Anax (An-ax): The highest-ranking leader in the military outside of the president and the council.
Dux (doox): The equivalent of a colonel in the military; directly underneath the Anax rank.
Du-Arche (Doo-Are-key): A step down from dux, but a step above arche.
Arche (Are-key): The equivalent of a private in the miliary.
Dokimos (doe-ki-moes): A trainee in the military.
High Lordship: The enforcer of the council’s decisions and the Glenn’s laws.
Vamp: A vampire country ruled by its own government.
The Glenn: One of the four Vamps.
The Fern: One of the four Vamps.
Wataedge: One of the four Vamps.
Yates: One of the four Vamps.
Untish Tribe (U-n-tish): A rumored tribe of dragon shifters.
Veil: The wall between realms.
Seething (Seethe-ing): A creature crafted of dark magic.