T he next day went by in a flash. It started before sunrise at the fish market, where I got supplies for the restaurant. As soon as I was done there, I went back to the kitchen for preparation and only stepped out of it once service was over. Thanks to me doing the morning preparation, Chef gave me the pass on cleaning.
Tired from today’s work, I reached my bike, dying to get back home. I was so busy that I didn’t have time to reflect on meeting Ash last night. It was a surprise, and honestly, I couldn’t wait to see his pretty face again. And although meeting after so long was fun, I was also shocked by how much he’d changed. He no longer surfed? What the fuck was up with that? Another thing was his odd reaction whenever I brought up his relationship. He seemed so uncomfortable—
“Is that your bike?” a bubbly voice asked, snapping me out of my head.
Looking aside, a woman around my age with long brown hair and big green eyes was checking me out while her group of girlfriends waited behind her, giggling.
She was obviously hitting on me, and it took me no more than a few seconds to debate whether I was interested or not. Considering how yesterday’s hookup didn’t go as planned, and that she had gorgeous legs I would love to have my hands over, it was an easy decision.
“It had better be mine if I’m sitting on it,” I answered with a half smirk that often did the trick.
She pursed her red lips and stepped closer before placing her hand on my arm. She had long, manicured nails that scratched my skin at the first touch, which I liked.
“You’re one of the chefs here, right?” She tilted her head, then flipped her hair over her shoulder to reveal her neck. “My girlfriends and I just had dinner here, and I swear to God every bite was to die for.” She licked her lips. It was a bit much, but it also worked because now I imagined her lips around my cock.
“Oh, yeah?” I peeked behind her at her girlfriends before going back to meet her stare.
Once again, she bit her lip and nodded.
Ash also did the same thing; only when he did it, he looked so innocent and cute, unlike this lady, who was determined to get what she wanted. Not that there was anything wrong with her approach. She was sexy, but I was somehow still put off. And yet, it didn’t stop me from what I asked next.
“What’s your name, sweetheart?”
“So, Candace.” I flashed her a smile. “How about you get on my bike and then get to eat breakfast, too?”
Her eyes gleamed, and she wasted no time before climbing behind me. She didn’t wait for my permission before wrapping her arms around my waist, not being shy about groping my abs in the process. Without lingering too much, I kicked the gas, and twenty minutes later, we arrived home. Aiden was still camping, so we’d have the whole house to ourselves. Or so I thought.
“Oh my God, is this yours?” Camberly—or was it Ashley—gasped as she got off my bike and went to scan the black Porsche Cayenne parked in front of the house.
What the hell?
Confused, I ran up the steps and quickly reached for the door, which was unlocked. The second I opened it, a black pit bull charged at me.
“Holy shit!” I jumped back, almost falling down the stairs, when a familiar voice came through the walls.
“Pacha! Down! Down, boy!” Ash commanded the dog while trying to hold on to its collar as it continued to bark.
“Fucking shit, man, I almost had a heart attack,” I said through heavy breathing once he managed to calm the beast down.
“I’m sorry.” Ash smiled nervously, still petting his dog. “He’s very sweet and gets all excited with new people.”
“That’s sweet?” I raised a questioning brow at the forty-pound dog.
Ash looked up from the dog, and the moment our eyes met, I no longer cared about my near heart attack.
A small smile then spread on his lips. “His name’s Pacha. I’ve had him for a few years now.”
I was ready to ask Ash what he was doing here when Annabeth—okay, that wasn’t even close to her name—squealed while rushing to pet the dog.
Crap . I forgot she was here.
Ash was surprised, considering the shock on his face, but quickly brushed it off by giving the girl and the dog his full attention.
A few minutes later, we all went inside the house. Unaware of the awkward atmosphere, Claire, I think that was her name, asked to drink something.
“You didn’t tell me you have such a hottie for a roommate.” She winked at Ash when we reached the kitchen.
“He’s not my roommate,” I clarified. “And before you get any ideas into your head, he’s taken.”
She pouted. “That’s a shame.”
Ignoring her, I turned to look at Ash, who seemed amused. “What are you doing here?” I asked and watched the smile erase from his face.
“I came for Aiden.”
Bullshit .
“Is that so?”
Learn how to fucking lie, Ash.
“So, who’s that?” he asked, and I didn’t realize what he meant until the girl nudged my arm.
“Oh, shit.” I chuckled because, once again, I totally forgot about her. “That’s—”
“I’m Candace.”
So that’s her name!
“Are you two together?” Ash’s eyes focused on me after I let out a loud snort.
“Fuck no, we just met thirty minutes ago.”
“Way to make me look like a hoe, asshole,” Candace whined, then walked further into the kitchen and looked around. “Didn’t we say we’d drink something?”
“Sure, I can make you coffee? Tea?”
She laughed, moved closer, and began tracing her fingers over my chest and neck. “I had something stronger in mind.”
I noticed Ash looking aside a second before I grabbed her wrist and gently removed her hands from me. “I don’t drink, sweetheart.”
“Seriously?” Her brows curved.
“Yeah, not since my last rehab, that is.” I smiled at her surprised face.
“You’re an addict?”
“Aren’t you full of questions.” I pinched her cheek.
Her lips curved up, and she narrowed her eyes. “Ha-ha. Are you going to take me to your room or what?” She glanced over her shoulder at Ash. “You can join, too, handsome; we won’t tell your girlfriend.”
Ash laughed awkwardly and looked away. God, he was so fucking adorable with how his cheeks turned red and his inability to hold my stare. Was he the same in bed? Was he this innocent and sweet even when getting fucked? Shit. Now, I was getting hard.
But as hot as the thought about Ash joining us was, Candace’s suggestion obviously made him uncomfortable.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ll be more than enough,” I said while adjusting myself.
“Good,” she purred, her eyes darting to my crotch. She probably thought it was because of her, and I didn’t bother correcting her.
“You’re staying the night?” I asked Ash before going upstairs with Candace.
Still not looking me in the eyes, Ash bent down to hug Pacha. “Yeah, I will.”
I then walked upstairs, thinking how un-fucking-fair life was because instead of staying with Ash and finding out why he was here to begin with, I needed to leave him for some random girl I’d just met. But I could only blame myself and my dick for making stupid decisions. And even though I couldn’t care less about whatever her name was, I had no intention of sending her away. It would be too fucking insulting for her. I guessed I’d have to wait until tomorrow to find out what brought Ash here tonight.