Facing the Music (Sinful Surrender #3) 2. Chapter 2 7%
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2. Chapter 2


Paval’s brand of love is strange at best but I find it endearing. My classmates let his stalkerish mannerisms slide for two reasons—he’s a Kolas and he’s fucking hot. The worst part is that Paval has no fucking clue. He’s blind to what he looks like, seeing the world in logical patterns and black and white like his fathers. When girls try to hang off of him, he just stands there confused. Most of the parties we’ve ever been to, he hangs at the back or beside me, trying to understand the parasocial relationships we’re supposed to enjoy at this age.

He always fails spectacularly, frustrated as to why people would willingly gather and drink just to have fun. Those piercing brown eyes catch me off guard as he tilts his head, trying to understand and gather more information. I thought my uncle, Rhys, was out of touch when it came to the world around him. Paval might be even more so, choosing to stay on the outskirts of college life. He’s even in a fraternity and I’ve never seen an individual do less and still be a member.

Then again, his last name carries a lot of weight with the students here. If his fathers knew, I’m sure they’d rip him away from his studies and bury him on another island like they did last time.

I snort at the lengths his fathers have gone to protect him. Twenty years ago, after everything happened, they disappeared to a little island that is now their vacation spot. I’ve visited a few times but the life Paval has lived is different than mine. He may have grown up absent his real parents but he was loved and adored by four men who would do anything for him.

I grew up with daily calls to the house from a mother I never wanted to see again.

From a woman that no longer deserved to be in my life.

She had ruined everything.

My grandparents were wonderful but I acted out. I had no idea how to deal with that dark hanging cloud in my life. So, I just haven’t. She still calls every day, hoping and praying that I’ll pick up and speak with her. I’m not sure that day will ever come. Not after she tried to have my uncle killed. Hell, she endangered my life for some stupid program.

I won’t forgive her for that.

Hurrying across the courtyard, I make a beeline for my next lecture, smoothing down my skirt as I go. Business attire is required in the law program and while I usually don a pantsuit, I haven’t washed clothes in a week. It’s been too fucking busy between classes, applying for jobs, studying for the bar, and making a little extra cash.

The last part is the part that’s giving me the most trouble.

Mostly because it’s not legal.

And yesterday, $500 of that came up missing. I’ve been meticulous with my numbers. My bookkeeping is immaculate but I’m still short. Between this morning and now, there’s a discrepancy and I can’t figure it out. I’ve gone over every goddamn calculation and nothing makes sense.

That’s a future Tia’s problem. Focus, woman. I take a seat toward the back, intent on mulling through the textbook to determine which case study I’ll be reviewing for my final. Unfortunately, I don’t get that far. Two someones plop into seats on either side of me, their large masses swarming my small body. I should be terrified cased in like this but the twins are harmless—to me, anyway. They also aren’t supposed to be in this class. “What’s going on? Why do I keep seeing people I’m not supposed to? First Paval and now you too,” I joke.

The twin on my right—Jax—snorts as he leans closer. “Tia, I think Paval is sweet on you.”

“Well, he saved me from getting my head bashed in.” I refuse to admit to our growing feelings. It won’t serve either one of us. Tragedy brought us together but Paval and I aren’t compatible in the end—his words, not mine. I’m still holding out hope that he’ll see us differently. It helps that my current boyfriend, Cairo, has been pushing me into Paval’s arms, as strange as that sounds. It might also have to do with the fact that he thinks Paval is cute.

Not my description for Paval but I’ll take it.

The other twin—Aidan—scoots a little closer, his voice barely above a whisper. “You sent an SOS an hour ago. What’s up?”

“That was an hour ago. It’s nothing. Just the numbers aren’t adding up. Heath was angry—that’s the guy I just met because he’s owed a grand but I don’t have it. Not until the other bastards pay up. The problem is that there’s a large chunk missing from this morning and I have no idea where it disappeared to.” I tug at my hair, a frustrated growl seeping through my lips. The twins and Cairo are the only ones I’d ever dare share that information with.

Everyone on the down low knows that I do the books for the underground fights every weekend. If they want a bet, I’m the one they go to. Seeing as this university is quite prestigious with a lot of students rolling in money, bets tend to start at a few hundred and go up. At any given time, I’m dealing in thousands of dollars. There’s a profit margin in there for me as well but not if I can’t match up my goddamn numbers.

“Did you check your roommate?”

I frown and glare at Jax. “No. Paula wouldn’t do that.” I throw my bag on my desk and unearth the little black book I’m famous for. My roommate and I don’t generally get along. She’s everyone’s favorite ditzy blonde and I’m the lawyer by day and bookkeeper by night. God, if my program knew how I was paying for my tuition, I’d be fucked.

Aidan slaps a small envelope onto the desk and I frown at it, recognizing Paula’s awful handwriting. Opening it up, there’s five crisp one hundred dollar bills inside, each with my little mark in the corner. She’s so fucking stupid. “Mentioned that she couldn’t find you but wanted to bet on Cairo for tonight’s fight.” The twins are my unofficial bodyguards and lackeys for the underground fights. They have been ever since I stumbled into that world and started seeing one of the best fighters down there.

Cairo is brawn and brains, smart and strong but he chooses to use his fists rather than his words. Something about the power that hangs off of him drew me to him as well as the way I’m able to be myself around him. Where I feel protected and safe with Paval, I feel like I can explore with Cairo. I’m a selfish bitch to want both, right?

“Motherfucker. Did she really steal from me to place a bet on my goddamn boyfriend?” The three of us know that Paula doesn’t have this kind of cash on hand and even if she did, they’d be crumpled up 20s and 5s. I mark all my bills to know what is supposed to be on my person versus in someone else’s hand. For the brief moment I left my shit unattended Paula decided to take from me. She’ll pay for that.

The twins each place a kiss to my temple before standing and giving me mock salutes. “Let us know if you need anything from us, Tia,” Jax says. “It’s been a pleasure working with you. See you tonight?”

I nod and wave them away, ignoring the odd stares from students filing in. I stuff my book and the envelope back into my bag before beginning to plot Paula’s demise. No one steals from me and gets away with it. Some part of me wants to sic Cairo or Paval on this situation but I don’t need blood and I definitely don’t want to rearrange her face.

However, she needs to know that I’m not stupid.

So, I do one better.

Hey, Paula. We need to talk.

Sweet, simple, anxiety-inducing.

My favorite.

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