“Can you please discreetly show me the handsome, soft-spoken, well-mannered accountant who prepares the best mocha in the world?” Stephanie whispered to the librarian, leaning over the counter. “Bailey’s eyes are shining every time he talks about the guy.”
“Hello, Mr. Cavallieri. Miss…” Lennox walked into the library, a styrofoam mug in his hand, and headed straight where Bailey was sitting. “Your mocha.” He smiled softly, putting the mug on the desk.
“That’s him.” Brian gestured with his head to the desk. “His name is Lennox O’Donnell. He’s Ian’s cousin.” He paused, then continued with a grin. “You might get what you wish for and what I hope for.”
“Really?” Stephanie’s eyes widened in surprise. “Could he be the one who would replace you-know-who in Bailey’s heart? Do you know his family, background, and so on?”
“I believe so, yes.” Brian slowly shook his head. “I’m hoping for it; he would be the answer to my prayers and, I’m sure, yours as well.” He inhaled sharply. “Ian thinks the world of Lennox, so I don’t worry.”
“Um…slow down.” Stephanie raised her hands in surrender. “Who’s Ian?” Before the librarian could answer, she slapped her forehead. “The cute vet, right? The one who’s married to Oisin.” She huffed. “I can’t believe how forgetful I’ve become.”
“With everything that happened in your and Bailey’s lives, it’s not surprising, and you shouldn’t be ashamed of it.” Brian gave the young woman a look filled with sympathy and understanding, then changed the subject. “Ian and Oisin are really good kids, they are like my own.”
“You are really a wonderful guy, with a heart of gold.” Stephanie offered the librarian another warm smile. “Are there other kids you see as your own?”
Before the man could answer, Martino walked into the library, little Gianluca comfortably sleeping in a stroller. “Guess who wants to say hi to Zio Brian?” The redhead accompanied his words with a cute grin.
“Look at him, what a perfect, beautiful little boy!” Stephanie cooed at the baby. “So cute and sweet!”
“Thank you for the words from earlier,” Brian replied to the young woman as he hugged Martino. “There are many of them; I’m the papa, uncle, brother, or best friend to any who needs one.”
“Mammina says he has my temper,” Martino whispered, carefully taking his precious cargo out of the stroller and putting him into the harness system he was wearing. “I say he’s strong and handsome like his Papa. And like mine.”
“You are Zio’s sweet, perfect boy.” Brian gave baby Gianluca, who opened his eyes and was yawning like a kitty, a look filled with paternal affection and adoration. “Yes, you are,” he repeated, then turned his attention to the little one’s father. “I agree, but he also has his Zio’s stubbornness,” he said with a chuckle.
“Actually, I hope he does.” Martino protectively put his arms around Gianluca’s small form. “It’s going to help him a lot, like it helped you. You know what I’m talking about.” The young man’s voice became serious when he said the last part.
“He does, I can already see it.” Brian nodded in confirmation, then changed the subject. It wasn’t the right moment for Stephanie to find out the truth about him and the ties he had with the Old-World Mafia. “Shh, don’t tell your dads, but I’m going to spoil you rotten and drive them crazy.” He winked to the little boy, who gave him a toothless smile.
“Who was he named after?” Stephanie extended a finger in Gianluca’s direction and was thrilled when the baby grabbed it like a prize. “I know it’s a tradition in Italian families,” she continued with undisguised curiosity.
“Older brother Brian picked the name.” Martino gave the librarian a grateful smile. “It’s a combination between Giovanni, my Papa’s name, and Luca, the name of my husband.”
“I’m glad you both liked it.” As he spoke, Brian sensed Don Giovanni’s presence and smiled internally when the ghost thanked him for everything he did for Martino and Luca.
Stephanie looked at Lennox, who was gently touching Bailey’s face, and smiled at the sight the two of them offered. Then she looked around the library, her gaze finally resting on Martino carrying Gianluca in the marsupium-like harness, with Brian smiling at them. This is a magical place, she sighed in contentment, closing her eyes for a moment.
The librarian, with his soft voice and gentle ways around children of all ages, was the wise wizard who made that building and everything about it to be so special. He helped those in need, gave them strength, and brought them together, starting beautiful, harmonious families. Baby Gianluca and the seed of love growing inside Oisin’s artificial womb were the living proof of the efforts he made to bring happiness into the lives of those around him.
Stephanie was grateful to the Fates, or whatever supreme being had brought Brian into her life just when she needed it the most. His words of wisdom, all the little things he did for her and Bailey, even his simple presence, helped the young woman a lot, and sometimes, she wondered what she would have done if it wasn’t for him.
From the corner of his eye, Brian saw the serenity on Stephanie’s face as she was watching Lennox subtly flirting with Bailey. She likes him , the librarian said to himself, relief coursing through his veins at the thought. Maybe it’s time for me to talk to them, tell them who we are to each other, he continued his internal monologue.
Suddenly, the air around Brian became bitter-cold, and he started to rub his arms up and down, looking around to detect the source of the chillness. He caught a glimpse of a woman’s silhouette, but it disappeared before his brain could register and process the information. That’s odd. The librarian frowned. Ghosts never showed up before in a place with more than two or three people, and that was when they took over my body to get in touch with their loved ones.
Brian had the feeling that spirit, if that was really what he saw, played an important role in his relationship with Stephanie and Bailey, influencing it in a negative way. That’s it. His face brightened after a few seconds of intense thinking . I’ll invite them to Reardon’s house under the pretext of meeting my family.
Stephanie loved kids of all ages, especially babies and small children, and so did Bailey. He always wanted to be a father, his twin sister once opened up to Brian, but the monster he was married to beat him to a pulp on the only occasion the poor soul voiced his wish. I’m sure Lennox will be more than happy to make his dream come true, the librarian smiled at the thought.
It will be next weekend, Brian suddenly decided, looking in the direction when the ghost appeared a few minutes earlier. Reardon’s house was protected against any type of black magic, malevolent spirits included. Whoever you are, you won’t have any power there, the man telepathically messaged the ghost, hoping she was still around.
A few days passed, and Brian completely forgot about the incident at the library, when one night, he sensed the temperature in the bedroom drop suddenly, the telltale sign of a supernatural presence. You guys have a hierarchy or something, because if yes, I prefer the fog bringers, the man mentally commented as he left the bed.
To Brian’s huge surprise, his spectral guest was none other than the woman at the library, a few days earlier. Sorry, I had my reasons, she started the mental dialogue right away, her thoughts filling the man’s mind. Still have them; I had a toxic family. I didn’t want a family for my children, and I still don’t. They have each other, and that’s enough. You will only hate them in the end.
So you judge and pretend to know my heart. Brian huffed as he formulated the thought. I don’t hate Stephanie and Bailey, and I never will. You denied them love and still do. The man hoped the ghost could feel his indignation, but the supernatural creature seemed to ignore his feelings, sending another message instead.
Love? What do you know? The specter gave the librarian an intense stare. You love your brothers, not my children. How could you EVER love Bailey? You won’t. I protected them; they were happy. The children who were never sad, that’s what everyone called them. The ghost was proud of herself, and the message was saturated with that feeling.
You are so selfish. It was Brian’s turn to stare hard at the spectral presence . Happy, really? He slowly shook his head, letting out a heavy, long sigh . I rescued Bailey from a horrible situation. He almost didn’t make it. Stephanie… who knows what kind of pain and heartache she deals with, too, on top of seeing her twin suffering like that. Neither are happy.
Brian sensed a swish in the air, then one of his cheeks started to sting, and before he knew it, the sensation repeated with the other. She slapped me, the man thought, staring blankly ahead, disbelief written all over his face . That’s one angry ghost, the angriest I have ever met, he continued his internal monologue, not realizing the spirit was still in the room and could hear him.
That’s because I’m not around anymore, the specter broke Brian’s trail of thought, just when he was about to wonder how she managed to produce him physical pain. I would have protected Bailey. And Steph…she’s too independent to be with a man. You men don’t like intelligent women, the supernatural presence continued the series of bitter messages.
You must have been a bitter woman in life, and it followed you in death. Brian hoped the otherworldly visitor could sense how disappointed he was. It’s all about you. You feared we would love them more than you. Keeping her children in a bubble, not giving them a chance to meet their siblings, taking the choice away from them…a mother who really loved her son and daughter wouldn’t have done any of these things.
You can’t compete with me, boy. Brian could swear he saw a smirk forming on the ghost’s face. I’ll let you try. I gave my children wonderful memories. Let’s see what YOU are going to give them. A life of danger? I know about your Mafia background. None of my children are made for that dark, dangerous world. Especially Bailey. You don’t know him. That would destroy him.
Who says I was competing? Brian slowly shook his head. You don’t understand, do you? I only ask to be given the chance to know, love, and have them in our lives. If they walk away, that’s their choice. It will hurt, yes, but I won’t stop them. Not like you would. I am going to tell them who I am. I’d never lie to them.
And no, you can’t stop me, Brian blocked the ghost from communicating another resentment-filled thought. You see, the house where your children will spend the weekend is a place full of love, laughter, and children’s giggles. Besides, it’s protected against bitterness and malevolent intentions, so you can’t get in there if you won’t give up on this attitude.
I know, Brian continued to bombard the ghost with his thoughts , you have a great influence on them even now, when you’re no longer physically present, and could make them change their mind and decline my invitation. However, if you do that, I’ll make sure you’ll never visit them in their dreams again. I’m a mere mortal, but I have friends in the Otherworld that would lock you away and throw the key in a pit of lava, if I ask them to.
To Brian’s great surprise, but also relief, the ghost didn’t emit another thought; she just sat there, on the couch, for a few more moments, then vanished into the air. I’m sorry, lady , the librarian thought after the spirit completely evaporated, I’m not the threatening type, but it’s time for you to learn that nothing and no one can stop me from protecting and loving my siblings…except the said siblings.