Family Secrets (Librarian #9) CHAPTER 5 26%
Library Sign in


What in the San Gennaro’s name is this ? Brian’s forehead creased in a frown as he was looking at the cloud of thick, sticky fog that invaded the room out of the blue. The windows aren’t even open, and it’s still warm outside, the man continued his internal monologue, somehow irritated by the situation, until he realized he was in the presence of a ghost.

There used to be something chilly about you; I guess the guys in charge of the special effects decided to upgrade them or something , Brian mentally greeted the apparition, a gentleman in his late fifties, early sixties, wearing a three-piece, designer suit. The specter didn’t emit any thought; most likely, he didn’t appreciate the librarian’s joke.

You are all about protocol and formalities . Brian shook his head, leaving the bed with a small sigh of protest, as he instantly missed Bart’s warmth. Let’s go, then. He gestured with his head to the door, walking out of the room and going downstairs into the library. Now we can talk, or…whatever you call this.

His name was Vernon Roberts, the ghost started the telepathic communication, and Brian quickly realized the spirit visiting him was none other than Bailey’s father-in-law. Yes, he had been dead for three months, but Grant, his good-of-nothing son, kept it hidden from everyone, burying him under a fake identity.

Most likely, the worthless worm did it to keep Bailey tied to him and continue to make him suffer. Brian could feel the anger radiating from the ghost and couldn’t blame him; he had a great desire to finish off the piece of garbage who was mistreating his poor brother so badly, not before torturing him for a few days, to the point he would beg to be put out of his misery.

Grant deserved the worst of deaths for what he put poor Bailey through; the ghost regretted that he only found out about the nightmare his son-in-law endured only after he went to the other side; otherwise, he would have taken care of that lousy human being himself. However, before that, the librarian had to get in touch with the Roberts family lawyer and ask him to make his will public, the ghost continued the unspoken dialogue.

His illness was a well-known fact, and he instructed the attorney to reveal the content of the document at any point, even if he was still alive, conscious or on life support; the legal counselor was the only one who decided on that matter. Grant needed the document to confirm his status as Roberts estate’s new owner, but the lawyer, an old-school gentleman, like his employer, hated that waste of space and avoided him like the plague.

Brian was sitting in the armchair, absorbing every word transmitted to him. When the mind link went silent, he nodded, his eyes containing a promise he was going to keep, although no word was spoken. A sound like a sigh of relief reverberated through the room, then the spectral form disintegrated and the thick fog disappeared.

Brian went back to bed, and how it happened every time after a ghost paid him a visit, fell asleep almost instantly and woke up well-rested and refreshed. Truthful to his word, he called Vernon Roberts’s lawyer a few minutes after he got to the library and, without getting into too many details, told him it was the time to read his client’s will.

For a few days, Brian waited for news from Stephanie, but it didn’t happen. Maybe it’s a good sign, he said to himself, but worried when, one day, she didn’t show up to the library at the usual time. His sister was the type of person who didn’t change her routine, unless something very serious forced her to do that, so he decided to give her a call.

“I was about to call you,” Stephanie abruptly started as soon as she answered the call. “That bastard had a fit of rage, beat Bailey to a pulp, and now I’m with him at the clinic. He’s in a coma and Doctor Stark said…” She left the sentence unfinished, but the librarian could sense the terror in her voice.

“Bailey’s in the best of hands. Doctor Stark and his team will do anything in their power to bring him back.” Brian tried to comfort his sister. “I’m coming there, too; like I said, I’ll help whenever and with whatever I can.” A moment of silence followed, then he spoke again. “Do you know what happened?”

“I don’t know exactly, but apparently, everything started in the office of the Roberts family’s lawyer, after the reading of Grant’s father’s will.” Stephanie inhaled sharply. “Apparently, the old gentleman disowned his son and named Bailey his heir. My brother’s husband accused him and the lawyer of plotting against him, and once the two of them got home…”

“I’ll be at the clinic in about half an hour.” Brian cut his sister short, sensing she was on the brink of crying. “We’ll talk more when I get there.” He paused, then continued in a gentle voice. “Bailey needs you to be strong and focused. He could wake up any minute.”

Stephanie thanked Brian for his concern, assuring him she was taking care of herself, too, then ended the call. Slowly shaking his head, the librarian texted Principal Peyton and Elias, asking for a couple of hours off. One day, the bosses will have enough of my personal problems and will fire my sorry ass, he said to himself.

But then again, helping Stephanie and Bailey, being there for them when they needed him the most was his duty as an older brother. Even if she didn’t know why he was helping her and her brother, the young woman appreciated everything he did for the two of them and let him know on more than one occasion.

With that thought in mind, Brian messaged Luca, telling him the news and that most likely he would be at the clinic for the rest of the day. The reply came right away; the Sicilian’s schedule wasn’t as busy as usual, and he would join him at the clinic in less than an hour. Meanwhile, Elias and Peyton also answered his messages, saying they had no problem with him taking the rest of the day off, and also the next one, if he needed.

“I can’t believe you’re here.” About an hour later, Stephanie threw herself into the librarian’s arms. “Thank you for taking time from your day, although you have no obligations to us.” She smiled through tears and showed the man a long, black, shiny feather. “Look what I found on my brother’s bed.”

“A present from a friend.” With a smile, Brian placed it in Bailey’s hand, then turned around and headed to Luca, who was waiting in the doorway. “Get our knives. We’re going hunting.”

“I brought them with me. Tanner volunteered to help.” The other man’s reply came in short, concise sentences. “Andrea and the rest of the boys are with your family. The members of The Council are guarded by Leon, Lawrence, and the best of the brothers.”

“I’m sorry, Stephanie, I have to go. I have some urgent business to attend to.” Brian hugged the young woman. “Let me know if Bailey wakes up.”

“I will. And don’t be sorry, you’ve done a great deal for us as it is.” Stephanie gazed at the librarian for a long moment, swallowed hard, then continued in a voice filled with concern. “ Take care of you. Grant is a dangerous bastard with friends in low places. You are two good, decent people, and you won’t stand a chance against them.”

Brian hugged the young woman once again, then left the clinic, accompanied by his friend and submissive. “That fucker will suffer, but we won’t kill him just yet. He better hope my brother lives.” He hissed between his teeth in Sicilian, then, remembering Stephanie’s words, turned to the other man. “Are we good, decent people?”

“Yes, librarian, we are.” Luca’s answer came right away. “We always stand for the helpless and innocent and don’t hurt anyone without a reason. Don’t you ever doubt that.”

“You know me too well. Sometimes, I feel like a good man. Other times, I think I’m a monster. The men I take apart aren’t good men, I know this. I’m probably not making much sense, am I?” Brian smiled tentatively.

“Actually, I have the same dilemma quite often, so yes, you do make sense. To me at least,” Luca replied in his usual calm, almost flat voice.

“Well, at least I’m not crazy.” Brian shrugged, grinning.

“No, librarian, you are not. Just very stubborn.” It was Luca’s turn to grin. “You are the only man who pointed a gun at my head and lived to tell the tale, and the only one who I would follow in death and bring back with me.” The man’s voice was thick with emotion.

“That I am.” Brian chuckled at the memories the other man invoked. “I was quite mad doing that, but I’m still not sorry.” The librarian opened the car’s front door and locked his eyes with the other man, who climbed into the passenger’s seat. “I loved you even then. I’d do anything for you.” He ran his thumb over the pocket watch tattoo inked on his friend’s skin. “When your clock stops, so does mine.”

“Don’t worry, I don’t plan to go very soon.” Luca gave the librarian a warm smile that reached his stormy-grey eyes. “The baby Martino gave birth to, our sweet Gianluca, will not be our only child; there will be others. I intend to live and see the children of my grandchildren.”

“That’s a great plan.” Brian nodded and went to start the engine when his phone buzzed. When Stephanie’s name appeared on the screen, his pulse spiked. “Yes?” He answered, praying the news was good.

“Bailey is awake and wants to talk to you.” The young woman answered in her usual abrupt style. “I’ll put him on speaker.”

“Please, leave Grant alone. He is grieving and didn’t know what he was doing.” The young man spoke in a desperate voice. “It won’t happen again. Please!”

“Everything will be alright, I promise.” Brian repressed a sigh and slowly shook his head. “Now, can you put your sister on the phone?” The librarian waited a few more seconds, then whispered, “Bailey is not in his right mind.”

“He loves that monster, in spite of everything. My brother hasn’t known another man, before or after Grant. I think we should give him time to think things through.” Stephanie let out a long sigh. “And a man who will care about him. Is it Christmas yet?”

“It will be here before you know it.” Brian took a deep breath. “Try to relax. Bailey needs you now more than ever. Besides, being tense won’t do any good to your physical and mental health, on the contrary. Please, try to have some rest and keep me up to date with any changes.” Once the call ended, the librarian turned to Luca and Tanner, who carefully listened to the conversation from the backseat. “What should we do now?”

“I say we get the fucker and lock him up until Bailey decides what to do with him.” Luca answered in a cold voice. “If that other man appears, the bastard is dead meat.” He added the cold threat.

Tanner nodded in approval. “I agree with the Consigliere here, boss. Sometimes, waiting is the best strategy.” The man turned to Luca. “Will you please give me the keys to your car? I imagine you want to ride with the boss.” The Sicilian tossed him the keys, and he stepped out of the vehicle.

“We’ll do that.” Brian’s eyes narrowed as he started the car’s engine. “However, we mustn’t wait too long, either. Grant is hell-bent on killing Bailey. I won’t let him.”

“No one kills your younger brother, librarian.” Luca balled his hands into fists. “Not while I am alive.”

“You have no idea how much I want to kiss you right now.” Brian’s voice was thick and heavy with lust. “And I wish we could use our knives on that pile of shit.”

Luca blushed at the librarian’s passionate words but decided to not offer a reply. Instead, he answered the comment about their knives. “We will, Sir…but not today. You are a wise, patient man.”

“I don’t feel patient or wise right now.” Brian clenched the wheel in his hands. “In fact, I can’t wait for that shithead to make a wrong move…or for Bailey to fall for another man.”

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