Facing the Music (Sinful Surrender #3) 19. Chapter 19 66%
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19. Chapter 19

Chapter nineteen


I already know something is wrong when Paval steps back inside, his gaze roaming the apartment as if something is going to jump out and get us. Tia called her uncle a few minutes ago to give him the news but other than holing up in this room, there’s nothing we can do. I’m beginning to think that Paval already did something—something we’re going to regret.

Tia appears from the back room, stuffing her phone into her pocket. “Paval, what did you do?”


“Try again, babe. You’re an awful liar.” She steps up to him, Paval’s gaze still shifting around the room. At first, I think it might be a symptom of a possible concussion but then I see the way his jaw pulls tight and he fists his hands at his sides. Something is definitely wrong. When she reaches forward to touch his arm, he hisses at her and then immediately relaxes. “Paval…”

“I told the twins I’m dragging the guy who did that to your face into the ring.” Everything comes out in a jumbled mess, Paval’s anxiety starting to make me uneasy. In all of the years that I’ve seen him around campus, he’s never been anything other than calm and collected. Tia reaches for him again, Paval melting in the hug she offers. “He needs to know that he can’t touch you.”

“That’s sweet but you shouldn’t even really be doing more than walking around. You’re not getting in that ring.”

“I am. Aidan said that as long as I told you, it would be fine.” He moves past her and heads for the guest bedroom, leaving us in shock.

I snort, knowing that this isn’t going to be the end of the conversation. However, with Paval’s determination, he’s probably going to get his way. We’re not going to like it, though. Tia stomps over to me, poking me in the chest. “Why didn’t you say something?”

“Honestly? Tia, he’s got his mind made up about proving something to you. If he doesn’t get Beck in the ring, he might find him on school grounds and no one is going to be as forgiving then. He’s a Kolas. I’m sure there’s a bunch of people who would love to see him behind bars just for the rumors that swirl around regarding his fathers. This is the safest thing for him to do.” I wrap my arms around her, kissing her forehead.

“And what if he gets hit in the head?”

“We pray we’re fast enough getting him to the hospital.”

“You’re not nearly as worried as you should be about this. Cairo, Paval is—”

“He will be okay. Tia, look at me.” I pinch her chin and angle her head up, holding her gaze with mine. “I don’t know him like you do but from the stories you tell, when he sets his mind on something, he’s going to do it. Add in the fact that everything else around him is falling apart, the only thing I can give Paval is this. I don’t want to push him, Tia but letting him know that we’re also his safe space like he’s ours will mean the world to him.”

“How did you get so smart?” Tia sputters out a laugh. “I just don’t want him to get hurt. He’s always trying to protect me but this time, I think he might not be able to.”

“We’ll just have to step up and protect him too. Stop worrying. Beck's already injured. It won't be much of a show."


This evening feels different than the others. Emotions are running high but the tension is thick and Paval’s been shifty ever since he came back from his little rendezvous. His eyes keep moving around the room and he can’t sit still. I thought it was because he had to tell Tia who he was fighting tonight but that isn’t it. It’s as if he’s searching for something.

Even when Paval steps into the ring, his attention is elsewhere. His hands are at his sides, leaving himself wide open. I can’t tell if he’s treating this like a game or if something has stolen his ability to concentrate. From the last fight I saw, he’s definitely not trained like a fighter or boxer but he’s crazy enough to hold his own.

Tia is wrapped around me as her anxiety runs at an all-time high, both of us staring at Paval and Beck, who's a little more experienced than I thought he'd be. Even with the heavy bruises covering his face and stomach, he's still light on his feet. Paval ducks and weaves, but all of the play from his first fight is gone. The crazed eyes and wild movements have been switched out for a version I’ve never seen.

His gaze is dark with uncertainty and a bit of fear when a punch connects with his stomach. Paval stands there, stunned for several seconds before wailing on Beck. I don’t understand what’s going on, ready to jump in and pull Paval off when someone else rushes into the ring to do it.

The announcer for the night tries to play off his shock as he jumps into the ring, holding up Paval’s hand and shouting out his win. However, this doesn’t feel like a win. It feels like an obligation. Paval yanks his hand from the announcer and squeezes through the ropes to rush over to us. His pupils are dilated as he skids to a stop, Paval wringing his hands in front of him as he ignores the roar of the crowd.

“How long was that?”

This isn’t the same man from last night’s ring. Even Tia is worried as she reaches for him, Paval sidestepping her touch. “Pav, are you okay?”

“How long?” He shouts in my face, visibly panicked. “How long?” The third time feels like a plea as he fists his hands into my shirt, shaking me, demanding I answer.

“Paval, fuck. I don’t know. Three or four minutes?”

A heavy sigh falls from his lips as his head falls against my shoulder and he relaxes. “Good, good. The payout will happen then.” Now, I’m just fucking confused as Tia steals him from me and walks him into the backroom. I don’t have time to figure out what happened as I’m announced as the next fighter.

My heart isn’t here, though. It’s in that little room where Tia is going to figure out what the fuck just happened. However, this is the only way I know to expel my demons without pushing Paval. Tonight, though, a few flying fists might not be enough.

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