Family Bonds- Jarrett & Andi (Amore Island #19) Epilogue 100%
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O ne Month Later

“I can’t believe you wanted to walk the trails today rather than going to see your new nephew,” Andi said a month later.

Aiden Griffin Bond had been born a few days ago. His brother was thrilled now that his wife and child were both doing fine.

Jarrett didn’t even want to think of those things. He had to admit he’d had enough worry with Andi for the past six months that her giving birth someday to his child probably wouldn’t faze him.

Nah, he was only kidding himself. But she’d be fine with it. Just like she was fine with him now.

The lease was up on her house in a few months and they’d been talking about her moving in with him.

She’d brought it up and he wasn’t about to tell her no.

That was all the encouragement he needed to move forward with his plans.

“It’s a nice day,” he said. “And I know Jennie is resting. GriffinandPenelope and the kids will be over tomorrow to visit and she’ll have her hands full. You and I both saw the baby in the hospital.”

He’d gone over with Andi the minute he knew Jennie was close to delivery. Then he and Andi went to Mac’s to watch the twins and Jace so that Sidney and Mac could go visit too.

Seeing her with the babies, holding and feeding them, playing and laughing, he knew what he wanted all along and it was time for her to know too.

“That’s true,” she said. “I’m going to visit one day next week when I’m off.”

“She’ll like that,” he said.

They stopped walking when his phone pinged loudly. “What is going on?” she asked.

“Do you recognize this spot?”

“No,” she said. “Should I?”

“It’s where you tripped and tumbled into my view andintomy life.”

She burst out laughing. “Seriously? How do you know that?”

“Because I sent a pin on the location down by the water and then Mac’s detectives came up here and found your footprints and the ground where your body made the tumble. They sent it to me too so I could check it out.”

Andi was laughing so hard now, she was holding her side. “That’s funny, Jarrett. Why would you bring me here?”

He grabbed her hand and pulled her off the path and down the embankment to where she’d landed close to the water.

“I’m never going to forget this spot or that day. I know you don’t remember much of it.”

“Sorry,” she said. “Most of the memory is gone from hitting my head.”

“Well,” he said, getting down on his knee. He pulled a ring out of his pocket and held it between his thumb and finger. “It’s time you remember the spot that brought you to me too. I think this might do it?”

“Hell yeah,” she shouted. “Oh my God. Are you proposing to me here?”

“I am,” he said. Jarrett grabbed her hand. “Andi Benson, I love you with every part of my being. Every breath I take, I take it for and with you. I don’t ever want to think of a day when we can’t be together. I’m asking you to be my wife. To take my name. Just one more name change, that’s it. The last one.”

She laughed and held her hand out while he slid the ring on. “The last change. That’s right. Because, yes, I’ll marry you.”

“Don’t let her fall!”

She turned her head to see who shouted that up on the hill and noticed Jack standing there and making his way down. “What are you doing here?”

“You didn’t think I wouldn’t be part of this, did you? For your father and all,” Jack said hugging her, then shaking Jarrett’s hand.

“You knew?” she asked.

“I asked for his blessing,” Jarrett said. “It was the right thing to do in place of your father.”

“I never thought I was much of a lucky girl before, but I’d say luck was on my side when I landed on this island.”

Andi put her arms around both of them on each side of her and gave them each a kiss on the cheek.

“Or maybe it was fate,” Jarrett said. “That’s what I think.”

“I think you might be right!”

The End.

Check out the next in the series…Family Bonds- Coy & Angel

Her big brother’s best friend. Her secret crush for over a decade. He has no idea how she feels…but he is about to!

Angel Jansen is sick of being babied, sheltered, and protected her whole life. But she is a survivor and has worked hard for people to see that. What she hasn’t done is work hard enough for Coy Bond to know how she feels about him. Now is her chance.

Coy Bond is the baby of the family. He took a different path in life but stayed rooted in his heritage. He is loyal and honorable to those close to him. When his college best friend’s sister graduates from dental school and is looking for a job, he does the right thing and offers her a spot at his practice.

He didn't anticipate the currents under the surface, and now he's having difficulty staying afloat. Those honorable morals he has...yeah, they might be drowning him fast, and he has to decide if he can sink or swim alone or bring Angel down with him.

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