From the Ashes 15. Phoenix 37%
Library Sign in

15. Phoenix



“ W ho should I make this out to?” I asked, pulling another copy of my book toward me.

“Miranda,” the woman replied in a soft voice.

I glanced up, noticing she was another middle-aged woman with graying hair and a demure presence. Just like all the others. No matter how many books I signed, I was always surprised that middle-aged straight women were my biggest fan group. There was something about gay men banging it out on a page that just really did it for them.

“Miranda,” I nodded and began to write.

“I really adored the love interest in this book,” she smiled. “Casey. He was so cute and shy. The way you wrote him was so realistic, it was almost like you were taking down a story instead of creating one out of thin air.”

“I’m glad you liked him,” I said, scrawling my signature across the bottom of the page hastily. “He was fun to write. ”

“Is he based on someone you know?”

I looked up at her, surprised by the question. A part of me wanted to admit the truth to her. That Casey had been based on my best friend growing up and this book was my vain attempt at living out the life I knew I’d never have with him. I wanted to tell her all about those nights under the stars, the marshmallows, and the wildfire.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Tony shoot me a look. Immediately I put my author hat back on and remembered what the legal department had told me.

“All the characters, settings, and interactions in the book are totally made up,” I said, handing her book back. “But to me they’ll always be real.”

Seemingly appeased, the woman walked away with her book cradled in her arms, her cheeks tinged pink. Another woman quickly appeared to replace her, a book sliding across the table to me. I only had a moment to recover before I took the book and smiled up at her.

“And what’s your name?”

Three hours later Tony and I were back on the bus that was tumbling down the road. I was exhausted and slumped into the couch like I was completely made of jelly. Tony, however, seemed excited and enthusiastic. Growing up, I thought I was an extroverted person. But after I met Tony, I realized just how wrong I was. Being around anyone gave him energy. It was the weirdest thing. However, watching me slowly get worn down by ravenous fans who thought they actually knew me? Well, that gave him more energy than anything else .

“I think that went really well,” Tony said, chatting away happily as I pretended to listen from the couch. “You signed something like five hundred books while we were there, and the line was moving fast.”


“And nobody groped you or brought a gun, so that’s good.”

“Why would they bring a gun?”

“We’re in the deep south, Phie. Everyone has guns.”

“We’re in Savannah,” I corrected. “It’s like the gay capital of the south. If there was anyplace I’d be welcome, it would be here.” I cracked open an eye, glancing over at him. “Have you ever even been south of New Jersey?”

“No, thankfully.”

“It shows,” I nodded. “I did a bike trip through the south after college. I just got on and drove without a dollar in my pocket, relying on the kindness of others to get through and I had an amazing summer. People down here are sweet and neighborly. I’ve never met nicer people.”

“Uh-huh. And I’m sure you announced your sexuality to every single person you met along the way, huh?”

This time I gave him a sly grin. “Only to the guys who wanted me to.”

“So, you went on a dick tour of the south?”

“Let’s just say I rode my bike during the day and if I needed a bed, I was usually able to ride my way into one of those too.”

Tony just laughed. “You, Phoenix McKean, are a slut. It’s one of the things I love about you. ”

“Had to be,” I replied, leaning my head back on the couch cushion. “Growing up in a small town doesn’t provide a lot of opportunities for exploration.”

“Oh yeah. I forgot you were a college virgin.”

Not on purpose. Actually, I’d fully intended on losing my virginity to Charlie before college. I’d already planned it all out and made sure I had the supplies on hand when he was finally ready. It felt like a guarantee. But then the accident happened and everything went to hell in a handbasket along with my plans to finally see my best friend naked.

I shook my head, forcing away the thoughts. I didn’t want to think about him. Not ever again. Of course, there wasn’t a day I didn’t think about him, but I was trying. It was a habit I needed to break so I could finally move on with my life.

“Well, I wasn’t a virgin after college. That’s for sure.”

“Considering your skills in bed, that doesn’t surprise me.”

“I had to do research,” I grinned. Of course, Tony didn’t need to know that it took me nearly until senior year to lose my virginity. Or that the first time I was with another guy I could barely get it up because it wasn’t Charlie. “There were parts of my book I wanted to write, but I didn’t have any experience. I had to start sucking dick before I could write believable sex scenes.”

“Do you need to do more research ?” he asked, a wide smile splitting his face.

I knew that glint in his eye and I waved him off. “I’m too tired right now. I just had to deal with people for like fourteen hours.”

“It was barely three and a half.”

“Fuck off.”

Tony clicked his tongue, but he didn’t push it. “Well, you’ll have plenty of time to rest up. Our next signing isn’t for ten days. It’ll take us four or five to drive across the entire country because I’m not gonna sleep in this bus every fucking night.”

“Don’t like the company?” I teased.

He shook his head. “The company is excellent. The bathroom situation is horrendous .”

“Yeah. Tiny RV toilet and a shower where both my shoulders touch the walls at the same time isn’t ideal.”

“That’s why I told finance that you had demanded hotel suites between gigs.”

“You did what?!”

“They weren’t gonna give me anything,” he scoffed. “It had to be your demand, or they wouldn’t listen.”

“And they agreed?”

“I played hardball with them,” he nodded. “And I won. I took a lot of negotiation classes in college. I’m pretty good at getting what I want.”

He flashed me a cocky grin and I rolled my eyes. But he was right. I’d never known someone who was so good at getting exactly what they were after. He was the only reason I’d gotten such a massive advance for my book. The guy knew I had a hit on my hands, and he didn’t take any of the first offers that were put on the table. It terrified the shit out of me considering I was living on borrowed time thanks to my parent’s money. But he assured me he would get top dollar, and he delivered. Tony might’ve been a bit of a playboy and a business bro, but he knew how to play the game and take care of his clients.

“So, what do we do with the other five days?” I asked.

“I figured you could go see your family. I heard you talking to your mom the other night and saying you’d visit. So, I bumped back the next signing by a few days so you can visit home. It’s been forever since you’ve been back, right?”

A cold twisting sensation filled my stomach. The last thing I’d planned to do was to visit home so quickly. I thought I would do all the signings, make some excuse for not making it home, and then just fly my parents out to Boston to make it up to them. But thanks to Tony and his good intentions, I was backed into a corner. If I told him I didn’t want to go back, he’d ask questions that I didn’t want to answer. Questions he’d already hinted at several times. And if my mother found out I had five free days and didn’t come see her, she’d guilt trip me clear into the next life.

“Y-Yeah,” I replied at last, gritting my teeth. “It’s been over a year since I visited.”

“Any particular reason?”

He was prying already. Clearly, he’d noticed my hesitation.

“Yeah. Being poor as shit while I was waiting for you to get this book deal to go through!”

“Pretty sure an extra four hundred thousand dollars was worth waiting for, Phie.”

“Tell that to my butthole after I had to eat nothing but ramen for an entire month,” I shot back.

“Oh please. Didn’t you say you rode dicks across the south for an entire summer? Ramen was probably the thirteenth worst thing that’s been up there.”

I gave him a dirty look, but we both laughed, breaking the tension.

“Alright,” I sighed at last. “I’ll go home to visit. But you aren’t coming with me. ”

“Sorry, buddy. But yes, I am.”

“What? Why?”

If I was going to be back in Creekside, the last person I wanted with me was Tony. He’d reeked of big city and he’d stick out like a sore thumb. Not to mention, he wasn’t exactly subtle about the fact that he and I hooked up on the regular. He was overly affectionate with me, physical, and I didn’t want anyone thinking we were together, especially my mother. And especially… him .

“You have fans all over the country, Phie. I have to be there when the local newspaper inevitably wants to interview you, or someone starts getting a little too pushy. I want to make sure you don’t say anything that’s gonna hurt the book.”

“You mean anything that’ll hurt your share of the royalties.”

“A man has a right to protect his interests,” he replied. “And while I do care about the money, you know I care about you too, Phie. You’re one of my best friends.”

I rolled my eyes at him again. “I’m your client.”

There was a look of hurt that flashed over his face. “I hoped we were more than that, Phie.”

I shook my head. “I know. I’m sorry. We are… I just… I’m not a big fan of that place and this is sorta sudden. I wasn’t expecting to go back so soon.”

Or ever.

“Don’t worry, buddy. I’ll be right there at your side. Everything will be fine. And, if you need me to, I’ll beat off all your old highschool bullies.”

“Don’t you mean beat up ?”

I lifted an eyebrow. “I said what I said. ”

I laughed, falling back down on the couch and throwing an arm over my eyes to block out the light.

“Alright,” I said at last. “Let’s go see my family then.”

And hopefully, nobody else.

“I have one request though,” I added, glancing over at him.

“Name it.”

“We take my motorcycle.”

Tony sighed. “ You can take your motorcycle. But my six foot two ass isn’t gonna be your backpack.”

“You’re missing out.”

“As much as I’d love to have my cock jammed up against your ass at ninety miles per hour, I think I’ll pass on this one.”

“Just make sure you’re there when I get there.”

He furrowed his brows in confusion.

“I need someone to distract my mother. I still haven’t told her I have a motorcycle yet. She’s gonna lose her fucking mind.”

Tony ran his hands over his face with a sigh. “Just remember the money,” he grumbled to himself. “It’ll all be worth it.”

I grinned, leaving him to his musings. If he wanted to manage me, I’d give him something to manage. The man loved to be a pain in the ass, so it was only right that I dished it back. Of course, it brought me no small amount of pleasure to mess with him, but that was just a perk.

Five days until I was home. And, if I played my cards right, I’d be in and out without a single person noticing. That was the plan.

I just hoped I could pull it off.

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