Ididn’t sleep a whole lot last night. My beast was too darn excited to let me rest.
Now I’ve found my mate at long last, and it knows she’s asleep under my roof, a jerk-off wasn’t gonna be enough to satisfy it. Nope. It needed outta me. Eventually, I had to get up and head out into the wilderness for an almighty hunting session.
But as soon as I hit the forest, a bunch of unfamiliar scents assailed my nostrils. My beast was mad. This is my territory—here and for miles around. It’s marked every inch of it, with its claws or its piss, and other predators know better than to invade it. But last night, the undergrowth was humming with the stink of a horde of different shifters. They’ve probably been tracking Scout from the moment her dad dumped her on the roadside. Can’t say I blame them. Her innocent, ripe scent must have been fucking intoxicating. They were probably oblivious to anything other than claiming her.
Not. Fucking. Happening.
My beast went a little crazy, tearing up everything in its path. Warnings of what’s gonna happen to anyone who thinks they can invade my space. It wouldn’t quit until it’d patrolled the whole territory twice over—and caught enough meat to last for a month. Probably a good thing, because I’m darn sure that as soon as I’ve gotten my cock inside my girl, I won’t want to go anywhere for a long, long time.
I yawn and stretch as I bound out of bed. Despite the short sleep, I feel good. Full of energy. All these years I’ve been preparing for Scout’s arrival, and here she is at last. Even more delicious and sexy than I’d hoped. I can’t wait to show her around the rest of the house, explain to her that everything here is hers.
I go to the kitchen and set about making breakfast. I wonder what she likes to eat. She seemed so grateful for everything last night. Poor thing. Sounds like she’s been living on junk all of her life. From now on, I’m gonna make sure every meal is fit for a queen.
Because she is a queen. The most regal and exquisite being that ever lived.
I wind up laying out all the possible ingredients on the counter so I can see what catches her eye: eggs, bacon, milk, flour, hollandaise sauce, mayo. Spinach, mushrooms, sausages, maple syrup, wild berry jam, granola, bread—white and wholegrain—smoked salmon, muffins.
Everything is fresh or homemade; nothing comes out of a packet. Even before I knew how crazy her family is and the diet her father has been subjecting them all to, I sensed she’d want to eat healthy, wholesome food.
Every nerve in my body is on high alert, waiting for Scout to emerge from her slumber. But it’s still early, I remind myself. She needs her rest.
I make a coffee with my fancy machine. I bought it for Scout. The fates were kinda vague on whether she liked coffee or not, but I didn’t want to take any chances. It’s the best that money can buy, and every morning I challenge myself to make a better one than the day before. Think I’ve got cappuccinos just about perfect now. I even sprinkle a bunch of cocoa powder on top in a pretty heart pattern. If my clanmates saw me doing that, they’d laugh their furry asses off. Believe it or not, I’ve always been the biggest, toughest bear in the clan. The one most likely to give up on civilized living and sleep in a cave. And then two things happened: I accidentally came up with a business idea that humans went crazy for, and the fates told me to go prepare for my mate.
Now I’m living like one of those wealthy humans. Gotta admit, it’s kinda cool having all these conveniences. But they’re nothing compared to the look on Scout’s face when she saw the pool for the first time. My heart just about soared up through the glass roof. I knew I’d listened to the fates’s instructions just right. They told me my mate would want a beautiful, big, tropical pool where she could spend hours relaxing and swimming.
I take the coffee to the upstairs terrace to watch the dawn like I do most mornings. It’s a stunning view, the sun rising over the distant mountain peaks, streaking the sky pale yellow and peach. I grin to myself. Just yesterday I was watching a fierce orange dawn, wondering if I’d ever get to share these beautiful moments with my mate, and here she is.
Down below, the forest is still hidden in darkness. A strange odor drifts back to me from last night: the sour tang of an unknown male bear. Not a grizzly. Something else big and beastly. I picked it up a couple of times, right on the borders of my territory. No prizes for guessing what it was hunting for.
My beast swells beneath my skin. Just the thought of another man touching my girl turns it mad with rage. It’ll go straight for the jugular. There’ll be no stopping it. I’ll tear him apart. Disembowel him. Rip his gonads out and leave them for the crows to eat?—
There’s a sound behind me. Footsteps.
I probably look like a crazed lunatic right now. My skull is broadening, and I can feel my canines forcing their way out.
I take a deep breath and pull my beast back down inside me, as deep as it’ll go. Then I turn in time to capture the vision of Scout padding across the bedroom that leads to the terrace. She’s barefoot and wearing a towel. Nothing underneath it, my beast notes. I pick up her delicious virgin scent, unimpeded by panties.
“Hi,” she says quietly. Her eyes are full of uncertainty.
Damn, did she see something of my beast? My chest aches. I never want her to feel that way about me. I want her to know she can trust me with her life.
When she steps onto the terrace, I don’t hesitate; I step toward her and take her in my arms. To my delight, she lifts her chin, like a delicate flower turning toward the morning sun. Her luscious lips are pursed, anticipating the kiss I can’t wait to give her.
I dip my head and kiss her.
And kiss her.
I can’t let go. She’s too darn irresistible. I hold her close, tangling my fingers in her silky blond hair, running my hands up and down the contours of her back. At some point I notice that her towel has come loose. Now she’s delectably naked, her bare tits pressed against my chest, while my cock is doing its best to break free from my jeans.
I slip my hand between her legs. Fuck, she’s wet already. I cage a growl between my teeth. When I touch her clit, she moans into my mouth. It’s fucking delicious. I slide my finger a little lower and find her entrance, still barred by her hymen. Soon it’ll be gone. Destroyed by my cock. Fire burns in my veins.
Claim her!my beast growls.
Could I? Lift her pretty ass up onto the terrace rail? Spread her sweet thighs, then pull out my throbbing cock and sink it into her?
The urge is taking hold of me. My beast is antsy, all riled up. The scent of her wet pussy is driving it insane.
She reaches for my zipper.
Holy shit.
I stop breathing as she slides it down?—
But something moves behind her.
I freeze.
Something in the forest. Dispersing the undergrowth as it approaches.
“Wait,” I whisper, shoving Scout behind me.
Shit, it’s that thing.
I watch in fury as a huge, shaggy gray beast bursts through the trees. It’s heading directly toward my house, flashing its yellow eyes and yellower fangs.
Fucking asshole. How can it not know this is my territory?
Because its goddamn nostrils are snuffling, scenting my girl! I can hear the repulsive sound from here.
“Oh, my god,” Scout mutters.
I shoot a glance at her. She’s picked up her towel and she’s wrapping it around herself. That fucking prick got to see everything. He’ll pay for that, ten times over.
“It’s okay, baby,” I tell her. “I got it. Just go inside.”
“Nuh-uh.” She shakes her head. “I’m staying right here.”
My heart swells. She’s protective of me. This tiny, fierce human woman. “Okay.” I take a deep breath. “If anything happens, go inside and lock the doors.”
Her eyes widen, but she gives a quick nod.
I turn back to the ugly, shambling beast. My first instinct—my only instinct—is to destroy it. But it’ll be a lot for Scout to deal with.
My animal huffs and snarls, but I hold it in with all my might. “You’re making a big mistake!” I roar down to the monstrosity. “But I’m giving you one chance to get the hell out of my forest.”
The goddamn beast gives no indication that it’s heard me. Instead, it keeps approaching, until it’s right in front of the boundary wall.
It stares up at me with those nasty yellow eyes, teeth bared in an insolent leer. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any uglier, its human head emerges, just enough for it to speak.
“She’s mine,” it grunts in a voice like breaking rocks. “I’m gonna rip your throat out, then fuck her right over your dead body.”
Rage pours through me like lava. “Like hell you are!” I bellow.
I don’t have time to explain anything to Scout. All I can do is holler, “Get inside and lock the door,” before my beast rips out of me.
I stand on the deck on all fours, foaming at the mouth and swollen with murderous rage.
A second later, I’m over the terrace rail. It’s a long way down to the ground, but I crash through the trees, my claws slicing through the branches.
I hit the ground with an almighty thump and spin to face the beast.
It’s as big as me—which is not something I see very often—and it stinks like hell. Like it’s been sleeping in a swamp or something. Its fur is gray and matted into dreadlocks. It’s the most repulsive thing I’ve ever seen, and it thinks it’s gonna get its filthy paws on my girl?
“That virgin pussy is mine—” it snarls.
But before it can finish the sentence, I launch. With a primal roar, my beastly form smashes into the foul monstrosity, jaws snapping shut around its snout. A piercing screech fills the air as the beast thrashes, trying to shake me loose. But I’ve got it in a vise-grip, feeling its hot, reeking breath as it struggles. When it throws itself sideways, I roll with the momentum, and we crash down to the forest floor. We tumble and thrash, a whirlwind of claws and teeth.
My muscles burn with exertion, but I refuse to relent. I slash at its face with my claws, wanting to tear its ugly words right out of its mouth. My claws are the most powerful of my clan, but it meets me, stroke for stroke, each swipe matched by a vicious counterattack. Blood sprays and the forest echoes with our bellows of rage and pain. My senses are honed to seek out its weaknesses, but it’s strong. I’ve torn up its whole face, and it just keeps coming, shaking the blood out of its eyes.
As I lash out again and again, I think of Scout, of her beauty and toughness. Holding her image in my heart as I fight for her.
Every fiber of my being is focused on taking it out. It’s a brutal opponent. My toughest ever, and I’m fighting to the death. If I don’t kill it, it’ll take Scout for its own. And there’s no chance in hell that I can let that happen.
Suddenly, the beast pulls away from me. I go still, confused.
Then it clambers up a half-fallen tree trunk and I see what it’s got in mind.
“Rooooar!” It springboards off the trunk like a fifteen-hundred-pound missile, claws aimed right at my eyes.
Not. Happening.
I duck down low and as it comes in to land, I slash with my own claws. I keep them razor sharp, and it pays off. I open up the beast’s guts, using its own weight against it.
And I keep going, tearing all the way down to its balls.
The sound it makes is awful; I almost pity it.
It knocks me flat as it lands. I can take it though. I flip it over, my nostrils full of the stink of its blood and spilling guts.
Looming over it, I pull in my beast, let my human emerge.
“No one touches my girl!” I bellow in its face. With one final swipe, I tear its throat wide open. Blood gushes in hot spurts.
But I don’t move until the last breath of air has left its lungs and the light has died from its eyes.
I get to my feet and turn my back on it. Ready for the vultures to pick its carcass clean.
Then I go look for my girl.