Ezra (New Carnegie Androids #6) New Carnegie Times 21%
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New Carnegie Times




What is TerraPura?

Many are asking this very question after President McKinley’s address to the nation specifically outed the group, branding its members as domestic eco-terrorists.

“TerraPura, also known as PureEarth, is an underground organization whose entire objective is to wipe humanity off of the face of the planet,” says New Carnegie Police Department investigator Jayne Rose, who works as a part of the growing Artificial Crimes Unit. “Their goal is to take your android, reprogram it to do what they want, and kill you. That’s the gist of it.”

Born and raised in Cork City, Ireland, Rose bravely went undercover of her own volition as a private investigator and joined the TerraPura cyber-cult with the hope of shedding light on its dangerous ideology. Rose sat down with journalist Amber Rivera for an exclusive interview.

Q: Do you agree that they are an eco-terrorist organization?

A: Oh, absolutely. I think the reason the president chose to label TerraPura as an eco-terrorist group is because they truly believe we’ve ruined the planet beyond repair. Their fanaticism is rooted in something biblical, I guess you could say. They believe we were told to be good stewards of the earth by God, and we failed because of pollution, global warming, et cetera. So who can be better stewards of the earth, who can right all of our wrongs? Androids. They think androids can do it.

Q: How do you become a member?

A: To become a TerraPura member, one has to own an android and then surrender the android to their nearest TerraPura “captain.” There are three levels of PureEarth. Think of it like a cult and the mafia had a baby. You’ve got the initiates, then after that you’ve got the captains, and beyond that there’s the council, and they’re the elite.

Q: We’ve heard the term “ascend.” We know it’s important to their inner hierarchy. How do you ascend from initiate to captain?

A: You commit murder and theft. Kill an android owner and bring the android to your local captain for reprogramming. It’s a vast network, like a spiderweb. There are some slight differences, of course, like we saw with the murder in London where a body was left at the doorstep of Nicholas Kane. I can’t comment on an ongoing investigation, but we believe it was intended to implicate Mr. Kane in the murder, with the hope he would be arrested and the android in his home could then be essentially kidnapped. These aren’t all cut and dry. There will always be nuance.

Q: Does PureEarth accept people who cannot afford androids?

A: One hundred percent. They prey upon the young, the aimless, the poor, and the desperate. Not everyone who wants to be a part of TerraPura has the money to purchase an android. They approach the group, and they have to bring a bionic in order to be initiated. And that usually means burglary and murder.

Q: What can ordinary people do to guard themselves against TerraPura?

A: Put your phones away and keep your eyes open. Be involved in what your kids, especially your teenagers, are doing online. TerraPura loves preying on kids. The earlier they can brainwash your child, the better. Lock your doors, invest in a good security system, and if you see anything strange, call your local police department. Incorporate a defense plan with your android, so that in the event you do come face to face with TerraPura, your android escapes.

Q: What do they do with androids?

A: We don’t know. We’ve seen them make males into bombs, but we haven’t determined what they do with the females. We never see them again.

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