Robbie: Good luck.
I smile down at the text message, although it does little to ease my thudding heart.
Me: I hope he’s nice.
Robbie: Alex is literally the nicest guy on the team. Actually, he’s the nicest guy I’ve met so far in the league. A genuinely good guy.
I release a breath, smoothing down the front of the shirt dress I’m wearing, mentally trying to remind myself that I’m a real estate agent, and I can do this.
When Alex sent me a text message yesterday, I almost fell out of bed. Yes, I’d been in bed at two o’clock in the afternoon, but it was a Sunday, and for obvious reasons, I was worn out after my road trip with Robbie, especially after he decided to crash at my place and keep me up half the night.
Alex said he was wanting to check out any apartments I had available, and I told him I have the perfect place tha t’s not yet on the market. He said he’d meet me at ten a.m., and here I am, ready and waiting with a few minutes to spare.
The intercom buzzes, and I startle from where I’m scrolling through Instagram . I do one quick sweep of the apartment before answering the call.
“Ma’am, I have Alex Henry here for the viewing.”
“Fabulous. You can let him up,” I respond with a smile.
I take a few deep breaths before crossing the entryway. We’re only on the eighth floor, so almost as soon as I open the door, I hear the elevator chime and force a game face. But when Alex steps off the elevator and into the corridor, I’m immediately put at ease. He has that friendly, golden retriever vibe about him. Tall and broad, with floppy blond hair and big brown eyes that are so warm and kind. When he smiles at me, it’s as if we’ve known each other for years.
“Alex, hi. I’m Fran,” I say, holding out my hand. But he’s having none of that apparently, ignoring my hand and wrapping me up in an unexpected hug.
“So good to finally meet you,” Alex says, pulling back and offering me a grin. “I’ve heard so much about you that I feel like I know you already.”
My cheeks flush at his words, wondering what the hell Robbie has been saying about me.
“Come on in,” I say, inviting Alex inside.
“Oh, wow. This is nice.” With his hands tucked in the pockets of his sweats, he looks around, nodding, and I must say, I’m more than a little smug.
“Okay, so we’re right on the border of Hell’s Kitchen. Your training facility is literally only three blocks away.”
“Yeah, that’s where I came from. I walked,” Alex enthuses. “Took me six minutes.”
I smile, leading him through to the kitchen. “Now I know you said you were looking for a one-bedroom just for you, but I really wanted to show you this unit because it’s actually two bedrooms.” I turn in time to see his jaw drop, and I can’t help but beam. “I know it’s just a place to crash after the games, but I thought…” I shrug. “If it’s within your budget—which it is , because it’s a steal—then why not add in an extra room so when the baby is old enough to come to the games, you have somewhere comfortable to stay as a family.”
Alex arches a brow, and I know he’s dubious. “Tell me more about this so-called steal .”
I offer him a conspiratorial wink, nodding for him to follow me. “Let me show you around.”
I point out all the features of the apartment, from the brand-new oak flooring, to the double-glazed windows in the bedrooms, to the view of the Empire State Building in the distance, to the sleek and high-end bathroom finishes.
We finish up back in the kitchen, and I try to gauge Alex’s thoughts by his reaction, but for a happy-go-lucky guy, he’s surprisingly pokerfaced.
“You told me your budget is 1.25,” I begin, and he nods. “This place isn’t yet on the market, but the owner needs it gone quick. He took a job in London. He’s already gone.”
“What do you think it’ll take?” Alex asks.
“You have two beds, two baths, eleven-hundred square feet, in a fully secure building with full amenities, six minutes from your training center. A parking spot can be negotiated with the fees so that during the off-season when you don’t have to come down to the city so much, you can remove the parking fee.” I continue, “I think if we come in strong with all cash, no contingencies, quick close, we could probably get it done at 1.1.”
Alex’s eyebrows climb so high, they get lost behind his floppy hair. He rubs his chin, scanning the apartment, and I think I might have him sold.
“Is it okay if I go home and have a chat with Cassidy?”
I nod. “Of course. Your wife?”
“Yeah.” A huge grin spreads across his face, and he reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone. Suddenly, he’s showing me photos of a beautiful brunette holding an adorable chubby-cheeked baby with a shock of thick dark hair that almost looks unnatural on an infant.
“He’s gorgeous!”
“Thanks.” Alex smiles, a proud look in his eyes as he gazes down at his phone. “Those two are my whole world.”
I feel an unfamiliar tug in my chest, and suddenly I’m thinking things I have absolutely no right to think, but it’s hard not to with this big, tough hockey jock in front of me literally turning to mush as he talks about his family. I didn’t think hockey guys—or any athletes—could be soft and sentimental, like it wasn’t in their DNA. Now, however, I can’t help but wonder if Robbie might ever be like this. And, if he is… could it possibly be with me?
I stand with Hannah outside the Thunder’s locker room after their win against Baltimore. The energy in the tunnel is electric, and as I bounce on my heels, I realize I can’t wait to see Robbie walk out that door. My, how things have changed…
When the door to the locker room opens, the crowd of young kids that have been granted access start to get rowdy, and a few of the players appear, stopping to sign autographs and take photos. I spot Alex, and when his eyes meet mine, he waves in that way that usually means someone wants to talk to you, so I approach and wait for him to finish doing his thing.
“Hey, Fran.”
“Hey, good game,” I smile.
“Aw, thanks.” He’s so modest, it’s adorable. “Hey, I spoke with Cass, sent her the photos and the video I took, and we want to put in that offer.”
“That’s awesome.” I really wasn’t expecting his response so soon, so I try to rein in my cool. “Text me your offer tonight, and I’ll speak with the seller’s agent first thing in the morning.”
“If we need to go up , obviously we have a little wiggle room, but I’d like to try?—”
I hold a hand up, stopping him. “Say less. We’ll get it done.”
“Thanks, Fran.” Alex moves in and wraps an arm around me.
“Yo, Henry, you making a move on my girl?”
I startle when I feel an arm snake around my waist from behind, glancing over my shoulder to see Robbie smirking devilishly as he squeezes my middle.
Alex backs away, hands held in the air, although I can tell by his smile, he’s just playing along. But then he winks at me, and says, “I’ll text you later, Fran.”
“What the?” Robbie laughs.
“Later, man.” Alex high-fives him before turning and strolling up the tunnel with his bag thrown over his shoulder.
I turn to face Robbie, my skin heating as he pulls me flush against him. Looking up, his dark eyes are sparkling with mischief, and I know he knows exactly what he’s doing to me. He’s such a shit.
“What was that about, huh?” He waggles his eyebrows.
I almost squeal with excitement. “The apartment.”
“He’s going to make an offer?”
I nod eagerly.
“Well, let’s go celebrate.” He turns so he’s next to me, his arm lazily slung around my shoulders as we walk back to where Dallas is regaling a bored looking Hannah with a story from the game. Happy and Logan are standing next to him, looking just as bored.
“Dude, we know.” Happy slaps Dallas in his chest. “We were there.”
“Cool. Eat a dick.” Dallas punches him in the arm. “I’m telling Hannah.”
Hannah snorts. “I was there too, Dallas. No need.”
Dallas throws his hands in the air with a groan. “Doesn’t anyone wanna hear about how awesome I am?” He spears me with a knowing smile. “Franny! You wanna hear all ab out my shutout, don’t you?”
With a sidelong glance at Robbie, I find him rubbing his lips in an attempt to conceal his smirk.
“Sure, Dallas,” I say, stepping away from Robbie to Dallas, who is quick to wrap his arm around me and lead me down the tunnel. “Tell me all about it.”
Behind me, the others laugh between themselves, but I ignore them. Dallas is like an adorable toddler who needs constant attention, and if I’m the one to give it to him, then so be it.