“ W HERE AM I?” Rune whispered, taking in the dark mystical forest around her. Softly glowing orbs drifted here and there, illuminating vibrant green trees caught in darkness. “Why am I here?”
She knew she slept. Dreamt. But she rarely knew much more than that. Only that she was brought here time and time again, forever awaiting a response.
Would someone reply this time?
Repetitive dreams were nothing new. Rather, they were often connected to her seer magic. Other times, to her inner demi-goddess. All gave her a glimpse into the future and showed her something important. Yet all gave her an answer the first time. None ever repeated until now.
“Where am I?” she asked again when the orbs flickered for the first time, hinting at a variation in the dream. “Why am I here?” And for good measure. “What do you want to show me?”
Strangely, she got a response from a familiar voice asking her the same.
“Where am I?” came jorn’s deep rumble. He melted out of the darkness and stood before her, yet didn’t seem to realize she was there. “Why am I here?”
Even in a dream, her heart leapt at the sight of him. How could it not, given his lack of a tunic? Easily a head taller than her with broad shoulders and a muscular warrior’s build, he had grown from a relatively shy boy into an admirable Viking. His features had become more chiseled, and his dark hair and beard thicker.
“jorn,” she exclaimed, her worry at the strange dream increasing. “I’m right here. It’s Rune.” She tilted her head in question. “Can you see me? Hear me?”
She tried to touch him, hoping to snap him out of the strange spell he seemed to be under, but her hand merely slid through him in this otherworldly place.
Yet he felt her. Better still, his inner beast felt her because his dragon eyes flared, and he spoke soft words she didn’t expect, albeit hoarsely and with emotion. “Is that you, Rune? Are you there?”
As if their connection invoked it, thunder cracked, and lightning struck a nearby tree, running the length of its trunk in a blaze of fire.
“Rune,” jorn roared, staring at the blaze in horror. “No!”
“What are you looking at?” She shook her head and tried to stop him when he raced toward the blaze, but he couldn’t hear her, nor did he seem to realize she had been standing right in front of him. “Stop, jorn, I’m right here!”
Yet he did not.
Instead, clearly under the impression she was in harm’s way, he pulled out a blade and flew toward the tree.
“jorn!” she cried, racing after him, terrified when she realized he wasn’t slowing down. His life was in jeopardy because those flames were no more natural than the lightning bolt that had created them.
“Please, no, jorn,” she wailed when he crashed into the fiery trunk and wasn’t consumed in flames but even worse.
He was consumed in utter darkness.