“Whose fuckin’ terrible idea was this, anyway?” I grumbled from where I sat at the back of Kane’s booth at the festival, nursing a lukewarm beer from a disposable cup.
He’d rented one of those large canopy tents like you’d see at a wedding since there’d been no question that his was going to be the most sought-after attraction. The sides had been left open, and long tables lined the front where five of his staff filled beers from the rows of kegs as fast as they could.
No one was surprised the lines were unending.
We sat tucked back from the mayhem, a ring of low-slung fabric folding chairs set up in a circle.
Raven’s booth was right next door. Hers was maybe a tenth of the size of Kane’s, though the girl was probably bringing in double of anyone else since she just had a way of charming the pants off anyone who came by.
Kane clapped me on the shoulder as he plopped into a chair, scratching his fingers through his perfectly trimmed brown beard. “What are you complaining about, brother? You’ve got a beer in your hand and this gorgeous scenery all around. What could be so bad?”
He waved a tatted hand around the park where the festival had been set up in the fields. A slew of evergreens grew high, surrounding the park, steepled tips stabbing into the blazing blue sky.
A band played on a stage across the field, and a makeshift dance floor with lights strung between the trees had been set up below it. It was basically empty at this time of day except for a group of what looked to be eight-year-old girls doing cartwheels on it, but it was likely to be packed once the sun went down.
Behind us, the park rolled right up to the edge of the lake, and a ton of kids and families were playing on the beach.
The water glinted and sparkled with the rays of sunlight that slanted down, the rambling expanse dotted with ski boats that left white waves in their wake.
Beyond it the mountain range rose high.
It was gorgeous, but it was also hot as fuck, and it didn’t help things that I was still sweating from the unfortunate encounter that I’d stumbled into yesterday afternoon.
Skin sticky and slick at the memories of the way Charleigh had felt when I’d been pressed up against her in the breakroom.
At the way she’d smelled. At the way I’d almost been able to taste her.
Cinnamon and clove.
I swirled the tepid beer in my red Solo cup. Yeah, it was not close to cutting it.
I wanted something stronger. Whiskey on my tongue.
I’d been the dumb fuck who’d pushed up against her boundaries, wondering if she’d break, if she’d give, unable to resist her lure.
Shocked as hell to find her in the doctor’s office, thinking it was kismet or some kind of bullshit.
I should’ve been relieved that she’d shot me down because I had the sinking sense that one bite of her was not going to be enough.
No way to sate whatever the fuck was roiling inside me.
I wasn’t relieved, though.
I was irritated. Annoyed. Itching like a fiend.
“And it’s all for a good cause,” Kane added with a smug-ass grin, wearing jeans and a blue tee .
“Yeah, and we know what kind of good cause that’s going to be,” I grumbled.
My attention drifted to where Nolan had set up shop at the animal shelter’s booth that was on the other side of Kane’s tent. He was inside the short fences they’d put up to house a bunch of puppies that were up for adoption. Otto was keeping an eye on him as he romped and played, and the kid squealed every time one of the puppies jumped up and licked his face.
Nolan had already been over three times begging me to take one of them home.
Had no fuckin’ clue how I’d managed to resist.
Theo laughed at my expense. Dude was tall and lean, dark haired and cunning as fuck.
When we’d come here, he’d purchased the old motel on the far side of the lake near my house.
He’d named it The Sanctuary, and people came from all over to stay at the reclaimed motel that was hugged up close to the lake, though no one had any fuckin’ clue what its name really meant.
The only one of us who wasn’t here was Cash.
Surprise, fucking surprise.
He was basically a recluse, hiding out in his cabin high on the mountain, never trusting a soul. Not that I blamed him after the shit he’d been through.
“Thousand bucks says you go home with a puppy tonight,” Theo razzed.
“Thousand bucks says I’m gonna kick your scrawny ass if I do since it’d be because of all you fuckers encouraging it.”
I pointed an accusatory finger between him and Kane.
They both laughed like they thought this shit was funny.
Thing was, I didn’t need any more responsibilities on my plate. This life was already a balancing act, and I was trying my hardest to give Nolan the most normal childhood that I could.
“Nah, brother. I think what’s really clear here is that kid has made you soft,” Theo said, pointing a finger at me.
Might have given Theo shit that he was about half the width as the rest of us, but the guy could strike you down so fast you wouldn’t know what hit you.
He lifted his cup and took a swig of his beer, flashing the tattoo made of the stacked Ss on the back of his left hand that he had in the exact same spot as the rest of us.
I scoffed though it was true. Other than Raven, Nolan was the one person in the world who could turn me to a hapless pile of putty that he held in the palm of his little hand.
He was the one ounce of goodness I carried. A shock to the purpose I’d found.
“All while he acts like a total prick to the rest of us,” Kane ribbed, grinning from behind his cup. “Our brother here is nothin’ but rainbows and sunshine.”
“Have more riding on the line now,” I grunted, voice low, watching the child run in a circle within the fence.
I used to only have Raven to worry about, which was fucking stress enough, plus the rest of the guys.
My crew was an entirely different thing, though, since there wasn’t one of them who couldn’t stand for himself, but we never hesitated to jump and help each other.
God knew what we’d been through together. What we’d done to survive.
There’d never be an instance when I didn’t have my crew’s back.
But a kid?
Dread pulled through my chest. It was terrifying, and there wasn’t a day that passed that I didn’t wonder how the hell I was going to manage it.
When it was all going to fuckin’ crumble.
Made me sick to think of what might happen to him then.
“Heard you had to take him in to see the good doctor yesterday.” There was the hint of a question in Theo’s voice.
A bolt of angst rocketed through me at the thought. “Yup.”
Nearly crawled out of my skin any time I had to.
Kane raised a brow. “He still on board?”
My chest squeezed tight. “Always seems to be. ”
“He’s being paid well enough.” Theo scratched a finger against his clean-shaven jaw.
“I think it’s more than the money. I think he gets it.” Kane dipped his head in a gesture that encouraged us not to worry.
Our voices were low, held between the three of us, though the decibel of the festival echoing around us was loud enough to ensure there wasn’t a chance that anyone could overhear.
Music rolling on the warm air was intermixed with the dull drone of conversations.
But what I couldn’t miss was when my baby sister squealed, her voice carrying as she shouted, “Oh my God, you’re finally here! I was beginning to think you weren’t going to show and I was going to have to make good on that whole kidnapping threat.”
I swiveled to look over my shoulder to find out who she was talking to.
Couldn’t be blamed that I was still on edge by her claim that someone had asked her out. All too ready to interrogate the clown so he’d have it clear really damned fast there would be no fooling around.
My sister might look like she was all fun and games. Up for a good time. But I knew her better than anyone. She’d get her heart tromped, she’d be crushed, and the parts of her that were finally healing would be ripped right back open.
I wasn’t going to stand aside and watch it fucking happen.
But no, it wasn’t some douchewad with a hard-on standing next to my sister.
It was Charleigh Lowe.
And my sister was hugging her tight.