T ime flew by, and before I knew it, I’d graduated. It was wild because freshman year felt like yesterday, and now I had my diploma in hand. So much had changed, and although things didn’t go as planned, I couldn’t complain.
I always assumed I’d graduate with Kai, but here I was, without him. Surprisingly, it didn’t upset me. In fact, I couldn’t even care that he wasn’t here. Since promising Soren I’d cut all ties with Kai, I had. Choosing between my boyfriend and the guy who used to be my best friend wasn’t even a dilemma because life without Soren was nonnegotiable.
My only sorrow today was that Soren had to skip the ceremony, but we’d meet soon for lunch with my mom and Aiden and his parents. I’d already met Soren’s folks a few times when I came over to their house for dinner. They were nothing but kind and polite to the point it almost felt like meeting royalty. I wasn’t even kidding. Some of the photos in Soren’s parents’ mansion were of them with real royalty. I also had the chance to meet two of his brothers, who couldn’t have been more different from Soren, even if they tried.
Back to today, it would be the first time Soren met my family, and while I was excited, I was also worried because I had big news to tell Mom and Aiden.
“There he is!” Mom shouted from across the lawn, where the families sat during the ceremony. I spotted her immediately because of the white dress she almost always wore for events. She’d bought it in Italy when she traveled there with my father, and it still suited her after so many years.
“I’m so proud of you,” she said a second before pulling me into a tight hug that made breathing hard. “So fucking proud.”
Wrapping my hands around her, I hugged her back. “Thanks, Mom.” I then pulled back and looked at Aiden, who was right behind her, looking at us with gentle eyes.
“Well done, Champ.”
My chest flooded with warmth, and it was hard to swallow the lump of emotions forming in my throat. I never knew graduating would make me this emotional, but sharing this moment with two people I loved so much moved my heart.
“We better get going,” I said while checking my phone. “Or we’ll be late.”
Mom linked her elbow with mine as we began walking toward the parking lot. “I’m so excited we’re finally going to meet the boyfriend.” She pinched my cheek, and I grimaced.
“Please don’t do that when we meet Soren.”
“I’m your mom. I’ll do whatever I want,” she protested, pulling me closer to her.
“Of course you’d say that. But I’m serious, Mom. Please don’t embarrass me today.”
She gasped. “When do I ever?”
I raised my eyebrow at her, and she chuckled.
“Fine, so I won’t show him the baby pictures I brought.” With that, she let go of me and walked ahead, leaving me and Aiden behind.
“Was she serious—”
“Yes,” Aiden said, then patted my shoulder. “Let’s go.”
“Soren’s already waiting for us in the restaurant,” I said after Mom parked the truck.
I was ready to get out when she stopped me.
“Before we go, I wanted to give you something.” Reaching for the back seat, where Aiden was sitting, she picked up a paper bag and handed it to me. “It’s from the both of us,” she added while I looked between her and Aiden.
The bag was heavy, and I peeked into it. Inside was another box wrapped in white wrapping paper. Curious, I took it out and quickly unwrapped it.
“M-Mom, that’s too much.” I held the brand-new camera she and Aiden had got me, shifting it around and clicking random buttons.
“It’s so you can take lots of photos in Australia and send them to us to see,” she said, and I put down the camera to look at her.
My excitement was replaced with guilt because she and Aiden had no idea I’d had a change in plans and that I no longer planned to go there. For years, I’d hoped to be a professional surfer. Growing up, it sounded like the dream job, and Mom, being Mom, cheered me on to chase my dreams. I was supposed to start pursuing that dream this summer when I was offered to surf with the most amazing team in Aussie, but I turned their offer down a few weeks ago and hadn’t told Mom and Aiden about it. I also didn’t mention I got accepted to college, here in California.
“That’s super cool, Mom.” I focused my eyes on the camera. “But—” My phone rang, cutting me off before I could tell her the news. Grateful for the interruption, I quickly picked up.
“Where are you?” Soren asked.
“We just parked the car. I’ll see you in a minute.”
“Okay,” Soren said and then hung up.
“What were you about to say?” Mom asked after I pocketed my phone.
“It can wait for later.” I smiled at her. “Now, let’s go.”
I put the camera back in the bag before getting out of the truck, with Mom and Aiden doing the same. My heart raced fast in my chest as I crossed the street to get to the restaurant. I was worried things wouldn’t go well, but once I spotted Soren, looking as handsome as ever with a bouquet of flowers, all my nerves and fears disappeared.
“Hey,” I blurted awkwardly once reaching him.
Soren’s smile grew, and he leaned close, his lips grazing my ear. “Congratulations, little Sparrow,” he whispered before planting a kiss on my cheek. He then straightened up and gave me the flowers.
Thankfully, I was standing with my back to my family, so they didn’t see how red my face turned, and while I took a few more seconds to calm down, Soren had already introduced himself.
“Soren Dane,” he said to my family before offering to shake Mom’s hand. “I’m happy to finally meet you.”
“My God, you are handsome!” Mom bluntly ignored Soren’s outstretched hand and pulled him into one of her bear hugs. Soren seemed surprised by the act but brushed it off with a low chuckle.
“No wonder Ash is so obsessed.” She beamed, squeezing Soren tighter.
“Mom,” I whined, knowing it would be one long lunch after she crossed her arms with Soren’s.
At least they seem to be getting along.
“Are your parents not joining us?” I asked when I noticed they weren’t here.
Soren answered me with a soft smile. “Unfortunately, something came up, and they couldn’t make it. But they’ve sent us the finest champagne as an apology.”
“Oh, well, we’ll have to meet them the next time, right?” Mom jumped in, sounding cheerful.
“Absolutely.” Soren smiled, then stepped closer to me.
“Shouldn’t we get inside? I’m starving.” And nervous.
“We should, but first, I need to give you your gift.” Moving from my mom, Soren stopped before me, then pulled something out of his pocket and put it in my hand.
“That’s…” My words were cut off as I looked up from the car keys he’d just given me to the brand-new Jeep parked behind him. “You gotta be shitting me,” I gasped, my eyes going wide and my lips curving into a huge smile before I dashed toward the car.
“I knew you’d like it,” Soren chuckled while I opened the front door and got into my new Jeep. For fuck’s sake, it was absolutely insane.
I was so caught up with my gift and how good the scent of a new car was that I almost didn’t notice Mom’s reaction until she cleared her throat. One glance at her and Aiden told me they weren’t as excited about Soren’s gift as I was, and the look on their faces was like a splash of ice water.
“Is everything okay, beautiful? You don’t like the color?” Soren asked, his voice low so only I could hear.
I shook my head. “No, it’s not that.” I moved my hands over the steering wheel before meeting Soren’s silver eyes. “It’s perfect.”
His lips stretched up, and he pinched my cheek. “You’re perfect.”
His words, sweet and adoring, were the only confirmation I needed, and satisfied, I got out of the car.
Soren’s pick of a restaurant was impeccable, and I was grateful that he took my family to such a nice place. And although the conversation was flowing just like the champagne Soren had ordered for the table, I knew my mom had something weighing on her heart. The slight annoyance had shown on her face ever since Soren had gifted me the car, and while I understood the reason for her discomfort, as it was an excessive gift, I hoped she’d be able to contain it. Sure, a car was an expensive gift, but such money meant nothing to Soren. Over the year we’d been together, I’d gotten used to him being generous with his wealth. Unfortunately, while I felt comfortable with his gift, my family clearly didn’t.
“This lunch was so lovely, Soren, and I’m so happy to finally meet you,” Mom started saying after the waitress cleaned up our table from the main course. “But—”
“Mom.” Knowing where she was heading, I tried stopping her, but she went on.
“I think your gift to Ash, as thoughtful as it was, is inappropriate.”
My eyes quickly moved to Soren’s, and worried, I watched him putting down his wineglass before returning Mom a thoughtful smile.
“And why’s that?”
Mom’s brows pulled into a frown. “Well, it’s too much. Besides, Ash already has a car.”
Pulling his shoulders up, Soren leaned back in his seat and placed his arm behind me. “I disagree with you. It’s not too much. In fact, it’s not much at all, and besides, Ashton will need a proper ride to take him to school every day, won’t he? I’ll be much calmer knowing he drives a safe car rather than the wreck he’s currently driving.”
Mom’s frown only deepened before her eyes moved to me. “Driving to school? What do you mean by that?”
Oh shit.
The tension at the table rose significantly, and with how Aiden and Mom were both staring at me, I had no idea how to tell them the news.
“Well… I decided not to go to Australia.” I guess I did know how to tell them.
“What? Why?” Mom gasped, leaning closer over the table, already causing the drama I wished to avoid.
I rubbed the back of my neck while trying to avoid the shock on her face. It was then that Soren moved his hand to my thigh and squeezed me a bit. The touch was comforting, giving me the confidence I needed. “I had a change of plans and decided to go to college.”
One would think I’d just committed a crime with the way Mom was staring at me with wide eyes and open mouth.
“Turning down Australia? Going to college? Where is this all coming from?”
“I’m sorry, Mom. I planned on telling you sooner, just never had the time.” I understood her shock because we used to share everything with each other. But since meeting Soren, I aspired to be more independent. Wishing for him to see me as a mature partner, I couldn’t run back to mommy with every slightest discomfort happening in my life. I had to decide things on my own— or with Soren.
She leaned closer. “Didn’t have the time? What the fuck is going on Ash? For years, we’ve talked about your surfing. It was your dream. All of a sudden, you’re telling me you’re giving it all up for college? For God’s sake, kid, you hate school.”
“I’ve changed, okay?” My anger rose with her reaction.
“Clearly.” Her eyes snapped to Soren before coming back to me. “But not for the better. You’re obviously influenced.”
“I’m not,” I spat back, pissed. “If anything, you should be grateful I actually want to do something with my life.”
“You don’t even sound like yourself.”
“Mel, we can talk about this later,” Aiden suggested, trying to calm her down without success.
“No, Aiden. There’s no fucking way I’m dropping this.” She shut him up and then returned her attention to me. “What are you even going to study?”
She gasped, then leaned back in her chair with her arms crossed. “Business?” She cocked her head at Soren. “It was your idea, wasn’t it? Filling his head with this crap about school, telling him surfing isn’t good enough?”
“I worried you were a bad influence on him, and it turns out I was right.”
“Mom!” I shouted.
Mom looked at me, shocked, and despite the hurt in her eyes, I didn’t care. She had no right to blame Soren.
“It was all my decision,” I said, jaw tensed. Sure, Soren had helped me apply to colleges and advised me on courses, but at the end of the day, I was the one who’d decided it was a better choice. She might not agree with me, and that was fine, but she had no right to turn it all on Soren when I was the one who’d decided I wanted to stay here. Was it because of Soren? Of course, but who cares, it was my life to do whatever I wanted with.
“Surfing will always be my hobby. But I want to have a career. A real one.” My voice was firm and composed. With Soren sitting right beside me, I had no reason to doubt myself and therefore went on. “It’s all my decision. You can either accept it or not, but it won’t change a thing.”
Mom took a deep breath before she slumped her shoulders. “How are you going to pay for it?” she asked.
“I hoped you’d help me. But if not…”
“I’ll pay for it,” Soren said casually, not minding the way my mom stared back at him as if he was the devil himself. “It’s not a problem, and if it’s what Ashton decides he wants to do, I’d be happy to help him.”
“Listen to me now—” Mom began saying when Aiden cut in.
“How about we finish this conversation later?” He looked between all three of us. “There’s a lot to talk about, and maybe this isn’t the right place for it.”
By now, we had the attention of half the tables in the restaurant, so I nodded before we fell into an awkward silence, with Mom looking away. I had obviously hurt her, and I hated it, but I also had to stand up for myself.
“Ashton is an adult, Melany,” Soren said, breaking the silence. “It’s his right to make his own decisions.”
Mom’s jaw twitched a second before she reached for her purse. Not bothering to answer back, she got up and walked away from the table. I wanted to go after her when Aiden stopped me, saying he’d take care of it. He then got up himself, said he’d be right back, and went after Mom.
Ashamed of my family’s reaction, I focused on my hands while chewing my lip hard. Instead of being friendly and welcoming, they’d treated Soren like he was this awful man when all he ever did was care for me. Lunch went horribly, and now Mom was pissed. But what was I supposed to do? Reject Soren’s gift because it didn’t suit her? Give up on my relationship so I could catch some waves in Australia? Fuck no.
I am never, ever leaving Soren.
“Everything will be okay, Ashton.” Soren pinched my cheek before getting up. “I believe this lunch is over. I’ll go pay the check.”
I’m so lucky to have him in my life.
While Soren walked away to pay the bill, Aiden returned. He wasn’t as worked up as Mom, but then again, he was always more easygoing with these types of things. Instead of sitting back in his old chair, he took the one beside me and poured us each a glass of water.
“How’s Mom?” I asked while he took a long gulp.
He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, then coughed. “Mel will be okay. She just needs time to process everything you dropped on us, kiddo.”
“I planned on telling you sooner,” I mumbled quietly before grabbing my water glass and taking a small sip. My mouth tasted bitter, and water didn’t seem to help.
“It’s your life, Ash. As long as you’re sure of what you’re doing, your mom and I are happy.”
I side-eyed him, and he laughed.
“Well, maybe it will take Mel a bit more time, but she’ll get there. And speaking of going to places…” Aiden stopped and pulled something out of his jeans pocket, then handed it to me.
“What’s that?” I asked while checking the letter he gave me. There was no stamp or address on the envelope, which looked like it had seen better days with how wrinkled it was, only two words written on the front.
To Ashy.
That was enough to let me know who wrote this letter, and the second the realization struck me, the paper in my hand felt so much heavier.
“He’s in rehab again. This time, he’s trying. Really trying, Chief.”
After the last time we put Kai in rehab, he relapsed again. Sick and tired of this ongoing cycle, I stopped keeping track. But unlike me, Aiden didn’t seem to give up and kept on insisting on helping Kai.
“He’s sad he couldn’t come to see you graduate and asked me to give you this letter.”
I clenched the envelope tighter while looking away from my uncle.
“He also asked for you to come and visit him.”
My jaw twitched, and I closed my eyes. All of a sudden, Kai wanted to see me. Not that it mattered.
“I don’t want to see him.” I placed the envelope back on the table.
“Is everything alright?” Soren asked as he returned, his eyes moving from me to the envelope and back.
“Yeah, I’m just really tired,” I said and got up.
“We can go.” Soren placed his hand on my lower back, and I nodded.
But before we could leave, Aiden grabbed the letter from the table and put it back in my palm.
“Think about it,” he said, a serious look pulled on his face. A look I’d seen many times before, one that told me he was counting on me.