Fang Girl (Trick or Treat Monsters) 2. Victor 29%
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2. Victor


T he Nocturnals hit the stage as the crowd roared. Spotlights swept across us one by one: Basil with his shock of white hair hammering the drums, Riggs working the bass, and Dario shredding on guitar.

The light blazed down on me last, and I cradled the microphone. "Hello."

That was all I needed to say.

The auditorium erupted.

I couldn't help grinning at their enthusiasm. My voice had been getting me swoons and phone numbers since high school, and becoming a little fangy hadn't changed that. Being lead singer for The Nocturnals was everything I'd dreamed of—even with the complications.

"On with it!" Eddy barked in my earpiece.

I held back a growl. His ideas for fan engagement were solid, but his delivery needed work. You'd think a manager for vampires would be more careful about pissing us off.

"Tonight we have a very special experience for one of our fans," I said, scanning the VIP section. Eddy had already picked out some pre-approved lucky fan, but then my gaze caught on Aria and everything else fell away.

My old classmate. Creepy Ari, they'd called her—beautiful, mysterious Ari who talked to people no one else could see. I'd wanted to kiss those perfect lips all through high school, but never dared break rank to approach her.

Now? Nobody told this vampire what to do. I smiled and pointed. "You."

Her heart-shaped face cycled through emotions rapid-fire: surprise, delight, hesitation. But a curly-haired friend practically shoved her forward.

I reached down, grabbed her arm, and pulled her up beside me, flashing a toothy smile. Most people assumed the fangs were just part of the act.

She grinned back at me. “I can’t believe this,” she said, “I’m such a fan.”

My smile dimmed. “You don’t remember me?”

She winked. “Thurman High.”

“Get on with it…” Eddy yelled in my ear. “Kiss her!”

I pulled her against me.

"I'm going to kiss you now," I said huskily. Her cherry scent swirled around me, making my fangs ache.

She met my eyes, her heartbeat stuttering.

“Consent, you asshole,” yelled Eddy. “Lawsuits!”

"Do you mind?" I asked as our lips drew near.

She shook her head.

"Good." I flicked off my earpiece, silencing Eddy's squawking.

Her lips were soft, parting easily beneath mine. She tasted sweet, like the cherries I could smell on her skin, and I nibbled gently at her bottom lip, careful of my fangs.

I pulled her closer, our bodies pressed up against one another. Holding myself back, I wished we weren’t on stage so this could be more than a kiss. She felt right and good in my arms.

A few minutes later I realized the auditorium had gotten really quiet. I helped Ari stand, but didn’t let go of her hand. She blushed and waved as the crowd went wild.

She was so adorable.

I slid a couple passes out of my pocket and pressed them into her hand before I let it go.

“Come see me after the show,” I said.

“Okay,” she said, still wobbling a little bit.

I couldn’t help my smirk.

Security helped her down into the VIP section. The girl who seemed to be her friend jumped up and down with excitement.

The drummer hit the beat and we started our first song. Even while I sang and performed, I couldn’t get that kiss out of my mind. I hadn’t wanted to stop.

After the concert, we headed backstage. Eddy handed us water bottles and slaps on the back.

He grabbed my arm as I walked by, and hissed, “Why didn’t you go with my nie… the pre-approved fan?”

I wanted to bite him, but I held myself back. “I know Ari,” I insisted. “We went to school together.”

“That’s no excuse…” He backed off when I leaned closer, fangs itching to descend.

“Whoa man… none of that fangy shit.”

He knew about our natures, because it was necessary. Eddy kept us out of the sunlight, and the fridge stocked with blood. When I’d first been turned, I’d needed all the help I could get.

“Then leave it,” I said. “Ari will be back here shortly.”

I watched him walk away, and my inner monster was at a low simmer. Ever since the attack that turned me, I’d been fighting to control myself. Was this a bad thing? Would I hurt her?

Might be something to ask Basil about. He'd been a vampire longest, always insisting we could live almost normally, despite our... dietary restrictions.

One of the PA’s crossed to the food table, followed by Ari and her curly haired friend. The heartbeats around me from all the backstage staff seemed to increase in volume, and my fangs ached, though I’d fed well earlier. Ari was reeling me in like a fish, and I was well and truly hooked.

I started toward them, and someone grabbed my arm, pulling me to a stop. Fury whipped up my spine, and I turned ready to attack, and met Basil's placid blue eyes.

His mouth was open as if he’d started to ask a question, but then he studied me. “You need to calm down,” he said evenly. “Do we need to head to the trailer?”

The trailer was where we kept the feeders. I’d been determined when I’d first been turned not to feed off humans, just blood bags, but with our grueling tour schedule, it just wasn’t possible. Still we kept it consensual and regulated. Everyone was there of their own free will, we never took too much, and we kept medics on staff.

My fangs ached, but I’d been well fed before the concert. I was fine…just…

I looked at Ari.

“Victor…” Basil said, frowning.

I swallowed. Basil could be damn scary when he wanted to be. One bad college party had turned me into a vampire forever, and I’d had no idea what to do. Basil had adopted me.

“No, I’m fine. I just want to go see . . .” I trailed off, gesturing to Ari.

Basil glanced over at Ari. “She’s pretty.”

Mine. I didn’t say anything out loud, just nodded, but Basil looked as if he understood.

“She’s the one you kissed on stage?” he asked. “Wasn’t there some other girl Eddy had vetted?”

“Yes,” I forced out. Why was I being so possessive? I’d just seen Ari for the first time since high school, and I was acting like she was my wife.

“Be careful,” Basil said. “Being a vamp…you know it messes with your emotions.”

I closed my eyes, counting backward from ten like Basil had taught me, and tried to relax. When I opened my eyes, I strolled as casually as I could over to the table and to Aria.

“Hi,” I said.

She lifted her eyes and met my gaze. “Hi.”

“I’m Kylie,” her friend chirped. “We’re so excited to meet you!”

“I’m glad you could make it,” I responded automatically, although I only had eyes for Ari.

Basil came over and started talking to the friend, so I could pull Ari away a bit. We stepped around the edge of the table. The loud room narrowed down to just the two of us.

“How have you been?” I asked, trying to ignore all the people running around breaking down our stage.

“I’m good,” she said, nerves evident in her voice.

“Are you in college now?” I asked. “Or working?” These were not the questions I wanted to ask. I was usually a lot smoother than this.

“College,” she said, looking down at the floor. “I’m studying journalism.”

“That’s cool.”

I grabbed her hand and squeezed gently.

She looked up at me.

“That kiss was amazing,” I said, leaning closer.

Ari’s cheeks pinked up. “Bet you say that to all the girls.”

“No,” I said as I stroked her cheek with my other hand, not letting go of hers. She leaned into the touch. “Only to you.”

“Oh…” she said.

I wanted to kiss her again, but not here, not now.

“Let’s go on a date,” I said.

“Now?” She looked around at the bustling room.

“Victor, Basil,” one of the PAs called out, tapping her clipboard, “You’re needed for the press interview.”

Eddy had booked us solid for the night. “Sorry.” I shook my head. “How about tomorrow night? Give me your phone, and I’ll put in my number.”

“Okay,” she said, digging in her bag and pulling out a cell phone.

"I'll text you with the details," I said, punching my number into her phone and calling mine to capture hers. The PA was getting more insistent about the press interview.

Basil grabbed my arm, but I couldn't tear my eyes from Ari. She called to me like a siren song, and I couldn’t wait for tomorrow.

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