Fey Regency (Fey Lords #3) 26. Chapter 26 65%
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26. Chapter 26

Chapter twenty-six

“ D o you have to go?”

Holy smokes, do I sound like a whiny bitch.

Tristan’s eyes meet mine in the bedroom mirror, and he pauses fiddling with his hair to grin at me.

“I’m afraid so, Little Nisny,” he says as he goes back to fussing with his hair.

Damn does he look good today. All manly and handsome and shit. I think my mind is getting used to the fey features, such as the scarlet eyes and the antlers. All my brain registers now is how gorgeous he is.

And of course, my subconscious has probably connected Tristan with mind-blowing orgasms. That’s bound to endear a person to you. My soul knows that Tristan makes me feel good, and that’s why my instincts want me to cuddle up to him and follow him around like a lost puppy.

As rational as it may be, it is still so infuriating. I want to lounge on the bed or continue stuffing myself silly at the breakfast table of bland food. It would be wonderful to ignore him and give the impression that I don’t care that he is leaving for the day.

But no. Instead, I’m suffering with this hollow and achy feeling at the thought of him walking out of the door. It is too strong to override. So I’m reduced to this. This utter humiliation of staring at him forlornly while my heart beats too fast and my stomach twists.

“Can I come?” I plead.

Oh, for fuck’s sake. Shoot me now. This is so very pathetic. I am better than this. I cried all over him yesterday. Acting like this today will not assure him it was a one off and that I’m usually mentally stable.

“No,” says Tristan without looking at me.

Just one simple word. No explanation. No apology. Nothing but cold, uncaring dismissal. A completely unreasonable one. I’ve been behaving. I’m dressed. He wove a fancy plait into my hair when we first woke up. There is no need to leave me behind.

“Why?” I whine petulantly. Clearly there is no hope for me. My toughness and independence have vanished.

Tristan turns around to face me, and my heart skips several beats. The tiniest bit of attention and I’d be wagging my tail if I had one. I hate being like this.

“Because I am meeting with the dragon riders, and bringing a human pet would not be diplomatic.”

My lips are lifting up in a pout and there is not a thing I can do about it. I don’t know what a dragon rider is. They can’t be people who ride actual dragons. But whatever, I don’t care who or what they are. They are assholes. Why would they care about a human pet? Why does Tristan give a shit what they think? It is all stupid.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a warm wave of dizziness washes over me. It tingles down my spine.

“I feel sick,” I complain. Maybe that explains my clinginess. It would make it a little less pathetic.

Tristan grins. “You are becoming ripe. ”

“I’m filling with magic again?” I ask in surprise. For some reason I didn’t think it would happen again so soon.

“Yes,” he beams, as if I’m a dog who has performed a particularly clever trick.

I should be insulted, but now his gaze is roaming all over me. Mentally undressing me and clearly imagining fucking the magic out of me. My body shudders in response. Arousal flares. He is going to take me.

“Does that mean you are going to stay?” I ask hopefully.

At least I managed to keep the horny eagerness out of my voice. Thank heavens for small mercies. At this point, even tiny fragments of pride are worth clinging onto.

“Sadly not,” Tristan rumbles. “You will be fine. You won’t be fully ripe until this evening.”

I scowl. “How do you know! You could be wrong. What if I explode before then?”

It is just after breakfast. This evening is impossibly far away. Hours and hours and hours. He can’t possibly expect me to wait such a long, excruciating time?

He grins and ruffles the top of my head, as if I truly am a pet. I want to hate it, but it is touch, and apparently I’m a slut for that.

“I will get you a phone and Luci’s number. You can check your symptoms with him.”

And with that, he strides past me and out of the door without so much as a backwards glance.


I glare at the door for a moment before sucking in a breath and walking out of the bedroom and over to the breakfast table. I’m already stuffed, but picking at some more bits and bobs will give me something to do .

I’m despondently eating buttered toast when one of the little goblin dudes sidles up to me and places something on the table right in front of me. I blink at it. Holy shit, is that the latest iPhone? I pick it up. It is indeed the latest iPhone. Fully charged. With two numbers in the contacts. Luci and Tristan’s.

I could spend the day sending Tristan filthy texts. I could distract him and get him really horny. Isn’t that a lovely thought and so very tempting?

I sigh heavily as I decide against it. I don’t feel like pushing him away and acting up. I have no desire to be a brat.

Wow. Did I actually just think that? Did the thought, I don’t want to be a brat, truly just cross my mind? Holy stars, I really must be sick.

I tap on Luci’s name and start my first text. I suppose I should learn more about this vessel stuff since I am inflicted with it, and it is affecting my thought processes.

Look at me, being all responsible. Tristan truly has changed me.

P leasure is burning through me. Trembling through my muscles and burning through my veins. I moan from the force of it.

What is happening? I was lying in bed playing with my new phone and debating on whether to have a nap, but now… Now I’m naked, face down, with a pillow under my hips…and Tristan’s hot, wet tongue in my ass.

“Dude!” I screech as I lift my head up .

It is dark in the bedroom now. How long was I asleep for? When did Tristan get back? Did he really undress me and stick his tongue in my ass while I was sleeping?

He removes his tongue, and he chuckles, sending puffs of his warm breath to caress my ass.

“Do you wish for me to stop?”

“Did I say that?” I snap.

He laughs again and gets right back to work, diving in deep and forcing a wail from me. My hands grab the furs beneath me and hold on for dear life. Going from sleep to mind-numbing pleasure is quite a ride.

I’m disorientated. Drunk on arousal. My thoughts are helplessly scattered. I am no longer sentient. I am pure instinct and carnality. And I want the man behind me. My desire for him burns. An intense hunger. He needs to fuck me, fill me, claim me. Rut on top of me until we are both grunting, sweating, beasts. No thoughts, only sensations.

A long, keening cry pours out of me as fireworks explode in my mind. My cock is throbbing so hard it hurts.

“Need you!” I gasp.

I want to cum impaled on his cock, not teased by his tongue, though I suppose both would do. One, then the other. But no. I’m hungry for his cock. Starving for it. I might die if he doesn’t give it to me right now.

Thankfully, I think he understands how desperate I am. He moves. His tongue leaves me. Then, warm, viscous, delicious oil is being poured onto my hole. Tristan’s finger gently pushes some into me. It tingles and zings on my sensitive flesh.

Now something blunt and heated is nudging against my entrance. Oh my stars. It is Tristan’s cock. Finally! Yes! Yes, yes!

I’m howling my joy before my mind has processed anything. I’m full. Stuffed. Stretched to near discomfort. Tristan is hot, heavy silk and steel inside me. He slid all the way in with one smooth glide. Spearing me. Making my body a home for his.

I’m spasming and quivering beneath him and around him. All I can feel is him. I’m breathing in his scent. He is everywhere. He is everything. There is nothing else.

“Ready, Little Nisny?” he growls.

I can’t answer, I can only whimper. I am acutely aware of the tension coiled tightly within him. Imminently about to be unleashed. I am about to be fucked senseless.

His hips move. His cock drags through my core, nearly all the way out. His hips dance again, slamming into me hard enough to make the mattress bounce.

A strange noise is coming out of me. Primal. Feral. Carnal.

Tristan moves again. And again. He finds a rhythm, a beat. A pulse. He shoves deep into me. He drags out. He repeats. And repeats. Every movement is bliss. A torrent of ecstasy that builds on the last. Building. Swelling. Growing.

Along with my pleasure, my magic is swirling. Like a wild beast trapped behind bars. Pacing and pacing. Waiting, waiting, waiting to be free.

Tristan shifts his angle slightly, and it is all I need to tip me over the edge. I’m screaming. All my euphoria, and all my magic, has been unleashed. Both are burning through me. I am cumming so hard I might burst into flames and be reborn.

Holy fuck. My screams turn into gasping breaths. Tristan collapses beside me. I can feel the heat radiating from him. He is on his back, arm under his head. A very pleased, sated, and tired expression on his face.

He looks at me and our gazes lock. His eyes are full of warmth, fondness, and affection. But more than that, he sees me. Truly sees me. All of me. Past all my anger and spite and all the way down to the very last molecule of my soul.

I roll onto my side and snuggle up to him. His pec makes a glorious pillow. His hand starts brushing through my hair. If I could purr, I would.

Shit. What am I doing? Why am I being all snuggly? This isn’t like me at all.

But do you know what? This isn’t so bad. I think I could get used to it. I think I might want to.

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