For the Love of Donuts 17. The Friend Zone Is My Destiny 49%
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17. The Friend Zone Is My Destiny


Somehow, I managed to misread Skye’s response to our kiss. She clearly did NOT experience all the feelings that I did. She practically jumped ten feet away from me, desperate to end what was just beginning. And then she apologized for it. She apologized for kissing me back. She said it shouldn’t have happened. And to make things even worse, she hopes we never have to kiss again.

I’m not going to lie, it hurts.

It hurts so bad.

But I can’t regret what happened. I can’t regret that kiss. My apology to her was genuine—because I am sorry for making her uncomfortable—but selfishly, I’m not sorry we kissed.

Especially now, knowing that our first kiss is going to be our last.

I need some air.

“I’m going to step outside for a sec,” I say, getting up from the table. “I need to grab something from the car.”

I know the twins aren’t opening presents yet, but I need an excuse to get out of this house and away from Skye, even if it’s just for a few minutes.

Skye’s gaze finds mine and she looks at me expectantly. “Do you need any help?”

“Nope,” I’m quick to reply as I edge out of the dining room. “I’ve got it.”

There’s no missing the slight frown she gives me, but my thoughts and emotions are all over the place right now and I can’t risk her realizing that.

Once I’m outside, I take in several deep breaths and release them along with a frustrated curse. I shouldn’t be this upset. I mean, it’s not like I was expecting Skye to fall in love with me just because of one kiss. I just wasn’t expecting her to be so... bothered by that one kiss.

I curse again as I walk toward my car.

I’m disappointed.

That’s what this is.

My dream girl essentially turned me down and the friend zone is my destiny.

“Hey, Jacobs, we need to talk.”

My eyebrows crease as I turn around to face Dria. “We do?”

How did I not hear her come outside? Why is she outside?

“What’s going on between you and Skye?” she asks, propping her hands on her hips. “You guys have barely looked at each other since we all came inside.”

There’s no hiding the cringe of my face. “Dria…”

Her lips purse. “Do you know why I agreed to help with this crazy scheme of my sister’s?”

“Uh, no?” I reply with a blink. “Not really, to be honest.”

“Because I know you love her, and not just as a friend. I know you have feelings for her, Tate.”

“Wait, what ?” I ask with wide eyes, hating that my voice sounds squeakier than a hamster wheel. “Dria—”

“Don’t bother denying it,” she interrupts, holding up a hand to stop me, “I’ve known for a while now and I’ve just been waiting and hoping that you’d finally just tell her. On the other hand, I also know you care too much about her to ever jeopardize your friendship.” She clicks her tongue. “But then this fake engagement happened and it’s an opportunity I couldn’t ignore. Encouraging you both to fake feelings that you already have for each other, so you guys can realize that you belong together? Are you kidding me? It’s perfect!”

Despite being in shock, my brain manages to process what she’s saying, and I know I need to stop her.

“Dria, you got it wrong,” I say, even though it kills me to admit that. “Skye doesn’t have those kinds of feelings for me. I might be crazy about her, but it’s one-sided.”

The words taste bitter on my tongue, but it’s the truth, even if I wish it wasn’t.

“I saw the spark between you two when I was taking those pictures,” she insists, her brown eyes unwavering. “It was the same spark you always have when you’re around each other, and the photoshoot just made that so much more obvious! And when you guys kissed—”

“No,” I cut her short, not wanting to think about the kiss anymore. “Dria, please, you have to let this go. The kiss meant everything to me, but Skye regrets it, that’s why we’re acting weird with each other. It made her uncomfortable, and I don’t want that.”

“Of course, it made her uncomfortable!”

She looks at me like I’m an idiot…and I guess I kind of am? Maybe?

What exactly am I missing here?

“You’re her best friend, Tate, I’m sure that kiss scared the crap out of Skye! But that just proves it meant something to her, which is why she freaked. The whole thing is understandably confusing.” She jabs a finger at my chest. “And it’s your job to help her sort through all that confusion.”

It meant something to her. It meant something to her. It meant something to her.

Could she be right? Dang, do I want her to be right.

“Dria.” I grasp her shoulders. “Do you really think she has feelings for me? Are you sure that kiss affected her the same way?”

She proceeds to smirk. “If there’s one thing I’m positive about, it’s that I have excellent instincts.”

Dria and I have come to an agreement: I need to use this fake engagement to show Skye that I’ve got the hots for her—Dria’s words, not mine, even though they’re definitely spot-on.

No more feeling guilty for accidental touches.

No more feeling guilty for checking her out.

And no more feeling guilty for having the “what if?” possibility.

Skye needs to know that I don’t only see her as my best friend. I see her as everything .

The first official step to make that happen is for me to stop avoiding her. Which is why I’m currently sitting next to her as she reads the unicorn stall building instructions to Trey while he attaches the various parts together.

When Dria and I came back inside earlier, Skye was prickly with me for a good fifteen minutes or so. But once it came time for dinner, then cupcakes and presents to celebrate the twins’ adoption, we fell into our usual rhythm. Which is good, because I freaking hate it when things are off between us.

I point to the manual. “You missed number five.”

She didn’t.

“Skye!” Trey huffs, looking up from all the pink, sparkly plastic pieces. “You skipped a step?!”

“No, I didn’t!” Skye elbows me with a glare. “Tatum is clowning on me.”

“I’m just so good at it,” I drawl, moving my arm so it’s resting behind her head instead. “Aren’t I, Carson?”

“Mmhmm…” she trails off, and I notice the way her grip tightens on the manual. Is it because I moved my arm? I mean, I’m not even touching her. But this might be a good reaction, right? She’s aware of our closeness. That’s what I want.

“Daddy!” Nova exclaims, skipping into the living room. “Say CHEESE!”

She holds up the toddler-designed digital camera I bought for her as an adoption anniversary gift, and Trey stops his construction long enough to say “cheese” before flashing Nova an exaggerated smile.

Like clockwork, Lanie also comes into the living room and demands a picture while holding up the camera I bought for her . Trey once again smiles as Lanie struggles to stay still like I showed them both to do earlier when they first started using the cameras.

“Ta-um and Aunt Skye!” Nova chirps, making her way over to us. “Say CHEESE!”

“ Cheese ,” Skye and I both say as we look at the pastel blue camera.

“Nova,” Lanie says, carefully stepping over the unicorn stall pieces, “let’s go ask Mommy if we can take pitchers outside!”

“ Pictures ,” Trey corrects her, but they’re already running out of the room. “Skye, what’s the next step? I think I’m losing steam…”

Twenty minutes later, the stall is built and Sparkling —the oversized, light-up unicorn plush—is introduced to her new resting spot. The timing honestly couldn’t be more perfect because the twins are getting ready for bed.

They exchange good night hugs with me and Skye, then Dria and Trey carry them out of the living room. So, now I’m alone with Skye. I just don’t know what to say.

However, she surprises me by speaking first.

“Do you think we could look at the different pictures from today? And then maybe you can edit them or whatever?” she asks, studying the ends of her hair. “I just need to pick a few for the blog so I can have it ready for tomorrow.”

While spending one-on-one time with her sounds intimidating since Dria and I came up with “the plan,” I’m grateful that she’s not trying to keep her distance from me anymore.

“Yeah, that sounds good,” I say, drumming my fingers against my leg. “I’ll take you home and we can do it over there.”

I should be able to pull up my editing program on her computer with no problem.

She nods. “I was thinking maybe we could leave once Dria and Trey come back out here. Is that okay with you?”

“Yeah, Pink Stuff, that’s fine.” I bump my knee against hers. “Hey, we’re good though, right?”

I need to hear her say it.

I need to know she’s okay even if the kiss changed things. Neither of us might be ready to admit it out loud to the other, but that kiss definitely changed things. There was nothing fake about it.

“We’re good,” she tells me, her voice quiet as she fiddles with Dria’s ring. “But…I feel bad for making you upset.”

“I’m not upset—”

“You were upset,” she interrupts, not giving me a chance to say anything else, “and I hate when that happens.” She proceeds to sigh. “Especially when it’s my fault.”

“Skye,” I say, taking hold of her hand, “you didn’t do anything wrong. And I know that I probably seemed upset, but I wasn’t mad or anything, I promise.” I give her hand a light squeeze, just like she did for me earlier. “You better turn that frown upside down, girl, or we’ll be listening to EK all the way back to your place.”

She squints her eyes before giving me a toothy grin. “Better?”

“Now you just look like you’re constipated.”

“Shut up!” she huffs, using our clasped hands to smack my chest as she opens her eyes. “Ya know, I’ve been wondering about something.”

I raise a curious eyebrow. “Oh yeah? What?”

“Earlier, Dria said she was going outside, just in case you ended up needing help,” she says, trying to look innocent. “However, I know she actually went out there to talk to you about something.” She uses her free hand to point at me. “So, spill . What was it?”

“Nosy, nosy,” I chide, shaking my head. “Why are you asking me instead of Dria?”

“Because you’ll tell me, and she won’t.”

Normally, that would be accurate. But this time…

“No can do, Pink Stuff.” I let go of her hand and proceed to stretch both arms over my head before standing up. “At least not yet anyway.”

“ What ?” she whines, sounding an awful lot like Nova and Lanie. “Well, when are you going to tell me about this top-secret conversation?”

I give her an answer she’s going to hate. “I don’t know.”

If things go well, hopefully it’ll be sooner than later.

Much sooner.

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