I held on to River as we traveled beneath the night. The blanket of stars were low and eternal, and the lake was moonlit, ripples of silver that glittered beneath the expanse.
River’s back burned against my chest as I clung to him tightly, though I didn’t feel afraid where I sat on the back of his bike.
Not this time.
I wondered if I would ever again.
The heavy engine vibrated the metal, and my thighs shook where they were wedged on either side of River’s hips. Wind whipped and blew, and I was pretty sure the waves that Raven had meticulously curled into my hair were a hot mess, but I couldn’t find it in myself to care.
I felt free.
Free for the first time in so many years.
River took the few turns it took to get us onto Culberry Street, and five minutes later, we were pulling into the overflowing lot of Kane’s.
It was the most popular bar in Moonlit Ridge, known for designer drinks and live music. It brought in different genres of bands to play each week, not that I had frequented the place, but Raven had filled me in on every detail while we’d been getting ready.
She’d told me about the people we were going to meet and some of their backgrounds, which all seemed to be pretty traumatic and dark, although I could tell she was being careful not to be gossipy, hanging onto more intimate details that I only knew were there because of the reticence in her eyes.
The one thing I knew for certain was they had a ton of history together, and her affection for them all was clear.
My stomach tumbled as River wound around to the front where a slew of bikes were parked facing out. He slowed to a stop, then he used his boots to glide us in backward. He shut off the engine, and the loud grumble of the bike gave way to the sound of music thrumming through the walls of the club.
Voices and laughter carried within it, and I could almost taste the chaos in the air.
River took my hand and guided me off. Stormy eyes raked over me as I tried to keep my skirt down so I didn’t give everyone loitering in the parking lot a peek at my underwear.
Maybe this skirt had been a bad idea, but Raven had insisted I looked crazy hot, and well…that’s exactly what I wanted to be.
For him.
Because that’s the way he appeared to me.
So hot I felt as if I were getting burned alive as he swung all the way off his bike, rising high and so damned mighty where he stood over me. Wearing his signature uniform. Black tee and black jeans and worn motorcycle boots.
The man pure intimidation.
Pure fascination.
Color swirling out from beneath his sleeves and up his throat, his muscles bulging against the fabric.
My stomach twisted in need.
“How the fuck am I supposed to think straight tonight with you lookin’ like that?” he said as he took a step forward. The ground trembled beneath my feet .
He leaned in close, his big body concealing me from the group of people who walked past, the soles of their shoes scuffing on the loose pavement as they headed for the entrance.
He only edged closer. “How am I supposed to keep my hands off you when the only thing I’m going to be thinking about is this sweet little pussy right here?”
His hand wedged between my thighs, and he cupped me over my underwear. Pleasure sparked, and my head tipped back on a whimper.
River wound his arm around my waist to support me, and he burrowed his face in my neck, the words a growl as he muttered, “How am I going to get through the night without being inside of you?”
His fingers pushed against my sex. My vision went fuzzy.
“Maybe we should just go home.” It was an incoherent ramble from my mouth.
River chuckled against the sensitive flesh of my neck, and he kissed along the column as he whispered, “Eager girl. Just the way I like you. My fuckin’ perfection. Don’t worry, I’ll be taking this time to think up all the delicious things I plan to do to you once I get you home.”
I whimpered, and when he suddenly straightened, my knees were weak, and I was barely able to remain upright on the four-inch stilettos Raven had insisted on.
My wild new BFF had squealed yesterday morning when she found out we were the same shoe size when she’d been looking for something to wear while she was getting ready to go down to the shop. She’d claimed we really were meant to be. Tonight, she had been all too excited to dig around in her closet for the perfect shoes to wear with the outfit she’d picked.
River slipped his hand around my waist and pressed his mouth to my ear as he led me out of the shadows and into the spray of light that shined from the entrance. “Want you wet the whole night…thinking of all the ways I’m going to have you.”
I tried to press my thighs together as we walked, only my heels scudded on the gravel, and I nearly tripped.
Chuckling a sexy sound, River clamped his palm down on my ass and squeezed. “Oh, Little Runner, what I’m going to do to you. ”
It was me who couldn’t think straight as he bypassed the line and led me directly to the door. A bouncer tipped his head in River’s direction. “Ah, River Tayte. How’s it going tonight?”
“Better than I deserve,” he told him, dragging me closer like I was the reason for it.
The man appraised me, and a smirk tugged at the edge of his mouth. “I can see that.”
He stepped aside to let us in, and I snuggled into River’s side as he led me into the throng.
It was much louder inside. Music blared from the overhead speakers, compliments of the country band that played on the elevated stage on the far side of the bar. The middle area that made up the dance floor was filled with couples doing a quick two-step.
White lights flashed and strobed where they hung from the vaulted ceiling.
A tremor of disquiet rippled through me, that old fear of being in large crowds, worried that someone would see me.
Recognize me.
It was that gut instinct that warned me to slink away and hide.
The words on my inner arm blazed their reminder.
In grief we must live.
But the real reminder was when River shifted and took me by the hand, his grip so firm, a promise that I wasn’t alone.
Not anymore.
So, I shoved the dread down, refused the ghosts that threatened to drag me back into their depths, and chose to be here in the present as River began to lead us through the crush.
People parted, quick to get out of his way, and we angled along a long bar that ran the entire left wall. A bunch of bartenders worked behind it, filling drinks for the slew of patrons who’d gathered around, vying for their attention.
We kept going until we were at the far back left wall where a large, round, high-backed booth was hidden in the corner. It was the only booth on that side, and a few high-top tables were situated around it. That entire area was sectioned off by a velvet rope .
It was just as packed as the rest of the bar, but in an entirely different way. Filled up by the enormous men who were hanging out behind the boundary.
Giants that had found sanctuary in this small town.
Otto, Kane, and Theo were there. Otto and Theo were quietly chatting between themselves where they stood around a high-top table, and Kane was stretched out in the booth.
There was a man I didn’t recognize next to him, the guy a mountain where he was wedged into the seat. A stunning woman with jet-black hair was tucked in next to him.
There was another couple on the opposite side.
That man I recognized. He’d been getting a tattoo the night I’d gathered the courage to go into River’s shop. A petite blonde was pasted to his side, and his massive arm was holding her plastered against him, as if he could never get her close enough.
My nerves rattled again.
“Don’t be nervous, gorgeous. These are the best group of people you’ll ever meet. Loyal to the fuckin’ bone, willing to drop everything to help those in need. Promise, if you can trust anyone, you can trust them.”
I gave River a wary nod, and he unhooked the rope and ushered me through. When she saw me, Raven squealed from where she had been talking with her date.
“Oh my God, you’re here! I was worried my brother had dragged you back to his room and tied you to his bed.” She basically shouted it as she sauntered in our direction, her hips swaying from side to side as she approached, all lush curves and confidence and an aura I was sure had the power to steal the breath of anyone she passed.
Raven was a rare kind of beauty.
But it also meant everyone was paying attention to her as she shouted the playful accusation to basically the entire bar.
My cheeks flamed, and I tried to hide myself behind River. Only she dragged me out from behind him and hugged me hard. “I missed you.”
“It’s been fifteen minutes,” I wheezed beneath her crushing hold .
She pushed her mouth to my ear. “Um, yeah, that’s fifteen minutes too long. My date is boring as hell. Save me.” She quietly begged it as she rocked me back and forth. “If you hadn’t gotten here in the next two minutes, I would have grabbed a fork and stabbed my eye out. Or his. Definitely his.”
She was still hugging me tight as she said it.
Light laughter rolled out of me. “I think Nolan would tell you that would be a bad choice.”
“The only bad choice I’ve made was agreeing to go out with him.”
She was still trying to cling to me as if I could actually save her when River pried us apart. “Paws off, you’ve got your own date,” he grumbled, though I could hear the tease woven in it.
Raven propped her hands on her hips. “And that’s my bestie you’re talking about. You stole her from me.”
“Don’t know what to tell you, baby sister. Charleigh is mine.” He reached out and tugged an errant piece of her hair. She scowled while I tried not to swoon.
Shocking since I’d never wanted to belong to anyone.
River looped an arm around my waist again. “Come on, want to introduce you to everyone.”
As he started to lead me toward the big booth, everyone piled out of it.
“Ah, River, you made it,” Kane called as we approached.
River lifted his chin at him. “Like I would miss it.”
“And you’re not alone.” Kane’s gaze settled on me. A smirk played at the edge of his mouth, though there was something in his eyes that left me unsettled. “Good to see you again, Charleigh.”
I wasn’t entirely sure he was being genuine.
“It’s good to see you, too,” I managed, hating feeling uncomfortable, but God, I didn’t get what was up with River’s friends. He kept saying they were the best people, but they kept watching me like I might be some trespasser or spy.
Otto and Theo had joined the group, and they gave us both quick hellos .
Then the mammoth who’d been sitting next to Kane stepped forward. “River, great to see you, man.”
He and River gave each other one of those quick hugs with slaps to the back. “Good to see you, brother. It’s been too long,” River said.
River stepped back and gestured between us. “Charleigh, want you to meet one of my oldest friends. Jud Lawson. And this is his wife, Salem.”
Jud grinned. He was covered in nearly as many tattoos as River, handsome in that terrifying, biker way, though his smile was easy and kind. “Nice to meet you, darlin’,” he said.
“You, too.”
“Hey, it’s really good to meet you, Charleigh.” Salem stepped up and gave me a welcoming hug.
“It’s good to meet you,” I told her, overwhelmed by all the attention.
River turned. “And this is Trent and his wife, Eden.”
Satisfaction played on the man’s mouth as he glanced between me and River. “Ah, looks like someone really did need that spot more than I did.”
“Yeah, seems she did.” River let it go in that rough, raw voice, stormy gaze taking me in like I might have the power to calm it.
Nerves fluttered, joy and anxiety at being in the middle of a group this way.
“Thanks go to me then, yeah?” Trent said as he cut an elbow into River’s arm.
River only chuckled.
Eden gave her husband a playful shove as she stepped in my direction.
She was the exact opposite of him. Where he oozed the same danger that River possessed, dark and menacing, dripping intimidation, she appeared wholly innocent. Sweet and caring with her gentle hazel eyes.
“Oh my gosh, I’m really happy to meet you. Trent told me about what happened that night. ”
“Called it, didn’t I, Kitten? Thousand bucks said I was gonna see you again.” With that, he jutted his chin at me, grinning wide.
“And I was the idiot who bet against him,” she said in a soft, tinkling voice, fingers bouncing off her forehead like she couldn’t believe her judgement. “Only because I have met River before, and I thought never in a million years, but now that I have met you…I see what’s happened here.”
It was all lighthearted as she pointed between the two of us.
River tightened his hold around my waist and ran his nose up under my hair, along my neck and to my ear, his words only for me. “Yeah, I see what’s happened here, too. Little Runner wrecked me. Wrecked me good.”
Heat erupted across my flesh, and the air tremored from my lungs, and Trent was sending us another winning grin as he slung his arm around Eden’s shoulders. “Looks like we really do have a whole lot to celebrate.”
Everyone turned when another man was suddenly within the boundary, a surprise rippling through the crowd. Then Raven shrieked. “Cash is here!”
She beelined his way and threw herself at him, hugging him tight, before the rest of the group pretty much surrounded him to tell him hello, though I could tell by his demeanor that the attention made him uncomfortable.
Could sense the same reluctance I often did when I was surrounded by too many people. The panic that simmered right below the surface.
River and I hung back, waiting for our turn, and once everyone had cleared out, River slowly ushered me forward. “This is the last of my brothers you haven’t met. Charleigh, this is Cash. Cash, this is Charleigh Lowe.”
Cash was more country than the rest of River’s friends, wearing faded denim jeans and boots, though his arms were completely covered in what I now recognized was River’s ink, his designs distinct. He wasn’t as tall as River, but he was thick and burly, muscles corded and ripped, skin tanned a deep golden brown, as if he’d spent all his life living off the land.
He had wavy brown hair that hung down near his chin and curled around his neck, and a short beard. Keen green eyes took me in, his expression guarded. “Good to meet you.”
“You, too,” I whispered, hating that I felt like the man was pulling me apart. Trying to see beneath every hidden layer.
The two of them shared a look before River turned to me and slung his arm around my waist, his mouth at my jaw when he muttered, “Come on, gorgeous, let’s find us a drink.”
Maybe it made me a fool that I tucked the turbulence I felt radiating from his friends down. The questions and speculation. Because for a little while, I wanted to be what River claimed I was.
I wanted to be his.