A sh was acting weird, and that was saying something, considering how he was the normal one between the two of us.
While I often did stupid shit, Ash was there to balance me. Whether I was pulling pranks, drinking too much, or pissing off my dad, Ash was always there to make sure I didn’t cross the line too far.
So, when he wasn’t there for the past few days, I worried that something had happened. The last time we’d hung out was at Nico’s party, but everything seemed fine then. I mean, with how much I drank, I only remembered the beginning of the night, but I was pretty sure nothing major had happened. Zoe would have told me otherwise, right?
Oh, fuck.
Maybe Ash was mad because I got shit-faced? He hated it when I did that, which wasn’t too often, in my defense. Anyway, the best way to find out what was going on would be to ask him directly, and lucky for me, I’d just spotted him eating his lunch on the stone bench under the old oak tree.
“Ashy!” Running toward him, I stopped and slumped my ass beside him. I then wrapped an arm around his shoulders and stole half of his sandwich.
“Cheese and mayo?” I grunted after taking a bite. “Remind me to make you better meals than this depressing shit.” I loved cooking for him.
“Sorry, I’m no chef,” he said with a half smile that hardly reached his pretty green eyes.
“That’s what I’m here for.” Still not removing my hand from around him, I finished the sandwich with two more bites and then licked my fingers clean. “So, what’s up? You’ve been gone for almost a week.”
“Gone? I was here all along.”
“That’s bullshit. I’ve hardly heard from you.”
He pulled his shoulders and kept quiet, so I went on. “Did I do something to upset you?”
“What?” He sounded nervous. “No, of course not. I was just really busy with school and work.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Sorry if it felt like I was avoiding you.”
Aww , awkward Ashy was the cutest.
“Don’t worry about it, man.” I squeezed his arm, noticing how he’d gained some muscles since he started working out last summer. We were both on the school swimming team, but I never bothered to go to the gym as much as he did.
“You sure?” he asked, and I nodded.
“Fuck yeah, but you’re going to make it up to me. There’s another party tonight, and we’re going.”
Ash began chewing on his bottom lip, meaning he was debating with himself. As always, all he needed was another slight push, so I gave it to him.
“Come on, Ashy, you know you want it.” I fluttered my eyelashes at him like some chick until he smiled, for real this time, and agreed.
“Fuck yeah.” I fist-bumped him and was about to say I’d pick him up after work so we could drive straight from there when someone jumped on my back. Soon, Zoe’s arms wrapped around me, and she planted a kiss on my cheek.
“Hey, girl.” I smirked, moving my fingers through her wild curls while rubbing her head.
“What were you talking about?” she giggled, a big smile on her face.
After telling her about the party, she asked if it was okay for her to join.
“Yeah, of course. We’re gonna go there after Ash is done working, so—”
“Actually, I don’t think I can make it,” he suddenly said, turning my good mood sour.
“What do you mean?” I frowned at him, but he was already packing up his things.
“Yeah, I forgot I had plans with Aiden. But don’t worry about it.”
Here goes that fake smile again.
“You guys have fun.”
Not lingering another second, Ash tossed his backpack over his shoulder and walked away. In fact, he couldn’t have gotten out of here faster.
What the actual fuck?