Forgotten Prejudice (Bad Inceptions #4) Chapter 28 42%
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Chapter 28


T he repeated sound of my alarm pulled me out of a sweet dream, and I opened my eyes to an even sweeter one. Quickly reaching for my phone, I turned the alarm off before it woke Ash, who was snuggled at my side, his angelic face half-buried in the pillow.

Fuck , did I want to nut all over that pretty face of his, to smear my cum over those pouty lips and decorate his long eyelashes with pearls of my jizz. Unfortunately, I couldn’t, and partly guilty, I let out a frustrated grunt as I shifted away from his hot body. Despite having dirty thoughts ever since Ash first asked me to sleep with him almost three weeks ago, I hadn’t done anything other than hug and cuddle him. Being the furthest thing possible from a saint, I let out my sexual frustration on random hookups. After I released all that pent-up energy on strangers, I returned to Ash and hugged him in the most platonic way I could manage.

I took one last inhale of his sexy scent, which became even stronger when he was in a deep sleep, and then got up. Recently, we slept in his room because he preferred it that way. Sneaking out quietly, I stole one last glance at him and bit my lip. He’s so damn fine, even when he sleeps.

Closing the door, I let go of the handle and moved my hand to grab my morning wood when someone cleared their throat, and I jolted back.

“Oh, shit,” I gasped at Aiden, who stood behind me in the hall. “Didn’t see you standing there.”

“Sorry, I was just putting some things in the laundry room,” he said, not meeting my eyes, which was legitimate, given the awkward situation.

Neither Ash nor I had said a word about our new sleeping arrangement, but living under the same roof, Aiden had probably picked up on it by now. Although, I was pretty sure he had the wrong impression. Not that I could blame him, with me sneaking out of Ash’s room almost every morning now. And not to mention the raging tent in my sweats, which I did a poor job of hiding.

“I’m gonna hit the shower. Gotta be at the restaurant soon.” I pointed in the direction of the bathroom and watched Aiden quickly nod.

He seemed as eager as I was to escape this embarrassing encounter and moved fast to pass me on his way downstairs. Things didn’t have to get so weird between us, but I guess the old man wasn’t wired up the same way I was. Not that it mattered . Currently, Ash was all I could think and care about. With that thought in mind, I got into the shower, jerked off, and washed myself with cold water before heading downstairs for coffee.

Aiden was in the kitchen, sitting by the dining table while reading a newspaper. It would be impossible to guess the man was in his midforties with his head full of dark hair, thick stubble, and a killer body. I was pretty sure he checked the DILF box, minus the part about having kids other than his dog, Seb. Although, when he had his reading glasses on, as he did right now, he definitely looked older.

Noticing my arrival, Aiden put down the paper and looked at me with the same eyes as Ash, only that his eyes weren’t as pure and innocent. Not that he could be blamed; no one in this entire world could look as deliciously innocent as my Ashy.

“Want some coffee?” I asked after pulling a cup out of the cabinet.

“Already had some, but thanks.”

A few minutes later, I joined him by the table to drink my espresso. Aiden was back to reading, so I pulled out my phone and scrolled through some unread messages. I saw a text from Zoe, letting me know Paris was excited to spend the weekend together.

“Mind telling me what’s going on between you two?” Aiden asked, getting my attention.

I closed my phone and moved to look at him, my brows raised in surprise.

“Nothing, really.” My voice came out too low, and I coughed to clear my throat. “I mean, not yet, anyway.”

Aiden’s expression hardened, and he leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. “Whatever you do, take it slow. I don’t want to see him getting hurt again.”

Oh, shit . So that was what this weird atmosphere was all about? For weeks, I thought Aiden was still angry about that incident while, in fact, he was just worried I’d hurt Ash. I should have realized it sooner, considering how protective Aiden was over his nephew.

“Of course. You know I’d never hurt him.” The seriousness on Aiden’s face and the tension pulled between his pinched brows made me correct myself. “ Again . I would never hurt him again.” When we were teens, I didn’t only hurt Ash but fucking wrecked him. It felt so long ago that sometimes I forgot those days.

“I’m very serious, Kai. Ash has been through… a lot.” It sounded like he knew things I didn’t. “And what he needs right now is a friend , not a…” With a sigh, he took off his reading glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “You know what I mean.”

“Actually, I don’t, Aiden.” I didn’t mean to get angry, but him suggesting I was doing something wrong pissed me off. Ash came to me seeking comfort, not the other way around.

Getting up from my chair, I took my empty cup to the sink and quickly washed it. I then grabbed a paper towel to dry my hands before turning to look at Aiden again.

“I’m trying to be there for Ash, just like you and Mel are.” I tossed the used paper into the trash can.

“I know.”

“So what’s the problem?”

Saying nothing, Aiden continued to look at me, his eyes holding an emotion I couldn’t quite tell. As seconds passed, the crease between his brows only deepened. But then, his expression softened, and he sighed.

“I just don’t want any of you boys getting hurt. That’s all.” He got up. “I guess what I’m saying is think before you act, okay?”

“Sure,” I answered half-heartedly before grabbing my keys and going out.

While my conversation with Aiden bothered me for a while, it was soon forgotten as work kicked in. The kitchen was always one heck of a madhouse, and with the amount of work we had, no wonder I had no time to think about anything but the dishes I plated.

“Yes, Chef !” my line cooks answered me in harmony after I yelled at them not to burn my fucking sauce. I might have wrecked other shit in my life, but ain’t no fucking way I would serve my customers uncooked chicken and burned sauce.

Working always made me lose track of time. Putting on my black apron and getting behind the stoves did the job, and while I loved working in this restaurant as the head chef, I also yearned to open my own place eventually. I knew that day was coming and hoped it would be sooner rather than later.

A new chit came along, and I took the pencil from behind my ear to go over the order.

“One salmon, two carbonaras, and one lobster,” I ordered my staff before pinning the chit next to the other orders and going back to plating.

“Sorry, Chef, but there’s someone in the restaurant who says he knows you?” one of our waitresses, whose name I couldn’t remember, told me.

“Who gives a fuck,” I snapped at her. I hated being bothered while cooking.

“He said to tell you his name is Ash?”

I perked my head up. “Ash?” I spat his name, my heart stopping in my chest.

“Y-Yes.” She couldn’t hold back from smiling.

Considering my reaction, I had it coming. But more importantly, Ash was here?

“Rena, take over the pass for me,” I told my sous chef before leaving my kitchen and going out to the front of the restaurant. To my surprise, Ash was really there.

“Hey,” I said, unable to hold back a goofy smile as I approached him.

Ash seemed slightly shocked to see me at first, as his eyes studied me carefully. “H-Hey,” he mumbled after he was done checking me out. “Ah, sorry. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you dressed up this way.”

I knew I looked hot, even hotter, when I wore my work clothes. From the blush on his cheeks and bottom lip tucked underneath his teeth, it seemed like Ashy thought the same.

“So, what are you doing here?”

“Well—” Ash’s words were cut off by a waiter who nearly bumped into us on his way back to the kitchen with a tray full of dishes. I gave the idiot the death glare, which made him stumble forward, before grabbing Ash’s arm and pulling him aside.

“So, you were saying?” I asked, bringing his attention away from the waiter and back to me.

Ash seemed out of place in the fuss of the busy restaurant, and I wasn’t surprised. He hadn’t left the house since returning home over a month ago, so his discomfort was understandable.

“Oh, yes, right.” He hugged his arms around himself. “I was just hanging around the house and then got hungry, so I thought—”

“You thought to drive all the way here and come see me?” I finished his sentence, my lips curving into a crooked smile.

Ash frowned, looking as cute as ever, before shoving my chest.

“Don’t be so full of yourself, asshole.” He pouted his lips, his ears turning red. “But yes. I was curious where you work.”

I’d cuddled the dude every night for weeks now, but just then, his words got me all excited like some fucking virgin.

“You should have told me before. I would have found someone to replace me in the kitchen.” I looked around the full restaurant. “I’ve got about two hours until I’m done.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll just go home.”

He was delusional if he thought I’d allow it.

“Fuck no.” I wrapped one arm around him and pulled him close. “I’ll get you a table and cook you some good food.” I kissed his head. “Hopefully, by the time you’re done, I’ll be able to get out of here. Sound good?”

He nodded, and fuck me sideways, I wanted to eat his face. And ass .

Restraining myself, I led him to a corner table where he’d have more privacy before returning to the kitchen. As promised, I cooked him the best meal I’d ever made. So excited about him being here, I even served Ash each of the courses myself.

“More? I swear, Kai, I can’t get another thing into my mouth,” Ash whined after I came back with another plate in hand.

“There’s always room for dessert,” I smirked, ignoring my dirty thoughts about other things I’d want to put in his mouth.

The restaurant was almost empty now, so I dragged a chair beside Ash before sitting down and placing the plate between us.

“Raspberry and pistachio éclair with homemade crème fra?che on the side,” I said, offering him the dessert fork.

Ash darted his eyes from me to the plate and back before taking the fork from me.

“You’re going to make me gain so much weight.”

“Good. I’ll have more to cuddle at night.”

Ash grunted before he took a forkful of the dessert and brought it to his mouth. Wrapping his full lips around the fork, he closed his eyes and let out a soft moan. My dick twitched at the sound, and my throat dried up as he darted the tip of his tongue to lick the corner of his lips.

“Good, right?” I leaned a bit closer.

Ash nodded, then took another bite, cream getting everywhere. “It tastes amazing.”

Just wait until you taste my dick, baby.

This time, he used a napkin to clean himself. “I never really got to eat sweets the past few years,” he said, his eyes pinned on the plate while he smiled to himself. “Soren is one of those people who’s against sugar, so I tried avoiding it… although I couldn’t quit, and he laughed, saying it’s why I’m so sweet.”

I slowly watched how the joy washed away from his face as memories sucked him in, and the mood at the table shifted. It frustrated me that no matter what Ash did, somehow, it always returned to Soren. I knew it had only been a few weeks, but a part of me hoped that Ash coming here tonight was a sign. A sign that he was beginning to let go.

The mere mention of Soren’s name pissed me off beyond words, and if only I could have erased the fucker’s name from Ash’s memory. But life didn’t work that way, and if I wanted him to get over the prick, I had to work for it. Good thing I already had an idea.

Standing up, I offered Ash a hand. “Come,” I said, watching the confusion form in his eyes.

“Where to?”

“You’ll see.”

He took my hand and slowly got up. “B-But what about your work?”

“Don’t worry about it.”

Of course he worried about it, and when we stopped in front of my bike, he shook his head.

“It’s too dangerous. You know I don’t like motorcycles.” He handed me the helmet I’d just given him, but I refused to take it back.

“When we were sixteen, I recall you being obsessed with a gorgeous Harley so much that you pinned its photo above your bed.” I pushed the helmet back at him.

“Well, I’m no longer sixteen.”

“Well aware of that.” I grinned, giving him a once-over. “And thank fuck ’cause you’re way sexier now.”

Ash’s eyes widened, and he opened his mouth to say something before closing it and swallowing hard.

With a chuckle, I climbed onto my bike.

“What about my car?” he asked.

“We’ll pick it up tomorrow.”


“Come on, Ashy, live a little,” I cut in. “Life’s too fucking short.”

Locking eyes with me, Ash then took a deep breath and put his helmet on. “Just don’t drive too fast. Okay?” he asked after climbing behind me and hugging his arms around my waist.

I kicked the gas, and the bike roared to life. Ash immediately hugged me tighter, and I smirked.

“You bet, Ashy.”

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