Chapter twenty-two
The mass of limbs that I wake up to is the best present I could have asked for. Cairo is sprawled across my side, Tia wrapped up around his back, both of their lips parted as they snore away the morning. Tia doesn’t have classes so I know I don’t have to wake her but I don’t know Cairo’s schedule. I’ll have to fix that. I don’t even know what he’s studying or what program he’s in. Frustration clouds my rational thoughts before I make a mental note to rectify all of that.
Leaving the bed proves to be a chore, Cairo groaning at the loss of body heat before flopping over and dragging Tia into his arms. A small smile plays on my lips as I shower and change. I’ll need to return to my dorm room at some point. The fraternity brothers are probably wondering where I am, although no one has bothered to text or call. I haven’t even been in class and no one has checked up on me. Well, Kelvin sent one this morning. He's the only one who cares.
I ignore whatever feelings come with that, intent on making it through a full day without any lingering effects. Last night’s fight left me a little worse for wear, that pounding headache returning the moment I step out into the courtyard. I really thought that shit was gone and while it’s nowhere near as bad as it was the first night, it shouldn’t be here at all.
The brisk fall air whips through my hair as I keep my head bowed and push into the STEM building, just off the main hall. I take the long route, hoping to clear my mind of everything except finishing this degree when the click of heels echoing in this hallway stops my stride. Students unaware of who is standing there pass by, waving at me or ignoring us altogether.
Ada saunters up to me, wearing a freshly ironed, dark blue suit, her blonde hair hanging around her shoulders. I don’t know how she has the money to do any of this but her proximity is unwanted. “You take directions very well, Paval. Much better than Rhys ever did. I even got to see my daughter thanks to you! No, no. I didn’t meet her but I saw her across the arena. She was all worried for you because you couldn’t keep your emotions to yourself. Now, tell me, who’s her boyfriend? You or that lovely fighter she was wrapped around last night?”
I clamp my mouth shut, wrapping my hands around my backpack straps to keep from doing anything I shouldn’t. In a crowded hallway, everyone will see me as the aggressor.
“She takes after Rhys, doesn’t she? Falling in love with more than one man. Not that it’s any of my business. You’ll be saying goodbye to her soon enough.”
“You said you wouldn’t—”
“Wouldn’t dream of breaking a promise, Paval. Especially when I know she’ll be able to use that money for important things. Tonight, though, I’d like you to lose.”
That’s not an option. Tia and Cairo need to be protected and I can’t do that if I lose. A hit to my head might render me unconscious and Ada would most definitely break her promise the moment I’m no longer at Tia’s side. My fingers itch to dig out my phone and alert my fathers but I don’t know who Ada will steal from me if she knows I broke my side of the deal. As stupid as it is to keep quiet, I have to. The only person she didn’t mention is the police. I’ll be calling them right after Ada fucks off.
“Don’t pout, Paval. It’s not that serious and if you’re thinking of setting your fathers on me, this won’t go the way you think it will.” She steps closer, patting my chest so that her words are only for me. “Because I happen to know that you’re just as infatuated with Cario as my daughter. It would be a shame if you lost both of them.”
How does she even know that? A growl tears from my throat as I step back, hating the way she believes she owns me and my decisions. “Why is it so important to you? When you get caught, you’ll be back in jail without access to your daughter all over again! Only Tia will suffer. She doesn’t want you.”
Ada throws her head back, cackling. “You’re adorable. Paval, if I thought I was at risk of getting caught, I wouldn’t be so fucking brazen to step onto your campus. But tell me, where are all the little police officers or security guards that should be taking this threat seriously? I shouldn’t be anywhere near this place because Tia goes to school here and yet… not one person has made an effort to remove me from the grounds.”
I rack my brain for answers, confused and a little terrified. There isn’t any security on this campus, definitely not enough for how much we’re pouring into this place. However, despite the multiple reports of seeing Ada on campus and my fathers stepping in, there should have been some activity from the local precinct. Something.
Nothing has changed here.
In fact, I haven’t even seen a janitor recently.
The halls aren’t filthy so they’re around but they seem to always just be out of eyesight.
“What did you do, Ada?”
“I ensured my safety. Tonight, I expect you to lose. Tia will have enough money to pay for her last semester if you do.” She offers me a wicked smile before turning on her heel and disappearing down the hall. Not believing all of her claims, I whip out my phone and panic-dial 911, whispering that Ada has been on campus and that she’s searching for her daughter.
Their response?
“We’ve sent a few officers to the campus to ensure Tia Fraser's safety. They should be stationed around the buildings and you can approach any of them to discuss your concerns.”
What officers? I’ve seen no one. I head back outside, eyes peeled for any evidence of those claims. And just as I believe they’re lying, I see one lone individual standing against the science building across the courtyard. The very same one Tia had escaped into and the one I found myself alone with Ada. The man I see, though, isn’t police. Security, maybe but the suits and the bulk of that man remind me of twenty years ago.
Whoever was sent was either bought off or switched out.
We don’t have help here.
And yet, if I say anything I might lose Tia, Cairo, or my fathers.
Or all of them.
I spin on my heel and head back to the apartment, no longer able to concentrate on studying. There’s no need to do that if Ada’s always lurking around, waiting for me to slip up. When I return, though, the silence confuses me. Tia is sprawled across the couch, reading through a book and Cairo is standing in the kitchen, stuffing his face with what looks like a sandwich.
Tia sits up, her brows furrowing in confusion. “Babe, what happened to class? I assume that’s where you went.”
“Erm, yes. But it’s done.” Lies, both of which they seem to catch onto but I’m not explaining that I just saw Ada. There’s no point. I also won’t be explaining about how the police think we’re protected but we’re just sitting ducks. I shrug my bag off my shoulders, letting it thunk onto the ground before stepping further into the room. “What are you studying, Cairo?” Hopefully, changing the direction of the conversation will keep them from asking questions.
My fighter stands there looking like a monstrous chipmunk, Tia giggling as she approaches me. “How did we get to my classes?” Cairo mumbles as he continues to chew.
“He’s creating your profile. He needs to understand you and it’s what he does. Pav, he’s studying business and is supposed to go work for his father after he graduates. However, I know for a fact that Cairo won’t be doing that.”
“I’m not?”
I look between the both of them, trying to understand. Why would someone study something and then not use it? “He’s not?” I echo.
Tia shakes her head, guiding me into the kitchen and sitting me down on the stool. “No, because Cairo can’t sit still and his father’s a bastard. No way am I letting him get sucked into that world.” My gaze narrows as I catch onto the true meaning of Tia’s words. That look in Cairo’s eyes came from his father. A man who should be protecting him rather than hurting him.
Tia chews on her bottom lip, waiting for my reaction as Cairo stiffens. I know what I want to do but violence in this situation wouldn’t help and neither of them would be happy with me. So, I choose to state a fact instead. “Both of your parents are douchebags.”
They burst out laughing, Tia pressing a soft kiss to my head as she runs her fingers through my hair. “You’re not wrong, babe. How are you feeling after everything?” I know she means my head but I can’t help but smile when Cairo’s cheeks pink. He swallows and then cracks a smile, Tia shaking her head in amusement. “You both are adorable. There’s going to be a lot more of that in the future. In the meantime, I know for a fact you didn’t eat anything because Cairo doesn’t keep his fridge stocked. So, breakfast is the priority and then we get to talk about the fact that the main road from the campus is closed down.”
My heart drops into my stomach, all the playfulness from a few seconds ago gone. “What?”
Cairo nods as he returns to the fridge, producing things that don’t qualify as breakfast but will satisfy hunger. “Seems someone hit one of the water lines so there’s no going into the city. Not that I had anywhere to go this weekend. Besides, the twins texted me and said that you’ve got another bet for tonight.”
I try not to react, Tia’s hand in my hair coming to a halt. “Why would they tell you? For how much?”
“2K,” Cairo mentions, shrugging as he takes another package from the fridge, sniffs it, and then chucks it into the trash. “I asked the twins who it was and it’s another newbie. No idea how they got that kind of cash but Aidan told me it was already wired.”
Tia’s hand continues its massage through my hair but this time it’s rough, her emotions filtering into her touch. I don’t like it. “I don’t believe in coincidences and all of this shit happening at the same fucking time is impossible.” Her top lip pulls up in a snarl before she leaves us and disappears into the bedroom down the hall. I stare after her, wondering if I’m supposed to follow or stay put.
“Someone’s influencing your outcome, isn’t there? Paval, no new fighter shows up three nights in a row. And no one bets $2K on them unless they know them or there’s something else nefarious going on. Just tell me the truth, it’s Ada, isn’t it?” Cairo sets down the last of whatever he pulled from the fridge and moves to stand beside me. “God, Paval, you can’t protect her from everything.”
“I don’t have a fucking choice, Cairo.” He opens his mouth just as I slap a hand across his face to muffle his words. His eyes darken with desire, his nostrils flaring at the position we’re suddenly in. I’ll have to remember this for later. “If I fight, she stays away from our woman and before you bring up the police, I called them. They’re here but they aren’t the police. They’re her men. Don’t ask me how I know. I just do. There’s nothing in our favor here and now we can’t get off of campus? It’s all bullshit, Cairo. Bullshit. ”
I slowly let go of his face, his blue eyes frantically searching my face for lies. “Call your fathers.”
“Not an option. She knows where they live and now I can’t even go over there. They’re safe from Ada but we aren’t and anything my fathers try to do… they can’t do anything from there. We’re stuck.” I thought I felt helpless before but this feeling bubbling up in my chest and taking over my lips is keeping me from being able to think.
Even breathing becomes difficult as I stare down at my hands, wondering how we’re supposed to get out of a trap Ada has so perfectly crafted. Tia still doesn’t know how much danger she’s in. Ada wants her daughter back but after that… then what? What will she do to my woman after that?
“Paval,” a large hand cups my cheek, drawing my attention back to Cairo. “You’re going to get hurt playing this game. You’re not going to win.”
“I’m not supposed to,” I mutter. “That’s what she wants. I need to lose. Tia will be able to pay for the rest of next semester if I lose. But if I do, I won’t be able to protect her. Or you. As long as you both are okay, it won’t matter but I don’t see how this works out.”
Cairo sighs, leaning forward to kiss me before speaking again. “You don’t think you’re worth it, too? Why can’t you see that we care about you and getting hurt would hurt us? I know it’s an impossible choice but you keep doing everything for our safety.”
His words mean everything and yet, change nothing. I stare down the hallway, anxious that Tia hasn’t yet returned. The water hasn’t turned on and there’s no screaming which means I have absolutely no idea what she’s doing. I do know one thing—she needs me. Both of us.
“Let’s take care of our woman today. Show her that she has us both and that whatever comes our way, we’ll be right there. And then after that, if you truly feel that you have to do this to protect her, do it. I’ll make sure she’s safe. However, you should really call your fathers. If I had the support system you did, I would be leaning on them every chance I got.” Cairo kisses me again and this time, I hold him there, digging my fingers into his shirt and curling them around the fabric.
I’ll do it because Cairo is promising me that Tia will be okay, that I won’t have to worry about the aftermath and that’s all that matters. When I release Cairo, I shoot my fathers a lengthy text, knowing very well they will be on high alert until that water main break is fixed. They’ll tell me not to do anything stupid but I won’t agree to that.
I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure Tia and Cairo are safe.
And if that means standing there, letting some poor bastard hit me in the face until I crumple, I will.