Chapter twelve
The shower seemed to clear a lot of the fogginess, a few hours sitting on the couch affording me enough energy to open my laptop to log in for my classes. A few skipped lessons won’t be any harm to my grades but I need something to focus on other than Cairo. His cologne is clogging my nose, confusing me. I want Tia. I adore her, crave her, obsess over her but now there’s Cairo in my thoughts. And every time I glance toward the kitchen, I remember his soft lips against mine and the way he melted into my chest.
I remember the look of desire floating in his expression as I hovered over him, Cairo’s interest pressing against my thigh while he tried to hide his needs. Tia left before I woke up so it’s just this man I don’t really know and my wayward desires.
Needing answers, I whip out my phone and text her.
Come back. I have questions.
I’m in class, you idiot but I guess you’re feeling a bit better? Did you take any meds this morning?
Yes, but I have questions
Then ask them or wait.
I didn’t mean to kiss him. He was staring at my lips.
Suddenly, my phone is ringing, Tia’s number scrolling across the screen. She said she had class. Was she lying? She doesn’t usually call unless there is an emergency so I pick up, not ready for the laughter seeping through the earpiece.
“Pav, there’s no emergency. Take a deep breath. You’re allowed to like Cairo, okay? Kissing him is more than okay and whatever else you want to do as well.” This doesn’t sound like Tia. First, she told me that she wasn’t my angel. Then she told me that she couldn’t save me. Now, she’s telling me to like Cairo. “Babe, I can see the gears turning in your head from here. You will always have my heart but we need to have a conversation. About a lot of things. Just know that nothing changes between us even if you’re attracted to Cairo.”
My face scrunches up at the thought. Attracted to him? I stare over at the fighter in the kitchen again, the man working through some assignment. He’s been waltzing all over the damn apartment in boxers, showing off those tight muscles and large shoulders. “I liked kissing him,” I confess but I refuse to mention that I’m currently imagining his lips wrapped around my cock.
“He’s an excellent kisser as are you. Let whatever happens, happen naturally. I need to get back to class.” Tia hangs up, leaving me a little less confused about what I’m feeling but still wary of starting something. What if she were to come back and tell me that she was mistaken? I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself.
And yet, Cairo intrigues me.
Not as much as Tia but pretty close.
He pushes off the counter and stretches, the audible cracks in his spine making me sit forward. I make a conscious decision to add him to my notebook and start creating an algorithm that will explain his movements. Cairo is only safe if I can understand him. The blue-eyed wonder grabs something from the fridge and then joins me on the couch, opening his other hand to reveal two pills.
“Just some pain medication. It’ll keep the headaches away.”
I do as he says, taking the carton of juice next. The pain is mostly gone even though my vision clouds every so often. When I try to stand, Cairo gently pushes me back to the couch. A warm smile splits across his face as he cups the side of my neck, his touching becoming more intimate than it was a few seconds ago.
“Take it easy, okay. Nick mentioned that if any of the symptoms get worse, we have to take you to the hospital. So, call out for today or whatever you need to do and just rest here.” Cairo searches my face for answers but I have none to give. I feel okay, for the most part. There is no reason to involve the hospital or my fathers. Especially because I want to do it again. Tia will vehemently object but I’m hoping Cairo will understand. “Ah, no. I know that look. You’re not fighting for at least another week. Maybe ever. Tia will have my ass.”
I try to imagine that. Tia being dominant enough to take Cairo and then immediately realize that’s not what Cairo was referring to. “Is she in trouble?” I ask, diverting the conversation to something else. “She’s not acting like herself.” Cairo just tilts his head, as confused as Tia always is when I try to explain why I know she’s acting weird. However, I can’t just show him the algorithm. “It’s just… there’s something wrong. I’ve mapped out everything and she isn’t doing the things she always does. Her laugh is off. Her eyes are pale. And someone hit her!”
My hands fist on my lap, Cairo’s eyes widening before he calms his emotions. Then he wraps his hands around mine, swallowing them in his palms. “Hey, hey, Paval, look at me. There you go. She’ll be okay. It’s a tough situation she got herself into but she’s strong. You know that, right? You’ve seen how strong she is.”
“That doesn’t answer my question, Cairo.” His touch is just as warm as his expression, so much so that I don’t pull away. He takes up a seat beside me again, this man so much softer than the one that was in the ring yesterday. Darkness flits through those blue eyes, pain and a weariness that attacks my soul present in his expression. I almost want to draw him into my chest but I refrain. “She’s not safe, is she?”
Cairo snorts, shaking his head. “She’s as safe as she can be. Mostly because of you. People know not to mess with her because you always seem to be around. A few people didn’t get that memo but I’ve since had a few conversations with them.”
“Words won’t work, Cairo.”
“And it wasn’t really a conversation, Paval. Now, let’s get some food in you before you pass out on me, and then you can keep on studying.” He disappears to the kitchen and returns with a sandwich and water, setting them on the coffee table. “Do you need anything else?”
I shake my head and then pause, wondering if I should ask. Tia would ask. “Who put that pain behind your eyes, Cairo?” I pull my laptop back onto my lap, ready to sign into one of my class’ assignments when I realize Cairo didn’t give me an answer. I twist my head to look up at the man taking care of me, his jaw pulled tight. “Because I don’t like seeing it, Cairo. Something about you makes me want to protect you too.”
“God, you are as precious as Tia said you were.” He presses a kiss to my temple and then leaves the living room. This time when my head starts throbbing, it isn’t because of the headache. I’m feeling torn, even after one day. Tia said it was okay but my need to protect Cairo, to give him what he needs might consume me.
I’m already planning on how to make room in my heart for two.