Family Secrets (Librarian #9) CHAPTER 16 84%
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A comfortable silence followed Duke’s words, the four exchanging warm looks. Like every time he was included in a tight-knit group, Brian felt his heart filling with joy and gratitude. From the corner of his eye, he examined the other man, who was still affected by Stephanie’s revelation about the cruel treatment Bailey suffered at Grant’s hands.

With them in her corner, I can understand why Stephanie doesn’t want brothers and a man she doesn’t know at all as her father , Brian said to himself, relaxing into the chair. He suspected Melina, who seemed to be a year or two younger than her brother, was just as fiercely protective of her friends as him.

Brian’s attention turned to Duke again, and from the corner of his eye, he started to examine the younger man. Earlier, when he found out about his best friend being mistreated, he showed the wild side of him, but reading his body language, the librarian caught glimpses of vulnerability, loneliness, and a great dose of uncertainty.

He needs someone by his side, a person who would help him boost his confidence and self-esteem by constantly reminding him he’s worthy of appreciation and love, Brian said to himself. Someone who could and would take care of all his needs , the librarian continued his internal monologue.

Stephanie broke the silence, answering Brian’s all unasked questions about her friends. Duke and Melina came from a wealthy, very prestigious family, but none of them had the rich kids’ mentality that, just because they had money, they should be allowed to say and do anything without suffering the consequences.

Both of them had stellar academic results in high school and college, especially Duke, who aced at absolutely everything. However, the relationship with their parents, especially their cold-hearted father, was tense, because they didn’t want to accept his sexuality. They would have disowned him, were it not for the maternal grandparents, the members of an old aristocratic British family.

The grandfather owned a company specialized in financial investment analysis and offered Duke an entry-level job there right after graduation, three years earlier. Melina wasn’t thrilled by the prospect of spending the remaining year of college in the company of her stiff parents, so she asked her grandparents to arrange her transfer to London, which they did.

Duke loved his job. He was dedicated, intelligent, resourceful, and hard-working, qualities which helped him to earn the respect of his bosses and co-workers alike. He built a very solid professional reputation in a relatively short time and managed to bring a lot of important clients to the company.

The two, Stephanie continued the story, had a good, happy life in England, until a few months earlier, when their grandmother passed away, followed shortly after by the grandfather. The couple’s estate in its entirety went to their grandchildren, which earned the two their mother’s eternal resentment.

The properties and liquid assets they inherited would have allowed Melina and Duke to live a more than comfortable life in England, but they decided to come back to New York City. Having the means to buy a place of their own, so they wouldn’t have to deal with their parents, made the things easier; plus, they missed dearly Stephanie and Bailey, their best friends since childhood.

With money not representing an issue, Melina could finally pursue her dream of working at a center that specializes in horse riding therapy, but she couldn’t find any. That was until Brian mentioned the one at The Base. Eyes shining with excitement, the young woman told Stephanie and the librarian that she intended to go there and see if they had any positions available.

At that point, Duke let out a long, heavy sigh; in his case, things were much more complicated. Most companies specialized in financial investment analysis were run by conservative bigots, who saw homosexuality as a disease that had to be eradicated. In the eyes of those prejudiced assholes, his competence and professional reputation didn’t matter at all.

When there’s a will, there’s a way, Brian intervened, smiling mysteriously as he made a mental note to talk to Fabian Bloom, Ardan’s honorary adoptive father and advisor. His younger brother, Sebastian, was in a relationship with Vincent Grant, known in the business world as Jeremy V. Grant, the famous stock trading guru, who, the librarian was sure, would be happy to hire someone with Duke’s talents.

Brian was about to offer Duke some words of encouragement when the library’s door flew open and an autistic ten-year-old girl, severely neglected by her birth family before being rescued and brought to The Base, threw herself in his arms. The librarian engulfed the troubled child in a protective hug and started to talk to her in a gentle, whispered voice, gradually calming her down.

“You are all kind of awesome.” Melina spoke in awe, shaking her head. “That little girl was sobbing her little heart out when she came in, and you… I can’t believe it.”

“I’ve come to believe that your arms are a magical place.” Stephanie offered the librarian an affectionate smile. “Your brother-in-law Reardon has the same talent,” she added.

“Whoa, dude, you are fantastic,” Duke also exclaimed, eyes wide. “I bet your children are the happiest in the world, because I don’t doubt you have at least one of your own.”

“Seriously, I’m just me.” Brian raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, then turned to Stephanie. “Yeah, Reardon is great. One of my best friends.” His eyes were shining when he said the words.

“You are a man with many friends, I see.” Duke spoke hesitantly, then stopped and swallowed hard a few times. “What do you think about…um…gay men?” He lowered his gaze, so the librarian wouldn’t see the blush creeping on his face. “You didn’t say anything when my sister…”

“Well, I’m gay and married, so I think they are awesome.” Brian cut the young man short, a radiant smile brightening his face.

“It’s such a pity that, after all this time, your parents still don’t accept Duke for who he really is.” Stephanie’s voice had a tinge of sadness as she gently squeezed her best friend’s hand.

“Yeah.” Melina shook her head in defeat. “I bet Dad will tell everyone not to hire him.”

“Don’t worry, sis. I’ll find a job,” Duke said in a voice he tried to make sound cheerful. “There’s always a shortage of cashiers and shop assistants at supermarkets.”

“I already see you taking over the whole chain a few months after starting to work as a cashier. You won’t be the first billionaire with humble roots.” Brian offered the young man an encouraging smile. “Anyway, that won’t be your case. I see you having a bright future and making a great name for yourself in the world of finances.”

The librarian’s words were like a balm to Duke’s and Melina’s souls, washing away all the pain their parents’ resentment and rejection caused them. At some point, the siblings even considered moving back to England, but now they congratulated themselves for staying in New York City. This was where Stephanie and Bailey, their best friends forever, lived. And where they met Brian the librarian, a special man with a special gift.


Two weeks later

“Hey, big guy, what’s wrong?” Stephanie tried to hide her worry beneath a smile. “Luca called. Whose ass do I have to kick for upsetting you?”

Bailey waved their hand dismissively. “She’ll have Lennox do that. My sister has started to think like a Mafia girl.” They flashed a cute grin in their sister’s direction.

“This one was a Mafia girl since the dawn of time, and Duke was her right hand.” Melina huffed out a laugh, bringing a pale smile to the librarian’s lips.

“Okay, people, I know my patient is a very popular, extremely loved fellow, but you should give him a break; otherwise, he’ll be even more stressed.” Doc Alasdair came into the room, shaking his head. “Sorry, I forgot the trophy for you. Again.” He gave Brian an injection. “Just a mild sedative to help you relax and even sleep. You need rest after being on the verge of a heart attack.”

“It’s all my fault.” Guilt washed over Bart as he took his husband’s hand between his own. “I could tell my sexy man was stressed but didn’t know how to help.”

“Really, man, you need to stress less.” Stephanie’s voice was a mix of worry and guilt. “I’m to blame, too. I came to you with my problems every time but never asked if you were okay or needed help.” She lowered her gaze.

“I’m fine.” Brian smiled reassuringly, his voice barely above a whisper. “Told you, I’m just me.”

“Stubborn is what you are.” Luca rolled the sleeve of his shirt up, exposing the pocket-watch tattoo. “Never forget this,” he said in a thick, deep voice.

“Your friend is right, you are stubborn, just like our Steph here.” Duke offered the librarian another smile. “And a professional worrier, I bet.”

“Yes, I’m stubborn.” Brian, who was getting a bit sleepy from the sedative, let out a sigh, followed by a longer sigh. “My worries have worries, so yes to the worrier part, too.” He gave Alasdair a side glance. “I bet Doc is going to ground me again by making me take time off.” The man mumbled that more to himself than anyone else.

“I won’t give you time off this time but try not to stress out this much. You need to relax.” Doctor Stark smiled and gave his patient a look filled with warmth and understanding. “Over the twelve years or so since you have worked at The Base, I’ve come to know you quite well, and keeping you away from the library would do you more bad than good.”

“Thanks, Doc. You are the best.” Brian let out a long sigh of relief. “You don’t know how much I appreciate that.”

“I don’t care who you talk to about it, but something is stressing you.” A small frown creased Alasdair’s forehead. “If I’m right, there is an issue, and you have tried to fix it by yourself, and you couldn’t.”

“Oh, wow, that doctor looks hot!” Duke broke the somewhat tense silence that threatened to take over the room after Alasdair left. “Too bad he’s straight…or is he?”

“Very married and not at all straight.” Brian chuckled, amused. “Don’t tell me you were interested in hooking up with him.”

“Please, tell me that his husband is old, fat, and bald.” Duke brought his hands together, feigning despair.

The librarian was about to reply, when Ardan walked into the room, worry altering his features. “My Spitfire told me you are here…again. What’s up this time?”

“I’ll talk to you about it later, in private.” Brian’s answer was followed by a tired sigh. “Just stress and worry like always.”

Ardan nodded, his turquoise eyes filled with warmth and understanding. “I’m only a message or a call away, and so is Elias. Get well and stop worrying, okay?” The Base’s founder huffed a short laugh and shook his head. “Well, who am I to tell you that?”

“Both of us are born worriers, my friend.” Brian showed all his teeth in a wide grin. “I appreciate the offer very much and, if Doc releases me tomorrow. I’ll come by and talk to both of you.”

“Anytime. I’m retired now.” Ardan winked. “At least, that’s what I’ve heard,” he added in a playful tone.

“Whoa, this one is dynamite!” Duke exclaimed, eyes wide and filled with a mix of admiration and lust, after The Base’s founder left. “What a pair of fascinating eyes, and that body! Lord, have mercy on my soul.” The young man fanned himself.

“Um…” Brian discreetly coughed, getting the other man’s attention. “I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but do you remember the doctor from earlier?” Duke nodded in response, so he continued. “Well, this is his husband of twenty years.” The librarian smiled brightly. “A great man who I’m proud to call my friend and the one who rescued hundreds, maybe thousands of kids from a hellish existence, giving them hope and the chance to start again.”

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