Filling the Void (Devil’s Deal Duology #1) Chapter 7 47%
Library Sign in

Chapter 7




Clicking from screen to screen, I searched for a security company. How was I supposed to know who to trust? Harlow had offered to research for me, get quotes and such. He was such a sweet kid, but he didn’t know the things I did about our fair city of Takoda. Whether he suspected there were unsavory characters lurking in our midst, I didn’t know, but I couldn’t gamble on the wrong people having total access to The Gin Mill.

As had been happening, what felt like every five minutes since I’d left Bosley in Gangster’s Paradise, my mind drifted back to Bosley and how physical it had gotten between us. The fact I’d called him Daddy. Those words hadn’t left my mouth toward anyone except Mac in twenty-four years, and I’d let it fall from my lips carelessly with a guest who wasn’t even staying. What the fuck had I been thinking? Someone who’d already checked out this morning.

What was worse, lying in bed last night, unable to sleep, I’d imagined him touching me, stroking me, making me come, and I’d taken myself in hand and gotten myself off. Not once, but twice, before falling into a restless sleep.

“Focus,” I muttered to myself. It had only been a day between the break-ins at Subtle Indulgence and Gangster’s Paradise. In the past, it had been a couple of weeks in between, and the escalation concerned me. If I didn’t get a handle on the situation, whoever this was might start robbing my guests, as well.

On the one hand, maybe the police would get involved then, but did I want that? Not really. There were plenty of made-men who frequented the speakeasy. I never approached them or let on that I knew they were mobsters, but I recognized the type. There was something about how they carried themselves. An awareness even when they were kicked back and drinking.

My mind went back to Bosley, who had that same air of confidence. He’d also said he frequently stayed at boutique hotels, and I knew for a fact that none of them were cheap. When I’d been preparing to open this place, I’d researched others, and damn, they all charged a pretty penny. Was he a business owner? Independently wealthy? “Applesauce. Stop thinking about him.”

A sharp knock at the door drew my attention, and I prayed to God it wasn’t Harlow or Huey telling me we had another break-in. “Come in.”

The door cracked open, and Bosley’s face appeared in the gap. “Is this a good time?”

“Oh.” I sat back, surprised to see him. “Yeah, sure. I’m surprised to see you.”

He slid in. “Disappointed?” he asked.

“No. Just, uh, Harlow didn’t call to say he was sending you in.”

He shrugged. “He was busy checking someone in, and that other kid wasn’t there, so I came on back.”

“Oh.” I wasn’t sure what else to say. I’d been daydreaming about him, but I thought he was gone. I hadn’t really wrapped my head around what had happened last night yet, and what if he mentioned me calling him Daddy? I’d be mortified.

“What are you doing?” he asked, confidently striding around my desk and staring at my computer screen.

“Looking for a security company. I figured it was time to get some help. Obviously, one little security guard working the graveyard shift isn’t cutting it.”

He crossed his arms on the back of my chair and leaned down so close I could feel his breath on the side of my face. “Don’t worry about it. I took care of it for you.”

I tensed. “What do you mean? How? You won’t even be here.”

Rising, he came around and turned my chair toward him. Towering over me, he crossed his arms over his chest. “About that. Any chance of you giving me my room back for a few weeks?”

My eyes widened. “A few weeks?” My heart sped up with hope, maybe terror—I wasn’t sure which one—at the idea of him staying with me longer. Okay, he wouldn’t be here for me, but he’d still be in my vicinity.

He lifted one shoulder toward his ear and let it drop. “My meeting this morning took an interesting turn of events. An associate needs me to look into something for him, and in exchange, I asked him to hook you up with some cameras and security.”

“You did?” I asked, surprised. Why would he do that? “Wait. You won’t be getting paid?”

“Nah. It’s not really that type of a business arrangement. More of a favor. So I made a deal. He scratches my back, and I’ll scratch his. Win-win.”

I tilted my head in confusion. “How is that a win for you exactly? You’re not getting anything out of this deal.”

“I figured we could work something out in trade.” I gasped, and he smirked. “As in, they’ll take care of this problem for you, and you keep Gangster’s Paradise available for me. What do you think?”

Spinning my chair back toward my desk, I fumbled with my mouse and brought up our reservation software. Gangster’s Paradise was available now but reserved in a couple of weeks. Sometimes guests took the time to look through our different suites and wanted a specific room, but most of the time, they booked by need. I’d find out if they had a suite preference and go from there. “Yeah, I think I can probably make that work.”

“Excellent. Have you been in here stressing about the break-in issue all day?”

“I was.” Except for when I was thinking about him. “But you can’t just take care of this for me. You have to let me pay the bill.”

He waved his hand dismissively. “Told you, he’s doing it as a favor. He’s sending over some of the employees who guard his building. No biggie.”

“Well, then…” I bit my lip, thinking. “I’ll comp your room for while you’re here.”

He shook his head. “Nope. That ain’t happening. You’ll lose too much money if you let me stay for free.”

“Security isn’t cheap. You’re saving me a ton of money, so you have to let me reciprocate.”

His face turned stern as he glared at me. “If you comp my room, I’m going to find somewhere else to stay.”

One thing I knew for sure was that I didn’t want him leaving. My response to him confused me in every way imaginable, but I already felt better knowing he’d be around. I’d like to think it was because I’d have security until my little issue was resolved, but that would be a lie. It was one hundred percent Bosley’s presence, filling me with the first sense of peace I’d had all day.

“Fine,” I conceded.

“Good.” He waggled his eyebrows. “You need some stress relief.” He went to my office door and turned the lock. With a predatory gleam in his eye, he stalked toward my desk and wheeled my chair back to the wall. “Let me see if I can help you out there.” He dropped to his knees, and, staring me in the eyes, he began unbuttoning my pants.

“What are you doing?” I asked, glancing toward the closed doorway with apprehension.

“I told you. I’m going to take care of you.” He rubbed his hand over my underwear-clad dick, which of course had already started taking notice. “Is that a problem?”

“I don’t know. Maybe. What about my employees?” I asked. The truth was, as he reached into my briefs and palmed my cock, I wasn’t so sure I gave a fuck about Harlow and Huey. After all, Bosley had locked the door, right?

He pulled his hand out of my pants, and I almost whimpered with disappointment. He didn’t get up and leave me, though. Instead, he opened YouTube , searched speakeasy music, and turned back to me once the sounds of 20s jazz played out through the speakers. “There. As long as you’re not screaming out my name, we’ll be good. Are you ready?”

I should say no. I meant to say no. Take a raincheck or meet him up in his room. “Uh, sure. If you want.”

His only response was a smug snort as he tugged off my shoes.

“What are you doing now?”

“You’ll see.” He winked, then proceeded to divest me of everything below the waist, leaving me bare-assed on my office chair. He sat back on his ankles and drank me in. “You’re so fucking sexy.”

My dick got harder under his intense gaze, and he moaned. That was hot. Did he really enjoy looking at me that much? I reached for my hardening length, ready to put on a show for him when he smacked my hand away. “You sit back, big cheese.” He waggled his eyebrows, then bent down and licked across the head of my cock.

“Shit,” I mumbled as he licked at my precum, tonguing the hole like he wanted to lap it up.

“Mm,” he said, raising up.

He dug in his back pocket and pulled out a packet of lube, and my eyes widened. My pulse sped up. I wasn’t sure if I was ready for all that, especially in my office. Although…my gaze flashed to my desk, and in my mind, I rearranged the things on top to give us the most room without making a mess.

Bosley snickered. “Don’t worry. I have something else in mind.” He leaned forward and nuzzled my nuts, inhaling deeply. “You smell good, too. All man.”

He sucked one ball into his mouth, blowing his hot breath over the soft skin, and my dick got harder. I wanted to grab myself and give it a tug, but he’d told me no, so I held back, gripping the arms of the chair. Like he’d heard me, he grabbed my cock and trailed his tongue slowly over the large, protruding vein running the length. All I could do was stare at this sexy man who was making me feel so wanted.

But no, this wasn’t that. Just because Mac had been the only other man to make me feel like this. Like I was worthy of him taking care of me, of taking me apart and possessing me, that wasn’t what Bosley was doing here. This was sex. It was fun. It was nothing more than a hookup. “You’re not paying attention to me. I knew it would take some work to get you out of your head.”

He didn’t understand, and I was glad. I’d be so embarrassed if he knew I was counting the reasons why I shouldn’t make this more than it was. That I shouldn’t, couldn’t, wouldn’t, fall for the man who’d just solved my security problems at the same time he’d told me he was staying a while. Applesauce. Applesauce. Applesauce. This wasn’t good. Could I have repeated no-strings-attached fun with the same person without developing some schoolboy crush?

That was a question for later. Bosley’s quest to distract me worked. He yanked me farther down in the chair, leaving my ass hanging off, then squeezed lube onto the middle finger of his left hand. He grabbed my weeping cock with his right hand, then he bent over, swallowing me down as his other hand found my hole.

“Fuck,” I said, louder than I’d meant to, as I arched my hips.

Bosley laughed around my dick, dark and dirty, keeping me there, deep in his throat, as his finger slowly—so slowly—circled my hole.

“Oh fuck.” I hit the padding on the chair's arms.

Bosley popped off enough to say, “Fuck my face, quirky Cory.”

He opened wide, hovering right over the head of my cock, then pushed at my entrance with his finger. I jerked into his mouth, and his lips closed tight around my cock. He prodded my hole again, and I bucked. Unable to hold back any longer, I thrust my hips in and out of the welcoming warm heat of his mouth.

His finger circled my hole, around and around, playing with the tight ring, teasing it, teasing me whether he’d penetrate me. Fuck, I wanted that. Wanted to feel the breach, the pressure. It had been so long since something had been inside me but my dildo. And it wasn’t the same. The orgasm was fine, but it left me feeling alone. Incomplete.

Bosley let my dick slip out of his mouth and gazed at me. “What do you want? Tell me.” Then he was bobbing on my length again, cupping my nuts and massaging my hole.

It was everything, yet not enough. Not nearly enough. “Fuck my hole. Make me come, D—” I was just coherent enough to cut myself. “Please, Bosley. I need you inside of me. I need to come.”

He pushed through the tight muscle, and my hips jerked of their own accord, gagging him, and he hummed in pleasure. “Fuck yeah. That’s it. I need to come. Fuck me. Suck me. Make me come. I want to come now.” He was so fucking attentive. He finger-fucked me so good—going farther and harder and faster with every thrust.

The fingers of his other hand tightened around my nuts to just this side of pain, and it felt, I felt fuckin’ fantastic. Like every nerve ending was alive and electrified. I’d been so numb for so long, and this man, so attentive and mindful, was bringing me back to life. That telltale feeling in my spine alerted me to the fact I was about to come. I didn’t want to. Not yet. I wanted the feelings cascading through me to continue forever.

But I also needed the sweet relief of climax. To fly away on that blissful cloud where nothing else mattered for at least a few minutes. Not the pain of losing my husband. Not the guilt of enjoying this so much with another man, a guest, a Daddy who wasn’t my own. Not the?—

Bosley thrust hard, curling his finger and pressing into that spongy spot inside me, while firming his lips around me, suctioning my release right out of my body and into his mouth. As a loud moan escaped from my throat, he hummed and gagged and swallowed me down.

Drained and sensitive, I closed my eyes, pushed at his forehead until he let my dick go with one last slurp, and slumped into my seat. “What the hell was that?” I mumbled, half-asleep.

“A gift from me to you,” he said, his voice trembling with laughter. “Let me clean you up.” I heard the sound of tissues being pulled from the box on my desk, and then he was back with gentle hands, patting at all the places he’d manipulated and making sure no stray fluids remained.

“Such a gentleman,” I slurred. “Give me a minute, and I’ll return the favor.”

He kissed my cheek. “Don’t worry about me. I’m going to go up to my room and shower off the day.”

I opened one eye. “But aren’t you…” I didn’t finish. The obvious bulge in his pants was all the answer I needed.

He palmed himself. “Of course I’m hard and horny. How could I not be? I just had my hands and tongue and mouth all over you. I’ll spray the minute I touch myself in the shower. Now lean back and rest for a minute.”

“M-kay.” I heard his raspy chuckle. Felt his lips touch my cheek. And when I roused myself from my mini-slumber, he was gone.

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