hand out to stop him.
Finally, when I’ve controlled myself, I smile at him and cup both sides of his face in my hands. “Carter, it’s not like us to do it normally…”
“What do you mean?” He says, confused but still hopeful, although I see more and more doubt crossing his face with every second. “Lily, what’s going on?”
“What’s going on?” I laugh again, and pull a ring from my own pocket. “A few months ago we couldn’t stand each other, and now we were both planning to propose on the same night!”
“Uh… so you’ll marry me?”
“Of course!”