From Here to Eternity (Moonlit Ridge #1) 14. Charleigh 23%
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14. Charleigh



“Oh my God, why is this so good?” Raven groaned as she wiped a big glob of whipped cream from her cheek. Shocker since she’d just stuffed half a deep-fried Twinkie into her mouth.

A soft laugh climbed from my chest.

My chest that felt lighter than it had in a long, long time.

After she’d made introductions, she’d suggested we browse the festival since she was nearly sold out of flowers, anyway. I’d jumped on it since I’d needed to get away from the dark, dark eyes that had tracked my every move.

Spending this time with her had been…fun.

Incredibly fun, and I liked her so much that it was scary. The way it felt like I could slip right in with her, be at ease when I knew that I could never truly be that with anyone.

“I’m pretty sure you’re confusing delicious with disgusting,” I told her.

She feigned a gasp. “I’ll have you know I have the best taste in the world. I mean, have you seen me?”

She spun in a little circle. The fifties-style pin-up dress she wore hugged all her curves. Raven was all sass and pure sweetness, and I’d never met anyone like her .

“Okay, the dress is cute, but the Twinkie…” I drew it out like I was calling her judgement into question.

She giggled and looped her elbow with mine, our gait slow as we meandered the displays. “Okay, fine, I might be developing a stomachache, but that first bite? Delish.”

The sun had begun to set, and the soft breeze that rolled over the lake dimmed the temperature to perfection. Overhead, string lights had just blinked to life, and the crowd had slowed. It was as if everyone there had become partners to the peace.

I slowed even more as I noticed a display to my right, and I dragged my fingertips over a hand-knitted stuffed animal.

A blue puppy.

A wave of wistfulness rushed over me, and a smile pulled to my face. I glanced at my new friend. “Do you think Nolan would like this?”

Raven inhaled a soft breath as we stopped in front of the table. “Aww, he would love it. You know, since his dad is being a big grump and won’t let him get an actual puppy, but since my brother is a big grump ninety-nine percent of the time, it’s no surprise.”

She rolled her pretty eyes, her lashes thick and dark, though her face was full of affection. “I mean, I really hope he wasn’t rude to you yesterday at the doctor’s office when he took Nolan in. The guy gets so spun up when he’s worried.”

I bit down on my bottom lip, wondering if I should confess that it wasn’t the first time we’d met. It shouldn’t be a big deal, but I’d already made it weird that I hadn’t said anything.

“He was fine.”

Okay, fine wasn’t anything close to what River Tayte was. He was a shock of chaos to my sanity.

A compulsion.

Raven chuckled with a lift of her brow, clearly agreeing with my internal thoughts. “Fine? I don’t think that’s a description I’ve ever heard given to him, unless you’re talking about how hot he is? Because he might be my brother, but it’s not like I could miss the way women stumble all over themselves the second he comes into a room. Tell me he’s not the type that gets your cute butt all hot and bothered. ”

She knocked her shoulder into mine, slanting me a big grin, prodding me for details.

“No,” I murmured what I hoped she didn’t know was a blatant lie. “Of course not.”

She tightened her hold on my elbow as she giggled. “Good call, bestie. He’s not exactly the type to stick around for morning cuddles, if you know what I mean. And I wouldn’t want to have to kick his ass for breaking your heart.”

It was all a ramble and a tease while my chest suddenly felt heavy.

I wanted to ask her so many things. Where Nolan’s mother was. If he saw her. If they’d been together or had even been married.

No doubt, it was a bad sign that jealousy clutched my spirit at just the thought of it, and I knew I should try to put some distance between these two guys who’d taken possession of nearly every thought.

Still, I picked up the stuffed puppy and paid the vendor.

Raven’s voice was gentle as we walked away from the booth, though her tone had gone almost questioning. “That is really nice of you.”

“Maybe this will remind him he doesn’t need to be scared of going to the doctor in the future.” I shrugged like it didn’t matter. Like that had even been close to what I’d been thinking when I’d seen it.

“Except now he’s going to think he needs a gift every time he falls and scrapes his knee, but I pretty much do, too, so he can’t be blamed. He is basically his auntie.”

She was all soft teases before she tugged my arm. “Come on, let’s get back. I’m starving.”

She drew it out, groaning toward the twilit sky.

I sent her a look. I wasn’t sure how that was possible since she’d sampled about every treat we’d walked by.

She laughed. “What? This girl likes her food.”

By the time we made it back to the big tent where we’d left her family, they were standing, and Nolan came bounding our way. “It’s time for dinner, Auntie and Miss Charleigh! I just got to go on the jumping castle and now my belly is all the way empty, and my dad said I can get a special treat if I eat all my food. Hey, what’s that you got? ”

He hadn’t paused for a breath before his big blue eyes went wide when he saw the stuffed animal.

Kneeling in front of him, I held it out between us. “I thought you might like it.”

“Is it for me?” he squealed, his little shoulders popping up to his ears as he threaded his tiny fingers together and brought them to his chin.

“It is.”

“Really? Thank you, Miss Charleigh!”

He didn’t take the puppy. Instead, he threw his little arms around my neck.

A surprised gasp rushed out of my lungs. Grief clutched then unfurled inside me, though it whispered differently as I curled my arms around him. His warmth was a balm that spread through my being.

Hugging him tight, I inhaled the sweet bubblegum scent of his hair.

“You are really the nicest because I really wanted a puppy, but my dad said I gotta wait for a real one, so it’s really good I got this one,” he gushed.

“I’m glad you like it.”

Jumping back, Nolan grabbed the stuffed animal from my hand and twirled it around. “Like it? I love it, and his name is gonna be Lucky!”

He turned without saying anything else, and he ran back toward the group who’d gathered at the back of the tent with the stuffed animal lifted over his head. “Dad, Dad! Look it! Miss Charleigh got me a puppy!”

That unfathomable gaze found me, spearing me to the spot, making my heart race.

Erratic and thready.

I didn’t know how long I stood there, just staring at him as he stared at me, before Raven leaned in and muttered in my ear, “Not hot and bothered, my ass.”

Twenty minutes later, we were all sitting at a picnic table on the lawn closer to the lake. The night grew thicker with each minute that passed.

I’d tried to leave, but Nolan had begged me to stay to eat with them, and there was no chance that I could say no.

So, there I was with a plate of street tacos in front of me, tucked between Nolan and Raven.

The man who trembled the air with every move he made sat directly across from me, spinning my world into disorder.

“Here we go,” Kane called as he sauntered up, setting plastic cups brimming with margaritas in front of me and Raven.

“Ugh, you are a godsend, Kane. What would we do without you?” Raven teased.

“Cry.” He touched his chest.

“For joy,” Otto called, grinning from where he was eating an oversized piece of pizza at the other end of the table.

They’d all been giving each other crap nonstop since I sat down, though I could tell it was done in good fun, the group obviously close.

“Yeah, I’m going to remember that the next time you drag your ass through the door of my bar.”

“Come now, man, I’m your best customer.”

Kane shook his head, chuckling under his breath as he sat down next to River. “And look how he says it with pride.”

“Say everything with pride considering I’m an overachiever at all things.” Otto wagged his brows, gaze jumping around all of us as if he were begging for confirmation.

I could almost feel Raven catch fire beside me, her attention downturned as she inhaled a shaky breath.

“Overachiever? You didn’t even get a touchdown yesterday, Uncle.” Nolan mumbled it around a big bite of corndog. “Me and my Daddy-O left you in the dust. ”

Otto cracked up, and River chuckled across from us, the sound smooth and rippling on the warm, night air.

I couldn’t help but let my attention drift that way. To his viciously handsome face, even darker where the shadows of the night crawled overhead.

Drawn to the sound.

If I wasn’t careful, I could be enchanted by it.

“That’s right,” River grumbled, affection in his gaze as he looked at his son.

“Well, those were special circumstances,” Otto said, still grinning, his blue gaze slanting to Raven. “Just like when my baby sister over here beat me in poker last week. Girl gets me every time.”

I wondered if I was the only one who noticed how she cringed when he called her that, though she was flashing him a bright smile. “You never learn your lesson. You always show up begging me to swindle you out of all your money.”

“Can’t help it if you’re a sneaky little thing.” His smile went soft, and I turned my attention to my plate, nibbling at a taco as I listened to the conversation go on around us. Laughter ringing and this comfort abounding.

I wanted to settle into it. Float on its warmth. All of which were ridiculously reckless.

But I allowed myself to do it for a little while as everyone ate and joked. Allowed myself to get lost in the lightness and the love that so clearly stretched between these people who looked so hard and rough.

Once everyone finished their food, the guys got up to help Kane with something at his booth, and Raven took Nolan to the restroom, and I found myself alone at the table.

It didn’t bother me.

I couldn’t remember a time when I’d felt so relaxed, and I closed my eyes and lifted my face to the heavens.

My spirit squeezed in a bid of gratitude.

For almost an entire evening, I hadn’t felt alone. Hadn’t ached.

“That was fuckin’ sweet of you, buying that stuffed animal for my kid.” The gruff voice broke me out of the drifting, and my eyes snapped open to find River standing on the opposite side of the table with his hands stuffed in his jeans pockets.


His face cast in bare, silvery light.

“Well, I came into a little extra money recently.”

My lips tweaked at the side, and my stomach nearly toppled over when a smirk lit on his.

“That so?”

“Mm-hmm,” I hummed, not even sure what I was doing talking to him like this. He’d basically ignored me the entire evening, all except for the piercing stares he’d tossed my way.

“Don’t want your money,” he told me.

A frown furrowed my brow. “And what is it you want?”

I wasn’t even sure what I was asking him or why it felt imperative to know.

To understand this confusion.

This…thing that was so unfamiliar to me that I couldn’t process it.

His tongue swept his full bottom lip, focus firmly on me. “Told you…for you to do exactly what that tat said and live.”

Nonsensical laughter rolled out of me. It was so quiet I wondered if he’d heard it. “I don’t even know what that means anymore.”

“Most of the time, I wonder if any of us do.” His words were gruff.


Like he might be haunted, too.

“Until I see Nolan smile. Then I get it.”

I could barely manage the nod. “He’s amazing.”

“Kid stole my heart right outta my chest.”

I was sure the child had stolen a piece of mine, too, the way it fluttered when he was suddenly bounding up to my side. “Miss Charleigh, we’re going to go dance now because dancin’ is what sets you free.”

A surprised giggle rippled out of me as I turned that way, and Raven was hiding a laugh since I was pretty sure he’d taken the words directly from her mouth.

He grabbed my hand. “Come on!”

“Oh, I think I’d better call it a night and get home.”

I’d far overstayed my welcome, and every molecule in my being warned that I was getting too close.

“No way! It’s a dance party, Miss Charleigh. Don’t you hear the music? And my auntie has to have her best friend if she’s going to have a party.”

“Yeah, I have to have my best friend if I’m going to have a party,” Raven parroted, eyes wide. “Besides, I told you I was going to make sure you had a blast, and we’re just getting started.”

“Please?!” Nolan tugged at me again, his sweet little face pinched up in the plea.

Air puffed from my lungs, affected and light, and I swung my legs out from under the picnic table, whispering, “Okay, just for a little while.”

“Yay!” He jumped, brown curls bouncing around his cherub face, and Raven was locking her elbow with mine again.

I glanced back once as we strolled over to the dance floor that was about a hundred yards away, at this man who screamed volatility and still was so dangerously sweet.

Lights swayed above the dance floor, and I let go of the tension as Raven turned and took my hand. She shimmied her hips as she dragged me onto the edge of the floor. “I told you that you were going to have the best time. I mean, what could be better? Margaritas and tacos with your bestie and the most handsome little man on the planet?”

“That’s me!” Nolan shouted, right as he slid on his butt and spun himself around.

I laughed.

Laughed and laughed as Raven twirled me and Nolan spun on the floor around us.

The music alive and pounding through my senses.



One song played out and then another.

I knew right then that my heart was in danger of overflowing.

I swore to myself it didn’t have a thing to do with the man I could feel watching us in the distance where he’d moved back to Kane’s tent.

And for a little while, I fully let myself go.

Dancing and dancing.

The beat of the music rolled through me in decadent waves. Vibrated through my veins and thundered through my body.

My laughter was unending as Raven kept trying to get me to copy her goofy moves.

“Like this, Miss Charleigh!” Nolan was back on his feet, his hands waving over his head as he twirled.

Raven twirled, too, and so did I.

Only I stalled out halfway around when I felt a disorder billow through the air.

The hairs prickled at the back of my neck.

Awareness thick and sticky and crawling over me like a bad, bad dream.

I was facing the lake that had darkened, and the bare light of the moon glittered on the surface. There were still a few people out on the beach area, though they were little more than silhouettes, their faces obscured.

There was nothing in particular that I could make out, but I couldn’t stop the cold dread from slicking down my spine.

Intuition kicking in.

I was such a fool. Such a fool. Getting complacent like this.

“Charleigh?” Raven’s voice was filled with concern, and I jumped when she took my hand. I turned back that way, trying to smile, but knowing it was faltering.

Panic sped beneath the surface of my skin.

I tried to swallow around it as I forced myself to speak. “I need to go. ”

A frown marred her brow. “What do you mean? We just got out here.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Miss Charleigh?”

Pain splintered my chest as I looked down at Nolan who was peering up at me in confusion, and I couldn’t do anything but run my fingers through his hair before I started to step around him.

Raven grabbed me by the wrist, worry taking over her expression.

I wrangled myself free, regret curdling the words as I whispered, “I’m sorry,” before I turned and fled.

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