“Y ou look dashing.” I smiled at Ashton.
Dressed in a brown sweatshirt and bright blue jeans, he looked lovely, and I missed his beautiful face after I’d last seen him over a week ago.
Ashton’s lips quirked up, and he moved a hand over his clothes, ready to speak, when someone else cut in.
“Thanks. He’s wearing my clothes,” Kai said before joining the table and taking the seat closest to Ashton.
Wonderful .
“Kai,” Ashton sighed, already looking tired.
“What? It is my sweatshirt. Although it always looked better on you, babe.” Kai grinned and wrapped one arm around Ashton’s shoulder, then waved his hand toward the free chair. “Why are you still standing? Sit down, make yourself at home, man.”
Resisting the urge to roll my eyes, I sat down and placed the white napkin on my lap. I wore one of my favorite suits and had no intention of getting it dirty with whatever food Kai would serve us. “Your restaurant is lovely,” I said despite not meaning it. The place looked as if a flea market and a warehouse had a baby, and that baby was color-blind. Everything was so flashy and vibrant, plants popping out of nowhere and random pictures hanging on the walls without any order. My mind went crazy, and I’d been counting the seconds since I’d gotten here. I assumed this place was what kids would refer to as “cool,” but I found it tacky—the same as its owner and his stupid ponytail.
“Thanks, man.” Kai smiled at me like the moron he was, his fingers tapping against the table.
The sound was so annoying that I was tempted to snap his fingers like chopsticks.
“Want something to drink until the food’s ready?” he asked, getting my attention back.
“Soren loves pinot noir,” Ashton said, mostly to himself, before he realized he spoke out loud. An awkward little smile quickly took over his lips, and he chuckled. “I mean, you used to love it.”
“I still do.” Knowing he remembered my love for red wine was somehow adorable, and it could have been a wonderful moment if not for Kai clearing his throat like some caveman.
“Sorry about that,” he said once he was done rumbling. “I felt like something got stuck in my throat.”
If only.
“You don’t mind if Soren and I drink, right?” Ashton asked Kai after we ordered the drinks, the softest expression on his face.
The bitter taste of jealousy filled my mouth at the sight of them together, but thankfully, the wine arrived soon enough to help me wash it away.
I had to stop the waiter from pouring too much; after all, I needed to taste it first. Swirling the wine in the glass, I allowed it to breathe before I brought it to my nose and took a gentle sniff. It smelled sweet, too sweet, and the flavor was even worse.
“So, how is it?” Ashton asked.
Unlike me, he seemed to enjoy the wine. Since I didn’t want to insult him, I nodded. “It’s okay. Although, it’s not as good as the bottle we shared in Varenna. Remember that little restaurant on the lake?”
“With the angry waiter?”
“Yes,” I answered back, smiling at him. “Our waiter was so angry he nearly poured the wine over my head. We laughed for hours after that dinner was over, trying to figure out what had put the man in such a sour mood.”
“Sure you weren’t just your usual self, and the waiter had no patience for jerks?” Kai jumped in, ruining the moment—yet again.
“How’s your apple juice?” I bit back, earning myself a harsh glare from Ashton, who didn’t seem to enjoy my joke. Oh well , Kai had it coming.
“So, Soren, what will you do now that the case is over?” Kai asked, his eyes narrowed on me.
“Go back to work, obviously.”
He smirked. “And that would be in New York, right?”
I knew the bastard had an agenda.
“Yes.” I put down my glass and turned to face Ashton. “I planned on telling you. I’m going back on Sunday night.”
Ashton’s eyes widened before his forehead creased. “That’s in two days.”
The disappointment in his voice burdened me with guilt, and I hated that I was forced to leave him, but what other choice did I have?
“Unfortunately, I don’t have much of a choice. I’ve already been assigned a new case.”
“I bet Ashy is going to miss you.” Kai elbowed him. “Isn’t that right? After all, you’ve gotten so close lately.”
Kai’s words stirred in me the suspicion that he might know about us, and I did my best to avoid meeting Ashton’s panicked look when Kai clarified himself.
“You know, working on the case together?” He glanced between us, a big smile on his face. “Jesus, Ashy, you’re all red. Want me to turn down the heat?”
Ashton reached for his drink and took a long gulp before he shook his head. “N-No, it’s fine. I guess it’s the wine.”
“So maybe stop drinking it?” Kai joked, and his laugh seemed to make Ashton a bit less nervous.
Well, my little Sparrow was never much of a liar, and I could tell he was eaten up by guilt. Cheating might be wrong, and I might have felt bad about it if I wasn’t sure that Ashton belonged with me.
The first courses arrived on time, and the plates were placed in the middle of the table.
“I hope you don’t mind sharing,” Kai said, tearing a piece of bread with his hands before placing it on Ashton’s plate. “You know, it’s more fun eating this way. Don’t you agree?”
Oh, the bastard knew.
“Actually, I do mind sharing very much,” I said back, taking a bun from the breadbasket and placing it on my plate. “I find it to be annoying, not to mention unhygienic.” I lifted my look to meet Kai’s narrowed eyes. “After all, who knows where you’ve stuck those hands before?”
He slammed his palm on the table, strong enough for it to shake. “You son of a—”
“Guys.” Ashton’s voice was loud as he looked between us. “Can we please just focus on the food instead of biting each other’s heads off?”
Kai leaned closer to Ashton, and with his lips scraping Ashton’s ear, he grinned. “Sure, babe. I’ll behave as long as I get to bite you later.”
I clenched my fork a bit tighter, gritting my teeth with disdain. That low-life creature was doing his best to get on my nerves, and to my shame, he was succeeding.
Ashton’s face reddened, and he pushed Kai away, who had already gotten what he wanted anyway. I despised that bastard, who did whatever he wanted just to spite others. I used to be the same, too, only that I’d matured with the years.
Thankfully, we managed to dive into a civilized conversation that mostly revolved around the trial. At some point, Kai said he was going to check on the main courses, leaving me and Ashton alone.
“When were you going to tell me you’re leaving?”
I knew he’d ask that.
“I planned on doing it today.”
He frowned. “So what was the point of seducing me if you planned to go back all along?”
Surprised by his accusations, I chuckled. “I’m sorry, but did you say I seduced you?” I took a sip from my drink, then put it down. “If I recall correctly, you were the one who threw himself all over me. Twice .”
Clenching his jaw, Ashton turned the other way. “That could be debated.”
No. It most definitely couldn’t. But I wasn’t about to put him on the spot.
“Let’s agree that this was a mutual seduction.” I reached my hand forward and grazed his pinkie with mine. His eyes flew to my hand, a cute little blush decorating his cheeks.
When he didn’t push me away, I kept my hand on his, enjoying the warmth of his soft skin.
“If you want me to stay, all you need to do is say so, Ashton,” I said, my eyes locked with his. If Ashton chose me, there would be no hesitation on my side. I’d be waiting on his doorstep with a ring this evening. Oh, for God’s sake. I would have had a ring ready an hour ago if he just gave me the cue.
He darted his tongue out to wet his bottom lip before he bit on it. “Do you really mean it?”
Slipping my fingers underneath his sleeve, I caressed his skin before I grabbed his wrist and turned his arm around. I then slid my palm down and placed mine on top. “Of course I do,” I answered him, adoring every bit of his divine expression. I would have held his hand forever if not for Kai’s voice coming from afar, forcing us both to pull back.
It was a shame, but at least these small moments and stolen glances confirmed what I had suspected—Ashton wanted me, too, and this thing with Kai was only temporary.
“I hope you like your meat red and bloody,” Kai said, slamming his hands on my back in a push that was supposed to be friendly, only it wasn’t. Letting go, he moved back to his chair, planting a big kiss on Ashton’s cheek before sitting down.
“So, what were you talking about?”
“I asked him something about the trial,” Ashton lied.
“I see.” Pressing his lips together, Kai hummed to himself before turning his eyes to me. “You know, I’ve always wondered what it’s like to be a lawyer. If it’s as cool as it seems or if it’s just all bullshit.”
Not sure where he was going with that, I shook my head. “It’s the same as any job, I guess.”
“Oh, come on.” He rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair. “You’re telling me working with criminals is the same as cooking steaks on a grill?” He faked a laugh. “Just thinking about all the connections you must have. Fucking mind-blowing.” He gestured an explosion with his hand, mouthing the word boom .
“Kai, I think you’re exaggerating,” Ashton muttered while shifting uncomfortably in his chair.
“No way.” He wrapped his hand around Ashton and pulled him close as if he was sharing a secret with him. “I’m telling you, this guy is one hell of a badass. I wouldn’t dare mess with him.”
“Soren’s nothing like that.”
“Really?” Kai’s lips twitched into a crooked smile as he let go of Ashton and rubbed his jaw. “I think getting some mobster to beat the shit out of your competition is a pretty badass thing to do.” He leaned a bit closer. “But then again, who am I to say? I’m just a simple cook.”
If I were the type to get nervous over getting caught, I wouldn’t have broken the law to begin with. And yet, seeing the shock slowly transforming into disbelief on my sweet Sparrow’s face made me regret my decision. Jones crossed a line when he made my little bird cry in an attempt to go after me, and he got what he deserved. Was it right of me? No. Was it shady for a lawyer to break the law? Well, obviously, but who gave a fuck. When it came to my Sparrow, there were no lines I wouldn’t cross. Did it make me morally gray? Probably yes, but I never pretended not to be. Unlike the snake who was sitting across the table, grinning from ear to ear as if he’d just won the lottery.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I said and took a sip from my drink. And while being accused of committing a crime didn’t bother me, the fact he knew about it did.
“I assumed you’d deny it. Thankfully, I’ve got evidence.”
“What are you talking about?” Ashton barged in, his face pale.
“About your ex acting like a thug, thinking he’d get away with it.” He then turned his eyes to me. “What’s the matter, Soren? Did you think you were the only one who could hire a private investigator?”
The scum.
Just then, the waiters arrived at our table with several plates of food. The whole time they placed the dishes between us, Kai’s eyes never left mine. He followed me like a hawk, but little did he know that I wasn’t scared of him.
“Soren, is Kai telling the truth?” Ashton asked once the waiters left us alone.
“It doesn’t matter, darling.”
“Oh, but it does.” Kai smiled. “Because it proves to Ash what a lunatic you are.”
I gritted my teeth together, my blood boiling with rage. Somehow, this jackass had managed to make a fool out of me.
“I don’t understand what’s going on,” Ashton said while moving his gaze between us.
“So let me explain it to you.” Kai smiled again, and I knew this was about to be one nasty conversation.
Kai’s arm felt too heavy around my shoulder, and I wanted to push him off, but I didn’t, as I was too focused on what he was telling me.
“This guy had us stalked, did you know that? Because I didn’t.” He then moved on to say things about private investigators and whatnot while my eyes were focused on Soren. He… he had eyes on me for years? Even before this whole trial had started? But why? Why would he ignore me at the same time he was paying someone to watch me?
My skin turned ice-cold as shivers ran down my spine. I felt sick to my stomach, with this awful lump stuck in my throat. I wanted to have a nice dinner, and instead, all I’d gotten was more lies that brought up more questions in my already exhausted brain. I’d had enough of this crap, and so, clenching my hands into fists, I shook my head.
“Enough!” I snapped, slamming my hand on the table until both men stopped arguing and turned to me.
“No.” I removed Kai’s arm from around my shoulder. “I don’t want to hear anything about this. I don’t care.”
“I. Don’t. Care,” I repeated. Unable to bear looking at either of them, I focused on the food. Picking up the first dish that caught my eye, I began loading my plate with ravioli. I just wanted this to stop, but as I took the first bite and the food tasted bitter and cold, I realized how naive my wish was. How could I expect them to stop while I kept on pushing them? As long as I continued misleading both men, I’d never have peace. We had been so involved with one another for years, and all the garbage we’d hidden was finally coming out in a blast.
The tension around the table rose and became so thick you could nearly smell it, and it stank. It reeked of resentment, lies, and jealousy. And while they both had tons of shit they had hidden away from me for years, I was the one lying, and my lie smelled like a rotten fish.
“I know you guys hate each other because of me, but maybe if we could just communicate, we’d be able to…” To do what? I had no idea where I was going with this. Disappointed with myself, I huffed. “I don’t know.”
“No, you’re right,” Kai suddenly said, surprising me. “We should stop acting like children. Don’t you agree, Soren?” He turned to face him, and so did I. Soren slowly looked up from his plate, his bright eyes too tired to keep up.
“Of course.”
“See, Ashy? I can be mature when I want to. Just wait and see what an awesome dad I’ll be.”
My jaw dropped, and I quickly turned to meet Soren’s stunned face. I swear to God, his face just paled in front of me as he looked at me with pure hurt in his eyes.
“What?” Soren asked after snapping out of his shock.
“Ashy didn’t tell you?”
“Shut up, Kai.”
“Why? We’re going to be parents. Isn’t it great news to share?”
Knowing he was doing it on purpose only made me more furious. I wanted to yell at him, but first, I had to clarify it to Soren.
“We’re not going to be parents. He’s talking nonsense,” I told Soren, who was so shocked that he began filling his plate with food. It was so not like him to shove calories down his throat without giving it a second thought, and pissed off, I looked at Kai.
“What’s your problem?”
“What do you mean?”
“We’re not having any kids!” I hissed, the vein on my neck popping.
“You practically agreed to it.” Kai turned his head toward Soren. “He practically agreed to it.”
Grabbing Kai’s jaw, I snapped his head to face me. “Don’t you dare say another word,” I warned, my blood boiling. Soren must have thought I was making a joke out of him, and the mere thought killed me. Agreeing to this dinner was clearly a mistake. It was all just one big plan of Kai’s to get back at Soren. Sure, we deserved to be scolded for going behind his back, but not like this. There were better methods.
“Soren, listen—”
Soren raised his hand in front of him, his eyes bulging, signaling me not to speak before he reached for his wineglass, his face red as he downed the contents of the glass like a man who hadn’t drunk in a year.
“And I’m the alcoholic,” Kai muttered under his breath, his tone mean.
I glared at him right before Soren coughed and spluttered, reaching for the water. His face was glowing, and his chest was heaving. He appeared to be struggling to swallow as he attempted to pour himself a glass of water with shaking hands.
“Soren?” I asked worriedly due to the changing color of his face. Shit . Had we shocked him so much that he was choking on something— hold on . He truly was choking, his lips swelling, too.
“I-I c-can’t swallow,” he wheezed, his voice rough as he plonked the glass down and grabbed for his tie, clumsily attempting to release it.
“What did you eat?” I demanded, panic taking hold of me. I jumped to my feet and moved around the table to get to him. “Did any of this have mushrooms in it?” I asked Kai, doing my best to hold it together. He, on the other hand, was rooted to his seat, wide-eyed.
“W-What?” he stuttered, looking at me.
“Did any of this food have any mushrooms in it?” I asked through gritted teeth, pushing Soren’s useless hands away to undo his tie and top button.
Coming out of his shock, Kai got up and quickly checked the table, his eyes moving over everything. “The pasta! He ate the pasta—it was cooked in mushroom stock, and the sauce, too.” His face paled as he glanced at Soren, who was making grunting noises.
“I told you he’s allergic!” I yelled at Kai, my body tensing with fear and adrenaline while Soren kept on gasping and wheezing. My hands shook while I tried to rub his back, realizing it wouldn’t help at all. I had to get him to a hospital, but first—
I checked his jacket for an EpiPen, as I knew he always carried one with him, just in case. Luckily, he had one now. In all the time we’d been together, not once did he have to use it, but him being him, he’d taught me how to work it just in case.
“The blue side up and the orange down,” I reminded myself aloud before jabbing him with the injection that would help with his symptoms.
In the background, I heard someone say they’d called an ambulance, but we weren’t far from the hospital, and I wasn’t about to wait.
“Get me my car,” I ordered Kai, already tossing him my keys, which he caught.
By the time I’d gotten Soren to my truck, his skin was covered in a red rash, while his lips and the lower half of his face were swollen. My anger at Kai made my temples throb, and the thought of killing him with my own bare hands crossed my mind. Only right then, my worry for Soren overshadowed my anger. He was my sole priority; the rest could fucking wait.
“Let me drive you,” Kai offered after Soren was sitting in the passenger seat.
The second he reached his hand forward, I slapped it away. “You’ve done enough,” I warned through gritted teeth, the fury on my face enough to let him know he’d better not push me any further. I wasn’t the type of guy to get angry, but as of late, Kai dragged it out of me with force.
Closing Soren’s door, I ran around the hood, quickly climbed into the driver’s seat, and turned on the engine.
“I t-think I’m b-better now,” Soren grunted while trying to straighten himself out on the seat.
Taking a breath and a moment to look at him, I placed my hand on his chest and forced him to stay put. “Don’t push yourself.”
He sagged against the seat, and only then did I reverse out of the parking spot, not bothering to look at Kai, who was standing on the curbside.
“Ah…” Soren hissed, grabbing my attention. “I hate this.”
With my eyes focused on the busy road, I reached over and softly caressed his cheek, needing to know he was okay. “I know, baby, but I’ve got you.”